89 An unterring voice

Three days after a secret strategy meeting was held in the Red Rose Room, it was afternoon tea time.
Three days after the secret strategy meeting in the "Red Rose Room," the afternoon tea time, a room in the palace was completely rented out for the event.

"Welcome, everyone.
"My Master Red Rose. Thank you for inviting me today.

Today, Deanna's golden hair (probably the best hair she's ever had in her life, as she's never missed a day of maintenance since entering the palace) is braided lavishly and tied up at the top of her head, with the tips of her hair playing around. In addition, her dress is a deep red velvet with gold and silver threads. The ornaments were also chosen to be luxurious.
--This is the appearance of the Red Rose, dressed to the extreme for a daytime costume.

"Thank you for welcoming me, ladies and gentlemen. Please, have a seat.

There were four of us invited today, including Sophia Tandor. These are the most radical members of the Red Roses. They seemed to be comfortable with the small number of people at the tea party, and sat down on their chairs in a good mood.

It's an honor to be able to share a cup of tea with the Red Rose.
"Oh, you always attend the salon, don't you?
"Yes, but the salon is so crowded. But the salon is so crowded that it's difficult to talk with you.
Did you want to talk to me?

While trying to maintain the appearance of a leisurely cup of tea, I'll start from the outside.
The ladies nodded their heads with a twinkle in their eyes.

'Of course! It is not possible to have the honor of exchanging words with the Red Rose, even if you wanted to.
"You are exaggerating a bit. I'm just a concubine who has been given a room in the palace, just like you. Haven't I already told you that?
"You are humble. Everyone in the court already knows that your position is secure.

The others nodded one after another. The others nodded one after another.

"Yes, indeed. "Yes, indeed. You have secured His Majesty's trust and favor.
"Since the beginning of the year, the nobles who hold important positions in the Outer Palace have been asking His Majesty in private when the 'Righteousness of Appointment of the Rightful Queen' will be. I've been told that His Majesty is not giving a clear answer, but he seems to be in good spirits.
It's only a matter of time before the Red Rose is in your side!

All of the squealing ladies in the entourage must have been girls no older than twenty. I'm sure they were all no older than twenty.

It was originally planned that Deanna would serve as the acting queen in the Red Rose Room, and that the king would make a show of accepting it, so that the power structure of the outer court could be easily understood. Depending on the progress of the plan, there was a fairly high probability that Diana would eventually become the full queen, and I had prepared in advance for the fact that there would be opposition from many people and that the inner palace would be in turmoil.
In particular, the concubines we invited today were daughters who had fathers or close relatives of powerful nobles, and their rank was not so different from Diana's. Judging from what they had said and done in the palace so far, it seemed that their desire for power was not so low. I had expected her to be uncomfortable inwardly at the thought of having the same rank as her, and the infamous 'Countess of Clester' as her rightful wife, regardless of her official intentions.

"There is no one more worthy of becoming a queen than the Red Rose. I'm sure that the outer court has finally realized the simple fact that everyone in the inner court knew.

I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm sure it's a good idea. ...... The four of us here seem to be sincerely happy that Diana will become the rightful queen.

(What do you mean by that?

We already know that they are the main culprits who have been tangling with Shayla here and there in the palace since the beginning of the year, sometimes directly harming her by pushing her. Deanna suspected that his motive was to blame Shayla for the fact that the king's eyes were not on them, and to vent his anger. As a member of the Red Rose Faction, I can't complain to Diana.
But if that's the case... But if that's the case, isn't it unreasonable for her not to show even a hint of negative emotion in front of Diana, who is rumored to be on the verge of becoming the queen? I'm not sure what to make of that.

I'm not sure if I can live up to your expectations, though. What the nobles say is only a rumor. It's not like His Majesty himself has declared that I will be his wife.
"Oh my! You should not be so timid. Your Majesty is only waiting for the right moment.
You know better than anyone else that His Majesty's feelings for the Red Rose are unquestionable, don't you?

In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the following web site: .......

It's true that the stray incident at the Descent Festival brought her and the King closer together. However, this is only in terms of friendship and companionship, and in terms of love, Juke's gaze is, as usual, only on Shayla. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for and how you can use it. ...... I dare say that Diana may be convinced that there is no doubt that the king's feelings for the Red Rose will never develop from friendship, no matter how hard she tries.

--If the story continues to be in praise of the Red Rose, there is no way to get anywhere.
Deanna decided to take the plunge and get to the heart of the matter.

It is true that Your Majesty has always been kind to me. But that's only because you care for me, the first in your entourage.
"Red Rose, such ......
"I'm not pessimistic. It's just a fact.
No, it can't be!

Sofia shook her head, her expression grim.

The Red Rose is the one who has the qualities and qualifications to win your favor. If-- if you are not aware of this, then you are out of your mind!
"...... Your favor is only as good as your heart. If it is a qualification, don't all the ladies in the inner palace have it?
That's what I thought when I first came to ...... this place. I've been working on myself, hoping that I could comfort His Majesty's heart a little. --But the Red Rose has taught me that I was wrong.

"I am?

The conversation was taking a strange turn. After some thought, Deanna decided to go with the flow.

"What have I done?
"You rescued us from the tyranny of Master Peony, you raised the prestige of the court by making the garden party a success, and you protected the positions of all the members of your entourage. Until the arrival of the Red Rose, I can clearly say that the inner palace was nothing more than a decoration. The Red Rose has changed all that.

The eyes of Sofia, who appealed passionately and earnestly, had an unmistakable color of sincerity in them. It's not sycophancy, but her heartfelt belief.

"The Red Rose can compete with the Peony. With all due respect, I came to you at first with just that in mind. I still feel the same way, but after seeing you on ...... for a long time, I felt it deeply. There is no one more suitable to be the queen than the Red Rose.
Why? - Because she does not shy away from His Majesty's favor, but does everything in her power for the good of the entire court. That is the very image of a true queen. ...... Then I understood. It's not just being in the palace that qualifies you to be loved by His Majesty, it's being next to His Majesty that qualifies you to work tirelessly.

As if in a fever, Sophia's words did not stop.

I've heard that since the Red Rose - you, as the first in line to the side of the family, succeeded in the garden party, the outer court has come to recognize the rear palace, which until now had been little more than a decoration. Then, as a candidate for the position of queen, she accompanied the royal family to their services and deepened her friendship with His Majesty. How much hope she gave us at that soiree!
"At the New Year's Eve soiree, I was invited to dance by many gentlemen. At the first soiree of the season, I was ignored!
Yes, it was a dream come true.
It was a dream come true. ...... It's true that at the end of the year, all the ladies and gentlemen seemed to be having a great time.

While she and Juke were busy greeting the guests, Deanna was at least paying attention to what was going on in the hall. She had noticed that the entourage had become more integrated into the venue than at the beginning of the season. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
...... If you think about it, there may indeed be some factors as Sophia mentioned.

(Maybe, just maybe, although I don't want to think about it)

I wonder if "this" is the motive.

I'm sure you're not the only one who has a bad feeling about this," she said.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that. ...... But I still believe that the rightful queen should be the one who is truly loved by His Majesty. --And it's not me.

And it's not me," he said, telling her in a roundabout way, but clearly, that it wasn't Diana that Juke loved.
Sofia said...

I told you before, didn't I? It's not possible.

I'm sure you'll agree.
...... Anger and fear crawled up from under my feet.

It's not impossible, is it? I know what I'm talking about.
It's a silly rumor. May the Red Rose rest in peace.
Stop fooling yourself, Master Sofia. Do you really think that I, the leader of the Red Rose Faction, know nothing about this?

She implied that she knew more than just about the existence of the Favored Princess. Sophia didn't move, but Diana didn't miss the moment when one of the tea drinkers' hands trembled as she carried the cup. Then she folded.

I wonder if you've missed me lately, since I haven't been holding the salon as often as I'd like. If you talk to me often enough, you can easily guess what I think about the 'silly rumors' and how I feel about them.
"That's absurd. You invited me here the other day, and again today.
Do you understand me now?
Yes, of course.

Sophia's smile never falters.

"We have known your heart from the very beginning, my dear Red Rose. Please don't worry about anything, just let it happen.
...... That's why I'm telling you this, because I think it's wrong.
Don't worry, I know what I'm doing.
Master Sophia!

It's no good. It's as if I can't understand you. We're speaking the same language, but we don't understand each other at all.

Don't you understand what I'm saying? What you're doing is annoying, and you need to stop it now!

"Dear Red Rose. You don't need to say anything else. We understand everything and have decided to follow you.
"...... to hunt down the one you love with all your heart by insidious means. How can that be an act of understanding me?
"Red Rose!

Sophia stands up, kicking her chair with a thud. She looked around, even behind the curtain that hung in the room, and then approached with a fearful look on her face.

I don't mean to be presumptuous. That was too presumptuous of you. In the position of the Red Rose, it would be a crime just to 'know'.
"I know that without needing to be told. Master Sofia, you're making a big mistake.
Oh, shut up already!

As if Sophia's words were a signal, the other three also left their seats. I'm not sure if you've heard of this, but I'm sure you've heard of it.

I don't want to do anything like this. I'm sure you're not going to be able to cover up for me if I'm blamed for ignoring my restraints.

--Please, stop. ...... Get the message.

I wouldn't have been so upset if you were just acting out of selfishness. I thought I could just scold him, order him to stop, and that would be it.
But this is different.

"Yes, Master Red Rose. Everything is as it should be, Red Rose.

The girls who bowed in unison could only sense the fanatical loyalty to the Red Rose.
Deanna just watched in dismay as the four girls left the room. It was only when she heard the door close that her ability to think returned to her.

"Dear Deanna, Dear Deanna: ......
Rita: ......
Is everything alright?
What's going on with ......? Have they always been like that?

In the event that you've got a lot of time, you'll be able to take a look at your own personal life.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.
I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea. I'm sure it's not just my imagination that I felt an air of ......, right?
I felt that way, too. ....... I don't remember doing anything to them that would make them like me that much.
I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this. It was more than a month ago, but that was the last time you talked with them in small groups, right?
"Oh, yes, I remember that.

During the transition from the Maris regime to the Magnum regime, there was a time when they came to the Red Rose Room to say that the number of maids in their room was being reduced and to do something about it. At that time, there were people like today who said, "Red Rose is wonderful! Red Rose is number one! I don't remember any sign of such a thing.
...... Really, what on earth is going on?

I'm not sure what to make of it, but it's a pain in the ass. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.

As usual, it was Rita who brought home the reality of my fears.
It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

"...... Did you think so too?
"Yes, I did. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea. She seemed to believe that it was 'natural' for her to eliminate Shayla-sama and make Diana-sama the rightful queen, and that Diana-sama really wanted it that way.
If you look at Deanna-sama properly, you would know that this is a misunderstanding. ......

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.

(This is no time to dwell on it.)

Some people don't get it. But at the same time, there are people who do understand.
Such an obvious thing gave the dumbfounded Deanna the strength to look forward easily.

Anyway, now that we know what's going on with Sophia and the others. Now that we know how Sophia and the others are doing, let's go back to our room and discuss what we're going to do.

The maids nodded in relief as Diana smiled and stood up.