135 Reminiscences Part 6 - Mrs. Magnom's Proposal -

The first thing I would like to do is to apologize for suddenly bringing you and Master Rifania together without explaining anything to you.

 The first words of Mrs. Magnum, who was as serious as ever, made Diana shake her head with a wry smile.

"No. If I were Mrs. Magnum, I would have done the same thing. I would have done the same if I were Madame Magnum. Surprise attacks are the standard way to find out what a person is really thinking.
It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has a problem with this.
"Don't blame Sharon, Deanna. I've made up my mind.
I don't blame you for what happened to Little Mother Rifa, or to Mrs. Rifa for that matter. In the past, I have never properly expressed my thoughts about the kingdom's prospects for the next hundred years, so the two of you who are unaware of this are right to be concerned.

 With a smile of relief, Master Magnum nodded and continued.

"Master Diana. I have no objection, as the head of the Empress, and I personally, to recommend Shayla as a candidate for the position of full queen in the future. Your Majesty's heart, as well as Shayla's own, is of extraordinary excellence. I am sure that she will be able to fulfill her duties well even if she stands as a queen. ...... Just...
Yes. "Just," right?
"Just like that. As you may have noticed, Deanna, as Rifania said earlier, it is very difficult for Shayla to become a full-fledged queen "as Shayla" in the current kingdom, and it is also true that it will be very difficult. You can learn enough about education and manners from now, but you can't change your birth.
The most effective way for the old nobles to protest is for Miss Shayla to be adopted by the Mondria family and married off as the Duchess of Mondria,......, but from what Diana said earlier, that doesn't sound like a good way to go.
I'm sure. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what you need to do.
"Then I think it is necessary to raise Shayla's status step by step.

 I think that it is necessary to raise Shayla's status in stages.

I do not know if this is possible. If you're a man, you'll be recognized for your military prowess and political contributions, which will raise your status in the royal court and possibly your rank and title. ......
It's not the same, but I think you can use similar logic. In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. In praise of her merits, we have made an exception and raised her status in the Imperial Court. --I'm sure you're aware of that, but I'm not sure if you're aware of that.
"...... So that's what you're saying. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at our own web site. But when the palace was first established, the mainstream view was that there was a separate hierarchy within the palace. It is quite natural that the timing is right now, when the deliberations over the series of incidents are over and the Outer Palace has settled down.
Yes. In other words, there is no time like the present to raise Shayla-sama's position.
"If there is another incident as big as the House of Lords in the future and Miss Shayla is able to play an active role, that opportunity may come around, though, right?
It's not just the merits of Shayla's increased position, but also the biggest disadvantage of risking her life, so I would like to avoid it as much as possible.

 Mrs. Magnum seemed to agree, and nodded her head in agreement.

In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. ...... No, in this case, I'd say it's a fair guess.
I'm sure there are only a handful of people in the palace who know about Shayla and ...... Her Majesty's relationship with Shayla at the moment, right?
Yes. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I'm pretty sure that Peony-sama is one of those "a handful" considering the flow of events before and after the House of Lords. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
It's not that Lillian has given up, it's just that she's now quietly laying low and waiting for an opportunity to attack. I'm sure that the eerie silence of the ...... lady is more determined than resignation.

I'm not sure what to make of that. It's not that I don't like it, but it's not that I don't like it. Her father is in a position to give direct opinions on politics at the royal court, and her brothers each hold important positions in the Ministry of the Interior. If it weren't for Diana, she would certainly have risen to become a full-fledged queen with the support of the Ministry of the Interior.
 However, her ideology and the current situation in the kingdom are not compatible with each other. Leaving aside Diana's personal dislike for Liliane herself (the "aristocrats" who sit on their status and mistakenly think that they own the people and have the right to kill or take their lives are the kind of people Diana despises the most in this world). If she sits on the queen's chair, the kingdom will be rained with blood, and she is the person who is closest to becoming queen, but also the person who should not be made queen.
 Incidentally, there are five noblewomen who have entered the palace as "candidates" for the position of queen, and except for Liliane, all of them have absolutely no interest in the position of queen. I don't know whether it's hard or easy, but the current situation is that Shayla's "visible wall" will be gone. If one of the Valedictorians actually has a secret love for Juke, it would be a love/hate story straight out of a romance novel, but as refreshing as it is, this doesn't apply to all five Valedictorians, including Liliane. But it doesn't. In the first place, the Red Rose, the pinnacle of the palace, is a "what kind of love feeling is ......? So far, His Majesty the Juke's palace has not been involved in any mess involving love or romance.

 However. As in any age, marriages among nobles are rarely based on romantic feelings alone. Deanna's birth family, the Earls of Crester, is a very rare family that encourages love marriages (in the case of the Crester family, they are not afraid of the head of the family's evil magic, and they run the house as a wife. Most noblemen choose the marriage partner who will be most beneficial to their family in light of the current royal court situation. There is no heart in it. To put it bluntly, it is all about politics and mutual gain and loss. The royal family is no exception, and even Rifania, who does not hide her fondness for Auster, is definitely a political marriage.
 Even if Liliane doesn't like Juke as a person or a man, she certainly wants the position of "full queen". To be honest, Diana has no idea what she's talking about, but she can tell from the way she's been acting for the past year that Liliane really wants to be the queen and eventually the mother of the kingdom, and to be at the top of the kingdom's women. I can't take Liliane lightly just because she hasn't had any romantic troubles.

"So far, His Majesty's 'I'm interested in Diana' act has stopped Peony-sama's move to have a full-fledged queen. I'm sure it's a big part of the reason why so many of the people who were pushing for Peony lost their seats in the House of Lords last time. ...... But...
"Yes, I know. It was only temporary, and did not completely stop the movement to promote Master Liliane. The world changes, and if there is something here or there, the current will change dramatically again. That's how it is, isn't it?
"That's right. And on our side, we must avoid the situation where our move to make Shayla a step closer to becoming a queen triggers the other side to attack.
...... Isn't that rather difficult?

 In the event that you're not sure what to do, you'll be able to find out how to do it. Her merits are obvious to everyone, and it is natural that she would use them to improve her position in the inner court.
 However, now that Liliane knows that Shayla is Juke's true love, no matter what the reason is or how natural it may seem, "Shayla's elevation" itself is likely to become a target of attack. This is a very clear example of a "dead end" from the very beginning.
 As Deanna pondered, Mrs. Magnum smiled faintly.

Yes. Yes, I know it's a classic move, but I think I'll hide the leaves in the forest.

"...... yes?

 I don't understand the meaning of the words - no, I understand what is being said, but I also understand the implications of what is being said, but the scale of the story is so large that Deanna froze, and Riffania put her hand on her cheek and sighed deeply. I can understand that.

It is true that Sharon seems to be very serious and disciplined, but she is not afraid to make a bold move at a moment's notice. It's actually very difficult to make the Cresta family look like this, you know?
"You've got to be kidding me, Master Rifania. I'm sure I'm not going to be able to outsmart Dualis or Elizabeth. Deanna is one of those rare, conscientious and sensible young ladies in the Cresta clan that I can only manage to compete with.
"Is that so? I heard Fifi say that you amazed her with your many anecdotes.
That's just Fiona being too modest.
"No, no, no, wait!

 I'm sure you're not the only one who's been surprised. In her haste, half of the noblewoman's skin slipped off.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.
I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
I'm sure you're not the only one.

 It's not a simple task to review the order of the entourage, simply inform them that from today onwards you are the ◯th entourage and that's it. As one's rank rises, one's treatment changes, the number of maidservants increases, subsidies from the government increase, and, in plain terms, one's room becomes larger. If you just want to raise the rank of Shayla alone, you can simply move her to one of the rooms of the ladies who left the palace after the recent incident before and after the House of Lords, but if you want to do that for the whole palace, it's a completely different story. The arrangement of the maidservants would have to be reviewed, and to be frank, it's a huge undertaking that can't be done overnight.

It's a huge undertaking, and it's not something that can be done overnight. "It's a lot of work for the chamberlain who's moving to a new room just to pack up and move, and 'reassessing the pecking order' means that not only will there be people whose status will rise, but there will also be people whose status will fall in relative terms. That could reignite the power struggle that has now settled down.
"What you say is very true. The solution to all of this is .......
Is there such a thing as a "convenient" solution?
Yes. --I'm sure you'll agree with me.

 For a full three beats, Diana stared at Master Magnum.
 Then she slowly turned to Rifania.

"Little Mother Rifa. I'm sorry, but I'll have to take my leave for now.
"Well, what's the matter Deanna?
No, I'm just tired. ...... I've been seeing your father as Madame Magnum.
Calm down. Dewar hasn't been here since the beginning. What you're talking about is Sharon, inside and out.
The Madame Magnum I know would never say something as outlandish and absurd as your father. ......
So Sharon has shown you a side of her you didn't know existed. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. She has always been rather unpredictable and reckless in a different direction than Duer.

 Deanna's attempt to escape reality failed as she was gently but firmly assured.
 Breathe in, breathe out. Deanna turned to Mrs. Magnum again.

You said you're back home? A homecoming is when you leave your marriage home and return to your parents' home, is that correct?
"Yes, that's correct. Yes, that's correct. "Homecoming" is often used as an example.
And in the palace, you mean all the ladies in the inner palace at once?
"It would be very difficult to bring more than forty carriages to the palace at once, and it would be crowded with people loading and unloading, so it would be done sequentially. In the end, we hope that all the ladies will be able to leave the palace at once.
"That's true. If all of you leave the palace with your personal belongings, it will be easier to move the rooms and rearrange the palace attendants as the order is reviewed. In this way, he could do the work that could not be done with a concubine. In this way, the environment in the inner palace can be improved so that even if the rank itself is lowered, the treatment can be kept the same as before, thus minimizing the dissatisfaction caused by the revision of the rank. The "homecoming" itself will be a welcome respite for those of you who are unable to leave the palace on a regular basis.
"I'm very grateful that you can understand without explanation.

 If this were a house, she would have stood up and slammed the table in front of her.

I'm sure the Ministry of the Interior would not approve of over forty concubines going to the village at once!
"Don't worry about that. I have checked the past records and found a precedent. About three hundred and fifty years ago, the palace was to be renovated, and during the renovation period only, the ladies of the entourage returned to their parents' homes. Her Majesty's wife at that time stayed in the palace as an exception, but since Her Majesty is currently unmarried, I thought it would be appropriate for you to return home. In the outer court, too, there is ostensibly an argument that the number of rooms is inadequate to accommodate the number of concubines. I'm planning to propose a homecoming to the Outer Palace under the guise of 'renovation work while the season is off'.
"Oh, ......, in short, the real purpose of "improving the status of Shayla" is hidden under the pretense of "reviewing the rank of the side chambers", and the pretense itself is also hidden under the pretense of In short, the real purpose of "improving Shayla's status" is hidden under the pretense of "reviewing the order of the side chambers," and the pretense itself is a two-tiered scheme to make people think that "as a result of the renovation work, it became necessary to review the order of the side chambers. It's true that if you go that far, you can fool at least most of the people at the outer shrine.
Yes. In fact, the current inner palace is not designed to comfortably accommodate more than forty concubines and all of the maidservants and maidservants who take care of them, so this is a very reasonable excuse. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the site, you can call us at the web site.
...... That is certainly something that could never be done with a side room.

 I know exactly what she is talking about. If you listen to her thoughts, you can swallow the fact that it is indeed necessary to go back home.

But it would be too risky. I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I'm here. ...... Moreover, as far as I can tell, there are several members of the Peony faction of the royal family who are beholden to Master Liliane, and are planning to take the position of "valet" and become candidates for the title of princess if they get the chance. I don't want to imagine such a trivial thing, but if we send such people back to their parents' home, even if only once, they may try to have a child with a suitable man, and then try to join the competition for the rightful princess by saying that they were actually given a favor by His Majesty before they returned home.
"Oh no. Isn't it enough for Juke to simply say that he has no recollection of such a thing?
You know, that's a very nasty question, Little Mother Rifa. The only way His Majesty can silence the Outer Palace is if there is a majority of those who side with Him in politics. At present, all factions will easily give up on His Majesty and leave him as time goes on. Under such circumstances, even if His Majesty insists that he has no memory of the incident, it is obvious that he will be pushed aside by the conservatives.

 With an amused look on her face, Rifania nodded.

I'm impressed that you can be so blunt in front of your creator. You're just like Fifi in your relentlessness.
Thank you, sir. Aunt Fifi taught me how to survive in aristocratic society.
It's not exactly the same as educating a young lady. ...... But it's true, to put it bluntly. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. The will of the king himself is not important. --No, in fact, they even consider it unnecessary.
"Yes. This is why, when a young lady from an old noble family becomes pregnant, she will twist the facts with numbers and power and socially confirm that the child in her womb is His Majesty's child. ...... If that happens, in the current situation of the kingdom, even His Majesty's life will be in danger.

 As long as she is in the inner palace, her concubines will not get pregnant on their own, although this is a bit of a misnomer. The only men who are allowed into the palace are Juke and the King's Kingsguard, and Juke is only interested in Shayla, and the Kingsguard's job is to protect Juke, so they don't have time to leave their posts and scavenge for women without permission. There are several men who sneak in and use the attic as their territory, but none of them are risk-takers who would go out of their way to choose the King's wife as their playmate. In the case of the Cresta family's "darkness," if you were to play with a woman and inadvertently get her pregnant, you would be subjected to mental and physical pressure from both the head of the family and the head of the family. Of course you will, right? If I say I won't, you'll understand, right? I'm sure you'll be able to understand why. ...... I don't know about the other guy who isn't "dark", but from what I've heard, he doesn't seem to be very interested in womanizing.
 So, in a way, the current palace has become an unintentional iron fortress to protect women's chastity. If she were to return to her hometown, she would be able to bring in any man at any time and plan any evil scheme she wanted.

 --Master Magnum, who had been listening to the conversation between Rifania and Diana, waited until the exchange of words had died down before she spoke again.

I have consulted with Commander Gracie regarding the concerns that Deanna has just raised. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's a fan of your work.
"Well, ......, the members of the Imperial Household Guard?
I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this. As for these three, it is more of a consolation for the past year, so they are the correct escorts. In addition, I'm thinking of assigning a guard of honor to those who are currently considered "high-ranking" members of the royal family.
...... Wow.

In the event that you're not sure what to do, you'll be able to ask your doctor. In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. If you're looking for the best of the best, you'll have to look no further than the website: ...... The Ministry of the Interior is unlikely to complain, as this is a measure that could be taken as a disciplinary measure against the Peony Faction.
 This is a brilliant ploy by Madame Magnom to take advantage of the high narcissism and desire for approval of the old aristocracy, which places a high value on family and lineage, and takes it for granted that they will be treated well. Diana respects Madame Magnom, who appears to be a serious person but is actually a flexible thinker, but when she sees how she calculates and constructs her plan with such precision, it is beyond respectful and even scary. I can understand why the young Dualis said, "I don't want to make enemies with her.

If the knights of the inner court are always on guard, it will certainly be difficult for them to disobey the royal family. ......
Yes. In the event that you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Originally, it would have been better if I could have accompanied the Imperial Guard as my "bodyguard" and the ladies as my "official assistants". ...... In the event that you've got a lot of money, you're going to need to be able to pay for it.
"...... So, desuka.

 I wonder how many levels of thinking this person has. It's not widely known, but the ladies in the inner palace have their movements recorded from the time they wake up in the morning until they go to sleep at night. If they get along well with the maids and maidservants, they can tinker with these official records and move around as they please (Diana, who does whatever she pleases on a daily basis, is probably one of the maidservants who have their records tinkered with the most), but technically, the past behavior of the maidservants can be tracked to some extent by checking the records. So.
 It is because of this role that the maidservants and maids-in-waiting are likely to be left in the lurch when a side chamberlain is accused of a crime. The fact that there is no record of the crime committed by the concubine suggests that the maids and maidservants who kept the records were also involved. In fact, there must have been some concubines like Diana who went from place to place when no one was around to avoid being recorded, so it is difficult to say that they were all in on it.
 So, she is trying to use the "record of the activities of the side chambers", which is almost a simple diary in the current palace, for its original purpose. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea. I've been keeping a journal, or rather a record of my activities, in the "Red Rose Room" at ....... Recently, I've been waking up at "◯◯◯◯" in the morning, followed by breakfast, a stroll in the palace, lunch at "△○○", reading indoors (I've been doing a lot of other things besides reading), chatting with Master Letitia at tea time, and bathing at "×○○". (I'm doing a lot of things other than reading), tea time, chatting with Leticia-sama, bath at x, dinner afterwards, bedtime (I'm still doing something before bedtime).
 Incidentally, the above journal was written on the day when all the parties concerned gathered in the Red Rose Room. Yuri, in a sense, is amazing that he was able to dismiss that meeting, which even His Majesty the King was present at, with a single phrase: "chatting with Master Letitia at tea time. The best part is that he didn't lie at all because he used the word "hata" to refer to more than one.

 --I'm sure you'll be able to understand what I'm trying to say from Diana's expression," said Mrs. Magnum, smiling at me.

"Thanks to Commander Gracie's great performance in the Spring Games, we were able to reduce to a minimum the most worrisome risk of betrayal by the Imperial Guard. He was a man with a lot of centripetal force to begin with, but for the girls who were ridiculed for their very title of "knight," it must have been a great honor for them to have the Commander in the top eight in the big game to decide the best knight in the country. The current members of the Order are completely devoted to Commander Gracie. They will not turn to the Peony Faction, who betrayed her and refused to even acknowledge them as knights.
"So they can't ask her to tweak the records like I can. ....... I feel like I'm being admonished to cheat in a very roundabout way.
It's a bad idea. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the web site. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to do and how you're going to do it.
...... "Little Mother Rifa, I'm starting to have a hard time trusting adults.
I know what you mean about Sharon being scary when she's in her element. I can't tell you how many times I've felt like I was going to lose my mind.
That's quite a statement you're making. --You'll be able to find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time, and you'll find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time. If you don't watch her daily, you won't be able to read the signs of her recklessness when the time comes. If you don't want me to be informed every step of the way, then first of all, get rid of your habit of executing reckless maneuvers with your body intact.

 This was the first time I had been scolded head-on, without honorifics, and probably by "Sharon" rather than the "Commander-in-Chief". I was surprised, but at the same time, I could tell that Deanna's "recklessness" was such a shock to her.
 Straightening her back, Diana bowed her head to Madame Magnum.

"I'm sorry about ....... I thought I had already been scolded by many people for my stargazing party, but I didn't know that Madame Magnom hadn't yet.
I thought I'd already been scolded by everyone for the 'star gazing party', but come to think of it, Mrs. Magnum hadn't yet.
It's dishonest to make promises you can't keep. ...... No, it is true that I will try to avoid such an incident as much as possible in the future. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
Yes, ...... yes, I know it's Diana. I know, I know it's Deanna, I know it's Fiona, but she should have taught me how to defend myself in aristocratic society before she taught me how to stand up for myself.
"You can't blame her. Basically, the Cresta family doesn't think much about protecting themselves. It goes without saying that Deanna, Fifi, and even Ellie are not the type to defend themselves very well.

"That's right. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one.
"It's not often that a fifteen-year-old girl actively seeks out the weaknesses of others and adds them to her cards in order to successfully navigate the social scene. It's not every day you find such a radical debutante.
As a daughter, I didn't really want to know. ......

 That 'offense is the best defense' mentality is definitely inherited by Edward. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to be doing and how you're going to do it. ...... Yeah, I didn't want to know.
 --I'm not sure what to say.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea. However, I have come to understand that there are many people who will be saddened if I choose that path. From now on, I will always try to find a way to protect myself and everyone else. ...... Can you please forgive me for that?
I will believe you when you put your words into action. Until then, resign yourself to the fact that I will have to keep an eye on you every day.
"...... Yes.

You'll be able to find a lot more information on this subject in the following article.
 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it.

I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure what to make of it.
"I am no match for Master Magnum from the start. I'm no match for Madame Magnum from the start, not only for her scolding, but also for the ...... 'homecoming' idea.
Yes, really. I was also surprised when Sharon first asked me for advice, but I think ...... it's the best thing to do, if you think about it rationally.

 As she reached for her cup of tea, Riffania continued in a relaxed manner.

I've been asked by Sharon to serve as her predecessor and help educate her when she is offered the position of queen. Of course, there was no reason for me to refuse, but I didn't think that the young lady who was offered the job would be from a new aristocracy and a family that was on the verge of collapse. As you may know, the Inner Palace and the Fuji Palace are separated by a wall, and there is a gatekeeper at the service gate. Whether I go to her or she goes to me, it can't be done in secret as it is now. However, due to Miss Shayla's position, it would be unwise for it to become public knowledge that she is receiving formal education until the time is right, wouldn't it?
You're right. ....... Isn't there any way around this?
I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea. But the entrance to the inner palace is located away from Shayla's room, in an area that is currently occupied mainly by the Peony Faction.
Shayla's presence would be quite unnatural. ......
So, in order to receive help from Master Rifania, Shayla needs to move - to move up the ranks.

 Under the strong gaze of Master Magnum.
 I had to go over everything in my head again.
 After a few moments of silence, Diana nodded her head.

I understand what you are saying very well. Since it was Mrs. Magnum's idea, there's no reason why it shouldn't be accepted, but I'll inform the 'named' people and see what they think, just in case.
"Thank you, Master Diana. Thank you, Deanna.
"Please do the same for me.
I'm the one who should be thanking you. --Thank you, Mother Rifa, thank you, Master Magnum.

 Diana smiled and bowed deeply to the two women she admired.