42 Garden party - In the case of the side room first ...


寝耳に水だった、後宮専属の女性近衛騎士団騒ぎ. 協力してくれた人々のおかげで、何とか後宮の女性たちにその存在を知らせ、さも予定通りのような顔をして紹介することができた. クリスの人柄もあり、大部分の側室、女官に、彼女たちは好意的に受け止められたようだ. とりあえずは一安心である.

そして、今. 招待客が東の庭園へと案内され、女官たちがティーカップを配り、最後に国王陛下が姿を現して.

「皆、よく来てくれた. 春に後宮が設けられて以来、側室たちもその家族も、お互いゆっくりと話す時間は取れなかっただろう. 今日は存分に、家族との時間を楽しんで欲しい」

国王の言葉に皆が頭を下げて謝意を表す. これを以って園遊会の始まりと相成った.

「――お父様、お母様、お兄様. よくいらして下さいました」
「ディアナ. 久しぶりだな」

園遊会、最初の半時から一時間ほどは、側室が各々の家族と挨拶を交わし、親しく語り合う時間となっている. あくまでもぼんやりした予定ではあるが、側室たちはまず実家に挨拶することが、この園遊会では定められているのだ.

「お元気そうで何よりですわ. 家の者も皆、変わりありません?」
「えぇ、皆元気よ. 貴女は……少し、痩せた?」

確かにここ数日、サンドウィッチを用事の間につまめたら良い方だった. 体型は少し変わったかもしれない.

「全く、ディアナは. 何かと食事を後回しにするのは、お前の悪い癖だぞ」
「申し訳ありません、気をつけます. ……叔母様はどちらに?」

今回の園遊会、ディアナは社交界で『クレスター家』と呼ばれる全員を招待していた. 具体的には、父デュアリス、母エリザベス、兄エドワードと、もう一人.



「お疲れではありませんか? 椅子までご案内致しましょう」


なるほど、クレスター家の人間が大勢に囲まれるのは、今に始まったことではない. むしろこれが普通、通常営業だ.

「今回は叔母様の独壇場ですわね. わたくしにもあの手が使えたら…」

だから、フィオネに応援を頼んだ. 納得はしていても、申し訳ない気持ちは拭えない. 彼女は本来なら、こんなところにいるべきひとではないのだ.

「そいつは無茶っていうんだぞ、ディアナ. そもそも今回はだ、招待状が届く前から『私の分も勿論あるわよね?』って、わざわざ念押しに来たんだ. 本人が来たがっていたのに、お前が気に病む筋合いがどこにある」
「そうよ、ディアナ. 貴女だって久しぶりにフィオネに会いたかったでしょう? 側室が『家族』に会うのがこの園遊会の趣旨なのだから、問題ないわ」

フィオネ・クレスターと、社交界で呼ばれている彼女の本名を知るものは少ない. 貴族社会では、彼女は未だに独身で通しているからだ.
デュアリス世代の貴族で、未だに独身の者は少ない. 女性ともなれば尚更だ. 王宮に仕官もせず、結婚もせず、独身主義を貫きながら遊び歩いている四十代など、もうフィオネ・クレスターくらいしかいない、というのが社交界での一般論であった.
その派手な美貌で男を虜にし、精も財も残らず搾り取った後、高笑いと共に消えていく. それがフィオネについて回る風評だ. 普段は領地に引きこもっているくせに、社交シーズンには欠かさず現れ場を魅了する、たちの悪い魔女――.


「何度も言うが、気にするな. フィオネが社交を手伝うことは、ジンも納得していることだ」

ため息をついてディアナが言ったところで、周囲の空気が変化した. 話題の主が、ぞろぞろと即席逆ハーレムを引き連れて、こちらへ向かって来たからだ.


「はぁい、ごきげんよう『紅薔薇様』. お会いするのは久しぶりね. 噂は色々、耳にしていてよ」
「ようこそ叔母様. お元気そうで安心致しましたわ」
「素敵な庭ね. 今日の園遊会、采配は全て貴女に任されたのですって?」

出会い頭に、いきなりの爆弾である. 人が大勢いる――特に『牡丹派』が固まっている辺りがピリリと震えた. ……相変わらず、攻めるときはとことん容赦がない.

「えぇ、陛下からのご命令で. 皆様に楽しんで頂けるような会になっているとよろしいのですけれど」
「華やかさに欠ける秋の花を使いながら、慎ましくも美しい、魅力的な庭園を演出できていてよ. 趣向も見事ね」
「ありがとうございます. 王国史上、例のない催しですから、少し変わった趣(おもむき)を試みましたの. 色々教えてくださったことが、とても役立ちましたわ」

フィオネとの会話が進むにつれ、庭園のあちこちから敵意や殺気が巻き起こり、和やかなお茶会の風情はあっという間に消え去った. 皆表情はにこやかだが、ビリビリした緊張感がそこかしこで漂い出す. 少し離れた場所で、ジュークが息を呑んだのが分かった.



今回の園遊会における隠された目的は、ジュークに外宮と後宮の繋がりを意識させ、後宮の勢力争いに目を向けさせることだ. そのためには、誰が見ても『和やかな園遊会』とは言えない空気を作り出さなければいけない. だが、クレスター家の人間が下手に動けば、ディアナの立場が危うくなる.
そこでフィオネは、叔母でありながら図々しく『家族』として後宮に乗り込み、側室の親族男性たちを虜にしたのである. 最初にディアナと挨拶しなかったのも、真っ先に男を片っ端から落としたのも、『紅薔薇』の叔母という立場を利用して好き勝手しに来た、『フィオネ・クレスター』を印象付けるため. 彼女はここまで、全て計算して動いたのだ.


「あちらへ参りませんこと? 珍しい果物がありますのよ」

皆様もいかが? と背後の人だかりに呼び掛けるフィオネ. どちらがホストだか分からない.

大勢を引き連れて歩き出したディアナとフィオネは、当然ながら人目を引いた. 彼女たちに注意が集中したその瞬間――残りのクレスター三人の姿が消える. 正しくは、人混みに紛れたのだ.

人が集まる場で(大抵悪い意味で)注目されるクレスター家が目立たず動こうと思ったら、普通に気配を消すだけでは足らない. 周囲の注意を自分達から引きはがす、何らかの細工が必要なのだ. 長い間こんな顔と付き合って来た先達たちは、いくつか使えるワザを伝えてくれている. その中で最も単純かつ有効なものがこの、『囮作戦』. 派手な方が囮を引き受け、フィオネとディアナは大概囮要員だ.

微笑みを浮かべて周囲の男性客に話しかけ、逆ハーレムを肥大させていくフィオネは、どこからどう見ても、夜の歓楽街で男を誘い、散々いい思いをさせた後で法外な値段を請求する、阿漕な商売をしている店の女主人だ. しかも男に、騙されていると最後まで気付かせない.
もともとそういう見た目をしているからこそ『男の生き血を啜る独身魔女』と呼ばれているわけだが、フィオネのたちの悪いところは、そんな自分の外見を有効活用する手腕に長けていることだ. ついこの間社交界に飛び込んだ若者たちとは年季が違う.

中味のない、微妙に保守派を苛つかせそうな会話を交わしながら、囮二人は一番目立つ、大テーブル前に陣取った. それを見計らったかのように、何組もの貴族が近付いてくる. 『紅薔薇派』、その中でも過激な主張を繰り返す娘の家族たちだ.

「ようこそ、タンドール伯爵. 楽しんでいらっしゃいますかしら?」
「えぇ、それはもう. 娘とも久しぶりに会うことができ、ありがたい限りです」
「お礼ならば陛下へお願い致しますわ. この会は陛下の御心によって成ったものですから」

それを皮切りに、『紅薔薇派』に名を連ねる令嬢たちの家族が、次々と挨拶にやって来た. 通常の夜会や茶会であれば、絶対にディアナに近付かないような良識ある家の人々も、次から次へと顔を見せる. 娘から後宮でのディアナの動きを聞いて、『紅薔薇』の真意はともかく無視はできないとでも思っているのだろう.

ディアナはその一人一人に丁寧に応え、特に娘を後宮に入れることを渋っていた家族には、さりげなく後宮での生活を話すなどして、安心できるよう労った. ――その反応は様々だ.





いくらディアナが後宮で、貴族の勢力均衡に一役買っているからといって、それで『クレスター家』の評判が良くなるかと問われれば、答えは否だ. 『紅薔薇派』の側室の中でも、『ディアナ・クレスター』を根本的に信用していない者は少なくない. ディアナが後宮内で勢力を強め、その権勢で実家を盛り立てようと企んでいる. そんな考えは何も、 『牡丹派』の専売特許ではないのだ.

貴族たちと挨拶を交わしながらしみじみ思うのは、この数ヶ月で出会った、ディアナの本性を見抜いた人々の規格外さだ. ライア、ヨランダ、レティシアの『名付き』側室三人と、『紅薔薇』付侍女陣. 最近ではミア. 当たり前のように側にいて、当たり前のように力を貸してくれる彼女たちは、実は一生かけても得難い、『特別』な存在である. そんな彼女たちと出会えたことは、しみじみ幸運に――.

You're doing a great job with this one.

...... I think especially when I am constantly bombarded with superficial smiles and heartless compliments.

Time flew by as I was being greeted in the middle of the garden. Before I knew it, the garden party was in its midst. It was about time for the royal minstrels and musicians to appear. The greeters tended to stop, and Deanna looked around to see if she could slip away for a while.


She was suddenly pushed from behind, with obvious malice.
Even though she was taken by surprise, Deanna was much better trained than the average warrior. She neatly brushed off the impact and turned around in a natural motion.

And there he was...

"Well, well, well, Master Red Rose. It's not safe for you to be standing like that.

He was a middle-aged man with a big belly that made me worry that he was sick from overeating and lack of exercise. His head was shiny, as if he had applied a lot of oil to his hair to make it look good. The clothes he wore sounded novel, but it was obvious at a glance that they had been modified in bad taste by money. It's not the sort of thing you'd wear to a royal palace.
You'll be able to find a lot more information on this subject in the following article. She barely kept her composure and straightened up.

I'm sorry for your loss. ...... Callerd, Baron.

The crowd cracked. People were leaving the large table that was supposed to be entertaining the guests, leaving a beautiful empty space around Diana and him, Baron Gail Callebaut. A very clear picture of the confrontation between the foolish aristocrat who had sold his fight to the "Red Rose" and the "Red Rose" who had bought it at a bargain price was completed.
--However, it is highly doubtful that the one who sold the fight has any sense of danger.

"Oh, did the Red Rose know who I am?
"I know all the people you invited. Baron Callerd is Master Shayla's uncle, isn't he?
"By blood, yes, Shayla is my brother's child. When my brother died and I had no choice but to take over the family, of course I adopted Shayla. In other words, I am also her adoptive father.

It's a good idea to take a look at a few of the things that you can do to make sure that you're getting the most out of your vacation. ...... The stupidity of it is beyond description.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will help you out. ...... But I've heard that as soon as you took over the title, you sold the business that you had been running for generations and used the money you got to indulge yourself. I heard that you sold the business that you had been running for generations soon after you took over the business, and used the money you had to indulge in a lavish lifestyle.

The light-hearted smile on his face froze in place. She stretched her shapely fingers to her chin and tilted her head lightly.

And it was after you took over the throne, wasn't it? It was only after you took the throne that Master Shayla stopped showing up at social gatherings.

His head turned to look at me awkwardly, as if he was about to squeak. The look on his face told me that he was taken aback, plain and simple. It's not that I'm not a good person, but I'm not a good person. It's not that he is shallow, it's that he doesn't think enough.

I've been away for a while, and I was surprised to see her face in the palace. I should like to ask her how she has been spending her time at ...... her home.

The Baron began to shake uncontrollably. It's a common scene of a trapped little man.
If the baron runs away from this, it will create a picture of a common small aristocrat who was ignorant of his own size and fought against the Red Rose and lost miserably. Deanna has no intention of pursuing him any further, and all that remains is to see what the Baron will do.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

...... Correction, I meant how the Baron will react.

The one who barged in unawares was a lady in a lavishly decorated dress, covered in glittering jewelry and even more glittering makeup, who would have been a step down even in a nightclub. In the daytime, when the sun is shining in a healthy way, they are a sight for sore eyes. This is a typical example of a commoner trying to fit in with the aristocracy, but running the wrong way.

Who's this?
"Oh, ...... Oh. This is Countess Deanna Crester, the lady of the Red Rose Room. --Oh, Master Red Rose, this is my wife.

This is my wife." The tension in the room was palpable. Even those who weren't fond of Deanna raised an obvious eyebrow. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

The Kingdom of Ergeland is an absolute monarchy. And it's a country with a strict class system. There are exceptions to the rule, such as the Cresters, whose titles do not correspond to their actual status. And, when mediating between people who have never met before, it is implicit and absolute etiquette to introduce those of lower rank to those of higher rank first.
Now, Baron de Carreld introduced Diana to his wife first, without giving her an honorific title. This is an act of utmost insult to Diana in a social setting. Deanna is a countess, and she has been granted the Red Rose Room, the highest-ranking woman in the current rear court, albeit unofficially. Insulting such a person in public is an unbelievable folly.


The lady who had been in charge of the grand table before Deanna snapped.

If you've been listening, you've heard the rude ...... insults to the Red Rose, but that's not enough!
"What ......? What ? How dare a maid insult me!
You insulted the Red Rose, and I have no reason to respect you!

The woman who had been shouted at did not back down. She was one of the few female officers who were honest in their duties and had not been involved in any wrongdoing. I had entrusted her with this task because of her diligence, but it seems to have backfired. He's really angry.
This is not good. Deanna raised her hand in the air.

"But, Master Red Rose.
"But, my dear Red Rose, it is our duty to be hospitable to all who are invited. ...... You can denounce the Baron later, can't you?

...... Hmm?

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. ...... Did I say something strange?

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for and what you're not looking for.

"I'm sorry, Red Rose!

With the momentum of her appearance, the young grass-colored dress fell flat on her face. The simple but elegantly tied golden head, the thin fingertips on the ground, and the thin body in the dress were trembling pitifully.

I am very sorry that my adoptive father and mother have been so rude to you. You are right to be angry, but please--

...... Oh, you must have been so scared and uncomfortable to appear in front of me. And yet, you did not turn a blind eye to your stupid relative's outburst. How brave you must be.
Seeing Shayla desperately bowing to the Red Rose, Deanna's taut strings almost snapped.

You didn't have to come out in such an unpleasant situation. Deanna thinks from the bottom of her heart. The people of House Crester are used to this level of contempt. Even if Shayla herself didn't bother to come and drag her through the mud, the situation could have been handled any way.
At least--at least, let me protect her. For all the hurt I've caused. I wanted to protect Shayla no matter what, for all the hurt she would cause me in the palace.
She doesn't like the idea of herself hiding and running away to be protected...

"What are you doing? Get up, Shayla!

--The tension that had risen to the limit was crushed by a voice filled with vanity and greed.

Baron Callerd reprimanded Shayla, who repeatedly prostrated herself and apologized, and forcibly pulled her arm. When Shayla was forced to stand up, the idiot who didn't know how to control himself shouted at her.

You are His Majesty's favorite princess! You don't have to bow down to this namby-pamby concubine!

At that moment...

At that moment... there was a rush of blood from the area where the Peony Faction had gathered.
The expressions of the "Red Rose Extremists" who were watching the commotion distorted.
Even the normally moderate members of the Red Rose Faction's entourage looked at her with a mixture of dismay and contempt.

The "hidden neutrals" who were secretly working to support and protect Shayla felt sorry for Shayla herself, but they could not hide their dislike for her uncle. All kinds of bad feelings are flying around the big table. The only ones who don't know are her aunts and uncles.
Shayla is pale and trembling. Not at her uncle's reprimand, but at the power of the bomb he had dropped on her. That's what any sane person would do.

--I've heard stories, I've seen what might happen. But still, it was Deanna who had decided to invite these two. It was Her Majesty's order to invite the family members of her concubine, and if she obeyed it, Shayla's "family" would only be these two. There are other family members who don't get along well with her family, and Shayla couldn't be singled out for special treatment.

......, but still. If I was only Diana. If I wasn't The Red Rose...
--I would never have hurt Shayla so much and put her in so much pain.

Regret later is regret. You can't help regretting what's already happened, but you can't help regretting it, and that's why people regret it. --But...

The ...... expected regret is more painful than you think.

In my heart, it's like a storm on the open sea. Raining, wind blowing, thundering.
Still, she--the Red Rose--must remain calm. She is the one in charge of this group.

"...... Suppose Master Shayla is your favorite princess.

I couldn't believe how calm and cruel my voice sounded. I don't think I've ever felt so terrified by my own voice before.

"That doesn't excuse your arrogant behavior, does it?

The Baron twitches, looks at me, and opens his mouth. Behind him, the Baroness begins to tremble.
The murmurs of the audience.

All of this seems to be happening in another world, far, far away.

Please don't make the foolish mistake of thinking that everything is forgiven in the family of a concubine. Even if I am only a lady's wife in name only, I am still the highest-ranking person in the palace. --Are you prepared to suffer the punishment for insulting the current Red Rose so often?

The baron and the lady both fell on their asses. ...... It's too late for that now.

I'm not sure what to say.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's had it. ...... Shayla herself is not at fault in any way, and yet the people around her blame her more than her aunt and uncle.
--She is the one to blame. How unreasonable. How cruel.

I can't forgive myself for not being able to stop that from happening.

I'm not going to let the ...... kingdom's first ever royal garden party become a disgraceful history. Fortunately, Baron Callerd's insolence was not against you, but against me. --For once, let's just let it go.

Somewhere in the distance, on the other side of my consciousness, I feel as if the Red Rose is talking to me instead of myself. I discover that it is possible for a person to remain calm even when his mind is this messed up, and that it doesn't matter.

--There's nothing more to say. As you turn around and take a step forward, you hear a voice on the other side of the crowd.

It seems that the ...... minstrels are about to begin their performance.
Oh, I heard they have a special performance this time.
"Oh, that's him, isn't it?

The onlookers' interest was piqued. Deanna smiled, taking advantage of the moment.

"Oh, it's already that time. I see it's almost time. We have a special performance for you.

With Deanna's skillful guidance, the crowd broke down and everyone started to move to the stage. In the event you're not sure what you're looking for, there are a few things you can do.

...... Thank God.

At that moment, the core of my heart was relieved.
I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one.