187-Episode 185: Makoto Takatsuki Enjoys

 In front of me is Saasan, who is staring at me with a bright red face.

 We've been friends since he spoke to me out of the blue in the first year of junior high school.
 We often played games together in my room, but we never got into that kind of atmosphere even when we were alone in our previous world.
 We met again in this world and things happened, but we never crossed the 'line'.
 It's mainly because I was at a low level.

 Sa-san's modest breasts are snugly attached to my body.
 I can feel her heart beating like an early bell.
 I'm sure I'm in a similar situation.

 Gulping, my throat cleared.
 It's not Han to not touch it here.
 Above all, my own feelings and body are high.
 I slowly reached for the buttons of Sa-san's clothes and unbuttoned them one by one.......gradually revealing her white skin.......

'Excuse me while I'm training! My brave little Makoto! Commander Orth asked us to take a leave of absence today after you used a great spell to disable 10,000 demons... What?
 Me and Sa-san turn around to the intruder who suddenly appeared.

 A knight who looks like a subordinate of Commander Alt was standing there with a pout.
 His gaze is comparing my flimsy clothes with Sa-san's face.
 My hand is on the third button from the top of Sa-san's clothes and stops.

 A frigid silence fell over the house made of ice.

''Shall I excuse you!''
 The knight who had brought Ault's message with him ran off as he made a turn at great speed.

 And the two silent people are left behind.

'....Hey, Takatsuki-kun.
"...what? Sa-san.
''........Do the people of the Sun Order know about this place?''
''Well that means the brave ones are always on semi-standby, so I've told Ault-san where to train.
I see.
 Me and Sa-san looked at each other in silence for a while.

'Shall we go home?'
 I cut him off.
 Mr. Saasan nodded his head.

 We held hands and trudged back to the tent.


 -- I should have gone back to the tent and got under the covers, but I found myself standing in a large space.
 Apparently I was called out.

'Hello, Goddess.'
Well, well, well... It's Mako who didn't eat her dinner.
Mako-kun, Sofia is lonely, so please leave her alone.
 The one between his eyes was a grinning Noah-sama and a troubled Eil-sama.
 However, the situation was different from the usual.

''........What are you two doing?''
 In front of me, I saw the two of you in the kotatsu, sitting around a pot.

'You'll know it when you see it. Nabe. Don't just stand there, Mako, come over here and eat with me.
'At the end of the year we get all kinds of food sent to us, and I can't handle it all by myself. I got some good ducks, so Noah's been helping me.
It's not the end of the year, you know?
Well, you know, it's in the God Realm. It's different in the world of Makoto.
 Apparently, there is an end of the year in the god world too.
 I didn't know what to expect, but the smell of delicious food wafting from the pot lured me into the kotatsu, and I hurriedly put my feet into the kotatsu.

 I peered into the pot, which was making a rumbling sound.
 Chinese cabbage, garland chrysanthemum, carrots, tofu, shiitake and maitake mushrooms, and potherb mustard danced in the soy-based broth.
 Next to the pot was a row of lustrous red duck meat.

Here are your chopsticks, Mako. The duck meat becomes hard if it is heated for too long, so we heat it up quickly just before we eat it. The duck is delicious on its own, but I recommend eating it with vegetables.
 Eil-sama gives me a detailed lecture.
 Apparently the water goddess is very strict about the rules of the pot.

''It's fine, you can eat the casserole as you please.
 Master Noah, on the other hand, is appropriate, as usual.
 You can see his character.

Well, I'll have some food.
 In case you were wondering, I grabbed one piece of duck meat like Ail-sama said and dipped it into the hot soup.
 When the meat was just about cooked, I wrapped the mizuna around the meat and threw it into my mouth.

 The meat juice pops in my mouth and the exquisite taste spreads.
 The stars bounced in front of my eyes and the landscape became rainbow colored.
 Happiness spreads in my mouth, and my mind becomes fuzzy.
 What is this?
 I've never had anything like this before!

Oh my God, that's very unusual for you to be so surprised.
''It's a top-notch golden duck from the God Realm. Its catchphrase is 'Ascend to Heaven in a Single Bite.'
...Is it safe for humans to eat? Ail.
Mako, you'll be fine. Mako-kun, make sure you have 'clear water' just in case.
"...you should tell me before you eat, Master Eil.
 I really thought I was going to be taken to heaven.
 I can still see the angels tugging at my clothes.

 A strange scene followed, poking the pot with the two goddesses.

'By the way, what was your business today?'
 I asked my question as I watched Master Eil make the end of the pot.
 No way did he call his pot partner.

'Hmm, what was it? Eil said he wanted to talk to you.
 Master Noah is in the middle of his meal and he's crunching down on his vanilla ice cream.
'Isn't dessert the last thing you want?' When I asked him, he said, "I'm a man who eats when he wants to! Apparently.
 A free goddess.

Yes! I had something important to tell you. It's about the Goddess of Destiny (Ila)!
 Eil-sama doesn't stop working, despite the fact that it's an important story.
 Soba noodles, boiled separately, are thrown into the pot.
 Soba noodles?

Hey, Eil. Isn't the end of a hot pot usually porridge?
'Chitty, you don't understand. There's no better way to end a duck stew than with soba noodles.
Oh, I see.
 As Eil-sama explained, Noah-sama and I looked into the pot with interest.
 The broth from the duck mixed with the soy sauce broth, and a delicious smell wafted through the air.
 In the meantime, the soba noodles are divided into each of our respective bowls and bright green chives and shimmering shichimi are sprinkled on top of them.

'Here you go,'
Thank you, Miss Eil. 
Yum! This is delicious, Eil.
 I clasped my hands together in front of the bowl and Master Noah quickly sipped his soba noodles.
 The three of us enjoyed the blissful duck soba.
 Huh, I'm so calm.

(Hmm? (I'm forgetting something.)
 I think we were in the middle of talking about Eir-sama........

''Yes, it's about the Goddess of Destiny (Ila), who keeps descending to earth!
Did you ask Master Ila about it?
 I straightened my posture, not wanting to miss that story either.

'So why is the Goddess of Destiny (Ila) in a miko all the time?'
 Noah-sama urges me to continue the story.

'It seems that she has always regretted that the goddess of destiny (Ila) didn't prevent the dark period on earth a thousand years ago. Therefore, this time she is seeing the future from the earth to avoid misreading the future. It's true that we can't see the future in detail when we are in the heavenly realm.
 Eil-sama is putting away the dishes that she has finished eating.

'I'll help you, Lady Eil.
I don't mind. You can sit down now, Mako.
 Is that okay? Let Goddess-sama clean up the mess........
 I mean, this is Noah-sama's room, shouldn't Noah-sama do it?
 I looked at the Goddess of Faith and she was eating a second piece of ice cream.

 Let's leave it alone as it sounds like fun.

'But hey, if you look at the future from the ground, you might miss the big picture...'
'I mean, is it okay? Isn't it gray in terms of divine regulations?
 Eir-sama's worried voice, Noah-sama interjects.

 The divine world regulations that often appear in conversations.
 To put it bluntly, it seems to be that the divine race must not interfere directly with the people of the earth.
 What the Goddess of Destiny (Ila)-sama is doing seems to be a rather dangerous bridge.

''If possible, I'd like her to be a little kinder to me and the princess.
 The priestess Esther, who is descended by the Goddess of Destiny (Ila), is hard on me and the princess with her words.
 At those words, Eir-sama reacted.

''It's okay. I've told Ila to be nice to Mako-kun and the others!
 Ugh! Eil-sama gave a thumbs up and winked at me.
'Thank you,'
 I bowed my head and thanked him.
 I certainly didn't get involved in the last meeting at all.
 I see, it was thanks to Eir-sama.
 At that time, I saw Noah-sama making a difficult face, "Mmmm........

''What's the matter? Master Noah.
What's going on? You can't convert Mako, okay?
There's no way you'd change your mind about that.
 Eil-sama said in a dumbfounded manner.
 But Noah-sama seemed worried and came closer to me.

See, Makoto. I'm going to give you this ice cream, you can eat it.
I don't like it. I thought Master Noah was about to eat.
 Noah-sama gave me the ice cream that he had been crunching on earlier.

"Huh? You can't eat what I've put in your mouth? You cheeky devotee. Come on, just eat it.
You're gonna have to force yourself into my mouth...
 With the spoon that Noah-sama had been using earlier, he scooped up the ice cream he was about to eat and screwed it into my mouth.
 A cold, sweet taste spreads in my mouth.
 Definitely delicious.

''See! Isn't it good?
I'd rather have a brand-new one than a half-eaten one.
What did you say? Eat again!
You guys are so close.
 Ail-sama laughed at me and Noah-sama as we were jostling each other.

 That's when the scenery suddenly started to blur.
 Time is up.

'Well then, Noah-sama, Eir-sama. Thank you for the story and the pot.
Goodbye, Mako-kun. Good luck with the war.
Don't let your guard down, Mako.
 I nodded at the words from the two pillar goddesses.

 The war hadn't even started yet.
 I had to brace myself, I thought as I lost consciousness. 


 When I woke up, it was morning.
 There was something noisy.

 --The 'listening ear' skill........

'Aya! Spit it out! What did you and Makoto do last night?
Jeez, Lu-chan. I didn't do anything!
 I was talking about me.

No, I can smell Makoto on Aya. And that hair on Aya's clothes is Makoto's, isn't it? I have a story!
 Lucy's logical stuffing is being pushed by Sa-san.
 Should I leave this or not........

(Okay, let's sleep twice.)
 I decided.

'Oh, my God, Mako is up.'
Takatsuki, you're awake.
 How could you possibly know that? 
 There's a divider in the tent!
 d*mn, it's no use. The upside of this is....

"Oh, my knight is trying to escape. I can see the future. Let's go get him.
The princess.
 Don't use your precious future vision in the wrong place!

 And then they got me and made me talk.