80 Operations Meeting

Juke's sudden visit to the palace came without warning, the night before he was to return to the palace.

"By the way, ......, about tomorrow's return. How about I send you to visit the palace in broad daylight?
"Well, what's going on all of a sudden?

On her way home, she was invited by the man who was secretly inspecting the festivals of the place where she was staying at night, and Diana spent her daytime in a carriage and her nighttime with Juke, touring the people's festivals. But thanks to Alford, who was well acquainted with both Juke and Deanna, and who was in charge of their security, she did not feel stressed out.
It was on the last day of their night walk that Juke made a sudden suggestion.

'I've only ever officially visited the palace a handful of times. I know that in order to make Shayla a full-fledged queen, I need to do something about the current palace, but ...... I've never seen the most important part of the palace until now.
It's ...... what you mean?

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it. I'm not sure what to make of it. It will take some time before we can build a relationship of trust that allows us to talk openly about everything.

Many of the family members of the entourage invited to the garden party held important positions in the outer court. I felt a chill run down my spine when I realized that ...... they were also part of the power of the outer court.
I'm sure you'll be able to understand why. In the current palace, where there is no queen, the power of the family is linked to their position in the palace, and vice versa. In fact, the Count of Kiel, Violet-sama's parents' family, has been attracting attention for the management of their estate since their daughter entered the palace, and the tea leaves from their estate are selling like hotcakes. I'm sure you're aware of that.
"......," he said. I'm sure you've heard of it.
I heard this story directly from Violet-sama. There are several other similar rumors that I have heard.
Oh. I finally figured it out when I checked the houses of the side chambers during my work. --I realized how foolish I had been to think that if they wanted to build a palace, they could do so on their own, and there would be no problem as long as they were left alone.

Juke let out a bitter breath that didn't fit the bustle of the crowd and gazed into the void.

I'm not sure what I think, but having a daughter in the inner palace is a part of power for the nobility. The outer palace and the inner palace are inextricably linked, aren't they? The reason why the Marquis of Landrose was the first to have his voice strengthened when the Inner Palace was opened in the spring was probably because his daughter joined the Peony. At that stage, when there was no Red Rose, Liliane Landrose was the daughter closest to the Queen.
I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea. I'm sure there are many people who would consider her to be a legitimate queen.
...... Well, some families are eerily quiet, even when their daughters become Red Roses.
"My family knows that I don't want to be a queen. I think they don't find the temporary status of the Red Rose all that appealing.

In fact, the Cresta family is basically a "central power? In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. The current head of the family, Dualis, prefers to visit places rather than do paperwork, and Edward, the next head of the family, is active enough to say that he's going to finish his desk work with minimal effort and use his spare time to help out with the "dark" work. I can't imagine him sitting on a plush chair in the palace all day, giving orders to his subordinates.

I can't imagine him sitting on a puffy chair in a royal palace all day, giving orders to his subordinates. I think it would be better for His Majesty's mental health if you didn't worry too much about it.
...... It's not for nothing that you were chosen as the Red Rose. I'm not sure what happened in there because of my neglect of the palace. If you don't know the details, you can only imagine that the place where the daughter of the Marquis of Landrose was at the top was not a comfortable place for a lady in Shayla's position.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.
The king is not a bad person to begin with. If you notice the interrelationship between the power structure of the outer court and the inner court, it is quite possible to deduce that much in a potato vine fashion. The Marquis of Landreth's 'dislike for the new aristocracy' is so blatant that even the Cresters, who rarely visit the royal palace, can usually recognize it.

I don't know anything about the palace. I don't know anything about the palace. ...... No, I intentionally didn't try to find out. If I get interested in the palace, there will be a lot of people who want me to choose the queen, and they may start choosing her regardless of my intentions. Thinking of this, I couldn't bring myself to pay attention to the inner palace. But that's not good enough. Isn't it?
"For Master Shayla's sake?
It's not only for Shayla's sake, but also as a king, I can't let this go on. You can't run a government without looking at the inner palace, which is closely connected to the power of the outer court.
So tomorrow, you will be transporting me to the inner palace under the guise of .......
Yes. At the same time, this will make it known that I value you and solidify your position.

It's a two birds with one stone idea! In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

(...... might be a little too rough a treatment for His Majesty now. I'd like to exchange information about my absence and discuss the future.

Your Majesty's feelings are well understood. Your Majesty's feelings are very much appreciated, and I would like to see how your ladies are doing, but it doesn't have to be tomorrow, does it? You must be tired after your long journey.
'I'm just sitting in a carriage during the day. What is there to be tired of?

My stomach digested the truth that I was tired, and Diana tilted her head lightly.

I'm tired, but I'm going out at night like this. I'm sure you're tired, even if you don't realize it. If you just want to make your relationship with me known, you don't have to take the trouble to come to the palace. It's a great opportunity to show the king and the Red Rose's friendship to the nobles as well as his concubines, and find out their reactions.
"Of course, we'll see how they react at the soiree. But to get a glimpse of the unadorned lives of the ladies of the court, I must be there.
"Is there a need for such haste? I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.
You can't say that with a straight face!

Juke turns red when I tease him about his relationship with Shayla, and it's hard to believe that he's the same age as Edward. By the way, when I said the same thing to Edward, he said, "Meeting with Chris? Are you talking about sword practice? You can hear him replying in an offhanded manner.

"Yeah, whatever the case may be.
"Well, Shayla-sama, is that a 'thing'?
"How can that be? Of course we're going to Shayla's room tomorrow night, but right now we're talking about lunch!

...... Couldn't you have fooled me? This is a great way to make sure you are getting the most out of your vacation. This may be a point of beauty, but...

"Is there a problem with my sudden visit to the palace?
I'm sure the ladies will be upset, unprepared.
That's all right. I want to see things as they are.
...... Who do you think is going to appease the flustered and agitated members of the household? In case you've forgotten, I've been on the road for ten days and I'm pretty tired myself.
'Of course I'll help. Of course I'll help you. Just let me know if you need anything.

You'll be able to get a lot more out of it. ...... That's part of the "rough treatment", isn't it?
In this situation, where the Juke has no intention of pulling out anyway, there's no point in Deanna saying anything.
I'm not sure what to make of that.

I'm not sure what to make of this. It's a good idea to take a look at the website and see if you can find anything you like.
......, okay.

This was the signal for the evening's breakup.


...... was the reason why.
"I understand the situation, but ......
The timing's a little awkward, no matter what you think.

In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to use it for a lot of things. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. --Incidentally, the maids of honor that Raia and the others had sent were friends of Lurie's who had been cooperating with them from the very beginning.
The three maidservants who had accompanied her to the service, including Lurie, were also present, saying that they would take a break after this discussion.

Her Majesty's attitude toward Diana has changed so much that it's almost too obvious. She even suggested that we share the same carriage on the return trip.
Perhaps she was wary of an attack like the one on the way. ......
In the event that the king and the Red Rose's carriages, which were separated at the ends of the procession on the outward journey, are not only side by side on the return journey, but also sitting together, the palace will be turned upside down.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.
You'll be able to get a lot more than that.

You'll be able to find a lot more information on the web. I felt sorry for myself on the way there, so I drove back in the back of his carriage in a quiet manner.
That alone must have been a shock to the nobles who greeted him. They also saw him off when he left, and made sure that the king and the Red Rose's carriage were far apart.
"That can't be helped to some extent. It's sad for me to say this, but considering the bad reputation I have around me. --Anyway, right now I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about the palace.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that the harassment of Master Shayla continues to this day.
"...... I am sorry for my inability to help.
"I don't blame you, Master Magnum. If Commander Gracie is right and the perpetrators are private maidservants, they are beyond the reach of the court.

As she bowed her head, she knew that the one who felt more frustrated than anyone else about this was Madame Magnome herself. There are maidservants in the inner palace who are beyond the reach of the head mistress. Deanna and the other high-ranking members of the entourage are also partly to blame, as they hadn't given much thought to the extent to which such a situation would lead to distortion until they were confronted with the problem.

"Have you found out anything about the chamberlain who is harassing Master Shayla?
Yes, I have. Here's the list.

Chris stepped forward and handed me a stack of papers. I thanked him, took it, and skimmed through it.

"...... is still a Peony.
"Master Peony herself didn't seem to be harassing or directing the harassment. I'm sure it's a piece of cake for her to get people to do what she wants with just one small gesture during a conversation with her friends.
"You're right, sir. According to Suzuran-sama, the slightest movement made by Botan-sama during the Sunday service may have triggered the harassment.

It was the representative of the Suzuran Room that Yolanda had sent over. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea. I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
"The same is true for the lady's side. Even if you get the evidence, you will probably be able to say that it was your own maidservant who did it and that you had nothing to do with it. At worst, you think you can get away with dismissing the maidservant who did it.
I'm sure you can figure out whether or not such a ridiculous excuse will work. This is what a spoiled aristocrat's daughter looks like.

When I muttered lowly, the people around me laughed in unison. It seems that you can't help but feel uncomfortable when the same 'aristocratic lady' says it.

You can't say that it's a foolish argument. If the other party's family has power, they can pretend that most of their pranks never happened.
Isn't it the patent of the powerful to suppress their own misdeeds and inconvenient facts?
Your wife grew up in a house where she saw her family behave in such a way.
That's what the world knows. It's no wonder they think that.

"Well, then, I guess I'll have to let you know you're wrong.

Spinning her words slowly, Diana softly stood up with a gravity-defying movement.
The first thing she did was to look at the three maids of honor who had been sent to her.

Thank you for your time. Please deliver your writings to the masters of your respective rooms. Please do not tell anyone what you have written here, except to report it.

I nodded to the three who bowed their heads in silence and showed their reverence. Chris was the next to make eye contact.

I'll need a report on the security situation for tomorrow's soiree.
"Very well, sir.

He looked at Madame Magnum with a fluid gaze.

Can you make time to meet with the head of the palace kitchen before the soiree?
Then make the arrangements.

He smiled at the maids who had guarded the Red Rose Room during his absence.

Are you ready for the soiree?
"Very well, sir.
All that remains is to polish Master Diana!
That's very good, thank you. Thank you. I'll be quiet today.

--The crime of distressing my best friend, disrupting the palace, and disturbing its order is a serious one.

Now, let's resume, my Master Red Rose.

The rose deprives the surrounding plants of nourishment, and then blooms beautifully.
As the one who bears its name.

As the one who bears its name, I will not let it fall apart easily.