118-Episode 118 Slaves Attend Talks

 The next day, there was a flurry of activity in the royal palace from early in the morning.
 This was because the soldiers who had left for the border had returned and were now in the final stages of preparations for the meeting.
 The important people had already entered the palace and were assigned to the waiting rooms on the top floor of the tower.

From yesterday's documents, it seems that there will be one dignitary and one guard at the meeting, but why am I, the advisor, also His Majesty's guard?

 In the waiting room where I was alone with Victor, I asked him about one thing that had been bothering me.
 I thought that I was going to be a consultant, and that I was going to listen to the conversation separately, but I was going to be completely disguised as a person from the Theorining Kingdom.

"Mister Walth, there's no need for you to talk like that now. You can be more at ease. After all, you are the savior who protected me and saved my country," Victor said with a broad smile.

"Then let me be clear. I'm not sure who you are, but I'll tell you who I am.

I'm sure it won't be a problem if I'm the Borg's deputy or deputy warrior general.

 I've been wondering about this Victor guy for a while, he's generous at best, and sketchy at worst.
 I guess he was trying to get me to put one foot in front of the other this time, so he could take the place of the Borg from the start.

So I'll be your substitute.

 Just as Victor looked satisfied, there was a knock on the door.

You've finished your preparations. You will be my right-hand man, Master Walth.

"Yes, I'll do what I can.

       The meeting took place in the waiting room.

 The meeting will take place in the hall on the top floor of the tower, the same as the waiting room.
 The scenery of the royal capital spreading out of the window strongly reminds us that this place is far away from the ground, an isolated island in the sea with no way to escape.
 Anyone who approaches this place will not only be immediately detected, but will also have great difficulty in escaping.

It looks like everyone is here, so let's get started.

 I followed Viktor into the hall, where there was a large round table where the dignitaries from various countries were already seated, with their guards keeping a close eye on them.

 I already knew the people and guards gathered here from the Borg's data.
 Once again, I sorted out the countries and the important people in my mind.

 The Republic of Gomalous---- head of state, Roostan Lysenko.
 Kingdom of Gistar---- frontier lord, Olvart Lindeman.
 Duchy of Louenza---- Grand Duke, Mauro Siles.
 Kingdom of Pistaria---- Queen, Arryn Emmett.
 Kingdom of Ossaria---- First Prince, Hugo Starkey.
 Kingdom of Moonvalley---- First Prince, Lebrecht Wismeyer.

 As soon as they found out I was an escort, their eyes became suspicious and they looked me up and down as if they were inspecting me.

"Hey Viktor, you're not a Borg today. Are you sure you didn't get away?

"The Borg have a different mission. This is his replacement, Walls. Let's just say he's better than the Borg.

Again, how can he be better than the Borg?

 The one who is talking lightly to Viktor is Lebrecht Wismeyer, the prince of the Moonvalley Kingdom and Viktor's cousin.
 His age is probably not much different from Viktor's, but his relaxed attitude is the opposite.
 All of the countries gathered here, except for the Moonvalley Kingdom, are all countries that I remember, and their power is almost exactly as I remember it, so we only need to focus on the people in front of us.

 Lebrecht turned to Costa Nestlese, the oldest swordsman guard in the room, who was standing behind him, and said, "Don't you think so, old man? How can I believe that you are stronger than the Borg?

 Costa Nestlese nodded silently and looked at me with inorganic eyes.
 The fact that he is an active swordsman at the age of seventy-two is quite impressive, but apparently he doesn't have the eyes to see what I'm capable of.
 Hugo Starkey, the prince of the Kingdom of Ossaria, one of the dignitaries who had been silently watching Lebrecht's ramblings, suddenly stood up.

I don't think this is the time to be talking about it. I believe we are here to discuss the ravenous dragon that destroyed the Kingdom of Worms.

 With his hands on the round table, Prince Hugo spoke with a serious face, his earnest personality shining through.

I'm sure the dragon was defeated in the past by His Highness Ars of the Kingdom of Carlitz. Isn't that a mistake?

 The princess of Pistaria, Arlin Emmett, who was sitting right in front of Viktor, said in an ice-cold voice as if she was muttering.
 As if to follow that statement, the boy who was freaking out at the round table raised his hand.

I don't believe that the dragon that destroyed the Kingdom of Worms is a ravenous dragon, as Your Highness Arlin said.

 This boy is Mauro Siles, the Grand Duke of the Duchy of Luyenza, but he looks so unreliable that it makes me wonder if he is real.
 However, they are right in saying that there is no way that the dragon is still alive, and there is no doubt that we all have questions about what it really is.

I want to talk to you about that," Victor said in a tense voice to get their attention.

It's a sham that the pagans reanimated from the bones of a ravenous dragon. It has very little magic, so it can't use magic, but it is nearly immortal.

 After a few moments, Olvart Lindeman, a representative of the nobility of the Gister Kingdom, who had been silent until now, twisted his cunning face and began to laugh.

This is an interesting thing to say. You don't really believe in immortality, do you? And I have never heard of any pagan having such power. Isn't that right, Mister Luthutan?

"Well, if it's something that troublesome, then it's probably best to ask for help from His Highness Ars, as we've been suggesting. The other day, you defeated that immortal dragon.

 The head of the Gormoras Republic, Roussoutan Lysenko, echoed the words of Olvart Lindman of the Gistar Kingdom.
 Roussoutan smiled wryly as he placed part of his large belly on the round table.
 These are the two countries that are making the ludicrous suggestion of asking Ars for help, the two countries that are trying to get a leg up on the Kingdom of Theorning.

"That's why Ars Dittrand was wounded," he said. That's why I'm suggesting that we should attack them with a joint force.

 Lebrecht propped his elbows on the round table and said in a languid voice.
 However, the first to react to his opinion was not the Gomalas Republic or the Gister Kingdom, but the one who seemed to have the most common sense, Prince Hugo of the Kingdom of Ossaria.