151 Ivy Garden Gathering

 It was a sunny day in the middle of a mountain month - in other words, about half a month after the season's opening night party had ended.
 As usual, a secret tea party was held in the forgotten Ivy Garden of the Imperial Palace by a small group of side servants.
 In the past, the ivy garden was mainly used by the four "named" concubines, excluding Liliane, but with the addition of Shayla, a member with deep knowledge of the situation here, there were now five main users. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to do with your time. The table can somehow accommodate up to five people, but for more than that, it's a bit cramped.
 There are five chairs, a table full of baked goods and a tea set, a not-so-elegant space, and all of the members of the entourage ...... have a stern expression on their faces. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I don't want to ...... say this at all, but I'm inclined to take a hard look at the ineptitude and laxity of the outer court for once.

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

Yes, exactly. I didn't expect much from the people of the Outer Palace to begin with. But I thought they would still do the minimum amount of work.
You both look scary.
Yolanda's eyes aren't smiling at all.
...... I know. I don't think I have enough time to smile properly.
Ladies and gentlemen, ...... let's have some tea and snacks first, shall we? Yeah, why don't we do that?

 I was getting seriously scared, and when I interrupted, Shayla, right beside me, stared at me.

I think Dee is the one who should be the most angry here. Why do you think you're the one who should be the most angry here?
"Let's have a tea party, this is a tea party, ......?

 From the table and the time of day, there's no doubt that this is a small, traditional afternoon tea party. It is unreasonable to be offended for offering tea and sweets at a tea ceremony.
 However, I can't help but understand the feelings of everyone, so Deanna took the initiative and smiled while holding the teacup.

I'm sure you'll appreciate the thoughtfulness. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one.
I'm sure you'll agree. I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say that it's not right that something like this has been decided!

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

Sheila, who had become unfazed by Laetitia's instantaneous outburst, nodded her head deeply and softly. --I'm sure you're right, Letitia, that Dee will be having a tea party with His Highness the Prince of Stanza, who seems to have more than one thing on his mind.

 I'm not sure if you'll be able to find a way to get the most out of it, but I'm sure you can.
 It's not often ......, but for the first time in Diana's knowledge, Laia opens her mouth with an unmistakable sneer.

"I received a letter from your father apologizing to me. This is not something that can be forgiven with an apology.
"Even though Eustace is far from the center of power, he could have done anything he wanted. "You're giving up the name of raccoon, aren't you? I guess sarcasm wasn't enough.
"I can't believe it. I can't believe you don't know which comes first, your business or Deanna's.
"......, Raia, Yolanda, Letty. I'm sure you're not the only one. In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to take advantage of the fact that you'll be able to get a lot more out of it.

 ...... so. The stanza's policy shift, which began with the season's opening night party, initially puzzled the royal court of Ergeland and gradually led to a change in opinion - a dramatic change in just half a month. Specifically, the Stanza delegation, which had looked down on the Kingdom of Ergeland with all their might, began to say the day after the season's opening night party, "Our attitude has been terrible. It was not something a person who should be in charge of goodwill would do. We sincerely apologize to the people of the Kingdom of Elgrand," and began to treat the people of the Royal Court with a low attitude. According to the letter that Raia secretly received from the Marquis of Stresia, the prince of the stanzas personally bowed to the Marquis and the other officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who were in charge of the reception.
 In addition, at the meeting held afterwards, which was attended by only a few important people from Ergeland and Stanza, he clearly admitted that the Stanza side had the intention of invading Ergeland. If that were all, it would have been a ridiculous act of declaring with impunity that they were an enemy nation, but as a prince who is renowned for his ability, he said, "I know the inner workings of the Kingdom of Ergeland, and I understand how shallow we are. When I return to my country, I will advise the Emperor to give up the invasion of Ergeland. From now on, we will seek a way to build a long-lasting relationship as a friendly nation. It's amazing to hear him say that he intends to seek a way to have a long-lasting relationship with Japan as a friendly country. His thick-skinnedness has come so far that I even envy him.
 Of course, none of the leaders of the kingdom, led by Juke, believed Stanza's side of the story. Even if - by some chance - the prince sincerely wants friendship, his words are not worth trusting since there is no proof that he can persuade the emperor.
 However, the Stanza delegation, which had begun serious diplomacy, was surprisingly well received by the nobles of Elgrand. As a result, the fact that they had not been treated as guests of honor was starting to look bad. As long as they were just "ordinary guests" staying at the palace, they could be invited to private tea ceremonies and soirées without going through complicated procedures, just by submitting a simple application form. By conducting goodwill diplomacy at the royal palace, being invited to social gatherings at the homes of noblemen with whom they had become personally acquainted, and making connections there--these were the steady means by which the stanza delegation gained support from the nobility of the kingdom.

(...... Well, no matter how earnestly they worked on goodwill diplomacy, it's quite unnatural that the atmosphere in the royal palace would change so much in just half a month.

 I have a vague feeling that "someone" with a bad idea is working behind the scenes to make sure that the Stanza delegation is accepted by the nobles. My father and brother also seem to share this view, and Sirius informs me that they are working with their friends to keep a close eye on the royal palace to ensure that they are not outwitted this time.
 --But that's not the point.

The more you are involved in a case, the more you look like a stranger. This is something you should be the first to get angry about and slap down a clear rejection on.
"I think Diana's kindness is a virtue, but I agree with Rhea on this one.

 The two elders scolded her with all their might, and even the maids of the Red Rose Room (including Rita, of course) nodded loudly and significantly, making Diana feel very uncomfortable. I'm sorry, but it's hard not to argue.

I'm not really interested in attending a tea party, of course. I'm not a big fan of socializing, unless it's a place where you can talk to people without hesitation.
I'm sure ...... Dee would agree.
But the people in the outer court did not just sit back and watch the situation and do nothing. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the web site. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's had to deal with this.

In the event that you've got any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
 --We would like to formally greet Her Highness the Queen of Ergeland once again.

 Currently, the Kingdom of Ergeland does not have a queen. There is only the acting queen, the Red Rose, who is the first in line to the throne.
 Not only the leaders, but also most of the nobles in the country initially responded in that way and did not accept the request, but the delegation of Stanza, again with skillful talk, did not force their way through, but continued to insist softly, but without taking a step back.

 He said.

 We had heard that at first, so when we happened to meet him at the palace, we were very rude to him. I can't say I regret it enough.
 I was told that unlike the harem of Stanza, the rear court of the Kingdom of Ergeland is often the same as that of a full queen, even if she is a side wife. In addition, the Red Rose is trusted and favored by His Majesty the King, and is said to be someone who could be made a queen right now if the political situation allowed it. If that's the case, then although you are nominally her deputy, you are in fact the next full queen.
 Even though he was unaware of it, His Imperial Highness is very concerned about the fact that he has been rude to such a person. Depending on the feelings of the Red Rose, could you please allow me to apologize and greet you once again in a formal setting?

 It is difficult to dismiss such an offer with a low attitude, apologizing for our mistakes. It must have been especially difficult for the innovators, especially the nobles who had their daughters in their entourage, to continue to oppose the Stanza delegation, which held the head of the faction to which their daughter belonged in high esteem. As the days went by, "His Imperial Highness the Prince of Stanza wishes to pay his respects to the Red Rose. It seems that he deeply regrets his disrespect to the Red Rose, and in order to impress upon him the tolerance of the Kingdom of Ergeland, he should consider ......." These suggestions were sure to come to Juke's attention. Unlike the heavyweights of the conservative faction who were ready to turn the King into their puppet, the current core of the innovative faction seemed to be willing to listen to Juke's opinion and might become his ally in the future, depending on the situation.

(This is when I wish the xenophobic conservatives would have done better. ......)

 (This is when I wish xenophobic conservatives would do their best.
 --Unfortunately, the conservatives are reluctant to deal with the Stanza delegation. The reason for this was simple: the hand-me-downs that the Stanzas presented to Ergeland as a token of friendship -- several of the Stanzas' informants -- were affiliated with the Conservatives.
 It is said that these informants did not have much conviction, but simply joined the faction with the feeling that they were conservatives because their families were old nobles, and were therefore vulnerable to immediate interests. The money, goods, and rewards he got from being secretly connected with Stanza must have been quite tasty, and while ostensibly appealing against exoticism in accordance with his surroundings, he was diligently leaking information about the state of the royal court of Elgrand to Stanza behind the scenes. The fact that this was shown to the leaders of Ergeland in a flash, with proof, meant that the matter was not limited to the insiders themselves, but also spread to the conservatives who were unknowingly in close contact with them. When Deanna received the news, she felt sorry for the conservative leaders.
 In any case, the fact that there was a traitor among the faction that had always shouted against foreign nations, even the conservative faction could not speak out too loudly about the actions of the stanza delegation and the response of the royal court. If we were to argue, as we have been doing, that "befriending a foreigner who despises our history and culture and is planning to violate it is a behavior that is tantamount to being a traitor," it is obvious that we would be cut off by the reply, "There was such a person there, wasn't there? He may be swearing a lot behind the scenes (in fact, there have been some reports of that), but at least there is no sign of him openly objecting to friendly diplomacy at the moment.
 If this is the case, it is only a matter of time before the entire royal court becomes receptive to the Stanza delegation.

You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them.

 In the event that you've got a lot more than one of these, you'll be able to find a lot more. I'm not sure if it's because Deanna recommended sweets, but I'll pick up some baked goods and continue.

I'm sure you can understand why the innovators who originally had business ties with the empire (over there) would be bonded to the ambassadors who seem to have sincerely reflected and are now seeking friendship. However, His Majesty and the rest of the upper echelons know that the Stanza Empire is not a country that will give up on the invasion of Ergeland so easily. So, no matter what the people around you say, you should firmly reject it.
"It seems that ...... His Majesty really wanted to do that.

 I'm not sure what to make of that. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

Your Majesty and the Prime Minister seem to have made a very difficult decision. Regardless of the stanza's internal situation, how should we face the delegation that has ostensibly switched to a completely friendly diplomacy? It is not unnatural to be overtly cautious and keep away from them if they are trying to hide their hidden intentions to invade. ......They fully admit that they are planning to invade the kingdom and even cut off their informants as they oppose the invasion. In the event that you've got a lot of money to spend, you're going to want to make sure that you've got it in your pocket.
I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I've been so impressed with your work.
"...... Letty. It's a good idea to take a look at the actual information on the web. It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your time and money.
I don't think you've been bonded to Diana, have you?
"That's exactly what I'm talking about. Letty knows that I'm not that kind of person, right?

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

I'm sure you've heard of them. You think so, don't you?
Yes, that's right. You're the best, Yolanda.
You're right. That's how I would behave if I were put in the position of a stanza delegate.

 Yolanda smiles (it's just a facial smile, I know) and gracefully holds a cup of cold tea.

If you want to get a person who for some reason no longer trusts you to accept your demands, it is extremely inefficient to negotiate directly with them. It is much quicker to cajole someone close to them and ask them to intercede. --It's the same in this case.
In short, the Stanza delegation, sensing the inability of the kingdom's upper echelons to deal with them, targeted noblemen who were reasonably friendly to the royal family and the Red Rose, befriended them, and continued to give off the aura that they wanted to officially meet with the royal family. It's not that you can't get forgiveness, but if you're sincere and say, "I can't help it if you don't forgive me, but I'd like to at least say I'm sorry," then the person you're talking to will say, "Whether you forgive me or not, at least give me a chance to apologize. If you are in a position where you can advise the king, your self-esteem will help you to reply, "I'll let His Majesty know your intentions from time to time. That's what Yolanda calls cajoling.
It's not cajoling if you can tell they're trying to use you, and they'll be wary. You have to make the intermediary want to intercede voluntarily. In this respect, the diplomacy of the Stanza delegation is truly impressive.

 While saying this, Yolanda lets out a small sigh.

I'm sure your father and Abel could have figured out what the ...... Stanza delegation wanted by looking at their words and actions. It's a good idea to use the raccoon tricks of Eustace to make sure that those who have been spotted as intercessors don't easily trust the envoys.
I'm sure you're not the only one who has a problem with this, but with all due respect to ...... the Marquis of Yustor, isn't it still too much for Abel to handle such behavior?
I'm not sure. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at our own web site.
"Well, ......, Yolanda. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but I think that's a bit of a tall order for "full-fledged".

 Sheila's words were subdued but clear: "Aren't you being too harsh? She and Leticia agree with Shayla's words. We first saw Yolanda with her sister's face at the opening night party of the season, and surprisingly, she was not soft or sweet towards Abel. I don't know how she is normally, but when it comes to socializing, she is like this, an uncompromising instructor. He was unfazed by the opinions of the three younger students. I don't know.
 I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one.

You can't compete with the outnumbered, no matter how the Eustaceans play their cards. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the following web site: ...... So, Master Shayla, you're saying that the "intercession" from the innovators to "make Prince Stanza apologize" has grown to the point where you can no longer resist?
"I think that's what's going on, although His Majesty didn't elaborate. In the event that you have any kind of questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. He seemed to be in distress, saying that if he pretended to be ignorant of the situation any longer, he might reduce the number of people who could be his allies.
It's not that they're completely incompetent in the political arena, or even that they're highly dangerous to His Majesty and the royal family, but the fact that they've been taken advantage of by the Stanza delegation is what hurts the most. In the current situation where I want to gradually increase His Majesty's authority in order to reduce the size of the palace and establish a full-fledged queen for Shayla, I don't want to take the risk of losing someone who could be an ally. Perhaps that's what the Prime Minister was thinking.

I'm not sure I'd want to give Diana up as a human sacrifice, especially if the Stanza envoys had anticipated such a move.

 This is the first time I've ever seen such a thing.
I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that," Yolanda said, setting her cup down with a clink.

I'm sure you've heard of it, but I'm not sure if you've heard of it. I'm sure you've heard that before, but you're saying 'if you don't like it, say no, or rather, say no at all costs', aren't you?
Dee, have you been listening to so much unnecessary background noise that you've lost interest in reading what's behind the words?
"...... Shayla, what do you think I am? I'm sure you have a face that dances around misunderstandings and misinterpretations every time you say something, but I'm not going to sulk and throw a fit over it. Your Majesty's concern has been duly noted.
"Then why?

 A little lower, Raia's voice cut into Diana sharply. It's a good idea to take a look at the website and see if you can find any useful information.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for and what you need to do to get it.
 Just as she had done that night, Deanna looked back into Raia's eyes.

I have decided that the best course of action would be for me to accept the offer, considering the totality of the circumstances.
Let's hear the details of your decision.
Yes. --First of all, why does Stanza insist on apologizing to me? The most likely reason is that it was the most natural excuse to have a meeting with the royal family. Judging from the fact that they treated the Red Rose as the next queen instead of the acting queen, it is clear that they want to have a formal meeting with the royal family. By targeting me as His Majesty's favorite princess, they were probably trying to catch His Majesty at the same time. In fact, unless something urgent comes up, His Majesty will be present at the tea party.
"That's a theoretical analysis. So?
If all they want is to have an official meeting with the royal family of Elgrand, it's unlikely that the Red Rose, which is just a pretext, will be in any danger. If His Majesty is to be present, the practical matters will be discussed between the men, and I am merely a puppet who will be there to hold tomorrow's tea party, so to speak. I'll just accept a token apology and listen quietly the rest of the way.
"I don't like the fact that you're using ...... as an excuse to use Dee as a puppet.
I don't like it at all when you use Dee as an 'excuse' to make her a 'doll', but we have to put our personal feelings aside for now. To tell you the truth, of course, I have nothing but contempt for men who see women as nothing more than political tools, don't you?

 Thankfully accepting the indignation of her kind friend, Diana turned her gaze back to Raia.

I think that my safety, however tentative, is now assured. The next issue that arises is if I refuse to attend the tea party.
...... Well, you know. The nobles will think that you are 'selfish' and 'high-handed', and I can foresee that your notoriety will increase, and I am sorry about that.
"Dear Raia. Do you think that I will now be cowed by one or two such bad reviews?

 I'm sorry about that.
 --This time, the request of the Stanza delegation was something that Deanna personally could not accept, and the country was not in a situation where it was willing to provide a venue. If it had only been for Diana alone to suffer bad publicity, she would have vehemently refused without a second thought. If the king had thought about it, but the Red Rose didn't like it, he would have been able to save face with the innovative noblemen who had advised him.
 Yeah. Even Deanna thought this was something she could refuse. --Unless it was a delegation from the Stanza Empire that was planning to invade the Kingdom of Elgrand.

I'm not sure what to make of that. It's not just Diana that's going to be affected.
I'm sure that not only Diana, but everyone here and everyone at the Outer Palace agrees.
That's true. --I'm sure you'll agree with me. It's not too dangerous to let those who are planning to invade our country think that the King of Ergeland is not so powerful that he can't control his side chambers.

 The four people at the table all gasped in unison. Nodding quietly, Diana continued.

It is true that your real power in politics is now almost completely taken away. But we can't let the Stanza Empire know that. But we can't let the Stanza Empire know that. Once we arouse their suspicions, there is no way that the people who are so skillfully manipulating the royal court will stand idly by and watch. They will try to intervene in the power struggle in the royal court and eventually try to pull His Majesty down from the throne. ...... We must not let them realize that it is much easier to provoke a civil war than to invade from the outside.
That's .......
It's ...... a shame that my head spins uselessly at times like this.

 Yolanda said earlier that she would do the same thing if she were on Stanza's side, but Deanna thought about it too. --If I were a warlord of the Stanza Empire, and I wanted to take over the kingdom of Ergrand, what would I do?
 Unlike the current delegation of the Stanza Empire, Diana's mind was filled with a certain amount of information about the Kingdom of Ergeland. The answer was surprisingly simple if she used it to her advantage. The current Kingdom of Ergrand would easily destroy itself with just a little tinkering in the power struggle, without the need to organize a large army that would cross the sea.
 In other words. The current Kingdom of Ergrand is maintaining peace under such a dangerous balance. --And one of those balances is the existence of the King.

One of those balances is, of course, the existence of a king. "The radical conservatives are ready to send you to the other side whenever you stop listening to them, but so far they haven't tried to take away your pretend kingship. For the time being, the king maintains the appearance that he has the final say in the affairs of this country. Therefore, to the outside world, it appears that the king is tolerant and his subjects are competing with each other for political supremacy. The intentions of the radical conservatives are known only to a few people in this country, so it is unlikely that the delegation of Stanza, who have only made a few friendships with the innovative nobles, will notice. In order to keep this charade from arousing suspicion, we must avoid any action that could be seen as weakening His Majesty's authority as much as possible. --That is why I have decided to accept the offer of the stanza delegation.
"Dee ......, what the hell are you doing ......?

 I'm not sure what to make of that. Deanna chuckled a little.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure you'll be able to do it. If the royal power is unchallenged, it would be strange for me not to be nominated as the regular queen when the Red Rose is considered the favorite princess. But you can make it up as you go along, saying that it's a happy occasion and you want as many nobles as possible to congratulate you, so you're steadily going around trying to persuade them. It's not too late, I think, seeing as how the ambassadors are moving.
"...... Kai, you must be very angry.

"You know exactly what I mean. I think we've gotten to know each other pretty well, but you're grumpier than I've ever seen you.

 Instead of being obsessive about most things, Kai is obsessive about the things he cares about. It seems that the tea party with Prince Stanza was something that Kai was very concerned about, and even though Deanna carefully explained the risks of refusing the meeting, he insisted, "Dee doesn't need to take care of that. This morning, when she received the notice that the date of the tea party had been officially decided, she was so blatantly angry that you could feel her grumpiness even from the ceiling. It's hard to call Kai covert now, because he's neither covert nor can he hide his moods.

I understand Deanna's thoughts, but ...... I have to admit I agree with Kai. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.

 I'm sure you'll be able to make it up as you go along," she said with a sigh, and Yolanda nodded while eating a baked good.

I'm sure you've weighed the risks of accepting the offer against the risks of refusing it, and you've figured out that the risks of accepting are limited to you at most, but the negative effects of refusing are far-reaching. The scale of "extensive" is a bit too large. You should have left it to the people at the Outer Palace to think about such things, and let Deanna behave honestly with herself.
...... Speaking for myself, if I had a personality that could be divided up like that, I don't think I'd be defending the throne of the 'Red Rose' with all these hardships.
I'm sure you'll be able to tell that it's just like Diana, but ...... she's got a difficult personality.

 I'm not sure what to make of that.

In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
...... Do you think so? I'm sure you'll be able to understand that I'm not the only one.
I don't think you're holding back, you're just weak. You can see that Dee doesn't want to back down, so you can't push her. I know what you're thinking, but ...... it's times like this when you should use your beautiful face to your advantage and do something s*xy with it.
"...... Shayla is really harsh with Kai, isn't she? But who would Kai be trying to seduce? I don't think there are any women in the Stanza delegation.

 You can find a lot of things that you can do to make your life easier.
 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. "Oh, Deanna, you're not going to deny the 'beautiful face' part, are you? Is Kai really that good looking?
"Well, yes. I think he's well-dressed. Sometimes I feel like I'm wasting my time in hiding.
Since you don't care much about other people's looks, you must be pretty good. I'm getting a little curious.
"Yolanda ......
Hey, Lia. Are you jealous?
Don't be silly. You're not interested in what they look like, are you?
I'm not interested in what they look like, but I am interested in what kind of men Diana thinks are beautiful.

 Relieved that the usual ivy garden had finally returned, Deanna reenergized herself for the tea party in a few days.