112 Quiet Story Part 32-3 - What Should Be Done as a "...

 In between my research, I listened to the report of the investigation from Alford, who brought me food and drinks.
 --Before I knew it, the sun had risen considerably.

 Alford, who had come to the house for the first time, gave me a difficult look and said, "Juke.

"Juke. I have a question for you.
What is it?
I was wondering if you could help me with this matter in the outer court.

 You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them.
 Catching his gaze, Alford nodded.

The main movers right now are those who are close to the conservative wing of the radical ideology among the royal knights. If you just want to spy on their movements from the shadows, the king's bodyguard (us) is sufficient. But what Juke wants to know is more about the nobles - or rather, the officials - who are behind this, right?
Oh, ......, yes.
You can't ask a bad person to help you. I can't ask for help from someone I don't know, but I know the outer court, and they're all very talented. And yet, the upper echelons of the palace are not paying much attention to them. If you're looking for a way to turn the tables while keeping things under wraps, there's no one you can rely on more than them.

 Alford had a point. If we're going to do everything we can to resolve this situation without sacrificing anyone. Increasing the number of collaborators is an important step.

This isn't like the last time Maris was in charge. This time the Order is on the move. If those in the outer court, who have no way to fight, are found, they could be in danger, don't you think?
"Well, I guess there's no such thing as certainty of safety after all. --But, Juke. Both civilian and military officers are prepared to fight if they are sincere in their duties. They're just fighting in different places.

 If they're real officials. If they were real officials, they wouldn't be afraid to risk their lives, Alford assured him.
 Catching his intense gaze, Juke shook his head slowly.

"All right, Alford. Go talk to the outer court. --But there's one condition.
What is it?
Don't make your request for help a royal decree. Just keep it to my personal request. The Outer Palace will decide whether or not to accept.

 That's... It was an unusual condition for a king.
 Alford's eyes widened.

"Are you insane?
"I'm perfectly sane. I'm ...... not qualified to use my royal authority to force others to do what I want them to do.

The more I look into The Countess of Clester, the more I think about it. The more I thought about it.
 The more I think about it, the more I'm horrified by my own ignorance and ignorance.
 It was an overwhelming fear.

 For example, the various testimonies about the family that were stored in the Mediation Bureau. And the words of the successive heads of the family.
 For example, the family's territory and the people who live there. And the land that the family 'ruled'.

 By unraveling the history, the Earls of Clester will come to light.

It's not something you can just say you didn't know about.
"If you questioned, if you thought, you would have learned a lot. You assumed that everything you were taught was the 'right' answer and didn't try to look at it again from the other side or from another angle. Knowledge is not something that can be acquired passively. Even if the initial entrance is given to you by someone else, you have to understand the content, examine it from every angle, and find out what it means. How do you feel and think about it? If you pursue it that deeply, you will finally have knowledge.

 It's just sophistry that you were forbidden to think, to question. Juke was not physically shackled and restricted in his actions.
 If you really want to know. If he really wanted to know, he could have gone to the library or the reference room and looked into it himself, instead of relying on the "educator". If you had doubts about what they said, but you were forbidden to ask them, you should have tried to resolve them on your own.

 Self-mockery is all that comes to mind.

"The more I learn. The more I know, the farther away from the King I want to be.
So you don't want to give the ...... order?
That too. If that were true, I'd be the one to go down to the outer court as a mere 'juke' and bow down to them. ......

 The chances of Juke making it to the outer court without being found by anyone are slim to none. Juke knew that if he was found, he would never be able to return to this room and would be attacked by conservatives and revolutionaries alike.
 Alford seemed to have thought the same thing and shook his head.

I know what you're thinking, but don't do it. The King is missing, and that's partly why they can't move as fast as they'd like.
"Is that so?
Because they're almost entirely on their own. If the king gives us permission to go after them, we'll be fine, but if the king gives us a hard time, our position could get worse.
I think I've been interacting with the nobles lately, acting like I'm wondering if I should choose the Red Rose as my queen. If I nod to the capture of the Red Rose, do they really think that?

"You must be very sure that your heart is with Shayla-sama.

 I'm not sure what to make of that. If you look carefully at the Red Rose and Diana in the inner court, you can vaguely sense that what exists between her and Juke is not love, but a kind of camaraderie. Juke didn't dare to visit Diana at night because he didn't want to stir up rumors.

It's fortunate that you were out of sight before all this happened. As long as we can't read the king's thoughts, the nobles who are planning to do something bad won't be able to take any drastic measures. It's the most efficient way to buy time at the moment.
I guess my ideas do come in handy once in a while.
Stop the self-flagellation. ...... I'm going to the outer court.
Thank you. Take care of it.
And .......

 Alford hesitated a moment, then continued.

"If I can get the outer court to cooperate. I'd like to bring Keith here. Would that be okay?

 Juke secretly liked Keith because he was always calm, always spoke his mind even to the king, and always respected Juke's decisions. It's true that he can be trusted, but...

"What are you going to do about ......?

 Juke knew exactly what Alford meant between the lines. He would not be able to run Juke's errands for a while. I think that's what Alford meant when he said he wanted to choose Keith to fill in.
 When asked, Alford sighed quietly and said.

I also ...... think that there is something that only I can do, though it is really small. I think there is something I can do, though it's a bit of a crapshoot. But I want to take whatever steps I can.
Is that why you're leaving?
Not for long. I'm sorry I can't be more specific. I'm sorry I can't be more specific, but ...... I'm going to be away for a while, if you'll excuse me.

 Juke smiled at Alford as he bowed his head.

You don't need to ask me for forgiveness. You can do what you think you need to do.
Juke. ......
"All the time, all the time. ...... I'm sorry, Alford.

 Juke had an inkling of what he was about to do. ...... Thinking back to how he had been since Diana had come to the palace, the answer was right there, if he thought about it.
 If this guess was correct. How much have I hurt and tormented Alford?

(I really can't help myself ......)

 Alford left, and I was alone in the room.
 The sound of dry breathing was much louder than I had expected.


 The answer from the outer court would become clear not long after that.

I'm sorry, Your Majesty. ...... You've brought a lot into this, haven't you?

 Keith came into the room where Juke was holed up, looking the same as when they last spoke, with no hint of the commotion outside. Juke quietly looks at Keith.

I'm not sure what to make of this. ...... Are you sure you're okay with this?
"Your Majesty. You've got a good eye now.

 You can see the soft glow in Keith's eyes behind his glasses.
 He approached slowly, weaving his way through the piles of papers on the floor of the room.
 He paused in front of the desk - but Keith kept his head down.

Alford told me that it is not the King who wants the outer court, but the Juke. So this is not an order, it's just a request for help.
Yes, that is correct.
"Your Majesty, knowing that this situation has come to this, and even knowing that one wrong move could lead to your own destruction, you still intend to do your utmost to save those who should be saved and judge those who should be judged, without sacrificing anyone.
I think it's too late for ....... You can't behave as foolishly as you have in the past now that you have realized it.
There is no coward in the outer court who would run away with his tail between his legs in the face of His Majesty's resolve.

 With a graceful gesture, Keith kneels on the floor. It's the ancient custom for a vassal to show allegiance to the king.

"I've been expecting you. --Our king.
"...... Please don't. I, ......, am not entitled to that courtesy.
It doesn't matter what you think of yourself, Your Majesty. I know what you're prepared to do and I want to serve this king. Therefore, my reverence should be offered only to His Majesty King Jouk de Leyre Elgrand.

 A strong voice, without hesitation. I understand very well what Alford said, "Even civil servants are ready to fight.
 In the midst of such inequality, where the right of direct appeal to the king is not given. In such an unequal situation where they are not given the right of direct appeal to the king, the officials are doing the best they can with what they are given and doing their best for the people. Will Juke be able to become the kind of "king" who can repay his kindness?

(Even if I'm not sure...) Even if he despairs at his own stupidity...!

 There is only one thing to do here and now.

"I accept your heart. "I accept your heart." "Heir of the High Zed, brave and ambitious.

 Accept him and do not betray him. --Only your absolute resolve.
 When I asked him to raise his head, he stood up fluidly. The expression on his face was hopeful, but more than that, stern.

...... You must be tired.
"Do I look tired?
Alford says you haven't slept a wink since last night. As a vassal, I would normally advise you to get some rest. ......

 I could tell just from that preamble. There was something going on.

"No matter. Tell him.
Yes, sir. --A request for the execution of Countess Deanna Clester, the Red Rose, was submitted jointly by some officials of the Ministry of the Interior and several members of the Royal Court, and was approved immediately by several mediators of the Mediation Bureau. The execution of the Red Rose will take place tomorrow at noon in the front hall of the Royal Palace.

 Even though the windows were closed, the fireplace was burning red, and the room was warm.
 As soon as I understood the meaning of those words, I felt a chill run through my body.
 Before I could control myself, my hands slammed on the desk. both hands slammed on the desk.
 Before he could even realize the pain, Juke was screaming.

You can't do this! The Red Rose is a daughter of the nobility, even if she is not a concubine. Have they even forgotten that executing a noble requires the king's permission?
I'm afraid the permission is provisional, as the whereabouts of His Majesty are unknown.
Even if it is temporary, it's unforgivable. Do you have any proof that the Red Rose was involved in Shayla's kidnapping in the first place?
No, of course not. There's no proof that she didn't do it. At most, there is the delusional statement of the captives that they are doing it to ensure the power of the Red Rose.

 Keith's words were polite, but the content of his statement was quite extreme. Juke nodded deeply.

I don't think so. Do those who are planning to frame the Red Rose intend to use such a ridiculous statement as evidence to take the life of one of their daughters?
For the moment, it would seem so.

 This is no time to be distracted. The only person who can stop this execution is Juke, who has the royal power.
 Just as he was about to get up, Juke saw Keith standing in front of him. He noticed Keith standing in front of him with a thoughtful look in his eyes.
 He slowly moved his body back to his chair. Juke asks Keith.

Keith. What's on your mind?
"I'm trying to figure out why they're doing this now. ...... Of course, there is no doubt that the Red Rose is a hindrance to them.

 Juke also thinks about it.
 I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. If you want to stop it, you can stop it. ......
 --What do you think they're after?

Is it me, ......? I'm sure you're not the only one.
I think that's the most likely scenario.
But! What are they planning to do by luring me out? Do you think I'll do as they say and allow them to execute the Red Rose?
I'm sure you do. ...... Your Majesty. The radical conservatives in the Ministry of the Interior have the vain confidence that they have made you the King of the Conservatives. To be honest, I didn't think their methods were successful, even when I saw His Majesty immediately after his accession to the throne.
No. ....... I was their puppet back then.
"If His Majesty was really a puppet who did as the conservatives wished. In the first place, there was no such thing as a palace, and His Majesty would have accepted the Marquess of Landrose as his wife at their behest.

 At the unexpected words, Juke unconsciously stared at Keith in front of him.
 It was difficult to decipher the expression on his face, but he could tell from the atmosphere that Keith was not accusing Juke of anything.

His Majesty was unconsciously aware of the thread between them. You were unconsciously aware of their strings, and you did not surrender to them the part of the string that you could not compromise. --A person who is aware of the strings to which he is bound is not a puppet.
...... Are you trying to cheer me up?
I can only tell you the truth. I have a reputation for being inflexible.

 Keith let out a thin breath.

"That's the way it seemed to me and my office. It seems that the people who proudly claim to have raised the King are very confident in their own education. Even now, they probably think that they can talk His Majesty down if they just talk to him face to face.
Is it a bad idea to go to him to shatter that belief?
It's not a bad idea, but I personally think it's premature. It's not a bad idea, but I personally think it's premature. We can't use our power to force our way to the truth.

 If we're not careful, Juke's life could be in danger. Keith is pointing out this possibility in a roundabout way. Juke is as good as unnecessary for those who want to use the king as a puppet.

(Not that I'm sparing your life, but ......)

 Light or heavy, it's the only thing you have. I think that we should not misuse it.
 To condemn those who would so confidently promote this ruse. Is there anything Juke can do but confront them directly?

(In short, if the Red Rose's innocence can be proven, and the crimes of those who framed the Red Rose can be revealed...)

 Thinking to that point, Juke casually looked down at his desk.
 He looked around at the reports on the Cresters' lands, their genealogies, histories, and the records of the Bureau of Conciliation ......, which he had been reading in disarray as he thought of them.

 --A blinding light flashed through my brain at super speed!

 Kicking up his chair, Juke flipped through the stacks of papers he saw. The ones on his desk were not enough, and he searched for descriptions of the subject, especially the old ones from the Mediation Bureau.

(Not this one! Oh, which one was it: ......!
"Isn't this what you're looking for?

 A calm voice came from the side. I turned around in surprise to see Keith holding out an old booklet to me with a look of obviousness on his face.

It's great that you're so passionate about your research, but it's also important that you organize your materials properly from time to time. It will save you a lot of time when you need to check something like you do now.
"Oh, yeah, .......

 I nodded and received the booklet, which was just right. The booklet I received with a nod was just right.

 The House of Peers gathers all the nobles in the country to deliberate on important national policies. Some kings never experience the assembly because it is not held when there is no business to discuss. This was the case with Juke's father, and conversely, during the reign of Juke's grandfather, the previous king, there were frequent assemblies to discuss matters such as how to deal with the outside world and the rising power of the people.

 And this House of Lords... There's another side to it.
 The condemnation of royalty.

 It clarifies the truth about the royal family members who are believed to have committed crimes and decides on the punishment according to the severity of the crimes.
 After the end of the Azure Rebellion, the royal family was no longer accused of crimes. This is why it has fallen into disuse, and even the king, Juke, cannot be sure of its role without checking the literature. ...... The House of Lords is an aspect of the royal family's "court".

 Deanna is a concubine, and strictly speaking, she is not royalty.
 However, she was given the Red Rose Room, and is the daughter who stands at the top of the current palace without a queen, and is entrusted with acting as queen at official events. About 200 years ago, when a noblewoman who was about to become a queen was accused of committing a crime, the king of the time made a special exception and called a meeting of the House of Lords. As long as there is a precedent, it should be possible to hold an assembly on the grounds of Diana's 'crime'.
 You will find a lot of things that you can do to make your life easier.

In this situation, it is not unnatural to hold a parliamentary session under the title of 'condemning the Red Rose'. Both the conservatives, who want a solid argument for the execution of the Red Rose, and the revolutionaries, who oppose her execution, are unlikely to oppose a parliament where they can express their opinions. --Above all, with this hand, we can blur to the limit where Her Majesty's will lies.
Yeah, that's right. It's a move that can be made on the authority of the ...... King to prepare the ground for a counterattack against those who want the Red Rose so that they don't know what I'm thinking.

 I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I've been so impressed with your work. I don't think it matters if they know, but they believe that the King is a puppet, and that is why they are behaving in such an outrageous manner. If being perceived as incompetent increases the number of flaws (mistakes) in your opponent's case, and thus opens the door for you to hunt down your enemy, then there is no need to be insulted. ...... should be reckoned with in the first place, the "Juke King" has been.
 It is one of the powers that only the King has to open the House of Lords. It's not surprising that Juke, who was acting as if he was unsure of whether he wanted Deanna to be his wife, was surprised by the sudden news of the Red Rose's capture and ordered the council to measure the truth of it.
 Those who wanted official permission from Juke to execute the Red Rose would have taken advantage of the opportunity to go to the Congress. Regardless of what happens in the worst case scenario, as long as they get the King's permission, they can execute him. Because of their disdain for Juke, they would not reject the council.

 The only thing that will prove Diana's innocence and their guilt is that they lured the cowards into a "due process".

 They even petitioned for her execution. I'm sure they've already made up charges against the Red Rose and are compiling an investigation report. They must have come to believe that the council would publicly approve Diana's execution.
 But. Juke, the king who called the assembly, wants...

"The House of Lords is a body where anyone of noble rank can speak freely. --Naturally, the Earls of Clester can move freely in that place without worrying about their status in the royal court.

 This is to ensure that those who want to harm Diana are surrounded, and to provide a place where those who want to save Diana can move as they please. --For that purpose, it is a step that only the King can take.
 In the event you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find a lot more information on the web.

"Are you sure you want to go to ......?
I'm sure they are planning to carry out the 'execution' in the name of the Royal Court - in the name of His Majesty. If House Crestor is allowed to move freely under these circumstances, ......
"I'll be a target of their wrath, too, huh?

 The silence that fell was a sign of affirmation. Juke chuckled a little.
 Alford, Keith... There are a lot of overprotective sycophants around me.

If I'm in their crosshairs, I'll just have to live with it.
"But, Your Majesty.
"But, Your Majesty," he said, "...... would you rather I didn't, given what they've done to her? I don't know how they could have just sat back and watched me do it.

 I'm not exaggerating or anything. The more he researched House Crester, the more Juke honestly didn't know how he was still King. He should have been dismissed and disinherited much earlier.
 As Juke twists his head, a resentful voice comes down to him.

I don't think so, sir. I don't think so. Are you planning to take these fools and destroy yourself?

I think that's one way to go. I think it's a last resort if you've tried and tried and tried and done everything you can and still can't do anything about it.

 I don't want the throne if I have to sacrifice Deanna and Shayla. If the only way to quit being a king is to die and be condemned, then that's one option.
 However, even if there are only two vassals who are sincerely loyal to King Juke, he cannot simply choose to perish. There's no worse betrayal than that of someone who believes in you.
 Perhaps sensing Juke's resolve, Keith's voice softened.

Keith's voice softened, as if he could hear Juke's resolve. "Including how the Cresta family will appear. You're going to hold a meeting to discuss all of this?
My position won't be a problem at this point. I will rescue Shayla safely, exonerate the Red Rose, and expose the crimes of the cowards who tried to entangle them in their filthy trap. That's what needs to be done, and what I can do now is to set up the place so that those who can surely carry it out can show their maximum strength. There is nothing more foolish than to lose sight of the original purpose by being on the defensive because the repercussions might affect you.
"You're not thinking of personally condemning the cowards, are you?
To tell you the truth, I'm inclined to do so. But ......

 The room and its own position. ...... And the enemy is licking Juke's chops.
 All in all, Juke didn't think it was a good idea for the King to leave.

I have only heard from Alford about the movements of those who have captured the Red Rose. The Red Rose's execution is tomorrow at noon, only one day away. In this short time and with an overwhelming shortage of manpower, it would be impossible for me to work in secret to get to the bottom of this and even find evidence. Rather, it would be a good distraction to the ...... ringleaders to let them think that I'm upset by this sudden realization and that I'm scrambling to come up with a desperate idea to hold a congress.
"In other words, you are planning to use yourself as a decoy to distract the people who are working to rescue the Red Rose from the fact that you are about to hold a congress?
I don't know how effective I'm going to be if I make a fool of myself.

 In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find a lot more information on the web. --But if he doesn't have a negative self-esteem, he doesn't need to be overwhelmed. But if it's not there from the start, he doesn't have to be overwhelmed.
 I don't know what Juke was thinking, but Keith's lips moved slightly in the shape of a smile.

Your Majesty's wishes have been noted, sir. I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that.
"...... Are you sure?

 The outer court, which does not have the right of direct appeal to the king, will receive the king's royal decree. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what's going on in your life.

We have some contacts in the palace. I'm not proud to say that we're the best at getting things done in a hurry, but we're not the best at getting things done.
...... I see. You're always giving me a hard time.
Don't worry about it. It's not about us. It's about the imperial decree. You can't go back to the Oval Office unnoticed. ......
Oh, that's no problem. I've brought all the tools I normally use for my duties, just in case.

 I've only decided to stay in for research, but I've been prepared to do my work here as well, since Alford told me that you never know what might happen. I'm really indebted to Alford for everything.
 Taking Keith's advice, I drew up the imperial order and handed it to him. He said he would stop by the outer court once to exchange information and make arrangements for the future, and then come back.

You're all worked up, aren't you?
Of course I am. I'm willing to risk my life as an official to help the kingdom in its time of need. It's a much better time to be an official than to sit on the sidelines and do nothing.

 This is one of those moments when Juke finds out that the calm and collected assistant director of the outer court office, who is unfazed by everything, is actually surprisingly belligerent.


 --Time flies. The time flies by as Keith organizes the outer court chamberlain and prepares to hold a meeting of the House of Lords without revealing himself by any means. Alford, who came back on the way, helped the outer court to move smoothly by working closely with Keith while running the King's Kingsguard.
 Juke received reports from them, and sometimes gave instructions, while continuing with his original purpose of "researching" ........

(Is this the ...... "truth"?)

 Finally, I came to a conclusion.

 The sun has long since set outside. The people who were busy searching for the king until sunset must have quieted down by now.
 To make sure that no one would find them, he had his bodyguards check the road to their destination and keep a careful eye on them.
 --Juke slipped out of the room, taking Alford with him.

(It's eerily quiet in here. ......)

 Still, he couldn't bring himself to say anything. We kept walking in silence.
 The place I came to was the entrance to the dungeon, where there were no guards.

There's really no one at .......
I'm sure they tried to put a guard on it at night. You can find a lot of people who are looking for the best way to get the most out of their life.

 Alford replied calmly. You don't know where people will look, so you have to speak respectfully.
 In fact, many of them are conservative, but their ideology is not so biased, and they have a wide circle of friends. Juke was surprised when one of them immediately responded to his request to keep the guards away by saying, "I have a friend who works the night shift today, I'll ask him.
 --Really. It just goes to show you how much you don't know.

"Alford. ...... here, please. No one goes through.
Yes, sir.

 Leaving the entrance to his trusted aide, Juke walked alone down the dimly lit staircase. The spiral staircase, which seemed like an eternity, was probably not that deep in reality. As he walked straight through the open space in front of him, ...... he immediately knew where he would find the girl he wanted. A small orange light was dancing erratically, probably driven by the wind blowing in.

"...... Red, Rose.

 I stopped with a thud and called out for the person behind the cold bars. It was late at night, and a girl in her prime should have been asleep.

"Your Majesty.

 Her hair, as golden as the sun, gleamed in the starlight from the skylight.
 He was standing there, looking up at the sky with his beautiful, life-giving blue sea eyes.

I believed that you would come.

 I knew that I was in a prison.
 I knew that I was in prison. I knew that my life was in danger.
 She smiled so brightly that you didn't even feel it.

 The smile was straight and unclouded, and I struggled to hold back the urge to fall to my knees.
 The only thing that would be relieved by me crawling down and apologizing would be Juke's feelings. I didn't come all this way for such selfish sentimentality.
 I took a deep breath. --I took a step.

"Can't sleep?
"...... indeed. Due to my inability to read, there are people who are still unaccounted for. I don't think I'll be able to sleep until I know that she is safe.
"If it's Shayla, it's nothing for you to worry about. It's all my fault from the beginning.

 The palace, the place.
 I'm sure you'll agree.
 It's all a result of Juke's unthinking actions.

"No, Your Majesty. No, Your Majesty, not everything is your fault.

 Slowly, her lips moved.

"The current palace has taken this form. I'm sure you're partly to blame. But at the very least, you must not blame yourself for this. --The ones who should be blamed and judged should be the ones who planned and carried out such an evil act with impunity.
"Because I was stupid. Don't you think that I was foolish enough to bring such people into the world?
Even the wisest king can't completely exclude the unwary. Even a wise king cannot completely exclude the unwary.
"You are ...... really, really kind. You're really kind. You're trying to protect me and support me even though I'm locked up in this dungeon.

 It's not as if you don't know that you're about to be executed for a crime you didn't commit.

 I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.

I've never had anyone bring up the guillotine before, but... I'm quite used to being accused of crimes I don't remember and having a bad reputation.
That's right. I'm used to being accused of crimes I don't remember and having a bad reputation." "Right. The infamous Roses of Ice and Fire, who thrive on the misery of others...

 He muttered quietly.
 Juke looked straight into Diana's eyes.

"Isn't it painful? In the event that you've got a lot of time, you'll be able to use it to your advantage.

 At that moment.
 The change in Deanna's expression was dramatic.
 Her eyes widened to the extreme, and her gaze went beyond the juke to something else.
 After a few seconds, the emotion that came to mind was.

"Your Majesty!

 It was unmistakable joy.