87 Episode 25 Next | Princess Miko "Medium" Before

 After the ceremony at King Cerda's, Hercule and the others traveled by carriage southwest from Edelna.

 They arrived at ......

 Welcome, Lunalee, Scheherazade! Our old home, the land of our fathers, the land of our beginnings! The city of Lemuria!


 When Hercule arrived at Lemuria City, he led Lunalie to the highest of the seven hills.
 He showed her the view from the top of the hill.

 Lunalie gulped and gave her impressions to Hercule.

 "It looks like only ghosts live there!
 "It's even more deserted than I imagined!
 "Well, I wouldn't be surprised if there were ten or twenty thousand of them.

 I wouldn't be surprised if there were 10,000 or 20,000 of them." Hercule smiled at their honest impressions.

 Lemuria, the city of white light.
 Lemuria, the city of white light, a marble metropolis with a population of over a million.

 People from all over the world gather here, and a festival is held every day somewhere in the city.
 There are no walls, perhaps because there are no foreign enemies.

 Everyone laughed and enjoyed the peace.

 The eternal city of Lemuria.


 That was a long time ago.

 A world city with a population of over a million now has a population of less than five thousand.
 The marketplace, which was once crowded with people and merchants touting their wares with shouting voices, is now filled with stray dogs, cats, and rats fighting among themselves.

 Well, the Lemurian Empire's building techniques are excellent.
 After all, the natural concrete produced by the Lemurian Empire is such an excellent building material that it will not collapse even after a thousand years.

 This is why the Insula, a high-rise housing complex where many citizens were packed in sushi, the amphitheater and chariot arena, which were once filled with hundreds of thousands of people, and the aqueduct, where not a drop of water flowed ......

 The whole place remains in disused form.

 There are no people.
 There are no people, but there are signs that people were there.

 This is why the city is so creepy.

 "The only place where people live now is around Lemuria Cathedral. And they're monks.

 There are a few pilgrims, but ......
 There are some pilgrims, but they can't stay overnight because the city's infrastructure and security are completely dead.

 Moreover, bandits are everywhere along the way.

 So, unless you are a dedicated pilgrim, you will not be able to come here.

 If I were King Edelna, I'd make this a holy place and take money from the pilgrims. ......

 The military road from the time of the Lemurian Empire is still there, though deserted.
 If it's repaired, it can be used.
 Traffic shouldn't be too bad.

 The aqueduct could be repaired.
 The houses are decrepit and must be demolished. ......

 The building materials can be used as they are.

 It is possible to revive the city if you have the money.

 The birthplace of the Lemurian Empire, the place where the first medium was martyred, and the place where the medium now lives, is ......
 It is a great tourist destination.

 If the city is revived, security is restored, and bandits are exterminated, pilgrims will come.
 Then the merchants will come to see the pilgrims.

 The taxes from the pilgrims would be enough to make the city profitable.

 If it were Hercule, he would revive this city even if he had to borrow money from merchants.

 But ......
 It seems that the Kingdom of Edelna has no intention to touch the city of Lemuria.

 The Kingdom of Edelna, whose state religion is Western Messianism, probably doesn't want to get involved in Lemuria City, the home of Orthodox Messianism, even though it is the largest authority in Messianism.

 "Or rather, Your Majesty. Is this a territory of the Kingdom of Edelna?
 I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea. It's actually the territory of the Mediums.

 The city of Lemuria and the surrounding area is under the jurisdiction of the Lemurian Empire.
 The city of Lemuria and its environs are actually under the control of a medium.

 In fact, they have the right to judge and collect taxes.

 Since there is no concept of a "sovereign" nation in this world, there is no clear standard for what constitutes a nation. There is no clear standard for what makes a country, but ......
 If you have the right to judge and collect taxes, you can call yourself a country.

 It would be perfect if it had the endorsement of a foreign country.

 However, the economic base of the medium is probably the endowments scattered all over the world and the taxes imposed on the kings and lords of each country in the name of donations.
 This ghost town, at least, has no economic value.

 "And the city of Lemuria is warded for exorcism. Scheherazade beware.

 The city of Lemuria is now effectively controlled by the mediums.
 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

 By the way, are you sure you didn't bring Karolina with you? 
 She's been with me a few times and I've seen her. And she's very patriotic. The current situation in Lemuria is not something you want to see.

 That makes it sound as if Hercule is not patriotic.
 In fact, Hercule is not patriotic.

 I am a nation.

 There is no use in loving myself.
 That's what Hercule says.

 Well, in terms of self-love, I would say that Hercule loves the Lemurian Empire.

 For the Lemurian Empire, there is no monarch more dependable than Hercule.
 For the people, it's a different story.

 If you ask Hercule, "What is the people?
 If you ask Hercule what the people are, he will tell you that they are the source of wealth.

 Well, let's get back to it. I don't plan to stay long in the first place. We don't plan to stay long to begin with. All we need to do is finish the baptism of the Lunary.


 Oh, but you're good at that, aren't you?

 The baptism took place the next day.
 The baptism took place the next day, as expected of the Patriarchate of Lemuria, the headquarters of Messianism.

 The preparations were made in no time, the baptism began in no time, and the ceremony was carried out solemnly. ......
 The baptism of Renarier is over.

 I'm now an Orthodox Christian.

 She said simply, blowing her hair wet with holy water with a towel.
 Hercule chuckled.

 "What do you think? Do you feel any kind of divine favor?
 No, not really.

 ...... Even if it's a lie, you should say something like, "I feel lighter! Even if it is a lie, you should say something like "I feel lighter!
 I've been baptized by a medium.

 Seeing Lunalie and Hercule in such a state, the medium smiled bitterly.

 Hercule approached the medium.

 "I would like to thank you again. High Priestess Millenia, thank you for baptizing my fiancee, Lunalie.
 "No, no. No, it was His Majesty Hercule's request. As a Messianic, I'm happy to increase the number of people who believe in the true teachings. I would like to thank His Majesty Hercule for giving me this opportunity.


 The two of them laughed cheerfully together.
 But their eyes are not smiling.

 The medium said to Hercule.

 "Yes, Your Majesty. Would you like some tea? I'm worried that I turned down your invitation the other day. If it's all right with you.
 "Oh, I'm so glad. I was hoping to have a long talk with High Priestess Millenia.

 Hercule readily accepted the medium's offer.
 Then, the medium continued.

 ...... If it please Your Majesty, I would like to have the Patriarch of Lemuria, Cronus Clorius, and the next High Priestess, Cecilia Peter, present.
 ...... Yes, I will also have Lucanus Lucarius and Todris Todrianus present.

 "Your Majesty, Hercule, why do you think the traitor betrayed you?
 A traitor? You mean the treasurer who betrayed the Messiah?
 Yes, that's him.

 Hercule and the medium, along with Cecilia, Kronos, Todoris and Loukanos, were having a chat over tea.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.

 I'm sure you're right. ...... There are a lot of things about the betrayal of these people that are baffling. It is often said that he was blinded by the thirty pieces of silver, that he was dissatisfied with the Messiah's wastefulness with money, that he was possessed by a demon, that he betrayed because he loved him. ...... Another interesting opinion is that he wore the mysteries of betrayal. Yes.

 Yes, if you're a priest, ...... no, if you're a messianist, you're wondering. Why did he betray his beloved teacher? ...... I would like to hear your opinion on this. ...... Any opinion is welcome. It's just a theory.

 I'm not going to accuse you of heresy or paganism, no matter what you say.
 Implicitly, the medium tells Hercule.

 Hercule took a sip of his tea and ......
 He began to speak slowly.

 First of all, ...... I personally don't think that you were blinded by the silver coins. I don't believe that anyone who would betray ...... me for that amount of money, let alone gold, would be recognized by the Messiah as an apostle. It's possible that the devil has taken over ......, but I don't like ...... individuals.

 Anything can be explained by bringing up the devil or God.
 But that's too boring.

 That's what Hercule was thinking.

 First, let's think this through. If the Bible and various other books are correct, ...... the Son of God expected betrayal. Otherwise, he would not have said, "He who now dips his bread in the soup will betray me. He could have defended himself if he wanted to. Which brings us to .......

 Hercule smirked.

 "Perhaps it was just a matter of scheduling. Perhaps it was all part of the plan for the Son of God to betray the traitor.
 "Well, that's an interesting point.

 The medium smiles.
 I find it more interesting to talk to someone like Hercule who can say outrageous things than to talk to clerics who are obsessed with the Bible.

 "May I speak to you at ......?
 "What's up? Cecilia.

 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure you'll understand.

 I understand that for the ...... Son of God, betrayal was inevitable. But the ...... Son of God, the Messiah, was then executed. Are you saying that was the plan? That the traitor betrayed for the sake of it?

 Well, that's one way to look at it. ...... is just an imagination. I don't really believe that.

 (Well, it still sounds more convincing than the demon thing.)

 Hercule muttered inwardly.
 At least the demons that Hercule knew wouldn't go to all that trouble.

 "Or .......
 "Well, I'm just guessing, but the ...... traitor may not have wanted to kill the Son of God. And the Son of God may not have expected to be killed either. ...... Crucifixion was the greatest punishment in the Lemurian Empire at that time. It is an unusual and grossly unjust punishment, even in light of Lemurian law.

 The actions of the Son of God began to escalate.
 At this rate, he could be killed by the radical six-stars or ...... unjustly arrested.
 Worried about this, a traitor ......
 While he hadn't committed a serious crime yet, and before he was sentenced to death, ......

 I think he was trying to stop the Son of God by snitching on him.
 And didn't the Son of God know how the disciple felt?

 And didn't the six-star people use that tip-off to force the execution of the Son of God?

 That was Hercule's hypothesis: ......
 It was more of a delusion.

 "Well, I think it's time we had some fun.

 Hercule forcibly ended the conversation and turned to the medium.

 "Let's get down to business, High Priestess Millenia. The topic of discussion is ...... your remaining lifespan and Cecilia, the next High Priestess of the Medium, is that correct?
 Yes, it is. ...... Let's get down to business.

 The two men smiled at each other.
 The eyes are not smiling.