205-Episode 203: Makoto Takatsuki Talks with Hero of Light

Takatsuki-kun. Did I keep you waiting?
We've just arrived, Sakurai-kun.
 The conversation turned into something like a couple meeting up.

 I had my second barleywine (ale).
 Sakurai-kun ordered some fruit water and some food.
 Once we had our drinks, we toasted and chatted for a while.

 I heard that the morale of the Order of the Sun has been improving since Sakurai-kun defeated the Demon King.
 He laughed and said that training was hard.
 Is it just my imagination that you seemed listless earlier?

'By the way, I need to talk to Takatsuki-kun about something.
What's going on?
 Sakurai-kun's expression became serious.
 Apparently, this is where the real story begins.

''When I fought the 'King of Beasts' last time.......I thought I was done for.
Yeah, that was definitely a pretty dangerous moment.
 That time.
 It's over and done with, and we can use the reflection for the next one, right? 
 The Goddess of Destiny was motivated too.
 Thinking about that, I drank the barley wine (ale) with gusto.

'Takatsuki-kun, there is a high possibility that I will 'lose my life' in the battle against the Great Demon King. At that time, will you defeat the Great Demon King with the other heroes instead of me?
 Sakurai-kun said something strange.
 When I nodded my head, Sakurai-kun stepped in closer and spoke more forcefully.

"Takatsuki-kun, if you're able to keep a cool head under all circumstances, even if you're dealing with a terrifying demon king...
Wait a minute. Sakurai-kun.
 I felt uncomfortable and interrupted Sakurai-kun's words.

''As I recall, there's a prediction in fate magic that the 'Hero of Light will be killed by the Great Demon King'?
'Oh, ah ... yes. So, I'm going to give Takatsuki-kun a.......
Can't you do that after you've been killed?
 Sakurai-kun opens his mouth at my line.
 You didn't think it was that face.

''There are skills in the world that can be revived after death. Maybe there are items that have the same effect.
There's no such thing...?
I've met the person who holds that skill, I'm sure of it.
 I mean, it's Sa-san.
The 'Remaining Machine' ability of the 'Action Game Player' skill.

''But........if it's that effective, it would be in the 'National Treasure' or 'Divine Weapon' class......''
It's okay. National Treasure or Divine Weapon. If Sakurai-kun loses, the human race is finished.
'Sure ... but with such a tremendous magic tool, there's no way Noel wouldn't know about it.
Mmmm... okay.
 It's true that Princess Noel, who is crazy about Sakurai-kun, wouldn't have noticed it.
 But I had an idea.
 Ila-sama........wouldn't Ila-sama know about this? 
 She's a goddess! You know what I mean!

I'll take a look around and see who I can find.
Thank you. Takatsuki-kun. I'm sorry, I've been feeling a bit weak lately...
 I'm still not feeling well.
 Hmm, how can I cheer up...?
 d*mn, I hate my shady personality that I can't think of a good word for!

You're looking depressing, you two brave men.
Hey, Takatsuki, Ryousuke.
 Sakurai-kun and I were discussing a lot of things when we were approached by two girls.
 I was wondering if they were dating? But then I realized that we both knew each other.

"Huh? Princess and Yokoyama-san?
Saki, and Friae. What's going on?
 Mr. Furiae was wearing a dress-like dress as usual.
 Yokoyama-san was dressed casually in a blouse and skirt instead of his usual armor.

It's boring to drink with two guys, isn't it? I came for you.
You're in my way.
 Mr. Furiae sat next to me. Yokoyama-san sat next to Sakurai-kun.
 Well, isn't that the duo of wife and mistress?
 Are you sure? 
 Princess Noel and Friae don't get along with each other though.

What's the matter?
 I asked Friae in a whisper.
'I was just wandering around town and I met the Holy Swordsman. And I heard that my knight and Ryouske were meeting together, so I came to visit, what's your complaint?
 I don't know if it's a good idea but Princess Noel was pretty pissed off yesterday.
 Well, it's okay if they don't find out.

Isn't that the end of the story? Ryousuke, I'm busy, you know, when I'm at work I'm with you, but when I'm off work I can't play.
 Yokoyama-san's lips twitched.
 Hmm, the most beautiful girl in my classmates is still pretty.

''What, you're fawning over someone's wife?
 Friae tugged at my cheek.
'I'm not fawning over you,'
Freyae and Takatsuki-kun are close, aren't they?
Oh, really? I'm fine!
 At Yokoyama's words, Furiae hurriedly let go of her hand.

'Friae looks fine.
'You're not looking well. Ryousuke.
 When Furiae said without hesitation, Sakurai-kun smiled a little sadly.

''That's right, ever since the last battle with the Demon King's Army, Ryousuke hasn't been in good spirits.
'Hmmm, I'm all ears. Tell me. Ah! But first, I need a glass of wine!
"I think I'll have a sangria. There are many kinds of drinks here, and the food is delicious.
Hey, Holy Swordsman. How do you like this fish pie pie?
'It's delicious! Also, I recommend this vegetable terrine and shrimp fritters!
 Furiae and Yokoyama-san were choosing the menu, yelping and yelping.
 All at once, the place brightened up.
 It's so glamorous to have a girl around!
 Sakurai-kun's face lit up somewhat.

Speaking of which...
 Yokoyama-san turned to me.

'As I mentioned to Furiae, His Holiness the Pope's movements have been suspicious lately. Takatsuki-kun is an apostle of an evil god, isn't he? Watch out for the Pope and the Temple Knight.
What do you mean, Saki?
 Sakurai-kun and I twist our heads at Yokoyama-san's words.

'I know it's hard for you to notice since you've been befriended by His Holiness the Pope, but the Pope is very strict with other faiths.
"...I know. The oppression of refugees in the land of the moon became more violent when I became the pope of this generation.
 Friae-san bit her nails in an abominable manner.

I heard that the Pope's parents died a long time ago when they were caught up in a terrorist attack by the 'Order of the Serpent'. I heard that they've been vengeful towards the 'Order of the Serpent' ever since...
...Wasn't that accomplished the other day?
 Alec, the state-certified hero of the Highlands, destroyed the hideout of the 'Order of the Serpent'.
 The Pope's revenge has been completed, hasn't it?

Doesn't that mean that Takatsuki-kun and Furiae would fit the bill...?
What a pain in the ass...
Does this mean you're compiling a list of potential criminals...?
 The Pope was even worse than I expected!

But hey, I've got some good news for you.
 Yokoyama-san looked at me and smiled at me.
''Takatsuki-kun, you've become the patron knight of the Great White Sage-sama, haven't you? Even His Holiness the Pope can't touch you, Grand Sage, so your personal safety is guaranteed as a result, Takatsuki-kun.
'I know! Takatsuki-kun, you didn't expect this?
Well, yeah.
 Sakurai-kun and Yokoyama-san interpreted it super favorably.
 I didn't think too much about it........

''I don't mind.......but I'm worried about the princess.
'Hmm, it's okay. It's only now that the Moon Priestess is hated by the Goddess Church.
'But you should be careful. You don't want to go out on your own, wobbling around like you did today.
Well, thank you.
 Yokoyama-san, good boy. 

 After that, we chatted for a while as we ate our food.
 We had a lot of fun talking about the Demon King battle the other day.

''Sakurai-kun's magic sword was so powerful.
'I've never had the help of an angel of such a high order, even in practice.
That's right. When Takatsuki-kun is around, Ryousuke is in great shape.
'That's right! So, Takatsuki, let's join my unit!
''It's said that the training of the Order of the Sun is the toughest on the continent...''
 I like to train alone, but the military is a group activity, so I'm not sure...

Don't worry, I'll stay with you!
Sakurai-kun, my hand hurts.
Are you drunk, Ryousuke?
What? Are you guys hot?
 I was excited enough to argue about such nonsense.

'Ryousuke, I think I'm feeling better. I'm glad you met with Takatsuki, after all.
 With a huff, Yokoyama-san laughed.

'You're a healthy guy, supporting Ryousuke in public life. Wouldn't it be easier if you were in the position of the brave man of light's fiancée? You don't have to travel all the way to the battlefield.
 Friae-san sighed in disgust.
 I certainly feel that Yokoyama-san's burden is considerable.

''Well....hey. But I'm the only one who can fight at Ryousuke's side.......
Didn't all my other classmates have strong skills?
 What happened to all those people in the Water Temple?

'You have to have strong skills, but you have to be able to use them. Veteran soldiers are stronger, after all.
 Sakurai-kun made a complicated face.

''Hmm ... is that how it is?''
 I'm still working hard on 'Water Magic, Elementary'. You guys are so extravagant!
 Well, the 'spirit user' gifted by Master Noah is so strong! It's good, though!

''But the brave fiancée of the brave man of light is supposed to be the one carrying the child, right? Aren't you in a hurry? St. Swordsman.
 Friae, who had been drinking, grinned and asked an in-depth question.
 Mr. Sakurai made a puzzled face. Well, I guess so.

I'm still a teenager. I'm still a teenager, and I'm not ready to be a mother right now. I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about it. You spend more time with me than Princess Noel, you know.
 Indeed, the closest lover to me might actually be Yokoyama-san.

''Well, and ... well ... just because I'm on birth control ... it's a proper thing to do. Hey, Ryousuke?
 Yokoyama-san, are you drunk?
 I don't need to talk that much about it!

Oh, yeah ... yeah.
 Mr. Furiae has a red face, even though you've broached the subject yourself.
 Not surprisingly, it's ubiquitous, isn't it? Freyae?

Ta-tazuki-kun, how are you and Aya? She's going to be Takatsuki's wife! And I'm already married!
 Perhaps realizing that the atmosphere was strange, Yokoyama-san changed the subject forcibly.

...Marriage and such will happen soon.
'Do you pay attention to him? Aya said she wants to have four kids, so we have to work hard, Takatsuki!
 Isn't it subtle that we're back on topic?

'Oh, yeah I'll do my best.
"Takatsuki is Princess Sophia's fiancé, right? And besides, Lucy, you have a cute little elven girlfriend. Are you taking time with Aya?
 Yokoyama-san can't stop asking me questions!

Well, um, so-so?
 I'm sorry, I've been training a lot, so I haven't taken much.

Hmm, that's weird.
 Ms. Yokoyama stares at me long and hard.
When was the last time you f*cked Aya? Fess up!
 Yokoyama-san, tangled drinks!

Saki, Takatsuki-kun, we're in trouble...
'Shut up, Ryousuke! Now, answer me!
 I'm stumped.
 Even if I answered appropriately here, Yokoyama-san and Sa-san are friends, so they'll probably find out soon.
 Let's be honest here........

''In the first place, my knight is a virgin, right?
 Mr. Furiae revealed with a huff, "Oh dear, oh dear.
 Mr. Yokoyama, you don't have to sound so surprised!

'Takatsuki-kun you're traveling with Aya, right?
If you don't mind me saying this you might want to spend a little more time with him.
 Guh, it's kind of embarrassing to be admonished by a classmate.
 Now, I was wondering how to respond, but Friaree-san spoke up first.

''My knight trains until 2 a.m. and gets up before anyone else in the morning, so he doesn't have time to leave his girlfriend alone.
That's okay. I have a weak skill set and I need to learn to use it.
I think you deserve a break, at least for a while.
One moment of carelessness can kill you!
'I don't know what you mean...'
 I don't really understand myself.

Is that the kind of life you've always had, Takatsuki-kun?
How long have you been doing that?
I've been in another world since day one.
 They fell silent.

'Ryousuke, your childhood friend, you pervert.
So you're strong, Takatsuki.... The way you train is completely different from the others.
Compliment me too much and you'll get carried away, my knight.
 That's a horrible thing to say.
 Also, maybe it's not a compliment? Mr. Furiae.

 Just like that, the drinking session came to an end.
 Sakurai-kun seemed to be smiling at least a little bit.
 I think he might have gotten a little bit more cheerful.

 --on the way home.

''I've had too much to drink...''
The other side of the coin.
 I walked slowly down the road to the inn, lending Huriae-san my shoulder.

 Come to think of it, if it's just me and the princess, it's a combination of the Evil God's Apostle and the demon race.
 As expected, I don't think we'll be attacked by temple knights, though.

Hey my knight.
Hmm? What?
I ... used to have a bit of a crush on Ryousuke.
 I realized after I answered.
 Before? Is it different now?

'I've never been out of the Land of the Moon at all, and I was naive. I was the only one who was kind to me in the Highlands, where there were so many enemies, so I made a mistake. I thought that Ryousuke might like me too.
Sakurai-kun, you're a natural womanizer, you know...
 Of course, I think Sakurai-kun had a good feeling for Furiae, too.
 But that guy has twenty fiancées, so it's a bit of a hurdle for someone to fall in love with.

'I've been gaining a lot of insight lately. Thanks to my knight in shining armor.
Well, that's good to know.
 The last few months of travel had been a good experience for Friae.

'I hope the princess has another good encounter.
You're not... are you... on purpose?
I hate it when you do that stupid face. Hey, my knight. Who is the most important person in your life? A princess in water country? A wizard? A brave man in the land of fire? Or ... someone else?
 A drunken Friae asked with moist eyes.

''The most...?''
 Hmmm, when I say best, I mean the first time I came to another world I met...

Is it Master Noah? 
 The goddess who first trusted me.

"That's not a goddess.......haha. Well, there's no chance of getting attached to it, so it's still better.
It's nothing. We're at the inn. I'm going to bed. Good night, my knight.
 After saying that, Friae quickly went into his room.

 Surprisingly, his gait was firm.

 ◇The next morning◇.

 As I was training at the inn, I heard the sound of thumping footsteps.
 This sound is fujiyan.
 I think I heard something similar the other day.

 But the difference was that Peter was next to me.

'Please come!'
"My God, brother! I need you here now!
 I wasn't sure what I was doing, but I was taken outside.
 The place we were heading to seemed to be the military playground behind Highland Castle.

'Fujiyan, Peter. What's going on?
Ila, the Goddess of Destiny, has descended!
Ila's coming down?
 Didn't that goddess exist long ago?
 No, no.
 Only Master Noah and Master Eil knew that.

'Yes! The goddess of destiny (Ila), who doesn't appear in other countries, has decided to come down in a hurry to cheer up the people of the Highlands.
I knew I'd have to ask you to join us, Mister Tuckey!
Wow, Mr. Fujiwara. That ticket is already at a premium and has a hell of a price tag!
You know how much money I spent to get three cards!
Brother! This is the best day of my life!
 I can't keep up with the tension between the two of them.
 Come to think of it, Fujiyan and Peter are followers of the Goddess of Destiny (Ila), right?
 I did as I was told and headed to my destination.

 -- at the back of Highland Castle.

 Normally, it seems that only military personnel are banned from entering, but right now it was packed with people.
 It seems that all of them are followers of the goddess of destiny (Ila), but there was something strange about them.

 --Ila-sama* Life!


 --I'd die for you, Ila!

 Men with happi coats and fans with words such as "Hi, please stand in line.

Yes, please stand in line.
"You must not interrupt me - Ila-sama hates people who don't follow the rules!
"Purchase up to three items per person! You can't resell it!

 Someone who looks like a staff member is using a loudspeaker spell to guide you around.
 What's this? 

Come on. We'll be right over here.
Mr. Fujiwara, I've never been to a VIP section!
Yeah, well, so am I, actually!
 Fujiyan and Peter are very excited.
 What in the world is going to happen?

 After that, the playground was 120% packed to the brim.


 And then the time came.

 Darkness envelops the surroundings.

(Enemy attack⁉)
 I was surprised, but apparently it was just a 'ward' that blocked the light. 

 And next, a spotlight shone on the stage.
 Is that........solar magic lighting (light).......?

 And there's one pretty girl standing in the spotlight.
 I mean, that's Esther.
 I didn't recognize her for a moment because she's wearing a fluttering, sparkling dress.
 I mean, what's going on...?

 --The Goddess of Destiny's maiden (Esther) opened her mouth.

Ila-chan, everyone's idol! Thank you so much for gathering all these people for me.