121 Who the flapping of the wings showed?

 --The Mamia River runs north-south through the Kingdom of Elgrand, dividing it into east and west. Its main habitat is the plains of Aix, the grasslands to the west of the river, hence its name.
 Its brown feathers look glossy even when seen indoors, but when viewed from different angles in the sun, they appear iridescent. Because of its beauty and the pleasant sound it makes, it is one of the most popular ornamental birds.

 However. Those who know their habits have always used them in a completely different way.

There are two main characteristics of the Ex-bird. The two main characteristics of the Ex-bird are its imprinting, which makes it believe that the first thing it sees is its parent, and its peculiar homing instinct.

 Dualis, in the true spirit of the Wise Man, began to explain the situation to the unfamiliar audience.

The imprinting is well known. Many birds have this characteristic, but in the case of the ...... Ex bird, no matter what it sees for the first time in its life, it stubbornly believes it to be its parent until it dies. In extreme cases, it may be just a piece of stick or a wall, but it still thinks it is its parent. The parents of Exbirds know this, so in the wild they will never, no matter what, leave their eggs until the chicks hatch.
"Perhaps the reason why you should always 'hatch from the egg' when you get an Exbird is because ......
The reason why you should always 'hatch from the egg' if you keep an Ex-bird is because it's sure that the chicks won't be picky about anyone other than their parents after being imprinted. --It is said that the first instinct of an Aequorea victoria is the visual memory of the face of its parents, and the second is the auditory memory of the voice of its parents. Taking advantage of these two factors, the Aix bird has been used as a messenger bird since ancient times.

 Dualis points to the ex-bird that has just returned to the nest.

"First, you show the hatchling the face of the parent it is to return to. Secondly, the bird is made to memorize the sound of the parent's voice by ringing a specially processed bell three times. To the human ear, the bell sounds no different from any other bell, but the Ex-bird is said to be able to distinguish the sound with certainty. Once the chicks have learned the face and voice, they are gradually separated from each other and trained to move back and forth between the two. Since X birds have excellent eyes and ears, it is said that adult birds are able to communicate within a radius of several dozen kilometers.

 Dualis nodded, "It's a really good medium-range communication method.

What makes them different from other types of birds is that their instinct to return to the nest is not in the nest, but in the parents. In other words, no matter where the parents move, as long as they can remember the face and voice of the bird, it will fly to them. In the distant past, the Antichrist countries, which were repeatedly involved in wars of aggression, were very capable couriers.
But if they are so capable, why aren't they more widely known?
"Because it has as many disadvantages as advantages. As you can see from their imprinting instincts, Exbirds are very affectionate. They live longer than any other bird of their size and lay more eggs in their lifetime, but the most common cause of death is failure to separate from their parents. When they reach adulthood and are ready to stand on their own, their parents shun them and drive them out of the nest. The children, who have the instinct to return to their parents, try to return to the nest after being thrown out, and eventually realize that they cannot return here and build their own nest. It's barely more than fifty percent.

 In Dualis' impromptu lecture, those who didn't know listened and those who did nodded profoundly. Shayla didn't seem to know and gasped.

Shayla gasped, not knowing what to think. "Only half of us are 'parentless'?
"They get kicked out, they get kicked out, they try desperately to get back to their parents, and then they run out of energy and can't fly anymore, and then they die. It is even said that the reason why Aix birds live longer than other birds and lay so many eggs in their lifetime is to compensate for the adverse effects of their strong homing instinct. If a pair of birds can successfully 'parent' three or more, then the species can slowly increase.

 You know what I mean. You know what I mean?" Dualis shrugged.

Even wild Exbirds are like that. Even wild Exbirds are like that. Exbirds that are trained for the purpose of transmission and are not dared to be separated from their parents have a love for their parents that is unparalleled in the wild. They will never forget the face of the person they recognize as their parent, and even if they get lost, they will keep flying to their parent until they die. --In fact, only one person can handle a single Ex-bird. The "voice" bell is just a signal, and the bird as a messenger is a "courier" for only one person, carrying letters to the person he saw for the first time in his life until he dies.

 This is also the reason why the Crester family does not use the ex-bird as a means of communication. More than the fact that using a flying bird for communication is actually quite prominent, the affection of the Ex-bird is 'too heavy'. Deanna believes that only those who are prepared to face a single bird to the death are qualified to deal with Exbirds.
 Because of the parent's imprinting and love that is combined with the homing instinct, an Ex-bird chick that sees for the first time in its life an inorganic object that does not return its feelings will not be able to live long. This is because newborn chicks can only receive food from the person they have learned to call their parents, and it is difficult for them to even sleep without their parents by their side. It is said that in the history of training X birds as message birds, there was an attempt to imprint them as 'parents' by first showing them something like an emblem, and then to make them walk back and forth between the emblem and the bell, but it is recorded that the chicks did not respond at all to being fed while being shown the emblem, and that they weakened and died.

It takes a lot of time and effort to raise them, but one of them has to be fixed in order to function. In addition, if there is no parent who remembers the face of the bird, there is a limit to how long the bird can stay with just a bell. It will wander around looking for its parents and become weak. They are good at getting along with people, they are smart, and they are sure to bring you letters, but in a world full of wars where anyone can die at any time, they are difficult birds to deal with. So, although they were capable, they were not widely used. Even in the modern age, Exbirds are mainly for ornamental purposes. If you hatch a bird from an egg and keep it with its parents, it will live a long time because its instincts will be satisfied. The only thing you can't do is give them to someone else. ......

 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

I'd like to know too, Marquis de Cocotte. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that the Marquis of Cocotte is a very dear friend of mine, and I'd like to know what this has to do with you picking up the bell and flying off in a straight line.

 I'm not sure what to make of this.

 In the event that you're not sure what to do, you'll be able to find a number of ways to do it.
 The Marquis de Cocotte, who seemed to be unable to reply, was pursued by Dualis without stopping.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea. Are you sure?
Yes, Count. I'm sure.
I mean... It's very likely that the parent of the bell is the person to whom the man was directly asking for instructions, given the habits of the Ex-bird. If the Ex-bird, which had flown this far relying on its voice, lost its voice and went for its parent's face, which is the first instinct to return home. --It is reasonable to assume that there was some kind of connection between the Marquis de Cocotte and the gang that kidnapped Miss Shayla.
"No, no, no! This is some kind of mistake!
No, no, no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It seems to be quite fond of you, doesn't it?

 The Ex-bird rubs its head against the Marquis de Cocotte's hand, beeping. This is the gesture of a child showing affection to a parent.

 Visible, conclusive evidence. Sometimes they are far more reliable witnesses than humans, because the actions of these silent animals do not lie.
 Dualis walked slowly down to the seat where the Marquis de Cocotte sat.

"Marquis de Cocotte. Your position at the royal court is Deputy Minister of the Interior. ...... You were the head of the eight deputy ministers. He knows a lot about the law and is often asked to give his opinion, unofficially, to the Arbitration Bureau.
That's .......
In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for and how you can get it.

 For the kingdom of Ergeland, the territories managed by each nobleman are a reward given by the royal family, but also a responsibility. It is not illegal to organize an army within the budget to guard one's own territory (in fact, there are armies in the various Crestor territories), but it is not legal to invade other territories with that army. After all, since the time of the old, still unnamed "Kingdom of the Lake," the country has been committed to the principle of "If we are invaded, we will beat them up and drive them out, but we will not invade ourselves," and has achieved the unification of the peninsula by adhering to this principle. The country has a latent aversion to armed aggression.
 The fact that the nobles of the kingdom have their own armies to protect their respective territories and still maintain peace without any clashes is also due to this basic premise that armed invasion is impossible. In fact, when a dispute over territory arose in Zephra, the territory of Crester, last spring, there was no thought of moving the armies of each other.
 --In short. In spite of the fact that the country has such a basic premise, the Marquis of Cocotte's army, which is being guarded by the neighboring lords, is objectively in the "bad" category.

 Deanna remembered Marcia, the Marquise de Cocotte, and Liliane's mention of her father during their clash at the New Year's Eve party two months ago.

The Marquis de Cocotte is a fine man who never loses his pride as a nobleman. The Marquis of Cocotte is an honorable man who has never lost his pride as a nobleman. He will not be angry with Marcia for her behavior in the palace, but he will praise her for standing up to a foolish woman. It's wrong for a non-nobleman to hold a title,......, and you might even invade a neighboring territory, don't you think?

 Yes. The Marquise de la Cocotte is a noble family. The Marquise de la Cocotte is preparing for war.
 The Marquesses of Cocotte are preparing for war. At that time, Diana was forced to back off from Marcia, who was harming Shayla, and also from the daughter of the Marquess of Harlai and Merces who were there. Even though I had the help of the palace kitchen and Chris and the palace guards to seize the decisive moment.
 By Liliane's arrangement, her personal attendants were withdrawn from the inner court immediately after the new year. Marcia and the others were under the guard of the court guards and were under virtual house arrest. After a while, the movements of Sophia and the others came to light, and although the number of guards itself was reduced due to this, they were still able to detect any suspicious movements.

 But that's just the story of Marcia in the palace.
 After Sophia and the others began to move as if in a fever, the attention of the conservative aristocracy as a whole was diverted in favor of investigating the cause of their strange behavior. The Marquesses of Landrose were being probed on the grounds that Sophia and the others' movements were too convenient a development for the conservatives, but ...... honestly, there are plenty of conservative houses that need attention. No matter how good the Cresta family is at espionage, there is always a limit to how broad and shallow you can go.
 Of course, there is no way that the Crester family did not look into the "military equipment of the Marquis de Cocotte," which Liliane had so directly told them about. However, in Dualis's opinion, the military itself remained a matter of caution, because "it is certainly not of negligible size, but it is not ready to move right now, nor is it well trained.
 For the nobility of this country, which has not experienced a real war since 150 years ago, the belligerent neighboring lord with an army of above-average size and number of weapons is probably more than enough to pose a threat. But unfortunately, the idea that having enough soldiers and weapons is enough to make a strong army is wrong. The Marquess of Cocotte's army, in the eyes of Dualis, who knew a lot about armies for war, was an existence that needed to be watched carefully, but not to the point of full alert.

 I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 This time the "kidnapping". I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but I'm sure you've heard of it.
 The "coordinator" of the conservatives was...

"Lord Cott. In your position, you can either back up Lord Harlai or interfere with the way Lord Merced is being treated at the Mediation Bureau. If it is your subordinate who is focusing on building up the army, it would not be difficult for you to knock out the outlaws gathered in the tavern and infiltrate the six kidnappers.
"Wait, .......
"Oh, I see. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. Nowadays, only Antichrist scholars or ornithologists know about it. Only Antichristologists and ornithologists know about it nowadays.
"Don't you know Count Clester? And the traveler who sent Miss Shayla Callerd home.
I happen to have read a book about that. I don't know where the 'traveler' found out about it without asking him, but if he's traveling all over the ...... kingdom, he may have had a chance to visit the Plain of Ex.

 ...... Well, since it's Kai, of course he's been to the Plain of Ex. If anything, as a "cub lion" who straddles the underworld, this kind of knowledge is essential. Some of the couriers in the underworld, though few in number, specialize in birds.
 The Marquis de Cocotte's complexion grew worse and worse as he was misled by Dualis's exquisite words, which were neither a lie nor the truth. The Marquis de Cocotte's face is getting worse and worse.
 He looked around restlessly, his eyes moving from side to side. --Finally, he stands up.
 The ex-bird on his lap jumped up in surprise and perched on the Marquis de Cocotte's shoulder.

"I see. I see. This bird is certainly one that I hatched and raised from an egg. --Count Crestor. But what proof do you have that the kidnappers used this bell to send and receive letters? Miss Shayla Callerd brought the bell back because it was in the same place as the letter, but I don't think she actually saw the bell being used.
"What are you demanding of a very ordinary young lady? In the event that you've been kidnapped and you've not been extensively searched by the royal court, just escaping on your own and bringing back solid physical evidence is quite a feat.
"Um, no, Count. It is true that I did not witness the scene where the bell was used, but I did hear the ...... sound.
The sound?
Yes. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out how to get the best out of this. ...... Perhaps that's when the exchange of letters took place.

 The Marquis de Cocotte, who had thought he had found a breakthrough in Shayla's testimony, once again grew impatient. The Marquis de Cocotte, who had thought he had found a breakthrough with Shayla's testimony, once again grew impatient.
 Dualis gave the Marquis de Cocotte a very impersonal smile.

You're right. In the city, there's nothing strange about the sound of bells coming out of nowhere. But if you hear a bell ringing in a deserted forest, and then a piece of paper with instructions appears out of nowhere, and at the same place as the paper there is a special bell that calls birds, that's more than enough evidence, even without eyewitness testimony.

"Oh, Father. May I have a word?

 Edward, who had received the paper of instructions from Dualis and had retreated with Keith to the side of the cart, seemed to have discovered something and raised his hand.

"What is it?
The Marquis of Cocotte is the person who wrote this paper, although we won't know for sure until we examine it.
"...... What makes you say that? I am surprised that the son of Clester had the talent to judge the handwriting of others at a glance.
No, Marquis. I don't have that kind of literary talent. It's not the handwriting I'm looking for, it's the ink used.

 The Marquis de Cocotte's eyes widened, and Dualis tilted his head at the same time.

The Marquis de Cocotte's eyes widened and he tilted his head.
The Marquis de Cocotte's eyes widened and he tilted his head. I've heard that a new type of writing instrument with an integrated inkwell that emits ink from the nib has recently become popular among the higher-ups.
"Really? I didn't know there was such a trend.
The Marquis de Cocotte is so fond of this new type of writing instrument that he wears it all the time and uses it to sign his name and scribble. The ink used in that writing instrument has been adjusted to speed up the drying process, and the color becomes lighter when heated.
Oh, I see. So you tried to heat it up first before handwriting analysis?
Yes, it's just a test. The "Instructions" paper was scribbled on, and there was a lot of blown ink. I did a little ...... and it faded beautifully.

 As he spoke, Edward approached Dualis and handed him a piece of paper, indicating the location. It's impossible to see the faded ink from Deanna's position, but there's no way Edward would lie here.
 The Marquis de Cocotte interrupts the conversation between the father and son.

Such things are not evidence. I'm not the only one who uses the new writing instruments, am I?
"Yes, of course. But at least two of the alleged ringleaders, the Marquis of Harlai and the Marquis of Merces, are not in the habit of using them. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
"There are many other Marquises in this country! There are many more Marquises in this country, conservative, neutral, innovative!
There are many other marquises in this country, conservative, neutral, innovative! No matter how the war in the palace turns out, there are no relatives in the side chambers. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. ...... I've been meaning to tell you that.
"...... what?
No? It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for and what you can do to help. In the event that you're not sure what to do, you can always ask your doctor.

 The onomatopoeia of "pop" could be heard from the entire assembly at any moment. When Deanna became the Red Rose, the Red Rose faction somehow formed and sparked off with the Peony faction, a group of conservative side chambers, so it seems that people assumed that the current Red Rose was an innovator.
 In the first place, Diana is not really interested in factional strife, and the formation of the Red Rose Faction was an unexpected result of a combination of unfortunate coincidences and misunderstandings. The reason why she has led the Red Rose Faction to this point is not to boost the Innovation Faction at all, but to stop Liliane from running amok, to stabilize the palace, to suppress the dissatisfaction of the Innovation Faction's concubines and their families, and to prevent the palace from becoming a trigger for war. In all seriousness, I don't really care about the rise and fall of the Red Rose Faction or the Innovation Faction itself.

 At Edward's words, some of them looked up at Deanna, who was sitting in the defendant's seat with a look of "Oh, by the way. Their eyes are as eloquent as their mouths, and I can almost hear them saying, "Why did you create the Innovation Faction? "Why did you create the Innovation Faction?
 Deanna, for her part, looks at her brother with dismay, who has come here to turn all logic on its head.

It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has a problem with this. I'm sure you're aware of that, but I'm not sure what you're getting at. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea. I'm sure you've all heard of Deanna Krester, who planned something so pointless, full of holes, and then got caught after forcing it through without understanding the holes?
"Yes, but... I'm sure she was planning to gain the trust of the innovators and invite the Cresta family to the royal palace.
No. No. We will not accept an invitation from the Queen who is defended by the innovators. Because House Crester would be considered the innovators. I don't think we'll be able to rise to the throne with the help of a faction.
My sister knows that's what my father would say. It's pointless, no matter how you look at it, for Diana to plot to kidnap Miss Shayla.
She wants to be a queen. Isn't that enough of a motive?
I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot more information on this topic in the coming weeks. There is no need for her to go to the trouble of committing a crime and making herself look bad in the eyes of His Majesty and the Outer Court. Really, the more I think about it, the less advantageous it is for Diana herself.
The fact that the Red Rose has no motive was stated by her at the beginning of the assembly.
Is that so, Your Majesty?
Oh. Sheila Callerd's presence was a hindrance, and everyone said she was trying to get rid of her, but she never thought of it that way. Isn't that right?

 Juke looked at her and asked for confirmation. Deanna chuckled.

If motive is the point of contention, shouldn't we be looking for the people who would benefit the most from eliminating both Shayla and me? It is clear from Madame Magnom's investigation and the evidence Shayla brought back that I had nothing to do with this. On the contrary, the Marquis who ordered Shayla's kidnapping was even trying to make Shayla's murder look like the work of the Red Rose Faction. It's not just that I have nothing to do with it, but it also shows the clear will of the "Marquis" that he wants the "Red Rose" (me) to kill the "Shayla-sama".

 In the event that you're not sure what to do, you'll be able to find out how to do it in a few minutes. In the event that you've got a lot of time, you may want to take a look at a few of the things that are available.

I'm sure you've heard of it. --I wonder who would benefit the most from that?

At least you're not an innovator, that's for sure. Regardless of the factions in the Crestor family, the fact remains that you are the one who unites the innovators in the Inner Palace. The loss of the current Red Rose will only destroy the innovation faction in the Inner Palace, but it will not be for the better.
"Neutrals have nothing to gain either. House Crestor is neutral. Killing their daughter won't do the faction any good.
Do you understand, Lord Cott? By process of elimination, the Marquis who ordered the kidnapping is a conservative. Furthermore, he must be in a position to protect Lord Harlai. If you narrow down the list to those who use the new writing instruments ...... on a regular basis, then who else is left?

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 The Marquis de Cocotte shook his head in disbelief.

The Marquis de Cocotte shook his head in disbelief, "All such things are your own conjecture! The Ex-bird's bell was found by the kidnapper and was in his possession. If the Marquis is a mishearing of Miss Callerd, the ink in the new writing instrument is not a decisive factor. Even if the current "Red Rose" has no motive and the conservatives are involved in this matter, then they should first question the Duke of Harleigh there before calling in the birds. At the very least, it is an indisputable fact that the Duke of Harleigh has been plotting against Deanna Crester!
"What does that ...... mean, Lord Cott!

 "What does that mean, Lord Cocotte?" shouted the forgotten Lord Harlai from the Ex-Bird crap. Pale and shaking his bloated body.

It was you who told me that Deanna Crester was annoyed with Shayla Callerd and was planning to kidnap her! You are the one who told me that Deanna Crester was annoyed with Shayla Callerd and was planning to kidnap her! I have no proof, but I know for a fact that you can use this to destroy the Red Rose Faction!
I don't know! I don't know anything about this.
Oh, no. You're abandoning me!
Abandon me? What do you mean? It's obvious that I can no longer protect you, who, as the Assistant Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Home Affairs, had the audacity to capture the first in line to the inner palace without much evidence and demand the death penalty.
The heartless ....... You've certainly said that. You said it yourself, even if I am outmatched, I will always be on your side!
"Of course, it is only natural that I, as Deputy Minister, believe in you and stand by you. But only if there is justice in your actions, right?
You said that justice is to abolish the Red Rose, to destroy the Red Rose Faction, and to restore the supremacy of the Inner Palace to our hands!
"Well, what did you think? Even if that was justice, you sacrificed your innocent daughter to achieve it, so there is no righteousness in you anyway.

 The Marquis de Cocotte's words were righteous at every turn, but at the same time, they were also "You don't say! at the same time.
 The Marquis of Harleigh, who seemed to be mentally overwhelmed, shouted, "I have no righteousness.

If I am not righteous, then what about you? Deanna Krester did not plan the kidnapping, and the message bird used by one of the kidnappers was connected to you. That means... You're the real culprit behind the kidnapping of Sheila Callerd, aren't you?
That's what it means. --Lord Harlai, you seem to be more intelligent than I thought.

 I'm not sure if it's a compliment or a compliment to the Marquis of Harrai, who hit the nail on the head, but Dualis took over.
 In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

I'm not sure if "true culprit" is the right word. The fact that it was Lino Tandor and Oleg Magentis who planned this kidnapping is unassailable. It was these two who gathered the perpetrators and arranged the legwork to get to the palace, and it was Bell who guided them inside the palace. --The Duke of Cocotte was only trying to manipulate this kidnapping behind the scenes.
I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea. It is reasonable to assume that Duke Kocot and the person with the red and silver hair were somehow connected.
I've only heard bits and pieces of the letter, but I can see that both Rhino and Oleg thought they were doing evil of their own accord. They were trying to get the perpetrators to believe that they had committed the crime of kidnapping the side chambers of their own volition, but in fact, they were trying to control the plan by blending their own hands into the ranks of the people they had gathered as their pawns. If the perpetrators are not aware that they are being manipulated, they certainly won't be able to get to the end of the thread if they remain silent.
"The real culprit, or rather, the one who made the plan, has the strings, and is involved in the execution, is just the main culprit, isn't he?
Yeah. The charges that Deanna was accused of, if true, should have been brought against the Duke of Kolkot.
In fact, it's a set to kidnap Mistress Shayla and frame the current Red Rose for the crime, even plotting her execution. This is not only the crime of kidnapping a favored princess, but also the crime of treason for trying to entrap the first lady of the side house.

 It's not that I don't like it, but it's not that I don't like it. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

What the hell is ......? Why are you looking at me like that? Do you really believe the words of Crester, the 'evil of the realm'?
"Lord Cocotte, .......
"Don't call me that! There is no truth in the words of the Cresta. How many have fallen victim to their wickedness and disappeared into history since they were given their titles? We old-timers, who have supported the kingdom since the distant past, should know better!
It's .......

 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. The words of the head of the family, who is a heavyweight among the old aristocracy, are that much more weighty for the conservatives.
 If you think about it calmly and reasonably, it is clear that it is not the Cresters ...... who are reasonable, but rather the camp that sides with Diana. Although the Cresta's have joined in, when the courtesan's group came on board, family and so on became irrelevant in asserting Diana's innocence.
 But. Even though the three "famous" people are on our side and are pulling for us. Of course, most of the people who came to this point were from the new noble families belonging to the "Red Rose Faction". They were not treated as nobles to begin with, and their words would not reach the radical conservatives, at least not as the voices of people in the same position.

 It's more than a straightforward appeal from the daughters of the side chambers who've been watching Diana since summer in the same place. To the extent that they are swayed by the words of the Marquis de Cocotte, the Marquis de Cocotte's rash words, "family" and "history" are absolute for them.

 The Marquis de Cocotte, who spoke with such passion, seemed to have regained his composure when he realized that his words were still valid for the conservatives. He caught his breath and heaved his chest.

"All right. Think about it. Rhino Tandor, one of the perpetrators of the kidnapping approved by House Crestor, is the brother of Sophia Tandor, the closest thing to a Red Rose in the Red Rose Court. And the Red Rose herself admitted that Sophia had been harming Shayla Callerd since the beginning of the year. If we just look at the facts without being misled by such nonsense as manipulation, isn't it perfectly reasonable to assume that the Red Rose was involved in the outburst of the Tandors, and that the Red Rose was responsible for it?
Whether they were involved or not, ......
Yes, it is. The Red Rose herself said that she would bear the blame if there was a lack of supervision.
Oh. It's just an excuse for Clester to say that the murderers were manipulated. It's a good idea to take a look at a few of the things that you can do to make sure you're getting the most out of your time with your family. If so, it would not be so unreasonable to place the blame on the Red Rose herself.

 If the emotion of anger had been visible, the council might have been dyed a fiery scarlet at this moment. That's how dramatic the changes in the rearguard group were. Not only Shayla, but also Raia, Yolanda, and Letitia. The ladies, including Master Magnum. The ladies who had rushed to Deanna's side when she was in danger. --They all stared at the Marquis de Cocotte in unison.
 It wasn't because they had good self-control that they didn't shout out abuse. It was an excellent proof that when anger is at its peak, people forget their words.
 Even if they weren't as angry as the girls, Dualis and Edward were certainly dismayed by the Marquis' brazen words. Apparently, the Marquis de Cocotte is very good at pretending to be a sensible person and telling us a lot of quibbles that we can only say, "You don't say that.
 Both Volz in the Speaker's seat and Juke in the King's seat seemed to be at a loss as to what to say in response to the Marquis's absurd argument. In this kind of situation, common sense people are at a disadvantage.

 Looking around at the entire assembly, Diana sighed deeply inwardly. The Marquis de Cocotte's "don't tell me what to do" strategy will get the better of you if you continue like this.
 --The Marquis of Cocotte's "Don't tell me what to do.

I understand the Marquis' words very well.
"...... Huh?
"Red Rose?

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. In the event that you've got a lot of money, you're going to need to be able to pay for it.

That's right. It is true that whatever the reason, they moved to solidify my position, kidnapped Shayla-sama, and disrupted the royal palace. Even if it was far from my actual intentions and I was not involved in any of their misdeeds.
You're so straightforward.
I have no intention of distorting the facts. --But, Marquis.

 From the place where the guilty stand.
 But, Marquis," she said, shooting the Marquis de Cocotte in the eye with a sharp, strong, straight gaze.

"If you're asking me to take responsibility for my position. If I am to be held accountable for my position, then I must also be held accountable for the actions of those who led them astray. I am to blame for not being able to stop them. And you, for manipulating them and trying to take Master Shayla's life.
The fact that I'm to blame doesn't absolve you of your sins. In other words, don't your words just mean that you want the ...... council to accept my blame and let us both die together?

 He smiled and spoke his last words.
 Before the lingering echoes of her words could fade, a voice like a scream cut through the assembly hall.

"Master Diana!

 The pale Shayla is staring at me with her eyes rolled up to the limit.

"No! And again, you - you take on everything by yourself, and try to pretend that the distortion of the world did not happen with your existence!
"Master Shayla: ....... But I'm sure I couldn't stop Master Sophia.
"So why do you have to bear it? I'm sure I couldn't stop her, but I'm sure I couldn't stop her. In your heart of hearts, you didn't want to fight for the faction, nor did you want to be at the top of it! You just wanted to live a peaceful, ordinary life, didn't you?

 What Shayla really meant when she said that was... Sheila was speaking to her as "Dee", not "Deanna".
 Deanna shook her head from side to side without effort.

"Master Shayla. I'm sure that most of the people here will not even listen to me if I confess my true feelings here.
"Leave those whose eyes and ears are just for decoration alone. They don't know your true intentions, they don't know how much you've devoted yourself to the palace, to us. How can it be your fault alone that you couldn't stop Master Sophia? There are other ladies of the court of higher rank than Master Sophia. If Master Sophia's actions were a misdeed that disrupted the order of the court, it doesn't matter what faction or position you belong to to stop her. Everyone should have been aware of their own responsibility and faced it. ...... Isn't that right?

 I'm not sure what to make of that. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I'm sure you're right, Shayla.
I'm not sure what to make of it.
I was given a room with a name, even though I came from the same house of count, and because of that, I was not able to speak with Master Sophia very intimately. But now that I think about it, I should have taken the initiative to talk to her, since we come from the same house with the same innovative approach. If she had had a friend who was not affiliated with a faction and who knew her well, her mind might have been different.

"Dear Laia, Yolanda, Letitia. ......
"Dear Diana. We've decided not to let you do anything you don't want to.
"Yes. Whenever we take our eyes off you, you try to make it all go away by sacrificing yourself. She doesn't give a second thought to how much it will hurt us. ...... Diana's kindness is sometimes cruel.

 I'm not sure what to make of that. I'm not sure if that's how others see me. ......
 I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try.

You're too responsible, Deanna. You take on too much because you're the first in line. In all fairness, Diana is definitely the victim of being framed by those people. If you think about the fact that Sophia didn't respond to Deanna's persuasion because she was in a brainwashed state, it was the people who brainwashed her ...... who were to blame. It's nothing to be concerned about, Deanna.
"Is that so, ......?
At the very least, I don't think anyone here at the palace would accept Sophia's foolish claim that Deanna is to blame for Rhyno's actions. You know, Yolanda?
"Of course not. There has never been a person in history who has fulfilled the responsibility of being the first in line to the side as Deanna-sama has. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

 Yolanda nodded deeply, and Shayla opened her mouth again.

"Master Diana has already sacrificed enough for the kingdom. We here will never forgive you if you trample on her noble soul just to judge the sins of a foolish lord. --We will protect you even from Diana-sama herself!
"Yeah! What are you doing? You're not making any sense!
"You've lost your nerve, Lord Cokot.
"Shut up, you little Straylor! He's admitted he's responsible. Stay out of this!

 The Marquis de Cotte, who has left Deanna behind and wants to somehow pursue Deanna's responsibility for the incident, and the rest of the palace, who are trying to protect Deanna at all costs, glare at each other with ignited gunpowder balls in their hands instead of sparks. The Crester family, which has been ridiculed for its evil, is completely out of the picture.
 The whole assembly gasped and wondered what would happen from here.

"So, if you're not ...... 'out in the open', is that okay?

 Underneath the front door, which was left open.
 Accompanied by Mia and Yuri.
 The only one who had been mentioned by name, Sophia Tandor, stood on her own feet and made her appearance in the council chamber.