42-Episode 40: Aya Sasaki's tragedy

I think it's time...

 I'm stronger.
 The No. 3 strength in the large family of the Lamia tribe.
 I'm confident that if I were to take on the demons in the vicinity of the underground lake, I would not be defeated one-on-one.

 The Kyoudais, who are the same age as him, have all become full-fledged professionals.
 They're also doing well at hunting.
 Our Great Mother says she's going to give birth to another child soon.

 When that happens, we'll be the big sister.
 If we have sisters, we will be more affectionate and harder to separate.
 The next time I go out on my own, I will leave this place.
 I made a secret decision.

 The next time I go out alone, I will leave here.

'Oh my God! My sisters are being attacked by an ice tiger!
 The news came out of nowhere.
 I was not on hunting duty that day.

 In a hurry, when I rushed over, some of the Kyoudais were dead.
 The ice tiger was a blue-furred tiger that attacked me with an attack called 'ice breath'.
 Every time the ice tiger let out a white breath, I felt my body become slower and slower.

''What the hell!''
 In anger and frustration, I wildly beat the ice tigers away.
 With a single blow, the ice tigers ran away as they saw their friends being buried.

 Wobbling, I approached the corpse of the Kyotai.
 It was cruel.
 Its entrails had been devoured and its arms were torn to shreds.
 All of the safe Kyoudais were torn to pieces.

''Why... why... why...''
'The ice tigers are our natural enemies. Their exhaled breath emits cold air that slows down the Lamia tribe.
 My big sister muttered in frustration.
 Those words make me cringe. 

Why didn't you tell me about this before?
'You know the law of the hunt. Until you actually see your enemy in person, you shouldn't be imagining things. You get stronger with experience.
'No! If you had just told me about the ice tiger first, we wouldn't all have died!
So you're saying I'm wrong!
'Yes! Big sister is wrong!
 For the first time, my big sister disobeyed me.
 Maybe for the first time, I wasn't cool with Kyoudae's death.
 If I had been there, I could have protected her!

You don't know what you're talking about!
'Stone-headed big sister! You killed them all!
You're gonna be fine, you know that?
I'm better than you!
 Normally, Big Sise-sama would have taken it as a matter of course, but she made a seriously angry face.

 He punched me.
'What are you doing?!'
 I punched back.
 From there, it was an epic beating.

""Hey, hey,"
 Sis and the surviving Kyoudais try to stop them, but in a fight between No. 2 and No. 3, no one can stop them.

 Big Sis is strong.
 I don't know how old she is, but she was born long before us and has led the Lamia tribe for a long time.
 She is a slender beauty who is a bit cold compared to the flamboyant beauty, Grandma.

 Her big sister twists her beautiful face and grabs me by the hair and raises her fist.
 In comparison, I'm only a little over a year old for the Lamia tribe, and my body has just become an adult.
 Normally, there's no way I could win a fight with Big Sis, but thanks to my "skills," we were evenly matched.

 My big sister and I kept pulling each other's hair and wrapping our bodies around each other and hitting each other.
 At the end, when I almost flew into a coma, Big Sis went limp and lost consciousness.
''I won........''
 Then I passed out too.

'Huh, what are you doing?'
 Afterwards, we were given plenty of sermons by the Great Mother.

 I don't make eye contact with the Great Sister.
 She didn't look at me either.

You are the center of this family. You are the center of this family, you must get along with each other.
 The Great Mother, who didn't care too much about the details, was dismayed that we hadn't spoken a word to her after all, and she broke off her sermon.


 Ever since the fight with my big sister, there have been factions in our family.

 One is my big sister's group.
 The other is the group centered on me.

 Big Sis's group is still the same way of hunting, with the younger kids taking the lead and the older ones following suit.
 On the other hand, on our side, I will lead the hunt.

 At first, I thought my group was superior, as they were less likely to be attacked by the enemy and suffer less damage.
 But, it was different.
 The big sister's hunt is more individual growth.
 My group would be more dependent on me.

(I failed.........)

 I'm glad you're counting on me, but this isn't working.
 I'm stuck, and I'm stuck.

(Maybe my big sister was right...)

 Even though she and big sister occasionally pass each other, they haven't spoken for days now.
 We used to be close sisters....

 I'm trying to find the right time to apologize when I'm alone with her, but I can't seem to find a good time.
 Big sister is always with someone else these days.....

 I had no choice but to forcefully approach her and whisper into her ear.

''Hey, I want to talk to you tonight in private. Come to the back of the waterfall.
! Oh, come on. It's all good now.
 I don't like the idea of bowing my head in front of everyone.

I'll see you tonight.

 Okay, okay, now let's end the sisterhood quarrel.


 Once I went to bed, I waited until it was time to meet up with my big sister.
 However, I was just so tired from the consecutive days of hunting that I couldn't help but fall out of bed.

(Ah! Shit. (You didn't oversleep, did you?)

 I was in a hurry to get up.
 I noticed something was wrong.

(Is the air cold?)

 The temperature must always be higher in the Lamia dwelling because there's a lava flow cave nearby or something.
 We're not susceptible to cold air.

'Guys! Sister! Great Mother!
 Look around to tell them something's wrong.

 I had a nightmare.
 Sis, the Kyoudais are all limp, their bodies white and discolored.
 They didn't seem to be breathing, they looked like they were not breathing.
 Inside, the harpy had attacked the breathing family.

'You guys! Where the hell did that come from?!
 This dwelling cannot be opened unless the family opens it from the inside.
 There is no way the enemy can get in!

 The Harpy laughs in a grating voice.
'd*mn it!'
 My body is heavy as lead, trying to fight as usual.
 My body screams in the cold air.

''Great Mother!''
 I can't do anything.
 Mother, help me!

 But on the pedestal where my mother always sat was a strange blonde woman.
 Her beauty was as powerful as my mother's.
 And my mother was falling at the feet of that woman!

Great Mother!
 I tried to run to him, but the harpies around me seized him.
'Let go!' I struggle.

'Oh? I wonder if you're the young snake girl that was tormenting my family with the rumors.
Who are you...
I am the mother of the Harpies. Three hundred years of fighting with the Lamia, and now we're finally getting this hateful woman to finish us off.
 A small moan could be heard as the woman who claimed to be the Harpy's master kicked the Great Mother in the face.

'Ka, Mother!'
It's you... but run.
'Hahahaha!  Watch. The end of your mother.
 With that, that guy screwed his hand on my mother's chest and ripped out her heart.
 The Great Mother screams.
 Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!

'Beautiful colors,' said the woman who claimed to be the Harpy's mother, and swallowed her heart!
 The Great Mother went limp and stopped moving.
'You! I'm going to kill you!
Well, you're all that's left.
 I look around.
 And your sister.
 And the Kyoudais.
 All of them.
 They're dead.

But it's got a lot of life force. You're still a young demon. Special solids.
 The master of the enemy is saying something.
 What the hell am I doing?
 We have to take out the enemy.

He's right. Big sister! Big sister, help me!
 Our family's dependable No. 2.
 What are you doing at a time like this!

'The eldest daughter of your family. The one who invited us in.

 What did this guy just say?

The Lamia are such a tight-knit family.

 He flings a pitying glance at her.
 It can't be.
 Big sister would never do such a thing.

The youngest of them is sassy, and she wants you to kill her. "The Lamia tribe is finished when sisters start killing each other.

 When I heard those words, I didn't understand what was going on, and I stormed out.
 I threw the harpy that was holding me down.
 I pounced on the enemy's master.
 The enemy is in no hurry at all.

'I'm just not cold enough.
 The Harpy's mother called out to her.

We're not very good at magic. Neither are you.
 I'll be stuck with the magic the human wizard has cast.

'Bye. The last of the Lamia.
 That was the last thing I could hear.

 The sharp claws of the Harpy's master sliced through me.

 I was dead.

 Annoyingly, my second life was also to end in the cold ice.