81-Episode 81 Slaves, Cleaning (Corpse Disposal)

 Even though most of them were dissolved by Era's acid, there are still countless corpses with body parts remaining.
 If these corpses were to be used for alchemy dolls, that would be a problem.
 Among the adventurers, there are many people with a certain amount of power, and nobles other than that fat man might be mixed in.

"Lord Walth, what are you trying to do? I don't think so, but even the corpses of adventurers ......

 I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, Walth, but I'm sure you've got some adventurer's corpse you're looking for.

"As you can see. As you can see, we can't just leave the body here.

"That doesn't mean we have to make them disappear, sir. I think those of us who can identify him should take his body to the ship.

Sorry, I can't do that. There are people who use corpses.

"Use bodies? Linne is skeptical about dead bodies.

You've heard of immortals, haven't you? You've heard of immortals. They're monsters who come back to life no matter how many times you kill them.

 Linnea laughed at him and showed no interest in dealing with him at all.

"That's just a rumor. It seems that there was a recent incident in the Rain Kingdom, but I think it was just psychological warfare.

 As skilled as he is in magic, he probably doesn't believe that such magic exists.
 If you are a wizard of this class, you know about most magic.
 Of course, there is no such thing as reanimation of the dead, and it is unclear whether they would trust me even if I explained alchemical magic.
 Even so, in order to bring the Kingdom of Theorning into our camp, we need to explain the alchemy doll to Rinne and convince him.

 If she doesn't know about the alchemy doll, and it erodes her from the inside, that's exactly what the fake Ars wants.
 If that happens, everything that Celestia has done will have been for nothing.

I'm sure you've heard of him.

I know his name only by name.

He was called the Immortal, and he nearly turned the tide of the war against Cassandra, but he wasn't really an Immortal.

"Of course," Rinne replied with an expression that seemed to say "of course.

I'll tell you what, having killed Broane, the so-called Immortals are near-immortal dolls made from corpse parts by alchemical magic, just like the original humans.

I've never even heard of alchemy. I've never heard of alchemy. And even if it is human-like, it's still just a doll.

Looks, memories, that's not enough to tell them apart. It doesn't use magic at the moment, but when it gets a lot of magic power, it won't be able to tell.

"What do you mean? What do you mean, it's a doll and you can't tell it apart and it has memories?

Exactly. The power and technology are the same, there is no difference. If His Majesty the King were to change right now, he wouldn't be able to tell the difference between you and the servant man.

"That's impossible. It's impossible that I can't tell the difference between you and the fake.

 He said it with such force and clarity that it was hard to believe he was the one who had been so afraid of me just now.
 But on the other hand, when this confidence is truly replaced, it may eliminate the very act of doubt.

We call them alchemy dolls, but they read the memories of those who are with them and trace the actions of those who are with them. If you let it release its magic power, there will be a difference, but other than that, you can't tell the difference in appearance.

What's that? ...... Then the world--

Well, listen to me, it's not like there aren't ways to deal with this.

 I'll explain about the alchemy doll while vanishing the corpses lying in front of me from one side to the other.
 He explained that the doll had no blood, that its mutilated flesh would attempt to return to its original form as if it had a will, that it would become a cripple if no one known to it was nearby, and that the alchemical magic that made up its body was a water-deprivation spell, or that if the core bones were crushed, they would turn into a silvery liquid metal.

How am I supposed to believe such things? ......

 I don't care if you believe it now.

It doesn't matter what you believe now. It's your job to check with the Kingdom of Cassandra to see if what I've said is true, and to report it to the King.

 Neya, who had taken refuge, came running up to Linnea and me, seemingly unconvinced.
 She seems to have regained her strength, looks good, and is as calm as usual.
 Neya doesn't seem to care about Rinne, and drops to one knee in front of me and hangs her head.

"Well done, Master Walth, for defeating Era.

"I'm sorry. If I had done my best from the beginning, none of this would have happened. ......

 I don't know what kind of expression I had on my face when I said this.
 I don't know with what expression I said this.
 If I said such a thing, I would be distrusted, or worse, I would be blamed.

 However, Neyer said to me, "I'm sure Master Walth has his own reasons. If you regret it, you can make up for it in the future. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that there is no one in this world who can criticize a hero who has defeated the four great dragons.

---- Thank you for saying that. Neya, please go to Seretia. I still need to talk to Rinne here.

"Yes, sir.

 Neya walks away in the back. Linnea watches her back and says, "You seem like an ideal squire.

"Neya is not my squire. Neya is not my follower, she is only a companion in the same position.

"Is that so? Even so, even I have heard of the swordswoman Neya Fromage at least once. I'm sure there's more to it than just strength.

 The fact that Neya gave her a little cushion seems to have softened Rinne's attitude.
 Her face became calm and not as stern as before.

As for the alchemy doll, we have confirmed that the Thousand Horsemen of the Kingdom of Lumotia have invaded the frontier town of Cassandra. In the Kingdom of Theorning, if there are any places where the power of the church is weakening, be on the lookout.

 The way Linnea's eyes widened, it could be seen that this was an unexpected answer.
 Perhaps there are already such areas in the Kingdom of Theorning.

"And be wary of the Kingdom of Kahlitz. Ars Dittrand is connected to the paganism I'm after.

I understand. I will inform His Majesty.

 Linnea bowed and walked to Fiel where Victor was.
 I watched her and returned to the task of eliminating the rest of the bodies.