41-HARUTO's hammer...
The day I discovered Ralph's dislike of green peppers.
When I told Hurt, the grocer, about Ralph, he was indignant.
He said, 'Bell peppers are a vegetable that does not lose its nutrients easily even if it is overcooked, and can be eaten in any dish with a good balance of nutrients! How foolish to dislike it!
On top of that, I don't like tomatoes and cabbage either, and I don't eat them.
But I don't want to say that now, because I'm afraid that Hurt will burn up with anger if I say so.
I am not here to make him angry either.
The idea is that even Ralph, who cannot eat green peppers, can somehow learn how to cook them.
So, even if you don't like green peppers--'
'Sister, I'm leaving you in charge of the store for a minute! I'm going to go and defeat the man who insinuates that he doesn't like green peppers!
When I try to ask him how to cook them, a righteously indignant Hurt goes into the back of the sales floor and starts yelling something noisy.
'All right. Leave this to me and go smash those fools!
Then a dark-haired woman with a face similar to Hurt's and wearing glasses came out and said with dignity.
By the way, this is Mr. Ize, Hurt's sister.
She is devoted to vegetables as much as her brother, so she never stops Harto. She has eyes that believe it is the right thing to do.
I don't think I can stop him.
With Mr. Eise's permission, Hurt put the bell pepper in the basket that he was going to feed to Ralph.
'All right, that's why we're going to Tori's inn!
'Yeah, okay.
If Hurt can help Ralph to overcome his annoying dislike of vegetables, we will be happy and easy and leave it to the experts.
I'll be happy to let the experts handle it.
'Are you and Ralph around?'
'Yeah, I think he's in his room.
The keys to Ralph and Sheik's rooms are not left with the innkeeper's receptionist.
It was the day they had returned home exhausted from their assignment. They will not be going out again today.
When he is sure that Ralph is there, he goes upstairs and knocks on the door.
'Ralph, can I have a word?
'Oh, Tori? You can open it.'
Ralph gave his permission and I opened the door to find Ralph and Sheikh lying on the bed in their rough clothes.
Swords, armor, and other adventurer's gear were scattered around the bed, and their luggage was still in their backpacks. The room was cluttered, as one would expect from a man's family.
You haven't put your stuff away yet, have you? I'm not saying you should put everything away, but at least put your sweaty clothes in the laundry basket or hang them out to dry right away.
'Are you my mother?
'I just finished a commission and I'm tired.
Ralph and Sheikh replied with a grimace when I said that.
I understand that feeling very well. I have just returned home late at night after a business trip, and suddenly being asked to take out the laundry from a bag with a lot of stuff in it is just a hassle.
I can understand why they would want to lie down on their beds and take a rest first.
However, Ralph and Sheik do not do their own laundry on the days when they have completed their assignments. They usually do their own laundry to save money, but on those days they use our laundry service, probably because they have a lot of dirty clothes.
'If you leave your sweaty clothes sealed up, the smell will seep in, right? And if I ask you to do the laundry, it's mainly my mother and Letty who do the washing, so they won't like it if you dare to wash their smelly clothes, will they?''
'Oh, I get it. I'll get it out right now. Tori has a very mean way of saying things.
'When Tori finds out it's wash day, I'll let her wash my dirty clothes.
As I said this, Ralph and Sheikh started to move, even though they looked like a pain in the ass.
It would be hard to make a living if the innkeeper's daughter didn't like me.
A man would like to be smiled at by a pretty girl.
By the way, is it correct that you want me to take out the laundry as soon as possible?
No, no. I'm here to talk about something else. I'll let my friend in for a minute.
Oh, you're Tori's friend that I sometimes see. What do you want from me?
Ralph noticed Hurt, but backed away when he saw the basket full of peppers held under his arm.
I am Hurt, son of a greengrocer. You're the Ralph who says you don't like green peppers, aren't you?
'A grocer's son? Tori, you ......!
Hearing Hurt's words, Ralph looks at him as if to say, "What's this all about?
He looks like a target who has been discovered by an assassin.
'Well, I asked Ralph if he could overcome his dislike for green peppers, and he said he'd go directly to the restaurant.
'What the hell did you do? Hey, Sheik, get out of the way!
'Well, well, you're getting old now. You should at least be able to eat your vegetables. You're really going to break down, just like Abel said.
The Sheikh seizes Ralph as he tries to flee.
He is concerned about Ralph, but his expression is clearly amused.
When Hurt approaches with a green pepper, Ralph screams and goes berserk.
No, no, no, no, no! I don't want to eat raw bell peppers!
'Why don't you like green peppers?'
Ralph looks surprised at Hurt's sudden question.
What, you don't screw peppers in your mouth?
I thought you were going to make me eat the peppers raw, with or without asking.
When Sheikh and I say this, Hurt grumbles.
'I'm not going to do that. These are the kind of things that people are often forced to eat in their childhood and still have a hard time with it as an adult. Therefore, you should never force them to eat--''
No, I've never been forced to eat anything. I've never eaten a green bell pepper, for that matter.
'You! You've never even eaten it, and now you're saying you don't like it!
Hey, you! What you just said and what you're doing are different!
'Because you don't fit that description!
For reasons far more trivial than I had expected, Hurt angrily shoved a green pepper into Ralph's mouth.
No way. Even Hurt, who has a love for vegetables, would get angry if I told him that I don't like vegetables without having eaten them before.