41-Episode 41 Slaves Begin Killing

 When I stepped out of the tent, I saw that while the soldiers were running around in a hurry, some of the troops were moving sluggishly, as if they were refusing to even face the battlefield.
 Even though morale was low, the atmosphere of being already defeated had me scratching my head.

 Seeing this, the question arose in my mind whether it was enough to defeat General Broane. If I were to defeat him as reinforcements for another country, the Kingdom of Raine would retreat temporarily, but the morale of Cassandra's army would only improve temporarily.

"Muraji, do you have clothes for Cassandra's soldiers?

 I'm not sure what to make of that, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

---- So, why is he taking off his clothes?

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to do with the money you have and how you're going to do it.

I'm going to blend in with the Cassandra soldiers to boost their morale. If you push them back with the help of a stranger, you won't be able to raise their morale if they know you won't be there the next time. That's also true for the Kingdom of Raine, which may gain momentum once I'm gone.

That's true too," said Seretia, turning away from me with her hands on her pants.

 In front of me, Mouradji unrolled the clothes he had brought with him.
 It seems to belong to a soldier of the lowest rank.

It seems that the fit is ---- surprisingly good.

 After all, the knightly clothes were designed to look good, and it was clear that they were difficult to move in.
 Compared to what I was wearing, the protection is close to zero, but it's a plus when it comes to movement.

"Fiehl, take my clothes and my sword. Neya, take care of Celestia.

"Yes," said Phiel, magically levitating a set of my clothes, while Neya sharpened her senses.

And Neya, I don't think Cassandra's army is completely on our side. If anyone makes a strange move, you can cut them down without mercy.

"Yes, sir.

 Muraji, who was listening to this exchange, turned pale and shook his head.
 Then came the knight commander who must have talked to him. In contrast to Mouradji, his expression is refreshing, as if it has already been written that the conversation went well.

"His Highness has also said that he is willing.

"So we have a deal," said Seretia, raising the corners of her mouth.

 I'm not sure why, but I'm sure it's because I'm not the only one.

"Mouradji, I'm sorry you had to bring this, but I'm returning this sword. You won't need it.

 He took the sword off his waist and held it out to Muraji. Muraji looked at me as if he didn't understand what I meant, but he accepted the sword.

What are you going to do unarmed? You can't be that strong and still be able to use magic?

No, one body is enough.

 I thought it might be a good opportunity to exercise my body, which I hadn't done in a while, and I clapped my fists, making a dry sound in the encampment.


 The number of enemy soldiers, about 12,000.
 In contrast, our number is just under 800.
 The Kingdom of Raine seems to be very enthusiastic about this invasion, and they've added 30% more troops to their existing army.

 Even from here, far away from the long north-south stretch of enemy troops on the Kaineri Plains, you can hear the earth rumbling and the shouts of murderous intent.
 In comparison, the Cassandra soldiers around us were neatly arranged in a neat formation, but they were quiet, and they were completely under pressure.

I naturally said to myself, "I'm starting to worry .......

 I had to decide that this might be an inescapable fear of the dead.
 I decided to change my goal a little, and decided that this battle would not only be about defeating Broane, but also about proving that dead people are just vessels, puppets.

 As the leaders of the two armies clashed, the battlefield was simultaneously filled with the sound of heavy metal and the explosions of mages.
 I decided to head for the front to see the difference in strength between the two armies and to see how many puppets were mixed in the Rain Kingdom. Then, on the wind, the iron-like, nostril-irritating smell of blood unique to the battlefield begins to waft through the air.

It's the discovery of an unarmed idiot, kill him!

 As the Rain Kingdom's soldiers became more and more visible, of course, there were those who came after me.
 You can't afford not to deal with them, so you have no choice but to hit them in the torso with your full fist, and in an instant, the upper half of their body turns into blood dust, and only the lower half, which has lost its human form, falls down.

Are the little fish normal people?

 It seems that not everyone is a puppet.
 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at our own web site.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to use it for a lot of things. Since converting the magical elements in the air directly into magical power is a high technology that only a magician with particularly good magical power can do, he must be taking it in directly in the form of food.

 As he killed the enemy soldiers with his bare hands, Cassandra's movements improved, and conversely, Rain's vigilance grew stronger. Just as I thought this was going according to plan, the Rain soldiers began to focus on me, and my work increased dramatically.

"Mage Squad, concentrate on this monster!

 Someone shouted, and at the same time, a fireball, a medium-scale fire-destructive magic, and a large amount of earthy debris rained down on my head. This is a great way to make sure that you get the most out of your time with your family and friends.

 ---- This is the tactic I hate the most.
 No, it's not even a tactic anymore.
 I'd like to think that this is simply the result of a problem with the magician's magic power, and not being able to control its power and accuracy.

 I cast a spell and quickly close the distance between me and the spellcaster, who is completely off guard, at a speed that they cannot detect. While watching the wizard's face in surprise at my sudden appearance, I pierce his stomach with my hand blade.
 Blood drips down my arm piercing his warm internal organs.

"Aaahhhh ......

 He seemed to be still conscious even though he was shouting inaudibly.
 I put my face close to the wizard's ear and said, "Your magic is too immature. It's because of spellcasters like you that people start hating spellcasters," I complained, and pulled out his arm.

 As the wizard fell to the ground, a puddle of red blood spread on the dry ground. It was proof that this wizard was human. I watched and went back to hunting for the lives of the other wizards who were frozen in fear at the sight. Whether it was a one-sided slaughter or a legitimate interception of the violence of numbers depended on the person.
 By the time I had finished annihilating a unit of about seventy mages, my entire body was stained red with blood.