146 Talk on the balcony

 In full view of the crowd, the prince of a foreign country took me by the hand and we arrived at the balcony. It's a reasonable place to take refuge. She vaguely remembered that last year, after falling down for some reason, Edward had rescued her and she had taken a rest on the balcony.

"I'm sorry, sir. I did not mean to touch His Majesty King Elgrand's wife without permission.

 When she got to the edge of the railing, she apologized and untied her hand. To be honest, when I couldn't read the Prince's intentions, I was too shocked and had too many questions before he grabbed my hand without asking, so I couldn't afford to get caught up in them.
In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at our own web site.
 When I looked at him from the front again, I felt that he was different from the arrogant one of the other day.

I knew it would be rude, but I couldn't ...... stand it. I couldn't bear to expose you to the slander of those heartless people any longer.
"Your Highness, ......
Please don't say anything. Please don't say anything. You don't need to be strong when your heart is weak.

 ...... I don't know what's going on, but at any rate, he seems to be concerned about something. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I'm grateful for your concern, Your Highness. I'd like to thank you for saving my life at ...... the other day.
"Thank you. It's only natural to help people in need as much as you can when they come to your country for friendship. Especially since you're a nobleman, highly favored by King Elgrand.
"No way. I'm not the kind of person His Highness would expect me to be. It is true that, by some misunderstanding, I have been appointed the Red Rose, the highest rank in the current Imperial Court, but I know better than anyone that I am not worthy of it.
You must be humble.
It's true. I was born into a family of counts, so my status in the royal court is lower than that of her consort who came from a family of marquises. In spite of this, I have been given the title of 'Red Rose' at the mercy of His Majesty, and I'm sure that this is not a good thing for sensible people.

 I don't know if this will go over well with you, but I'll try to explain in euphemistic terms that this is why you can't help but slander the people around you to a certain extent. ......The expression on the prince's face makes me wonder if I'm conveying the message correctly.

...... It is true that since ancient times, there have been many evil women who, relying on the favor of the king, have gained power unworthy of their position, and have taken control of the government at will. But you are not in the same league as such women, are you?

 After a moment of silence, the prince said something unexpected. I even guessed that he had mispronounced the word "Elgrand". But judging from the prince's perfect pronunciation, grammar, and smooth speech, it seemed unlikely.
 He didn't say a word back, but tilted his head lightly to show his doubt, and he looked back at me with a strange light in his amber eyes.

If you don't mind me saying, most of the members of the delegation who accompanied me this time also judged you to be such an 'evil woman'. The way you exchanged words with me in the palace, it was as if you were looking down on us as if we were insignificant, and judging from the rumors spreading in the royal court of Ergeland, that impression was probably correct. You, the Red Rose, the first in line to the side of the Elgrand Kingdom, are an even more vicious woman than the rumors say. --For my part, I can't help but wonder what they all saw in their visions.
Didn't you think that the eyes of your men were right?
You can't be a typical "bad girl" when you respond to this topic like that. If you're a conventional bad girl, this is the time to smile lustrously and fragilely and try to raise me up, like, 'Your Highness is the only one who believed in my sincerity.

 I'm sure you're not the only one who believes in my sincerity.
 --I'm sure you're a prince who grew up in a palace with three thousand beautiful women. I'm not sure what to make of that. In fact, he must have witnessed from an early age an abundance of evil women of such number and variety that it would be difficult to even compare them to the present rear court of Elgrand. As a person who is accustomed to such evil women, it is indeed difficult to feel "evil" in Diana's words and actions. The Cresta family only has a bad face, but their words and deeds themselves are (if I may say so myself) perfectly legitimate.
 How did he interpret Deanna's silence, the prince smiled sadly.

I thought it would only be unpleasant for the princess to be worried about someone like me. From my point of view, the 'you' spoken of by the aristocracy of this country is too far removed from your actual situation. It pains me to think that you are subjected to such malice on a regular basis.

 Apparently, the prince had sensed that there was something behind the rumors about Diana from their interactions in the palace, and had been requesting to see her day after day in order to find out the truth.
 Once that is known, Diana's response will be obvious.

"It's nothing for Your Highness to worry about. Besides, what you see of me is only a small part of who I am. The side of me that you don't know may be just as they say.

 I'm sure you've heard of her, but I'm not sure if you have. It's a good thing that you were able to find out at first sight that there was more to the rumors about Deanna and Crestor than meets the eye, but it would be a big mistake to think that you could get to the bottom of them in a snap.
 She smiled at Diana, and the prince stared at her in silence for a while. I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to get to the bottom of this.
 I'm not sure what to make of that.

(......) Apparently, you hate me a hell of a lot.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing. In the event that you have any kind of questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at our own web site.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

No, I know it's not unreasonable. Our behavior in your country has been far too unprincipled. In addition, we broke the rules and almost forcibly entered the residence of your chamberlains and greeted you with the utmost rudeness. If I could go back in time, I would do it all over again.
You are right. No one can turn back time, so it's an unattainable wish.
That's harsh. This is harsh. ...... But please, the blame should be placed on me as the representative, not on the members of the delegation. It is my fault for not being able to control their actions, or not being aware of the need to control them.
"The need to control ......?

 It is true that, according to the report from the Marquis of Stresia, it was those of lesser rank in the delegation who were harassing the officials in charge of hospitality with unreasonable demands. I heard that it was the prince himself, of all people, who had bypassed the originally planned itinerary, saying that he wanted to see this and that too.

 --The prince looks a little relieved, perhaps because Diana has thrown back the ball of conversation for the moment.

How much do you know about the Stanza Empire, Princess?
"I'm aware that it's just common knowledge.
"Then, ......, do you know that since the beginning of time, our country has been expanding its territory by pacifying neighboring small countries and providing a rich life for its people?
Yes, I know that.

 Yes, I know." Deanna proceeded to answer the question without emotion.

As you can imagine from our origins, our people have never been on friendly terms with other nations on an equal footing since our nation was founded. All neighboring countries were to be pacified, and there was no need to establish friendly relations. When we, especially civil servants like you, set foot in another country, it was a sign that that country was no longer "another" country, but had fallen to our country.
"I see.
The people appointed to the delegation have been in charge of negotiations and negotiations with countries after they have been pacified, and they are more accustomed to dealing with other countries than any other civil servants ....... This time, I and a few other people who understand the language of this country accompanied me, not to hold important talks, but to be in charge of practical matters, such as checking the schedules of both sides, confirming necessary matters, and conveying information.
"......I see.
...... I'm very embarrassed to say that they didn't seem to have a clear understanding of the purpose of this mission. They understood that the name of the mission was "goodwill," but they thought that was just a pretext. Therefore, they behaved in your country as if they were visiting a country after it had been pacified, and as a result, they behaved arrogantly. They were just doing their job "as usual", but they never thought that it would anger the people of the Kingdom of Ergeland as much as it did.

 I see. The prince's explanation was very easy to understand. At least, it makes sense about the fact that the people who were informing the prince's schedule and intentions to the receptionists at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were all pompous and had the attitude of "we deserve to be treated politely, we deserve to have all our demands met, and we have no right to complain to you no matter what the unreasonable demands are.
 There are several things I want to say, but I need to check first. Deanna opened her mouth while clearing her mind.

There are many things that don't make sense from what you just said. It's true that some of the people in charge of ...... operations have been reported to be the ones who repeatedly behaved abusively towards our people in the delegation. However, even though they were in charge of conveying the plans of the delegation to us, they could not have ignored His Highness' wishes and set a course of their own. Wasn't it His Highness himself who chose to ignore the prearranged route from the port to the royal capital and the plans for sightseeing and entertainment along the way?
"Wait a minute. Wait a minute. A predetermined course? --I'm sure you've heard of it, but I'm not sure if you've heard of it.
"You didn't know about ......, did you?
I had never heard of it. I was told by the people in charge of the business that the Kingdom of Ergeland only set a date for us to enter the capital, and said that the route to that point would be according to our wishes.
It's a shame that in our country, leaving the entire itinerary to a guest who travels all the way to the capital would be beyond rude, but ...... is it different in the Stanza Empire?
No,......, even in our country, the basic schedule is made by the person receiving the guest. We ask you in advance what you want.
I'm sure you're right. In the event you have any questions regarding where and how to use the site, please feel free to contact us.
"Oh no, ......!

 I'm not sure what to make of this.

It's a misunderstanding. I know that you have exchanged documents with the Kingdom of Ergeland, but I did not know until now that you had listened to my wishes in those documents. I'm sure my direct reports don't know either.
"You can't just say 'I didn't know'. If we don't do something about the reason why His Highness didn't know about it, the same thing will happen again. Then our people will never be able to believe in the sincerity of the Stanza Empire.
"That's ...... true.
To be frank, the reputation of the Stanza Empire at home has already fallen to the bottom of the earth. --The reputation of the Stanza Empire in our country has already fallen to the bottom of the earth, as you can see from the behavior of everyone at the party.
"...... Yeah.
I'm sure you can understand from the way everyone behaved at the night party. Regardless of what Your Highness's true intentions are, for the people of our country, the state of the legation is all that matters. No matter what you say in this situation, I'm sorry, but it sounds like an excuse.

 He confronted the prince with his rejection more clearly than ever before. The only thing I can think of to say about this story is, "Screw you. In the depths of my completely cold brain, I can feel the flames of absolute zero anger burning.

(As expected of a prince renowned for his sharpness. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm sure I'm going to be able to do it.

 I'm sorry to say that Diana's head is not so smart as to believe and accept the Prince's story as it is. I'm sure that most of what you're saying is true, but the most important part of the story is blurred.
 --There's no way that the officials in charge of the national mission, headed by the prince, can just ignore the wishes of the royal family and act as they please without any proof. If what I've just said is true, the authority of the Stanza imperial family should be almost completely gone, but judging from the fact that they've been so quiet since entering the royal palace, it's reasonable to think that the imperial family still has enough power to make the officials refrain from their actions at the prince's request.
 If that is the case, then we should assume that their unruly behavior was allowed by the powers that be in the stanzas, whether indirectly or directly. Perhaps the emperor, the supreme authority of the empire, had granted them the right to behave as they did when they went to their own country. If not, they would not have been so brazen as we heard.
 We don't know if the prince knew that the officials were following the king's wishes or not. However, it would not be such a favorable interpretation that the prince, who is such a sharp man, was unaware of the king's thoughts and the behavior of his envoys. It may be true that he was not informed, but he was aware of the king's thoughts to some extent and intentionally "overlooked" the outrage of the officials in charge.

(If he really wanted to be sincere, he should have revealed that part first and apologized for it.

 Well, I can see why the prince would blur the point. The fact that the emperor allowed his behavior in the Kingdom of Ergeland to be "the same as dealing with a vassal state" is more proof than anything else that he intends to turn the kingdom into a vassal state sooner or later, and telling him that honestly is as foolish as declaring that "we plan to invade this country sooner or later. There is no need to be sincere when you are conducting an internal investigation of a country that is waging a war of aggression, let alone when you are conducting diplomacy to build a serious relationship of friendship. --Although it may be important to pretend to be sincere in order to gain the trust of the other party and obtain an informant.

(You're being very foolish to ask me, ......, a descendant of Cresta, to be a part of the Elgrand invasion.

 I've been told by many that I'm a sycophant, but I don't have a shred of compassion for someone who would cowardly try to destroy a friendship that has been miraculously bound together for over two thousand years. I'm not sure what to do.
 --Diana's fierce feelings of rejection seemed to go straight to the prince. In the event you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find a lot more information on the web.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one.
"Forgive me for what?
You're so stubborn because you're angry at the disrespect I've shown you, aren't you?
...... You're talking nonsense.

 It is true that the recent incident at the palace was a diplomatic blunder on Stanza's part that cannot be excused. In the event you're not sure what you're looking for, there are a few things you can do.


I've heard how Your Highness didn't know that I was a 'Red Rose' and judged me to be a low-ranking lady, or even a lower-ranking member of your entourage. Although it is His Highness' fault that he was not aware of the fact that common sense differs in different countries, if he had carefully explained the reason for the misunderstanding, he would not have upset everyone's feelings as much as he did. As Your Highness has seen, I am not the first in line to be loved by everyone.
That's ......!
Your Highness's behavior in the inner palace was only the final deciding factor. Although it was a role of entertainment, even the Elgrands have a human heart. They have been treated as if they were slaves without free will, but even so, they have not complained outwardly and have continued to endure for the sake of friendship between the two countries. The patience that they and their families and friends had worked so hard to maintain was cut short by His Highness' words and actions that day.

 Deanna spun her words coldly and haltingly.

"If you were in charge of a country, you would have understood that very well. For the people, the royal family is the source of their strength. To be insulted by the royal family is sometimes a greater wound than to be insulted directly by yourself. They have been hurt and tormented by you so much that it has become an irrevocably big 'final decision' for them.
"Princess ......
In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the site, please do not hesitate to contact us. In the event you have any questions regarding where and how to use the site, you can call us at our own website.

 Deanna wasn't angry that she was suddenly disrespected at the start of the meeting. I'm not sure what to make of that.
 The problem is that the "Acting Queen of the Kingdom of Ergeland" was treated as a vassal by the "18th Prince of the Stanza Empire", and many people were hurt by it. That was the only thing that mattered.
 At that time, Deanna exploded a counter almost as a conditioned reflex. So, in the end, the Elgrande royal family was able to take advantage of the situation, and those who had been doused by the Stanza delegation were able to say that they were relieved. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who's had to deal with this. ...... But that doesn't mean that there aren't people who are hurt by the insult to the royal family.
 As the first in line to the side of the family, she thought of the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who served as receptionists, who were tormented by the Stanza delegation.
 As for Deanna personally, she is furious at the insult to her dear friend Raia's father, and at the fact that her close friends in the outer court have suffered so much at the hands of the envoys.

Why ......?

 I'm not sure what to make of that.

Why ...... are you so devoted to them? The nobles of this country have never respected you as the first in line to their side. No matter how much you devote yourself to them, you will not be rewarded in any way.
"I don't hold the position of first in line to be rewarded. In the first place, it is wrong for a person in the highest position to want to be rewarded. In order to gain more power than anyone else, they have to bear all kinds of unreasonableness. That is the role of those who are at the top.
"But you are only a concubine. In that position, you have no power to use. Right now, you're just carrying around the burden of unreason with nothing to gain.
That's a matter for our country, not for His Highness, who is from another country.
I'm just worried about you being exposed to malice like the man you just met. ......!

I'm just concerned about you being subjected to the malice of a man like you.

 I'm not sure what to say, but I think it's a good idea. In the event that you're not sure what to do, it is possible that you'll be able to find out more about the best way to do it. I was not particularly surprised and quietly bowed and refrained.
 When the prince realized that Juke was listening to him, he cut off his words for a moment and bowed briefly, but with a hint of insufficient words.
 I'm sure Juke is not oblivious to this, but he has decided to ignore the atmosphere. He quickly turned his gaze away from the prince and looked at Diana.

"The Red Rose.
"Yes, Your Majesty.
I'm sorry I'm late. Are you hurt?
No, Your Majesty. His Highness the Prince of Stanza helped me.

 He may be a tentative enemy, but he did help me, and I'll tell him that. Juke nodded.

"So it seems. --Prince Exiga, the Red Rose is indebted to you. Thank you.
No, ...... it's only natural to help a lady who has come to your country for friendship.
I see. If it were possible, I would have wanted that concern to be directed at all Elgrands, not just the side chambers, but ...... given the circumstances of the stanza, I suppose it is understandable.

 The prince's expression twisted slightly at Juke's obvious sarcasm. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. In short, Juke, by stabbing the difference in the attitude of the prince who cares for Diana, his "side wife," while mistreating his hostess, is indirectly condemning her from the standpoint of the same royal family, saying, "It's okay to mistreat people of lower status. The use of sub-speeches in this area is very effective. The use of sub-speeches in this area is characteristic of a person born and raised in a royal palace.
 Crossing in front of the speechless prince, Juke approached Diana.

"The Red Rose. Is there anything else you wish to discuss with the prince of Stanza?
"No, Your Majesty. No, Your Majesty. I have said all that I have to say to Your Highness.

 There are many abusive words that Deanna personally would like to throw at the prince, but the Red Rose, the first in line to his side, has nothing more to say to the prince of Stanza. If she only had something to say, it would have ended when she thanked him for restraining Baron Gracie, and the rest of the conversation would have been a complete waste of time.
 The rest of the conversation is a complete waste of time. I didn't say everything I needed to say, but it seems that Deanna's brief answer conveyed most of my feelings. Juke nodded his head and gently took her hand.

"We're all worried about you. Let's go back to the hall.

 Without saying anything else, he followed Juke's lead and started walking...

Hold on.

 Suddenly, I felt Juke's hand on the other side of my arm. In a step forward position, Deanna quietly turns around.

"...... yet, what is it?
You still haven't answered my question.

Was it?
Yeah. -Why do you bear the burden of the top when you have nothing to gain? Why are you so compassionate and protective of those who wish to harm you?
"It seems that you are not convinced by the answer that I am the first in my family?

 The strong amber eyes silently affirmed Deanna's words.
 I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.
It's not as the first in line to the side, but as Diana, that I will crush her.

I'll answer your questions, if you'll let me go.

 He said simply, and before the prince could let go, he twisted his wrist lightly to shake off his hand. At the same time, Juke also released his hand, and Diana faced the prince head-on with both of her free hands on top of each other in a well-behaved manner.
 --I'm not sure if I'm a good person or a bad person.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's worth it.
I'm sure you're not the only one. You think it's "right" to be broken down, hurt and grieved by the malice of the majority?
"No, not exactly.
"It is not often that I am mocked so personally. I can't even begin to tell you the many things this throne has given me during my years as the first in line to the throne. If it were not for the Red Rose, I would not have even been aware of its existence in the first place. They are, without a doubt, my own "treasures.

If I had not entered the palace, I would not have had any contact with the maids of the Red Rose Room or Shayla.
 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the following web site: .......

I'm not going to let that break me, no matter how much malice is directed at me. The goodwill and good will of those who know and believe in me is far, far more important than the malice of those who do not know me. It's up to you what the people around you think of me, and it's up to you whether you want to accept it or not.
"You ......?
I just value above all the feelings of those who think of me, of my friends and associates whom I trust with all my heart. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for and how you're going to get it.
If that's the case, then ...... there's no need to protect those who harbor such ill will.
No, you don't. Those who harbor ill will toward me are also part of the kingdom. Protecting them also means protecting the peaceful tomorrow of those who are important to you, so there is no reason not to protect them.

The principle of Diana's actions has remained unchanged since the beginning.
 I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one. --To be able to smile unclouded all the way to the future.
 At first, it was for my family. When I entered the palace, I was joined by my maidservants and my chamberlains.
 Now, it's not only the inner court, but also the outer court chamberlains and the family members of the side courtesans who help me out.

 Whenever I realize ...... that I'm not worthy of being the first in line to a side family, I think about it. You can't embrace a beautiful cause like "May the people of the kingdom rest in peace". At best, I can only think of the people of Crester's domain with whom I am familiar. The fact that I know Auster, who cared deeply for each and every one of his people, makes me realize even more that I am the descendant of a self-centered "wise man" and not the owner of the undying compassion of the Lake Clan.
 And yet - this is Diana. And thankfully, there are more people who love me than I can count on the fingers of both hands.

I don't want those who don't know my history or the hearts of those who love me to pity me based on a flimsy surface. --In addition, if you are insincere about the deception that you should really face.
You don't think I've noticed that? I really hope you don't think I'm an idiot.
Princess ......, talk to me.
No, thank you. I understand very well what your Highness-- Stanza-- wants.

 The prince's complexion turned unusually pale, even if you take into account the fact that it was night. His skin was originally a yellowish-brown, unlike the Elgrandians, so it was nice to be able to see a noticeable difference in his complexion.

"I will convey Your Highness' words to His Majesty. That will be all.
Please wait! Please, Princess, give us another chance to talk.
I think the Red Rose has had more than enough words with you.

 I'm sure you've had more than enough of the Red Rose's words with you," Juke interrupted, sensing that Deanna had seriously cut off the conversation. It seems that the king could not force him any further, and the prince withdrew with a sigh of resignation.
 Once again, Juke took her hand, and Diana smiled her last smile, a very proud "Red Rose" smile.

"Well then, Your Highness, Prince of Stanza. Thank you for a very meaningful time.

 He threw a hundred percent pure sarcasm at her, bowed gracefully, and escaped the balcony with Juke.
 I thought we were going to go back to the hall, but Juke slipped through the glass door into the shadows of the curtain right next to us, and with Deanna's hand in his, he walked through the curtain for a while, and when he came to the wall, he lightly twisted the wall decoration that was at head height. The wall at the end of the curtain turned into an entrance to a hidden passage.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

...... It's about time, isn't it?

 He and Juke let out a deep breath as Alford, who had actually been silently standing behind Juke, let go of his hand.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you. ......
"You have nothing to apologize for. I knew you'd try something, but no one saw this coming. ......

 I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who's a little nervous about this.

You are sure you are not hurt?
"Yes, Your Majesty. No, Your Majesty. I'm not hurt in any way.
I heard there was a struggle for a while before the Prince of Stanza came to your aid.

"...... It just looked that way. The baron's body was barely strong enough.

 After a quick explanation, Diana looks at Alford behind the juke.

"Master Alford.
"What is it, Miss Deanna?
Can you hold this for me, please?
This is...!

 You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of these in the marketplace.
 It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your vacation.

I'm not sure if you've heard of it or not.
"Of course I do!
I'm sure you can figure it out. ...... It's pretty old school, but it's definitely a Stanza Empire gunpowder weapon. I believe they were called 'grenades' there.
"This is ...... Baron Gracie's?

 Juke's expression turns grim. In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to use it to get the most out of your money. Depending on the Baron's motives, the entire Gracie family could be blamed for the incident.
 Juke, and perhaps Alford as well, must be worried about Chris. Chris is the only female noblewoman in the whole country who can handle the difficult position of Commander of the Rear Guard. Not only that, but for them, and of course for Deanna, the person "Christel Gracie" herself is important.
 Thinking for a moment, Deanna asks Alford.

I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will help you out.
Oh, yes.
Has he been searched?
Of course he's been searched. We haven't received any reports of anything suspicious. ......
Did any of the noblemen in the vicinity of where the Baron and I were struggling seem to notice that the Baron was carrying a grenade?
No. ...... I can't say for sure because I haven't interviewed them properly, but so far there hasn't been any public outcry. If anything, they seem to be more preoccupied with the fact that His Highness the Prince of Stanza protected the Red Rose.
"I see. ....... If you think about it that way, it's not all bad that His Highness saved your life.
That's too much of a sycophantic interpretation, isn't it? In the event you're not sure what you're looking for, it's possible that you'll be able to find a great deal more information on the web.
If my bad reputation can protect your sister-in-law's position, it's a small price to pay.

 I'm not sure what to make of that.

"Your Majesty. The reason for Baron Gracie's outburst was my ill-considered response. Bringing in the grenade was an unpardonable sin, but fortunately, only a few people know that he brought it in. I hope that your sister-in-law and the Baroness Gracie will be punished leniently and without accumulation.
"Yes, of course. The details will be discussed later, but I will consult with the Prime Minister, Earl of Crestor, and Edward to make sure that the responsibilities of Commander Gracie are protected at the very least.
"Thank you, .......

 Thank you. This is a great way to make sure that you get the most out of your vacation.

"...... Um, what is it?
No, the ...... red rose is still the same.
What are you talking about?
I'm not sure what you're talking about. She almost got into a brawl with a male nobleman in full view of the public, and was saved by the prince of Stanza, who is hated by the entire Elgrand royal court. It's only a bad reputation now, but there's a possibility that some people will come out and say that the Red Rose is working for Stanza.
"Well, I suppose that's highly likely. The more such rumors arise, the easier it will be for the real insiders to loosen up and reveal themselves, so why don't we just leave them alone?

 It's nice of you to be concerned, but it's in emergencies like this that Crester's notoriety comes in handy. Now is the time for you to make good use of the false image of the "Evil Lord" that you have built up over the past three hundred years.
 --More importantly.

I would like to see Chris's sister-in-law as soon as possible and apologize to her. Do you know where she is now?
"It's so like Miss Deanna to worry about 'you'. ......
...... Edward has taken her to a room away from the hall to rest because he is a little worried. It's the room at the end of this corridor.
Thank you for everything. I will apologize to your sister-in-law and explain the situation to you in detail.
There's no need to rush. We can talk when we get back to the palace.
We're going back to the hall. Are you sure you don't need ...... to guide you?
No problem.

 It's not good for the king to disappear from the halls for too long. It's enough that he's here to help Diana.
 After bowing once more to Juke and Alford, Deanna turned on her heel and ran toward the room where Chris was staying.