35-Episode 35 Slaves, Make a Inside

"If you're just chilling, may I ask you to leave?

 That was the first thing the receptionist of the merchant guild said.
 The merchant guilds of the Kingdom of Lumotia are largely divided between the Royal Army and the rebellious nobility, and we tried to contact the Gavril Merchant Association, which we heard was the largest faction in the north. However, as we hadn't been asked to do any work or anything, we were regarded as mere cold-shoulders, and we were turned away without even being listened to.

You really don't listen to me unless there's money involved," I said in a disgusted tone.

 I've only ever had contact with the merchant guild as Ars Ditland. Naturally, I had met them as a prince, so this was the first time I had ever been treated so rudely.
 I've heard that they don't listen to you unless there's money or interest involved, but I never thought it would be this blatant.

This is the first time I've experienced something this bad. I've never seen anything like this before," said Neya, as if to follow up on her comment, "After all, the fact that the country is in turmoil must be the reason why such merchants are so prevalent.

 As Neya says, the merchant-like figures entering the merchant guild not only look busy, but also seem to have a shady side.

But it's still good. But it's still a good thing, because we were able to confirm the location of the Gavril merchant guild when we were kicked out.

The way the receptionist was acting, I'm guessing she meant that I should go directly to the Gavriel Chamber of Commerce and get kicked out as well.

 Seretia seemed to be embarrassed by what she had said and turned her face away, blushing instantly. Benetnash, who was walking behind her, was also blushing for some reason.

"Benetnash, what's wrong?

I can't understand why no one here would recognize Neya-sama as the sword princess when they see us. ......

 This is now a boon, or perhaps a bane, of the war, but the Neya-first Benetnash is not happy about it.

"That's a good thing. If they knew what we were capable of, there would be more unwanted recruits and rumors about us might spread to the kingdom of Kurlitz.

 For now, it's better to be free of information.
 We don't want any rumors to spread because of what happened to Fiel.
 As we were talking about this, a man approached us from behind.

 He was of medium height and had the appearance of a merchant, but unlike the people who had come and gone from the merchant's guild earlier, he seemed to have a refreshing air about him.

"Excuse me, are you an adventurer? My name is Tomas, and I'm a peddler. If you don't mind, I'd like you to be my escort.

 The man called out to us from a distance.
 When we looked around, we saw that Benetnash was staring at us and seemed to be frightened by it.
 Fekda approached the man with his curly hair shaking.

"I'm sorry, brother. I don't have time for escorts right now.

I'm sorry, brother. I don't have time for an escort right now." ...... It was unusual to see an adventurer here.

 The man bows his head and turns away, letting out a deep sigh and muttering, "What's the matter with me?

Wait a minute, you're not from the Merchant's Guild here, are you?

 The man turned around and looked at me suspiciously, "No, I'm a member of Sam's Trading Company in the Kingdom of Ruberia.

It must have been difficult for you to come here from the Kingdom of Ruberia.

 It must have been difficult coming from the Kingdom of Ruberia.
 A little bit of anticipation springs up in me.

In the event that you're not sure what to do, you can always ask for help from a friend. In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to use it to buy a new car.

That's unfortunate. However, if several countries invaded the Rain Kingdom at the same time, the war in Cassandra Kingdom will be over soon. It should only be here in the Kingdom of Lemotia that things are disturbing," I said, and the man shook his head vigorously.

No way. Right now, the Rain Kingdom is pushing back, and we're in big trouble.

 The man didn't give me the impression that he was joking. But there was no way I could honestly believe such a story, so I decided to find out if he was trying to appeal to my emotions.

It can't be. The Rain Kingdom is not that big. It doesn't have the strength to withstand a simultaneous invasion.

"That's the truth. I heard that at one point, the Allied side led by the Kingdom of Cassandra was pushing forward, but I heard that the morale of the soldiers on the Allied side has dropped and they're in trouble.

 Normally, morale does not drop when victory is near.
 Usually, morale doesn't drop when victory is near, even though it can be reversed by taking advantage of a moment of euphoria.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to do and how you're going to do it.

Do you know the reason why morale is so low?

"Well, I do, but it's ...... a bit of a crazy story, and not really something I want to talk about.

 I found myself chuckling.

Depending on your reasons, I might be willing to be your escort. I'm sure you'll give me some interesting reasons.

"I don't know if it's interesting, but the general of the Kingdom of Raine, whom I defeated once, has reappeared.

 Celestia's, Neya's and Pheuel's gazes focused on me.

It's not only that, but it's also said that other knights that you're certain you killed have come back to life.

 This is the moment my premonition came true.