60 The journey

To Deanna and Rita's surprise, the preparation for the Red Rose's journey took almost no time at all. It was because the talented maids had been secretly preparing for the trip without Deanna's knowledge.

You've been completely set up. ......
It's a little bit like distrusting people. ......

Apparently, everyone but Diana and Rita knew that Diana was going to accompany the king to the Mist Temple. It's not that I don't like the king's presence, but I've heard that the king and the Red Rose have completely separate carriages to and from the temple, that there are several carriages loaded with luggage and travel gear between them, and that they naturally have separate bedrooms for the night. He concluded that the king's presence would not be a problem and that he would be able to enjoy a comfortable trip.

"Since entering the palace, Diana has been moving around without a moment to breathe. I thought it would be a good idea for you to go away for a while and refresh yourself.

That's what Lurie said. Deanna could only smile and say 'thank you', careful not to let her facial muscles tense up at the good intentions and caring words.
The girls were not wrong in their thinking. It's not every day that an ordinary noblewoman has to travel to a strange land, and the occasional trip can be a wonderful pastime. There is even a girl who earnestly tells me that she cannot forget the beauty of the lake where her family went when she was a child. The maids thought it would be a unique opportunity to take Diana out of the hustle and bustle of the palace for a while after she had been so busy.
The problem was that a leisurely trip in a carriage was not a refreshing experience for Diana.

She said, "You can get from King's Landing to the Temple of Mist in two days by horse, and the roads are well maintained. It's a lot more fun to go for a long ride than to just ride around in a carriage.
"It's a little cold for a day's ride, though.
It's a little chilly for a day's ride, but if you keep warm, it'll be hot. The only problem at this time of year is the wind chill, isn't it? It won't take more than five days by carriage, since you won't have to worry about getting stuck in the snow.

I should mention that Diana loves to travel. Because the Crester family is an earl and has a good number of estates, Dualis spends most of his off-season touring the estates, and before he made his social debut, Diana often accompanied him.
It's fun to go to a strange land, and it's exciting to experience the culture and customs of a place you don't know. It's fun to go to a strange place, and it's exciting to experience the culture and customs of a place you don't know. ......, but that's only if you can go out on your own. For Diana, it is not a journey to just sit in a carriage and gaze out the window.

The ten days of Advent are going to be an endurance contest. ......
I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. There is no such strict security.
It's the only way. ...... If Chris's sister-in-law would come with us, we wouldn't have any trouble outrunning the guards.

This time, Chris is staying in the palace. The mission of the palace guards is to protect the safety of the palace, so they can't devote so many men to the Red Rose alone. It seems that a few people are coming with us, but Chris is not one of them.

The only saving grace is that Yuri and Lurie will come with us. I'm sure they'll be able to help us with our alibi.
"They said they were sorry, but... Normally, the Red Rose would not go out of the palace with only three maidservants.
It is not the fault of the two of you, is it? It's because of the shortage of manpower in the palace, and I'm not a "regular queen". I'm not sure what the big guys are thinking when they give me a role like this when I'm just a sidekick. ......
I'm sure you'll be able to understand the reasoning behind the fact that since the Red Rose is in the palace, even if only in form, you can't ignore the role she has to play.
I'm sure you're not the only one who has a problem with this. At least, in the current palace.

Deanna let out a deep, deep breath.

"Madame Magnum is more of a schemer than I thought: ....... She knew I wouldn't like it, so she deliberately left it to the last minute to explain.
"She probably thought that if she told you in advance, you might run away. That's true.
I'm not going to run away. I'm just trying to see if I can't get someone else to do the job.

In a broader sense, that's also called running away. The fact that you've been able to read her thought process, you're an acquaintance of Fiona's.

"Come to think of it, she is a person who was even said to be capable in the royal court, where people who put all their effort into pulling others down gather. He couldn't have just been a serious person.
I'm not sure what to make of that. I'm not a fan of people thanks to .......

I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure what to say.

You can't help it now. It's time to make up your mind.
It's the only way.
Rita, you have to prepare for your journey. Rita, you have to get ready for your trip.
Thank you very much. I'll take your word for it.

After Rita nodded, Diana casually looked out the window.

"The Temple of Mist ......?

I've heard of this place, but I've never been there. It was difficult for her to go there even in secret, since the area was a royal domain.
As I pulled out a map from the bookshelf by the wall, I felt the presence of someone behind me.

Are you studying at this hour?
Kai, it's you. ....... How long have you been here?
"Just a few minutes. It's unusual for Deanna to be alone at this hour, where's Rita?

Apparently, she's really just arrived today. This free spirit is listening to every word you say, so you can't be too careful.

Rita's already gone. She has to prepare for her trip.
A trip? Rita, are you going somewhere?

I stared at Kai's face. It was rare that this man did not understand the affairs of the inner palace.

"...... what?
No, it was just a surprise. ...... Well, if Kai doesn't know, then Liliane doesn't know either.
So, what are you talking about?
I'm going to be out of the palace for a while, starting the day after tomorrow.

I'm going to be away from the palace for a while, starting the day after tomorrow. It's not every day that I get to see Kai roll his eyes in disbelief. It seems to have been unexpected.

...... What's that? I didn't hear that.
I didn't even know about it until this afternoon.
"Why Deanna?

When asked, she told him how she came to participate in the royal ceremony at the Mist Temple as the "acting queen". As he listened to her, Kai's expression became more and more sullen.

Hmmm... ....... A 'service' on the Lord's Day of Pentecost. Is that what this country does every year?
"Well, don't you go to the temple on the Lord's Day, Kai?
I've never been. Because I'm not an Armenian. It doesn't make sense to pray to a god you don't believe in, and it's annoying for the person praying to you.
"Oh, I see, that's the way to think about it: ....... But you know about the Advent, don't you?
Yes, I do. You can't live in this country and not know about the end of the year celebrations. I like the festival itself, it's fun.

Cash is cash. Deanna chuckles.

"That's true. We don't really believe in God either. We don't really believe in God either, but I guess the Sunday service is more like ...... a part of being a citizen of this country than a believer.
That's true. It's not a religious event, it's more like a year-end event. I understand that, but ...... that's not the same thing as Deanna going to the mist, is it?

We're back on track. He laughed and shook his head.

I don't really want to go either. I don't really want to go, but now that I'm the Red Rose, it's not something I can refuse.
"If you don't like it, I'll do something about it.

You say such horrible things without hesitation. I'm afraid to ask her what kind of method she will use to 'manage'.

It's not so much that I hate him. It's my first time going to the Mist Temple itself, and I'm rather looking forward to it.
Oh, so it's a map?
Yes, yes.

I've never been to the Mist Temple before, and I'm rather excited about it.

I'm just not used to riding around in a carriage. I'm just not used to traveling in a carriage.
What, you mean you're going for a ride?
It takes up less space and moves faster. It's more convenient because we can get where we want to go quickly.
That's really not a line for a young lady. ......

I'm aware of that.

It's a great way to get to know your family and friends. If I had a little more time, I could have given it to Liliane.
"That's not good in many ways.

Kai became a little more serious and advised me.

If the young lady finds out about this, she's going to be very upset. The number of maidservants and maidservants has been decreasing lately, and she's not in a good mood. I think that's why the new head mistress didn't tell us until the last minute.
"It's not just Liliane. I think she kept it from all the ladies. Including me.

I think only Madame Magnum, the maids and ladies of the Red Rose Room, and a few others knew in advance.

Maybe they're planning to talk to me after I leave.
Then there's nothing you can do about it. ...... She's a schemer, that one.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you've.

I'd like to ask you to take care of the palace, and I'll tell Raia and the others about it tomorrow.
Ten days is quite a long time, isn't it? It's been a long ten days, and the previous headmistress had just gone through a painful experience, so I don't think the little girl has the guts to think anything bad at the moment.
I'm sure the palace will be more lively than usual during the Advent Festival, so it would be nice if Liliane's attention was diverted there as well.
"Well, she's simple, isn't she?

That's not a very nice thing to say to your employer.

Are you insulting me?
It's simple, too. He doesn't even know where I am or what I'm doing as long as I do my daily report.

If it's ......, then Kai won't follow you on your journey. I wonder if Kai's recklessness would be a little better if he didn't have himself as a double-dealer.

Don't be too careful. He's a nobleman, too. You never know what he's thinking in his stomach.

I know. You're such a worrier, Deanna.
"It's because you're reckless, isn't it? Just because I'm not around to tell you what to do doesn't mean you have to go into dangerous places.

The night went by quietly as the two talked.