85 Episode 23 Western Diplomacy

 "Would you like to explain, King Chelda!

 Hercule asks in a strong tone.
 King Chelda glared at Hercule, then waved his hand in an attempt to shake her off. ......

 Hercule grasped his hand tightly and refused to let go.

 If you're a warbeast and you're not a beast, you're a warbeast and you're a warbeast and you're a warbeast.

 Hercule's grip is 200 kilograms.
 It's not that easy to break free.

 "I'll let you go if you explain what happened and promise not to hit Cecilia with your hands. I ask you again. Would you like to explain? King Chelda!!!!

 Hercule tightened his grip on her arm.
 King Chelda's face twisted in pain.

 "...... All right, I'll explain. So let me go, Emperor of Lemuria!
 "Do you swear you will not be violent?
 Do you swear you won't use violence?

 Hercule sniffed, then removed his hand.
 King Cerda rubbed his hand in Hercule's grip as he answered Hercule's question.

 ...... I was having a little theological debate with the young lady there. That's all.
 "How ...... did it look to me like you were trying to violate Cecilia?
 Is this Cecilia ...... the name of the young lady there? I was just trying to scratch my head. You misunderstood. That's enough, okay?

 Was I trying to hit you or did it look like I was trying to hit you? ......
 It's hard to tell.

 It's hard to tell, but as long as King Cerda insists that he did, I guess he did.
 At least, King Chelda and the Kingdom of Chelda would insist on it, and would never admit it.

 Hercule is only a little ......
 Hindsight is 20/20.

 If only we had stopped a little later ......

 And then, after thinking about it, he reconsiders, "No, now would have been the right time.

 I should have left a good impression on Cecilia for later.
 In the first place, King Cerda's attempt to hit Cecilia was completely unexpected.

 Let King Cerda deal with this.
 ...... It's obvious to anyone who looks at him that he tried to hit her.

 Let him get away with it as best he can.

 There are more important things to ask Hercule.

 "Cecilia, what was your dispute with King Cerda?
 "Well, well, ...... this is ...... the Kingdom of Chelda.
 "That's not important right now. Why were you in trouble?

 When asked by Hercule, ......
 Cecilia replied.

 "This ...... King Chelda has insulted Nia. ...... Demons (Nightmare) go home, inferiors, rats. That's what he said. So I asked him to retract his statement and apologize to Nia.

 I see. ......
 Hercule nodded. That's to be expected.

 I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot more information on this in the future. King Cerda.

 Hercule says, deliberately, in a loud voice.
 King Chelda shook her head.

 "No, you can't possibly think that.
 "Then what about your earlier comment about inferiority? You can't say you didn't say that, can you?
 That's .......

 King Cerda hesitated for a moment and then answered.

 I was talking to the Nightmare over there. What's the problem? You know as well as I do that the Nightmare race is barbaric.

 So ......
 Nightmares are abhorred all over the world.

 Unlike on Earth, where concepts such as human rights and discrimination are commonplace,......
 In this world, there is no such concept.
 Therefore, it is not a special problem to say that the demon race (nightmare) is inferior or inferior.

 Yes, it's okay to say that Nightmare is an inferior species.
 But to say that to Nia is ......

 It was clearly a miscommunication.

 "King Chellda! That's an insult to me, my clan, and the Patriarchate of Nova Lemuria!

 The one who angrily shouted at King Chelda was Lucanos Lucarius.
 The Patriarch of Nova Lemuria.

 The Patriarchs of the Five Temples have authority equal to or greater than that of the King of a country.

 Even King Cerda faltered at this.
 But ...... King Chelda couldn't understand why Loukanos was so angry.

 "I don't get it. Why would he do that?

 "That Nightmare girl ......, Nia Lucarios, is my adopted daughter. Now, am I correct in assuming that you've told me that my adopted son is an inferior race of rats?

 Loukanos shouted angrily at King Chelda.
 King Chelda's face turned pale.

 Finally, he realized that he had made a fatal mistake.
 He rapidly sobered up.

 "To begin with, ...... all Messiahs are equal. And ...... Nia is a nobleman of my country and my squire. That's why I've brought him here.

 Hercule says to King Cerda, matter-of-factly.
 And ......

 He released his magic.

 "My nobleman, my squire is a rat? An inferior race? That's an insult to me and to my country!

 The magic of Awe is released.
 The air in the hall went down at once.

 In contrast, King Cerda's body was sweating like a waterfall.

 "Bow your head and apologize! King Chelda! If you will not apologize, then ......

 Hercule said in a low voice.

 "If you do not apologize, I will take this as a declaration of war against my country!

 King Cerda gulped.

 "I see. ...... That Lemurian emperor has conspired.

 King Ludwig I, who had been watching the commotion from a distance, muttered, "What does that mean, Your Majesty?

 "What does that mean, Your Majesty?
 'Don't you understand? Laurent.

 One of the Seven Knights of the Round Table under King Ludwig I.
 Roland the Valiant.

 He's a young knight of valor with the rank of Count.

 "I'm sorry, Your Majesty.
 "No, it's okay. ...... This is just my guess. You can't be sure you're right. But ......

 King Ludwig I crossed his arms.

 You can imagine what a ruckus it would cause if you brought a nightmare here in the first place. Especially since ...... King Cerda, who is famous for his supremacy over the warbeast race, will be there. No one in their right mind would dare to bring him there. But ......, the Emperor of Lemuria did. Quite frankly, it's a fool's errand. But if his goal is to cause such a ruckus and frame King Cerda, then ...... that man is trouble.

 King Ludwig I raised his guard against Hercule.
 By reputation, I've heard that he's a kind and generous ruler who treats everyone equally. ......

 Reputations are completely useless.

 "But Your Majesty, will King Chelda apologize? The military power of the Kingdom of Chelda should be able to compete with Lemuria. There's no need to apologize. Smash them head on.

 This threat will be taken as a declaration of war.

 A threat like that only works against those who don't want a war.
 Wouldn't it work against King Chelda?

 Laurent asks.

 King Ludwig I nodded in agreement.

 Yes, it is. So, if ...... the emperor had a fit of pique and said it, then it's highly likely that this whole mess was a spur of the moment thing. But if ......
 "What if?
 If the Lemurian emperor had collaborated with the King of Edelna, the Edelna nobility, and the high priests beforehand,......, there would be no need to go that far. You know, if he had a better understanding of the Nightmare, ......

 This banquet was to celebrate the accession of King Edelna to the throne,......, and many Edelna nobles were in attendance.

 In addition, due to its location near the Patriarchate of Lemuria, there are also many high-ranking clergy in attendance.
 If they were to feel even a little bit of pity ...... for Nia, then ......

 Righteousness is the Emperor of Lemuria, evil is King Cerda.
 In that atmosphere, will ...... King Chelda be able to keep from apologizing?

 It's an interesting play, and it's a shame ...... that I'm not a character in it. It's a shame I'm not a character in the play. ...... I think I'll stick to watching this time. This time, ...... next time, I'd love for you to see the play I supervised. Emperor of Lemuria ...... No, Your Majesty, Hercule.

 Strengths can become weaknesses, and weaknesses can become strengths.
 This is Hercule's theory.

 What I mean by that is ......

 The fact that you are discriminated against can be a tool to gain advantage, depending on how you use it.

 In the world of politics, sympathy is very important.
 Even if you don't do much, you can get a lot of support if you are pitied.

 Victim and perpetrator are especially important factors.

 Anyway, in the world of politics, if you label your opponents as the perpetrators, you can get away with anything you want, no matter how absurd.

 Therefore, in the world of politics, it is important to be a victim. ......
 You should never be a perpetrator.

 Now, ......

 Nia is, by all accounts, a pitiful little girl.

 Her parents, who had been kind to her until now, changed ......
 The parents, who had been kind to her until now, changed and became violent just because she was a Nightmare.

 In the end, they call her 'you are not my daughter' and she loses her warm home and food.

 Just because you are a demon (nightmare), no one will help you. ......
 And even now, I'm still a demon.

 And even now, I'm afraid of being abused for being a Nightmare. ......
 And even now, she's terrified of being called a Nightmare.

 Oh, where in the world is such a pitiful girl?

 And most people would feel sorry for Nia if they heard about her life so far.
 Even those who have been discriminating against the demon race (Nightmare) are not unmoved.

 In addition, Nia has a lovely appearance.
 It is no joke that pretty is justice.

 The ugly one and the beautiful one are both being tortured. ......
 If you were to ask which one is more pathetic? Most people would probably choose the beautiful woman.

 That's the way humans are.

 It's obvious that cute slaves become very popular heroines in creative works, and that doujin games that keep loving slaves sell like hotcakes.

 Nia's cute appearance is reminiscent of a small animal, and her body is small.
 Her frightened eyes and unhappy smile.
 And a tragic past.

 This is what drives people to protect her.

 In fact, Nia has charmed many people without even realizing it.

 First Hercule.  
 Then Lucanos.
 Karolina, Lunalie, Darius and others, of course, ......

 Even Ciphany, who had a strong sense of discrimination against Nia, was now taking care of her.

 Now, everyone in Lemuria Palace can be said to be a fan of Near.

 That's why Hercule decided to take advantage of Nia's magical nature.

 Well, it's not that difficult.

 First, he would take Nia to the Kingdom of Edelna.
 And tell the nobles and clergy how pitiful Nia is.

 Hercule is very good at arousing people's emotions.
 It was very easy for Hercule to turn the nobles and clergy into Nia's fans.

 Thus, the mood of "Poor Nia" was formed.

 She also brought Cecilia, who seemed to have a strong sense of justice, to her side, and they became friends.

 Thus, the trap was set.
 All that remained was for King Cerda to successfully abuse or beat Nia.

 After that, ......

 "Now, let's hear your apologies. King Chelda. To me, to Nia, to Loukanos. If you don't want to apologize, then we will force you to do so by force.

 Hercule closed in on King Chelda.
 King Chelda looked around.

 (d*mn ...... being surrounded by Lemurian vassals......)

 King Chelda found herself surrounded by Galfis Galleanos, Christophe Audias, Loukanos Lucarios, Edmond Erdemort, and Carolina Galleanos.
 If King Cerda tried to harm Hercule in any way, the swords of these five men would cut his body to shreds.

 They were surrounded by the cold-eyed Edelna nobles and clergymen.

 King Chelda's vassals cannot go to help him even if they wanted to.

 (What about King Edelna, King Tretum, King Fulling, and the mediums!

 King Chelda waits for them to come and remonstrate with Hercule, but they only watch coldly, and do not try to help him.

 Of course not.

 If you try to defend King Chelda at all here and now, you'll get ......
 If you try to defend King Chelda now, you will be labeled a racist by Hercule.

 No one was willing to help King Cerda by picking up chestnuts in the fire.

 In the first place, the medium herself almost had her grandson assaulted by King Chelda. ......
 They had no obligation to help her.

 What they are more interested in is ......
 The only thing they care about is whether King Chelda will bow to Hercule or go to war with him.

 That's all that matters.

 King Chelda gritted her teeth.
 Even if he doesn't apologize and we go to war, we will win.

 King Chelda was confident.

 But ......
 If he did not apologize, he would not be able to avoid international condemnation.

 If he did not apologize, he would face international condemnation and even the threat of an anti-Cherda alliance.

 Besides, ......
 King Chelda's throne is not in a secure position.

 There are many people who are dissatisfied with his policies of oppression of the orthodox and the different races.

 And ......
 The son of King Chelda is an idealist who is the opposite of King Chelda. ...... His anti-warbeast supremacy has gained him a certain amount of support from some nobles and clergy.

 If he was not careful, even the throne of King Cerda could be overthrown.

 But ......
 But to apologize to the Emperor of Lemuria: ......

 But apologizing to the Emperor of Lemuria would destroy his authority and the Kingdom of Chelda's. ......

 King Chelda was troubled, and after some thought, he said ......

 I'm sorry, ....... I take back what I said. Your Majesty. I am sorry to ...... Lucanos and to ..................... I apologize. I apologize.

 King Chelda finally hung her head.
 This was the moment when the Emperor of Lemuria diplomatically brought King Chelda to her knees.

 At this moment, at this moment, ......
 The Emperor of Lemuria was confirmed to be higher than King Chelda.

 Hercule smiled as he accepted the apology.

 "Well, good. ...... I was a little too angry. I'm sorry, Cecilia, you should apologize too. You were out of line.
 "Yes, but ......
 ...... I'm sorry, King Chelda. I was out of line.

 Hercule apologized lightly to King Cerda, and Cecilia bowed her head.
 Then Hercule clapped his hands.

 Then he clapped his hands and said, "Well, I'm sorry to have ruined your celebration. I hope you can all forget about what just happened. Yes, the parties have already apologized. It's all behind us. Let's all look forward.

 I don't care about any of this.
 Hercule said with a smile, as if to say, "I don't care about any of this.

 Thus, Hercule showed his generosity and raised his stock even higher.

 ...... Well, even if I told you to forget it, you can't forget it.
 King Cerda bowed to Hercule.
 This fact will remain forever.

 By the way, ......
 At this time, King Thyudimyr of Edelna is said to have muttered something like this.

 I never thought I would become a dog of Lemuria. The first generation would weep if they saw me. Oh, how pathetic.

 ...... The warbeast's hearing is very good.
 He hadn't missed the insult from King Cerda.