4-a trio of adventurers...
Wow! This delicious smell is tomatoes!
Geez! I don't like tomatoes.
It's a shame it's not good enough for you.
A young woman and two men of about the same age came down noisily.
These three are adventurers and are in a party.
The one with brown hair in a ponytail and a face that is more pretty than beautiful is Hermina, the wizard.
The blond man who moans that he doesn't like tomatoes is Ralph, the swordsman.
The man with long black hair that reaches his eyes and a quiet appearance is Sheikh, the archer.
All three are from the same village and are very close friends.
What's for breakfast today, Tori?
After a brief conversation about tomatoes, Hermina asks me with a friendly expression.
Today's main dish is cabbage rolls with tomatoes. Bread as an accompaniment.
'I love it! I'll take that one!
'I'll have that, too.
'...... I'll order something else on the menu as I see fit.'
All but Ralph, who is not a fan of tomatoes, seem to decide on today's main course.
As I take the order and move to the kitchen entrance, I hear them coming down the stairs again.
Everyone is coming down the stairs earlier than usual.
It seems that the guests have been waking up in droves, lured by the aroma of rich tomatoes.
It's going to get busier and busier.
The aroma of the food is coming out of the kitchen vents, and even the people of the city, the morning workers, are coming into the diner.
Are some of them trying to find a place to stay for the day? A few travelers and adventurers crowd into the reception area.
I'll go to the reception, you take care of the dining room!
d*mn you, Letty. You've run away to the reception desk because you didn't want to deal with the crowded situation.
At the reception, all you have to do is write down your name, ask how many days you are staying, explain the system, receive your money, and hand over the key to your room.
It seems like a lot of explaining, but the system of the lodging is almost the same and everyone knows it. Once you say it once, even the people standing in line behind you can hear you, so you only have to explain it a few times in detail.
My sister has taken away such a simple task from me.
'Hey! Ready to order?
Mom is busy moving around when a customer calls.
The noisy chatter of customers and their orders. The quiet morning diner becomes lively.
Oh no, if I stay idle at this point, it will get busier and busier. We have to move efficiently and get this over with.
At any rate, I'm sure my father has heard Hermina's order, so I'm sure he has it ready.
Here, for Hermina and Seek. Here's the usual for Ralph who doesn't like tomatoes.
I hurried to the kitchen entrance, where my father had placed the food as I had expected.
He takes Mom's order and prepares other dishes.
Both the kitchen and the dining room are busy. I quickly bring Hermina's and Sheik's portions.
Finally, I get Ralph's portion, which consists of potatoes, vegetable soup, and bread.
Then, while other customers stop me to take their orders, I get to Ralph's place.
Mwah! Delicious! This cabbage is so tender!
I can't get enough of this tomato soup!
Perhaps because they had delivered the food earlier, Hermina and Sheikh had started eating without even waiting for Ralph.
'Here you go, Ralph.
'Tori, you're late.
Ralph, on the other hand, was lying on the table like a stretched out rice cake, probably because he was hungry.
When I left the menu for Ralph, he looked at the dishes with a miffed expression, as if he was dissatisfied that there was no meat in the menu.
Is it a freebie from Dad? There's a little sausage in the vegetable soup.''
'Oh, thanks! I'll thank Mr. Abel later!''
Ralph is instantly cheered up when I tell him that there are sausages in it.
After all, young people need to eat meat to keep their spirits up. This is just a service to them.
By the way, Tori! Don't you make hamburgers or mayonnaise?
'Yeah, I've been sleeping all day and haven't made anything.
And mayonnaise is not a dish, Ralph.
Hamburgers and mayonnaise are prehistoric dishes and condiments that I sometimes make.
They are relatively easy to make, requiring little technical knowledge. Ralph was passing by when I was making it and wanted to try it.
Ever since he tasted it, he has been hooked on hamburgers and mayonnaise.
I love that stuff. Just give it to me again next time.
Ralph puts his hands on top of his head and asks me to do it, but it's not pretty at all when a man does it.
Well, I could make it for you, but not in the morning. I'd have to get up early in the morning to make it, which would naturally cut into my sleep.
That's not for me, so it's either daytime or nighttime. It's tough because I have a very noble mission to take a nap today.
I'm going to have to take a nap today, which is tough. I'll make it for you some other time.
'Really? I promised you!'
However, no specific date or time was specified. It is a vague "next time. It could be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or even a month from now.
You can make it at any time you like.
Hermina and Sheik seem to be aware of my thinking, but Ralph seems to be satisfied with the promise of having it made.
Thinking it somewhat cute, I quickly leave the room to avoid any unnecessary questions.
I quickly left the room to avoid any unnecessary questions.
Many customers flocked to the diner to eat their food and get ready for work in the morning.
Still, there are plenty of hungry customers in town, so they keep disappearing and coming back.
'Sake! Booze! Bring me some ale!
One of the customers demanded that we bring him alcohol, even though it was still early in the morning.
The body is like a large barrel and the limbs are short. Their faces are covered with beards and they look like old men.
Yes, there are many other races living in this world, such as elves and beasts, in addition to humans.
They may look different from humans in some respects, but they all share the same heart. I was a little scared at first, but now I'm used to it.
Bring me my drink quickly!
The Dwarf guests, their short limbs shaking wildly, shout loudly demanding their drinks.
The elf sitting next to him frowns in response.
I'm stunned. Drinking in the morning?
For us dwarves, alcohol is like water! If you don't drink, you will die!
In games and fictional stories, it is often said that elves and dwarves do not get along well, but not so here.
It can't be true.
'Drinking is the lifeblood of life! Without it, we'll dry up! Just like you guys want to eat all the vegetables you can get your hands on.
Vegetables are necessary for life. But alcohol is a luxury, not a necessity.
'What the hell, you're fighting with the dwarves!
...... should not be, but there are differences of opinion and values in everything. Dwarves and elves may not get along with each other, but there are many people who are on good terms with each other.
It just so happens that the dwarves and elves here are not on the same page.
However, if we leave things as they are, they are going to fight.
I'll give you some ale to calm down!
'Oh! Sake!
The dwarf immediately smiled and began to pour ale.
If the dwarf didn't make too much noise, the elf next to him wouldn't complain.
It is easy for the customers to deal with people who know exactly what they like.
After that, the food is delivered to the customers and the bill is settled.
After repeating this cycle for about an hour, the diner finally begins to calm down somewhat.
Once this busy breakfast time is over, all that is left is to work at a leisurely pace.
Whether sitting down once in a while, looking outside or chatting with Lettie, as long as I do my job to some extent, I don't get scolded like in my previous life. It's really a good environment.
I collect the plates left with Lettie and clean around the table.
The only ones left are the few guests who have woken up after the noisy hour and the stream of travelers who have come in for a rest. The only ones left are Hermina and the other adventurers.
What are you going to do today?
Let's make it a logging type. I'm tired of collecting medicinal herbs.
I'm certainly tired of doing menial tasks. Now that we have more money in our pockets, let's go out in a big way and ask them to take us down.
Hermina and her colleagues are in a strategy meeting to decide what to do today.
They are discussing whether to go for a logging or a gathering type of work.
Then, let's check our luggage. If we have the right tools, then we'll take the debugging type.
It appears that he is going back to his room to check his luggage.
Although adventurers may have a carefree image, they are cautious because they risk their lives in their work.