After Reincarnating, I Became the Son of Inkeepers

One day, Yadoya Kenta, who was working for a black company, dies of exhaustion. When he wakes up, he finds that he has been reincarnated not as a hero in another world, but as Tohri, the son of an innkeeper in a rural town! This time, he wants to work moderately and relax! Surrounded by a kind family and lively customers, the slow life of an innkeeper's son begins!

Author: Renkinou, Takase Asuka
Chapters: 65

転生したら宿屋の息子でした 田舎街でのんびりスローライフをおくろう ; Tensei Shitara no Musuko Deshita: Inakagai de Nonbiri Slow Life o Okurou ; Welcome to my inn


1-When I was reborn, I was the son of an inn."...
2-morning preparation...
3-a food aristocrat...
4-a trio of adventurers...
5-Urgas and Natalia...
6-The break is limited to sleeping....
7-second wake-up...
8-afternoon strawberry pie...
9-Let's make a hammock....
10-butcher's son of a butcher...
11-a greengrocer's son...
12-the end of shopping...
13-an apprentice theater actress...
14-Butterflies in the twilight...
15-hamburger sandwich...
16-Adventurers are free to work at any time....
17-farm sister...
18-gratin of plitch tomatoes...
19-the melancholy of Natalia...
20-Natalia and the City...
21-completion of remodeling...
22-I had tea during the break....
23-public bath...
24-children's hamburger program...
25-a baker's son...
26-hamburger trial...
27-completion of putty...
28-two lettuce...
29-hamburger completion...
30-stall preparation...
31-start of cooking...
32-first-time sales...
33-Hamburgers sold out...
34-It's best to work moderately....
35-morning mince...
36-a gear that is better than the lord of a castle...
37-going home in the morning and going to work in the...
38-Request meat chopper...
39-a visitor on the way...
40-a man who hates vegetables...
41-HARUTO's hammer...
42-stuffed green peppers...
43-So I'm not popular....
44-the right time...
45-male sex
46-fried potatoes...
47-Hamburgers and Big Burgers...
48-Another useful tool......
49-midnight kitchen...
51-high-grade white wine from Luburni...
52-Let's take a break....
53-picking up shellfish in a river...
54-Shrimp catching in the river...
55-Urgas and Fishing...
56-further achievement...
57-between customers...
58-full seats
59-bone cracker...
60-Meat Day is coming up next time....
61-Here's to the end of work....
62-morning with a childhood friend...
63-burger set
64-The Lady and the Butler...
65-She wants to eat hot food....