86 Episode 24 Conspiracy and Conspiracy

 Ha-ha-ha. !!!! Did you see that? That dog man's face! Oh no, I can't stop laughing! "I'm sorry about ....... I take back what I said!

 The next day, Hercule was smiling brightly.

 The next day, Hercule was smiling broadly. In the guest room assigned to Hercule, Karolina, Loukanos, and other senior officials of the Lemurian Empire were gathered.

 They were there to discuss what had happened last night with Hercule.

 I'm not sure what to say. I'm sure you've heard of it, but I'm not sure if you're a ...... human being.

 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it.

 To say the least, Hercule's actions are disgusting.
 To say the least, Hercule's actions were disgusting, as he played with the hearts of two innocent girls, Nia and Cecilia, in order to create a match pump.

 But neither of them realized that (for the time being).

 I don't have enough life experience yet: ......
 This is because they don't understand who Hercule is.

 To tell the truth, ......
 Many of the chiefs knew that Hercule was up to something.

 The reason was that Hercule seemed to be enjoying himself more than usual.

 Also ......
 The act of taking Nia with him was clearly unnatural.

 Nia is indeed the adopted child of Loukanos.
 But that's all.

 If Nia is to be taken, it would be unfair if all the children of the Seventy-Seven Holy Families of the Lemurian Empire were not brought along.

 It is true that Hercule loves Nia.
 However, the love that Hercule has for Nia is that of a pet. ......

 Hercule is not the type of person who would take a pet on an important outing.

 In addition, there is a warbeast supremacist named Raus I - King Cerda.

 Hercule's act this time is equivalent to bringing a dog into a party knowing that there are people who are allergic to dogs.

 Trouble is bound to happen.

 Your sovereign is not so stupid that he cannot foresee it.
 What does ...... mean?

 Is the goal to cause trouble?

 I've been thinking about this for a while now. ......
 It's not too difficult to predict if you know the usual Hercule.

 It's not that hard to guess. ...... Now, Todoris. I asked you to negotiate yesterday. ...... Are you done?
 "Yes. Thanks to you, it all went smoothly. It was a success.

 Hearing Todoris' report, Hercule nodded in satisfaction.
 Galfis and Kristoff frowned.

 "Are you saying that ...... you have heard the story from His Majesty?

 Kristoff asked Hercule.
 Hercule nodded quietly.

 "Well, yeah. I probably should have told you guys, but there was a ...... chance they would have seen it in my eyes. This scheme depended heavily on King Cerda's mood and bad intuition. Therefore, I wanted to avoid even the slightest chance of failure. Also, I had told Loukanos about it in addition to Todoris. He had an important role to play in shouting down King Cerda.

 "...... I see.

 Kristoff looked satisfied.
 But, on an emotional level, he wished that he had told him in advance.

 "But, Your Majesty. But, Your Majesty, do you think King Chelda will just back down? Given his kingly nature, ......
 "I don't think he'll back down.

 Before Galfis could say anything else, Hercule assured him.

 He will try to make up for his diplomatic blunder. There is only one way to do that. War.

 In short, because they couldn't win at chess: ......
 Let's kill him by beating him with a chessboard!

 Hercule's prediction was that King Cerda would think, "Oh, I see.

 "So, ...... war, huh? When do you think the time will come?
 "It won't be this year, of course. It will be next spring. ...... No, it will be after the summer, considering the preparations.

 As soon as I return home, I'll lead an army to invade Lemuria. ......
 Such an act is too obvious.

 It would be a disgrace on top of a disgrace.

 Next year, when the heat has died down, ......
 The most likely possibility is that they will attack next year when the situation has cooled down.

 But, well, ......, you're probably not going to be around this time. Galfis.
 Does that mean that the ...... main battlefield will be the ocean?
 Yes. Ninety percent of the time, it's the ocean.

 Hercule smiles.
 There was a hint of confidence in his expression.

 "Tell me why, Your Majesty.

 Kristoff approaches Hercule with an expectant look on his face.
 He smiles and gives his rationale.

 First of all, it's hard to replenish supplies on land. The southern continent has a desert climate. The area around the oasis and the rivers are certainly rich in grain and date palms,......, but the rest of the land is barren and uninhabitable. It is difficult to march.

 The coastal areas of the southern continent have a sharp difference between rich and poor areas.

 Even if you try to pass through the rich areas as much as possible, you can't avoid the desert.
 Of course, there are military roads, so it is not impossible to pass through. ......
 As a commander, I would prefer to avoid it if possible.

 Second, I'm good at land warfare, and I have a reputation for it. Second, I'm good at land battles, and I have that reputation. Second, I'm good at land battles, and I have that reputation. If possible, he would try to challenge them in a field they are not good at or have no experience in.

 Hercule has no experience in naval warfare.
 Lack of experience is a great weakness.

 In war, it is important to follow your own weaknesses and exploit the weaknesses of your opponent.

 So it is only natural that King Chelda would want to challenge the naval battle.

 "Third ......, as the opponent challenges us with naval battles, we will also challenge them.

 It is not that we are attacked.
 We make them attack us.

 That is the style of Hercule.

 "So, Christophe. I'm counting on you to lead. "So, Christophe. ...... Don't tell me you can't win.
 I'm not going to let ...... those dogs get behind me. We have a new weapon, you know. We will definitely present you with victory.

 Kristoff grinned.

 "Your ...... Majesty. What are these 'negotiations' that you and Foreign Minister Todoris were talking about earlier?

 As soon as the conversation between Hercule, Christophe and Galfis is over, Karolina asks Hercule.

 It's about cooperating with the Kingdom of Tretum against Cerda Fulling. Do you understand ......?
 "I understand the geopolitical advantage of a ...... pincer movement. But please tell me what this has to do with the fact that you made King Chelda apologize.
 "...... Hmm, okay. Let me explain it to you from the beginning.

 The kingdoms of Cerda, Tretum, Edelna and Fulling.
 These four countries have had a good relationship with each other.

 This is because all four countries are warbeast nations.

 It is too short-sighted and foolish to think that the four countries are all warbeast nations.

 If this logic is true, then the countries of the same "Asian" people should be in love with each other.

 Lumping the warbeasts together is equivalent to lumping the peoples of East Asia together.

 The warbeasts are classified into several types, such as dog, cat, fox, and raccoon.
 From there, they are further divided into countless tribes such as wolves, lions, leopards, and celestial foxes.

 The tribes are not on the best of terms with each other.

 In fact, the tribes of the four countries do not get along well with each other.
 They abhor each other.

 Then, why do they have a friendly relationship?

 The reason is to prevent the Lemurian Empire from interfering in their internal affairs.

 As I have mentioned many times, the three countries except for the Kingdom of Cerda are nominally kingdoms within the Lemurian Empire, and are subject to Lemurian law.

 And even though it has declined, the power of the Lemurian Empire cannot be underestimated.

 In addition, there are many people left over from the Western Lemurian Empire in their territory.
 The Lemurian Empire still has a certain amount of influence over them as well.

 Therefore, the three countries must always be wary of interference in their internal affairs.

 Nevertheless, a government position from the Lemurian Empire can be a great help and foil in governing the remaining people of the Western Lemurian Empire.

 We do not want to aggravate relations with the Lemurian Empire.
 On the other hand, I don't want to get too close.

 As a result, they chose to restrain the Lemurian Empire by building a relationship with the Kingdom of Cerda, the only kingdom that can fight head-on with the Lemurian Empire, at the top of the list, which is not an alliance, but more than an ordinary friendship.

 The Lemurian Empire, on the other hand, thought, "I don't like the fact that you're getting along with the Kingdom of Chelda, but I'm not doing anything to hurt my reputation, and frankly, I don't have enough time to fight with them. ......" and tolerated it.

 However, ......
 In recent years, that relationship has been breaking down.

 The rebirth of the Lemurian Empire with the accession of Hercule.
 The rapid development and expansion of the Fullerling Kingdom, its wars and territorial expansion.
 The arrogant attitude of the Kingdom of Chelda.

 A variety of factors have strained the relationship between the four countries.

 And then ......
 A new pro-Lemurian king has ascended to the throne of Edelna.

 The Kingdom of Edelna will distance itself from the Kingdom of Cerda and rapidly approach the Lemurian Empire.
 The Kingdom of Frarling, under the leadership of King Ludwig I, has begun to take its own course.
 The Kingdom of Chelda is becoming more and more arrogant in its diplomacy under the leadership of the hard-line King Raoul I.

 Now, it is the Kingdom of Tretum that is in trouble.

 It is not so close to the Lemurian Empire due to distance.
 On the other hand, we don't like being looked down upon by the Kingdom of Cerda.
 The neighboring kingdom of Fulling occasionally tries to invade and seize our territory.

 I'm in trouble, I'm in trouble: ......
 The timing of King Cerda's apology to Hercule was perfect.

 King Tretum thought that Hercule, who made him bow, was more reliable than King Chelda, who bowed to him ......
 King Tretum thought that Hercule, who had made him bow, was more reliable than King Cerda, who had bowed to him.

 Thus, the Kingdom of Tretum quickly turned pro-Lemuria.

 "Sort of. Do you understand?
 "...... I see, I see. So, it's not just a hobby of yours to torment Raus I, is it?
 Hmm, well, about a third of the time it is, but ...... I wouldn't do that either, unless it was in the national interest.

 In other words, if it's in the national interest, I'm happy to do it.
 Hercule's work and private life often coincide.

 "Well, it's just a promise of cooperation. We didn't sign the treaty just to do our best. It's a big step forward, though. For now, I'm going to hit the Kingdom of Cerda once and make it quiet. Then the south will be safe for a while.

 The west is already solidified.
 The south is now secure.
 Now we need to solidify the north. ......

 And then we can go toe-to-toe with the savages. ...... giggle.

 Hercule laughed in amusement.

 Meanwhile, in the kingdom of Hayastan, ......

 "This is Vahan Kaluran. I've been feeling a little uncomfortable lately. ......
 "Discomfort, sir? Your Majesty? What the hell is that?

 The King of Khayastan, King Frates III, questioned Vahan, the general in his entourage.

 ...... I feel like there's been a decrease in the number of dishes in our meals lately.

 A royal meal is a very large meal.
 They are usually prepared in such a way that you can't eat all of them, so you won't get hungry or lose weight if you eat one or two less dishes. ......

 I'm a little concerned.

 If you're wondering why, you're not listening to ......?
 Listen? Ask me what?
 I'm sure you're aware of that.
 ...... Oh, I remember that story.

 Finally, Frates III remembered that he had received such a report from a bureaucrat.
 I see, that's why there's less food. ......

 But wait a minute. I gave you permission to reduce the budget, but I didn't give you permission to reduce the side dishes, remember? Oh, no, I'm not complaining about the reduction in side dishes, I'm just asking why no one has ever come to me to tell me they want to reduce side dishes or have reduced side dishes. ......
 What? I've also heard about that from Lunalie-sama? I also heard about it from Lunalie-sama. ...... No one told His Majesty about it?

 The truth of the matter is as follows.

 First, the Emperor of Lemuria ordered the Kingdom of Hayastan to reform its finances in order to squeeze out funds for the reform of Hayastan.
 This was conveyed to the bureaucrats of Hayastan through Lunalie, who drew up various reform plans, which were returned to Lunalie, who looked them over, and then returned them to the bureaucrats again.
 Finally, the budget for the current year, which was necessary for the reforms, was submitted to King Frates III of Hayastan through the bureaucrats, and King Frates III put his seal on it.

 Then, within the limits of the proposed budget, the bureaucrats determined the cost of the court's food and servants' labor, which went to Lunalie in the form of an after-the-fact report, then to Hercule, and then back to the bureaucrats through Lunalie again.

 It was then put into practice.
 And so it went.

 Vahan happened to overhear a bit of the process from Lunalie when she came back.

 ...... I see, I'm starting to get the idea.

 In the treaty signed by the Kingdom of Khayastan and the Lemurian Empire, there is something like this.

 The budget of the Kingdom of Hayastan shall be effective only when signed by both the Emperor of Lemuria and the King of Hayastan.
 The draft laws of the Kingdom of Hayastan shall be effective only when signed by both the Emperor of Lemuria and the King of Hayastan.

 In other words, it's an article that allows the Emperor of Lemuria to interfere in internal affairs.

 Well, as a protector, I can't complain about this, so even if King Hayastan doesn't agree with it, I think it can't be helped.

 Now, what I'm wondering is: ......
 I'm wondering how much permission is needed from the Emperor of Lemuria? For example, if you don't have the permission of the Emperor of Lemuria, you don't need the permission of the Emperor.

 For example, is it okay for King Hayastan to buy some sweets in the city without the Lemurian Emperor's permission? Is it bad?

 The answer is, of course, "yes.

 The Emperor of Lemuria doesn't have time to give permission for such trivial things.

 The Emperor of Lemuria's approval is only required for budget proposals and large-scale projects.
 In the first place, King Khayastan does not want to be asked to report on the court budget, such as "how much was spent on food, how much on food, and how much on food.

 Such details are done by bureaucrats, and finally approved by the king after the fact.
 This is common practice in Lemuria and Khayastan.

 In fact, even the Emperor of Lemuria knows the "court budget," but he does not know in detail how much was spent on what.

 Now, with the above in mind, let's look at ......
 Let me explain what happened.

 The bureaucrats of the Kingdom of Khayastan decided on and managed the court's food and labor costs within the limits of the "fixed court budget.
 They reported to the Emperor of Lemuria through Lunalie after the fact.

 He did not report to King Hayastan at all.

 "Lunalie knows about this at .......
 No, I don't think she knows about this. ...... 'Why do you have to tell this to the Emperor through me? You don't have to tell him such trivial things. Hayastan's bureaucrats are too sensitive to the Emperor's face! That's why he was so angry.

 Hearing Vahan's words, King Frates III sighed.

 "The king of this land is now the Emperor of Lemuria. ......
 "That's not true. ...... Your Majesty, let's take this up with the Lemurian Emperor. Let's protest this to the Emperor of Lemuria. - Let's not let this happen without informing him. ......
 "Don't do such a thing. ...... This is not the will of the Emperor of Lemuria. This is not the will of the Emperor of Lemuria. If I protest such a thing, the Emperor of Lemuria will know that I have no power whatsoever over the bureaucrats and nobles.
 "So, but ......
 Don't get angry. Okay? Vahan.
 "...... Yes, Your Majesty.

 Vahan looked unhappy, but backed down.

 "I'm sorry, Vahan.
 "No, Your Majesty. I am a soldier of this country, and my only lord is you.

 King Frates III was grateful to Vahan for treating him as the only king in the land.

 That night.

 "My apologies for the late hour, Your Majesty.
 What is your urgent need for ......? You're not going to start a tea party now, are you?

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.
 To summon the king, even in the middle of the night.
 It was an outrageous act.

 But ...... is still a request from a great nobleman.
 And it's a serious matter that can't be discussed in the palace during the day.

 It was hard for the good-natured King Fuertes III to refuse.
 That is why, despite his complaints, King Frates III took the trouble to go to the palace.

 He was led to a room at the back of the house.
 There, he found all the great nobles of the Kingdom of Khayastan.

 Looking at these people, King Frates III somehow guessed what they wanted from him.

 The noblemen bowed deeply to him and knelt down.

 "Raise your masks. ...... What are your requirements? Be brief.
 "Yes, Your Majesty. Yes, Your Majesty. ...... Let me cut to the chase. Your Majesty, let's assassinate the Emperor of Lemuria.

 Ah, so that's the one. ......
 King Frates III smiled at the predictable reaction of the grand nobles.

 "Whether you will or not, how will you do it? Do you have a very good assassin in your ranks?
 "During the parade in our country after the wedding. We'll kill the Emperor of Lemuria then. If it's in our country, the guards will be less strict. ...... And after the wedding, he will be less careless. If we miss this opportunity, our country will become a vassal state of Lemuria forever.

 I see. ......
 Frates III was only slightly convinced.

 It's true that he could assassinate her if the timing was right.
 At the very least, it was much more realistic than the idea of starting a rebellion against the Lemurian Empire .......

 Suppose you succeed in assassinating the Lemurian emperor. What would you do with it? You don't really think that killing the Lemurian Emperor will destroy the Lemurian Empire, do you?

 This isn't a war from long ago.
 You can't just take the general's head and win.
 The Lemurian Empire is a centralized state with a well-developed bureaucracy.

 When the Lemurian emperor dies, the next Lemurian emperor will ascend to the throne immediately.
 And ......
 The Lemurian Empire will invade the Kingdom of Khayastan.

 That emperor is supported by nobles, commoners, warriors, literati, clergymen, young and old, men and women alike.

 The story of ...... is so famous that a nation that resisted Lemuria three times was burned to the ground, all the women were taken as slaves, the men were killed, and the site was so thoroughly destroyed that even salt was sprinkled on it.

 The Kingdom of Khayastan is an Achaean nation.
 From the perspective of the Lemurian Empire, it is a heretical nation.

 The Lemurian Empire would have no mercy on them.

 Seek protection from King Fars. If we take the head of the Lemurian emperor as a gift, the king will protect us again. King Farrus demanded tribute from us, but he never disrespected you or interfered in our internal affairs. Rather than becoming a province of the Lemurian Empire, it would be best for us to survive as a province of the Kingdom of Foulds.

 I see, you don't like the idea of having your territory taken away.

 Under the direction of Emperor Lemuria, the power of the nobility is being reduced in the Kingdom of Hayastan.
 The power and financial resources of the provinces are being gathered at the center.
 But the center here is not the King of Hayastan, but the Emperor of Lemuria.

 Do you really think King Fars will allow us to do this? And even if he assassinates the Lemurian Emperor, the power of Lemuria is still strong. The Kingdom of Phallus is a superpower, yes, but the Lemurian Empire is just as powerful, if not more so.

 "No, Your Majesty. No, Your Majesty. Losing the Emperor of Lemuria will greatly diminish the power of the Lemurian Empire. If the Lemurian emperor dies now, only his brother Titus can succeed him. But he does not have the ability to unite the vassals of the Lemurian Empire and defeat King Fahls in war.

 (Is it really going to work out that way?)

 Frates III is half-believing that ......
 In fact, the Grand Nobleman is correct.

 The current Lemurian Empire is in fact supported by Herculean individuals.

 For example, ......
 Lucanos Lucarius, a major figure in the religious world of the Lemurian Empire.

 He is Hercule's teacher and has a de facto parent-child relationship with Hercule.
 That's why Lucanos is supporting Hercule's regime.

 Christophe Auguste, Grand Admiral of the Lemurian Empire.

 He is Hercule's uncle and is related to him by blood.
 That's why Christophe is supporting Hercule's regime.

 Galfis Gallianos, a general of the Lemurian Empire.

 His daughter, Karolina Galleanos, is Hercule's fiancée.
 That's why Galfis is supporting Hercule's regime.

 And Darios, Antonio, Shylock.
 They don't serve the Lemurian Empire, they serve Hercule, the individual.

 Suppose Hercule dies and Titus comes to the throne.

 The first thing that would happen is a struggle for power between Loukanos, Christophe, and Galfis.
 This would be a large-scale conflict involving the nobility, clergy, and bureaucrats of the entire Lemurian Empire.

 It was inevitable that Darius, Antonio, and Shylock would leave the Lemurian Empire, fed up with the political strife.
 There is even a possibility that Darios will revolt.

 The loss of Hercule, the main pillar of the Lemurian Empire, would plunge it into chaos.

 Therefore, ......
 The plan of the great nobles is very likely to succeed.

 However, it also depends on the mood of King Foulds.

 But what about the Lunary? The parade in our country will take place after the wedding. At her age, you want her to be a widow? And ...... are you going to stigmatize Lunalie as the wife who assassinated her husband?
 "...... Indeed, it may be a painful experience for Master Lunalie.

 The great nobleman said this and then ......
 I'm not sure what to say.

 But is Master Lunalie happy now, to begin with? The Emperor of Lemuria and Master Lunalie's marriage ...... has not been heard of very well. If you think about it, for the sake of Lunalie, wouldn't it be better to kill the Emperor of Lemuria?
 That's ......

 I've heard nothing but good things about ...... 
 It's a rumor that Hercule raped Lunalie and forced her to have a relationship with him, and planned to make Hayastan a Lemurian province.
 This is a rumor.

 Frates III knows that this is not true.
 Rather, the victim is the Emperor of Lemuria and the perpetrator is Lunalie.

 But ......
 I'm sure you've heard of it, but I've never heard of it.

 Sometimes the thought crosses the mind of King Frates III.

 Lunalie says she wanted to do it for the kingdom of Khayastan.
 But what about Lunalie's true feelings? 

 Isn't it true that deep down, she doesn't want to do it?
 Isn't she killing herself?
 Isn't there a happier marriage?
 Isn't he sacrificing Lunalie and his daughter?

 These were the questions that worried King Frates III.

 King Frates III is aware of this.
 He knew that he was not worthy of being king.
 He also knows that the people of Khayastan and his subjects would be happier if they were ruled by the ...... Emperor of Lemuria.

 He knows that the people of Hayastan and his subjects would be happier if they were ruled by the Emperor of Lemuria, and he knows that he can't blame them for not treating him as king, even though it makes him uncomfortable.

 But as a father, ......
 I want to protect my daughter.

 That's why Frates III is ......

 "I can't decide ...... right away. You have to give me a more concrete plan.
 "...... All right, Your Majesty. Then I will tell you the ...... specific plan. You have until the day after the wedding of Emperor Lemuria and Master Lunalie to make your decision.