126 To the "future" that never ends

 Surprisingly, it wasn't only the three named men who left the main room. The tea, which had gone almost untouched, was reheated and even the maids of honor, including Rita, left the room without a word. It seems that they intend to stay in the Red Rose Room itself, since they disappeared in two groups into the antechamber and the private room.
 When Shayla and I were alone in the large room, her sky-blue eyes stared intensely at Diana.
 It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your vacation.

"...... Dee.

 I'm not sure what to say.
I'm not sure what to say, but I'm not sure what to do. This is the first time we're really talking face to face.
 Shayla couldn't stop the speechless Deanna.

"You're an idiot. Dee is an idiot.
"Shayla ......
I've always said that I love you, Red Rose ....... So why did you assume that if you revealed yourself to me, I would hate you?
"Because I was afraid of ....... I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. And when I was playing the Red Rose, I wasn't doing anything that would make Shayla like me.
"Dee had a lot of secrets, but she never once lied to me and cheated on me. Not even with the Red Rose. Always kind, always noble, always more concerned about others than herself. It's only natural to fall in love with someone like that.
...... There are very, very few people in aristocratic society who would take a favorable view of my actions like that.

 Shayla's arms tighten.

"So... So just leave the people with ornate eyes and ears and empty heads alone. The only people who speak ill of Dee are the ones who are so misled by rumors that they can't even see the reality in front of them. It's good that it's so obvious and easy to understand.
"...... Well, that's really disparaging His Majesty around summer, isn't it?
Yeah. If there was no sign of remorse, I would have been disillusioned. ...... On the contrary, I think it's great that you've been so convinced of the truth of the rumors that you've been hearing, and now you're trying to get out of it and see for yourself.

 I was deeply relieved. "I hate her Majesty for saying those horrible things to Dee! Diana would not be able to recover for a while, in many ways. Or Juke, for that matter.

(......, by the way)

 Once again, I'm impressed by Shayla's sharpness. I am impressed by Shayla's keenness once again. She is able to infer a person's true nature from his attitude toward "Crestor", which is exactly the same as the "pact" between Ast and Paulast. Shayla sometimes gets right to the heart of things like this. You might think it's just a feeling, but it's a conclusion based on logical thinking, so it's not to be underestimated.
 I laugh when I think about it.

"...... You're right.
I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea. ...... I didn't want to lose her, so I was cowardly without knowing it.
It's not the first time Dee has been scared in a weird way.

 I puzzled, and she giggled. Shayla untied her arm, and they turned to face each other.

"Oh, I feel better now. I've decided that the first thing I'm going to do when I see Dee again is give her a big hug.
What's that?
Because Dee, you were always so nervous that if you saw her face, she would be scared or hate you. No matter what she looked like, she was still Dee, and there was no way she would be scared. I thought the best way to prove it was to hug her.
...... I don't understand Shayla's logic sometimes.
"Well... Well, to put it simply, I wanted to hug Dee.

 I feel like I've gone rather far from logic, but when someone says it so clearly, all I can do is say, "Oh, really?
 But Shayla was not happy with that answer and pouted her lips.

"You don't understand, Dee.
I know you wanted to hug me.
"That's the motive! I love you, I really, really love you, and I wanted to tell you how much!

 ...... is still the same Shayla, "Wait, that's out of character if it's not between two girls! Sheila. It seems that Juke's jealousy of the stranger "Dee" may have been right, and friendship is difficult.
 I was tempted to complain to Shayla that if she hadn't shown this aggressiveness to Juke, the story wouldn't have been so complicated.
 I'm sure that the silence between our faces was an honest omission of my inner thoughts, and Shayla glared at me.

...... You look like you have something to say.
I'm not sure what to say. I'm very happy for Shayla's feelings, and I love Shayla too, but... I love Shayla very much and I love her very much, but I feel like I'm doing Her Majesty a disservice by being so lovey-dovey here.
"My feelings for you and my love for Dee are two different things. His Majesty won't be mad at me.
I'm not angry, I'm upset. Shayla, you don't know her, but she's a pain in the ass when she's upset.
What is there to be upset about in this conversation?
I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but he's a pain in the ass. I'm sure Shayla knows it's impossible, but wouldn't you hate it if His Majesty's heart went out to someone other than Shayla?
"...... That's true, but... I'm not sure what to make of that. In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

 Okay, here comes a statement that can only be tweaked.

"If a young lady who can escape from multiple kidnappers with important evidence, take everyone in the palace with her to the assembly, make a public statement in such a conspicuous place, and then team up with her demon lord father to hunt down the criminals is an 'ordinary person', then I guess there are only less than ordinary people in this world.
The testimony of the council was tweaked here and there, so it wasn't really that great. It was thanks to you, not me, that I was able to escape from the kidnappers safely and get the paper and the bell as evidence.

 Before I could even begin to freak out at the name that naturally came out of Shayla's mouth, a voice and a presence simultaneously fell from above.

No, that was a fine play by Shayla. You escaped from the hut on your own before I could help you, you knew who was holding the evidence, and you were the one who moved him to give you the bell, not me.
"Oh, there you are. I was going to come to the Nolan Trading Company to thank you.
Yeah, don't be so sarcastic and pretend to believe in 'pretense'.
But after you left us, you met up with Nolan's people, didn't you?
I'm not going to pretend that I believe in 'pretense'. I'm not sure what to make of that. I'm not sure what to make of this.

 The last question was to Diana. Hearing the name of the uncle she hadn't seen in a long time, Deanna smiled a little.

"Uncle Jin, how are you?
"Oh, yeah, I'm great.
Did I ever tell you that our family is a male family?
No, I don't think so.
I see. For some reason, the Cresta family, especially the eldest son who inherits the family, has always had very few girls. Aunt Fifi was the first girl born in almost two hundred years. That's why my grandfather was so crazy about her, he always said, "I won't marry you unless you love her more than me! When my aunt fell in love with my uncle, he went all out to scare his son-in-law.
"Wow, ......
"Well, if you've met my uncle, you'll know that he's not so naive as to be defeated by a bandit father who loves his daughter. I'm not sure what to make of that. I was born at ......, right? The "youngest daughter of Crester" was not expected to be born for at least another hundred years after her aunt.

 Elizabeth, who married Dualis knowing that she would probably never have a daughter, also said, "I want a cousin! Edward, who was appeased by his calm father, who said, "Don't get your hopes up.
 In a way, his aunt Fiona was even more delighted.

The youngest daughter is special to our family because she is rarely born. The reason why our youngest daughter is so special is because she is rarely born. That's why your aunt was brought up with such care and ...... I think she was really lonely.

 Children who inherit the blood of the eldest son, whether male or female, are without exception born with a villainous side. A son can learn from his father how to use his evil side, but there is a limit to how much a daughter can follow her father's example since they are different genders. The only people who can share her situation despite her reputation as a "bad girl" exist in the old writings.
 Instead of taking pity on her niece, who had been born a villain, Fiona was happy to be able to support her by sharing her knowledge and experience. She took time out of her busy work at the Chamber of Commerce to visit Diana, and was truly compassionate to her.
 His beloved wife, who doted on her niece in a different way from her sons, also loved Jin.

"Your uncle used to say to me, 'Thank you for saving Fee. I didn't do anything special, but the more I learned about ...... things, the more I understood. My aunt must have been relieved of the loneliness of being the youngest daughter when I was born.
"...... I see. I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure you'll understand. I'm sure you've heard of it, but I've never seen it. "By the way, how much do you earn?
"By the way, how much do you earn?
"This is why I hate merchants! That's why I hate merchants!
Oh, my God. Dee, you're going to have a hard time if you're stuck with a man who's not worth it.
No, no. The reason why Kai and his father's income is lower than average is probably because of our family. I think I'm pretty good at avoiding my family and earning money in the "back" business to make a normal living.

 I don't deny that being used as a vassal by an unworthy man is what people call a hardship. I'm sure you'll find a lot of people who'd like to know more about this topic, but I'm not sure if you'll be able to.
 ...... But there was something else that had been bothering Deanna for a while now, something that had been bothering her a lot.

I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure what to make of that.
"Wait a minute, Dee. Why are you assuming that I did something to Shayla? Don't you think it's possible?
I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on. So it must be you who's at fault.
"Dee ......!
No, no, no, no. You've got to trust me a little bit.
I do trust you, of course I do. But that's not the same thing. I don't know what to say. I'm not denying it.
I'm not denying it. I wouldn't buy a fight for no reason either.
Wait, didn't you pick a fight with me first?
No, it was you, Shayla. No, Shayla. I was being very mature.
"......, the exemplary 'adult response' is filing a huge complaint. What's so 'adult' about that?

 Yes, I understand. I don't know why, but it seems that these two are completely at odds with each other.
 You'd think Shayla would be the one being harsh, but Kai is not letting it go. Kai is good at appeasing other people's emotions and letting them go because of his job. If he doesn't do that, it means that he doesn't want to let Shayla's words flow.

The more you fight, the better you get along, and as long as you're honestly saying what you want to say to each other, it's clear that you approve of each other's existence. However, this is a problem on a different level from whether they get along well or not, and I can only say that they don't really get along. It's like water and oil repelling each other.

...... Are you so tense that there was no trouble on the way back?

 I believed that Kai would save Shayla, and he promised to do so, so I was able to endure the prison without wavering.
 However, it was completely out of the realm of possibility that the two of them would turn into oil and water. Didn't the stress of the journey make them feel sick to their stomachs?
 When asked, they stopped arguing immediately and Shayla shook her head reluctantly.

"It was annoyingly safe. The carriage was perfect, the speed was perfect, the road we took was perfect, and it was surprisingly easy to get back to King's Landing.
"I didn't choose the carriage and the road, though. I didn't choose the carriage or the road, but thanks to my strongest support team, the trip back was rather easy.
I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but I'm sure you've heard of it. I didn't know that ....... I'm not sure what to make of it.
I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but I think it's a good idea. ...... Did your sister-in-law tell you that?
Yes. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. He said, "Thank you for thinking so much of my sister-in-law. You're a good-looking guy, Chris.
"Of course. I don't know a better-looking woman than my sister-in-law.

 Her appearance alone is cute and chubby, but when she holds a sword, Chris's dignity makes even people of the same s*x fall in love with her. When I saw her for the first time, I was so excited that I clung to her and was poked by Edward. ...... Maybe that was jealousy, as Juke calls it. I'm not sure, but I don't think my brother was.
 I'm not sure what to make of it.

It's really, ...... really. You were all worried about me.
It's .......
It's not just Chris. It's not only Chris-sama, but also the three famous people who knew that Dee had been poisoned, and all the members of her entourage who loved her ...... even if they didn't know about it. I didn't sleep a wink, I was working to prove Dee's innocence.

 I couldn't breathe for a moment at the revelation. Shayla and Kai, in front of the two people who don't need to mend the Red Rose, their lips move on their own.

"Why ......?
Why did you go to all that trouble to get me?
...... You don't know that, which is why it's so easy for Dee to be so reckless.

 Shayla smiled sadly. Kai chuckled too.

"If there's a reason, there's only one. ...... Everyone loves Dee.

 The kind, gentle words ...... hurt right now.

"I don't want to mourn because I love you. I love you, so I want to protect you. --I love you and I want you to be happy. I want you to be happy. It's the same thing. I love you and I want to protect you.
I know. I know, but I don't know why. I don't know why, because I've been helped so much by Shayla and everyone at the Named. I haven't done anything to make them like me.
"I don't need a reason. We like you because you're Dee.

 When Deanna was finally unable to speak, Shayla hugged her gently again.

"We love you, Dee. We love you, Dee. That's why we all get angry and worried when you're reckless, and we rush to your aid when you're in danger, no matter what.
"Shayla ......
"I know from what you just said that you can't stop Dee from being reckless when the time comes. So Dee, you have to know that if you do anything rash, you'll worry us to death and you'll get angry and cry like this.

 I knew from the start that I would be angry. I knew from the start that I was going to be pissed off, but I wondered if I had the right ...... to be worried enough to cry and desperate enough to pull an all-nighter.
 You will find a lot of things that you can do to make your life easier.

You know, Dee. I'll always love you, Dee, no matter what you think of yourself. Please don't deny that.
"Shayla is ...... really, really perceptive.
Dee is easy to understand.
...... That's what Kai said to me once.
I'm not sure if it's the Red Rose mode, but the real Dee usually comes out in her face. ...... And by the way, I completely agree with Shayla's words so far.

 I'm not sure if Kai's comment was a signal of some kind, but Shayla's warmth is leaving her. Sheila looked at Kai with a somewhat cold look.

"Isn't that cheating?
"I don't know. I don't know. I'm jealous of your straightforwardness, Shayla, but I am.
Jealous men are not popular.
My dad says that jealousy has ruined more men than women in all ages. Thanks for the advice. I'll be careful.

"...... Hey, what are you talking about?

 I think the sparks I see between Shayla and Kai are some kind of hallucination, but I can't help but feel they're real. I mean, really, what happened on the way home?
 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the web site.

I'm not sure what to make of it.

 I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. ...... Dee needs to get some rest too.
...... I'm fine, but I think Shayla needs to rest.
"Dee needs to rest too. Dee needs to rest, too. If you do anything more reckless, I won't forgive you this time.

 Laughing lightly, Shayla stood up. I stood with her and watched as she left the room.
 As I slammed the door shut behind me, I heard a chirpy voice behind me.

It looks like the maids have set up your bunk for you. It's time to sleep.
The sun is pretty high up.
The sun is pretty high up. ...... Hey, where do you think you're going?

 He saw that you were trying to open a closed door again. You'll be able to find a lot more information on the web. Taking advantage of the fact that she lost her balance, she was easily picked up.
 In Kai's arms, Deanna cried out in protest.

"Hey, Kai!
"What?" "I'm not sleepy, I'm not going to bed yet. I'm not going to sleep. ...... I have to go somewhere, and you know it.

 While we were talking, I went to my bedroom and he put me down on my bunk. Before I could get up, they put their hands on my head and stuck me.

What are you going to do? --Dee's going to Sofia's is not going to bring Belle and Rhyno back to life.

 Almost by reflex, I tried to flip Kai's hand off, but he grabbed my hand as I moved. I was able to stand up, but I couldn't move with my arm in his grasp.
 I stared straight at the man who was telling me the cruel truth.

But still! But still, I can't leave you alone in that state!
"She's not alone. I know that Dee would say that, so Mia and Yuri are with me.
It's my fault, and I'm not even allowed to be involved!

 --The moment I shouted, I was hugged tightly.
 A large hand went around my head, completely blocking my movement, and only a deep, quiet voice echoed.

"Don't get cocky. --It can't be Dee's fault.
It's .......
"The country's conservative aristocracy made a fool of themselves, and the unsuspecting people danced and manipulated Ms. Sofia. Part of the blame may indeed lie with Dee. ...... But if Dee didn't do anything wrong, why would she want to carry the burden of someone else's death?

 Always, ...... always.
 I'm not sure why it's this person who uncovers the last piece you don't want to uncover.
 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

The words, .......

 The words, ...... the heart. The words are slipping away.

"If only I'd faced you better, Sophia.
"Sofia chose Belle, no matter how much Dee tried to tell her. She chose Belle, just as Rita was special to Dee.
If only we hadn't pushed the three of them so hard.
Why didn't we just let the bad guys get away with it? At that point, all Dee and the others had to do was sneak up on them and keep an eye on them so they wouldn't even know they were there. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
I'm sure there are many, many other ways you could have done this.
But it was they who decided to go ahead with the evil and continued to use the obviously suspicious spell. They had plenty of opportunities to stay out of it. -- "I'm sure that Dee will never forget the fact that she couldn't save him, the grief that was born. It's not like Dee's going to blame herself for this.

 He hugged her so tightly it hurt. Only Kai's words poured out.

"You'll regret it. Regret it, mourn it, hold on to the fact that you couldn't save her. ...... It's not Dee's fault, and even if I told you to forget it, it wouldn't make it any easier for you to forget.
If that's the kind of regret you want, I'm all yours. --But don't ever blame yourself for their deaths, and don't talk about Dee like she's worthless. Anyone who disrespects Dee, even Dee herself, will not be tolerated.
"......, get out of the way.

 I was not even aware that my vision had been distorted by the artificial darkness. It was only when I said the words that I realized I was crying.
 I clung to Kai and squirmed.

Why...? Why did you have to die?

"Why, Belle, why, Lino?

 Because you told me not to blame myself.
 All Deanna could say was to blame the unreasonable reality.

 She wanted to be happy. Belle and Rhyno just wanted to be happy with impunity.
 They may have done it the wrong way. Deanna can't admit that she used her sister as a means to an end.
 But people make mistakes. No matter how careful you are, you will make mistakes.
 If that mistake is a sin, atone for it. Then we can start again.
 I'm sure that Belle and Rhyno are not the only ones who are suffering from the love of mistaken identity. Many people are torn between their feelings and reality. Falling in love and liking someone is not a sin. The fact that you can't admit it is probably because your reality is distorted.
 There must have been a way to face the distorted reality with friends in the same situation. If only I had lived ......, I could have chosen that path again.

 --I'm sure there is a way to confront the distorted reality with friends in the same situation. I'm sure you'll be able to find something to help you.
 It could have saved me. If only I'd known. ...... If only I'd had the knowledge. If I had known, I might have been able to stop Bell from going off to his own death.

 You'll be able to get a lot more information about the particulars of the particulars.

  † † † † † † †

"Did you sleep at ......?
"Yes, finally. ...... I'm glad you're asleep.

  I'm not sure if you'll be able to find a way to find out more about it, but I'm sure you can. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. ...... Even if you know that, there are some things you just can't do if you're not an all-powerful human being.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

...... Is it always like this?
Yes. --I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea. And even though none of it was Diana's fault, she still insists that she wanted to save them.
She's greedy, selfish, and stubborn. She's greedy, selfish, and stubborn, and she doesn't know how to give up. I've decided to protect ...... everything, but it's hard.
I do. I am. ...... More than enough.

 Rita gently stroked Deanna's hair as she slept.

The only people who could be a place for Diana to cry in times like this were the Crestor family. I'm sure you're aware that I'm a loyal follower of Deanna, and no matter how much you adore me, I'm only a 'protector'. ...... They may take advantage of me, but they will not lean on me.
I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not. I'm sure Rita is protecting Diana's heart in a different way than I am.

 There's no need to feel guilty about being protected, he muttered, and quietly looked out the window.
 Far from their own minds, it was an annoyingly calm and sunny day outside.

...... I wish you were smiling. I'd rather cry than freeze my heart out in sorrow. Being alone in my grief makes me sink like a fool.
"Sirius-sama said the same thing.

 Turning around, Rita smiled at Kai.

Are you going to stay in this room for a while?
Would you like to stay in this room for a while?
"Okay. Deanna, please.
Where's Rita?
I'm afraid the council has decided that some of the ladies in the inner palace will be forced to leave soon. While you are all busy, you will be scolded if you continue to stay in your rooms.

 Forced eviction of side rooms. ...... The fact that such a story came out of nowhere means that.

...... Did the council act?
I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea. I don't think you can keep my daughter as your wife in that condition. As for Master Marcia, she is also suspected of being the one who relayed the poison.
"That's the Crester family. You work fast.
You've all gone through the roof this time. The fact that the whole palace was involved in the commotion makes it seem rather slow.

 The competent maidservant left the Red Rose Room this time, saying the scary things without hesitation.
 She and the girl sleeping on the bed are left alone in the room.

I'm not sure what to make of it. It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has a problem with this. ...... There are still a few more things we need to cross before we can get to the future we want.

 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.