33-33 March of the Imperial Reeds













 更に、厳しい選抜によって選ばれた精鋭兵には、中級魔術師の攻撃魔術に匹敵する威力の遠距離攻撃を連発できる【魔装砲(マジックキャノン)】と、そして魔法攻撃をほぼ無効化出来る【魔装鎧(マジックアーマー)】を持たせてある. その数は千を超える.





 不要な欲を出して【厄災の魔竜】の怒りを買い、自滅しかかっていた愚かな王. 愚かな国.





 It's a shame, but seeing as how the shrewd foolish king doesn't make use of it, it can't be very useful.

But that's the only thing I can spare.

 The Black Sword, which was obtained at the deepest level of the Labyrinth of No Return.
 That's the only thing I'll miss.

 It's special.
 An unknown metal that cannot be harmed by any object or magic.
 If we can figure out what it's made of and how it's made, the world's weapons and military machines will advance by leaps and bounds.
 Armor that can never be damaged by weapons or magic.
 A sword that can easily pierce any armor, even dragon scales.
 Weapons capable of vaporizing entire cities, thought to be unattainable with currently known metals.
 It could be used for anything else.

 It has the power to change the world.
 If only we had it, we could literally revolutionize the world.
 If we can analyze it and establish manufacturing technology, it's not a dream to monopolize a completely invincible army that no one can defeat.

 That's why it's a shame...

 It was the misfortune of that super-class relic that it fell into the hands of an ignorant and foolish king.
 If it is never discovered, its potential power may be buried in history without being used at all.

 But, the emperor thinks.

 Even if we don't find the Black Sword in the rubble, at worst, all we need is the labyrinth that produced it.
There is a good chance that there are still relics made of the same material in the deepest levels of the Labyrinth of No Return.
 It would not be difficult to find them if one were to thoroughly attack with an army equipped with advanced weaponry and uproot the relics that lie deep within.
 There is even a possibility that the labyrinth known as the "Oldest Labyrinth" may contain even more tremendous relics.
 If that happens, our empire will make an even more explosive leap forward.
 There is no telling how much of a blessing that would be to this world as a whole.

 That fool does not understand.

 The king of the ignorant fools has rejected all of our warmhearted requests.

 That's why he's dying.
 Every single one of his subjects will perish.
 It will be a good example to other nations.
 Only imperial witnesses can tell how it happened.

"History does not need more than one narrator, it only needs one truth.

 Only the history told by the victor is the only absolute truth.
 There is no need for anyone else to tell it.

 If there are any survivors of the royal family, they should be silenced and sold into slavery at the end of the day.
 I have already talked with the head of the commercial guild in the commercial district.
 The refugees can be "purchased" as they please.
 If anyone has anything to say, or is likely to say anything, they are to be silenced.

It looks like there are a lot of them left.

 As the wind blew, the dust that had been flying around gradually dissipated, revealing the city before us little by little.
 The city of the Foolish King has not collapsed as much as I had expected.
 The dragon seemed to have gone on a rampage, albeit briefly, but only a quarter of it was destroyed.

 The dragon that was supposed to be a slaughterer has failed to deliver.
 The people of King's Landing have not even been reduced by half yet.
 If things go on like this, the imperial army will be able to eradicate quite a few of the rebels.

"That's also a good thing.

 The Emperor laughs as he strokes his white-haired beard.

 It's not like they have the strength to stand up to my Imperial Army.
 What is about to take place is a one-sided killing spree.

 Adventurers from all over the world are just a bunch of random people.
 They are no match for the Imperial Army, which is fully equipped with magic weapons.
 They should be.

 But there are some I'm worried about.
 Those who have gained a wealth of experience, acquired higher-level skills, and are equipped with power.
 First, the core... [Six Saints].

 Sig the [Thousand Swords].
 Dundargu of the Immortals.
 [Reaper] Karou.
 [Heavenly Bow] Miriam.
 Oaken of the [Nine Devils].

 They're all monsters.
 And then there's [Immortal]'s student, [Divine Shield] Inez, and [Thousand Swords]'s right-hand man, [Dragon Slayer] Gilbert.
 The prince and princess are now as powerful as them.

 And although I hate to admit it, that foolish king is also a powerful man.
 That's why he's been so arrogant and arrogant towards the emperor (himself).


 A freakish, individual power.
 They kept the Crays independent.

But today that is over... because times have changed.

 Until now, the emperor has unilaterally overrun the bubble state with its many labyrinths.

 He had recruited men through conscription, mass-produced state-of-the-art magical weapons that incorporated all the knowledge he had gained from studying labyrinthine relics, and had given them to everyone to carry and march.
 With just that, the opposing country's army was helplessly dispersed.
 Nowadays, military power does not depend on military training, and power can be generated by industrial power.
 The proof of this is the 10,000 troops that the emperor now has with him.

 Until now, 2,000 troops at most were enough to invade other countries.
 But this time, it is also a demonstration.
 That's what 10,000 is for.
 Even if any of them survive, we will instill fear in them so that they will never dare to challenge us again.

 In other words, it's a show to make people talk about what will happen to the country that challenged the Magic Empire forever.

 It's a spectacle.

 The Imperial Kingdom's mastery of magical science will defeat the timeless symbol of awe, the Demon Dragon of Misfortune, and rule over a foolish nation bound by antiquated traditions.
 Let the world know that "legends" are now nothing but outdated things.

 Along with the ugly story of the foolish kingdom of Crais, whose destruction was brought about by its own actions.

Your Majesty, over there.

 You can see a few figures in the direction that one of the nearby guards is pointing.
 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

What is that?
"It's the Ines of the [Divine Shield]. That's for sure.

 The Emperor clicks his tongue.

"Of all people, that woman is here?

 The Six Saints are literal monsters, but that woman, who bears the name "God" above "Saint," is even more of a monster than that.
 She is a woman who has been granted the grace of God.
 One of the world's most famous living legends.
 She's the monster of monsters, able to block dragon's breath with her flesh and cut the Orichalcon without holding anything.

 But the days of such monsters and "legends" are over.
 It is now the time for us, the humans with wisdom.

"No... it's just as well. Unleash another Spear of Light.

 The woman's power is useful.
 I'm tempted to tame her and use her to my advantage, but she's a vassal of the troublesome king.
 She won't be easily turned.
 There is also the option of brainwashing him, but considering the effort it would take to do so, I can't bring myself to go that far.
 It's a shame, but let's kill him here.

 ─ The Spear of Light (Breunak).
 This is the best of the research results of the Magic Weapon that burned the huge body of the evil dragon.
 The second of the four gates I brought to the battlefield is used here.

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I think it's a good idea.
 A person who is even called a "legend" is sinking one more time by his own hands.
 That immensely beautiful, infinitely strong monster will be extinguished by your own will.

It's a pleasure. This is why war never stops.

 The emperor loved to watch the destruction of historic cities.
 He loved to watch people being overrun.
 He loved to rule and ruin those he didn't like.

 The thought of being able to indulge that desire makes my heart pound...

 The only thing I regret is that I won't be able to see the regretful face of that foolish king who shielded me until the end... but that's okay. It's all about the outcome.

 Right now, I'm just looking for the result of a complete victory.

 ...... No.

 That foolish king has a strong body.
 There's even a chance he's still alive.

 If that foolish king is still alive... yes.
 It might be a good idea to cut off his limbs and keep him in the basement of the court.
 There, until he dies, he'll be sorry he ever crossed you.

 Yes, that's good.

 The emperor laughed with growing pleasure as he thought about what would happen after he took control of the city in front of him.

"It's ready.

 Without hesitation, the Emperor ordered his subjects.

 And so the merciless light was released.
 The powerful magical power that had been purified and amplified by the Demon's Heart, an ultra-pure magical stone, flowed into the barrel of the Spear of Light (Breunak)... and became a single shining red line that was released.

 The light of destruction undulated and headed straight for the target (Ines), and then...


 The man with the blackened sword (・・・・・) jumped out in front of Ines, and was flipped into the sky.