13-an apprentice theater actress...
After Letty is satisfied with the fruit my father has given her, we go to the kitchen to start preparing dinner.
We prepare the vegetables, mushrooms and meat from the market we bought today.
While my father shows me how Eigfang cuts the meat, I cut up the vegetables and prepare the cream stew.
Usually I put chicken meat in the stew, but today, because of Aigfang's meat, I put in a lot of the meat that my father has processed.
The delicious smell of thick stew is wafting through the kitchen, probably due to the flavor of Eigfang's meat.
Mwah! Isn't this Eigfang's meat!
It seems that Michal, who had just returned home, immediately detected them. I could hear Mihael hurriedly questioning his mother.
'Wow! It smells so good!''
Oh, stew!
'This smells like meat, too!
It seems that not only Michal, but also other adventurers such as Hermina, Sheik, and Ralph had just returned.
I love Abel's stew!
'I heard Tori is making them these days, not Abel.
Hermina peeks in through the kitchen door and I smile lightly and wave to her.
'It's true. Tori is cooking.
''I mean, what's that big meat you're cutting, Abel-san?''
'...... isn't that demon meat?'
With a lot of noise and stares, I cook a stew and Dad makes a turnip and mushroom soup. I cook up a stew, Dad a soup of turnips and mushrooms, and I finish a dish using Eigfang's meat.
In the evening, many of the guests of the inn come back.
In the evening many of them drink, which increases the amount of food they eat. A menu like this would be devoured in no time. We have to cook more and more.
Tori, make sure the turnip and mushroom soup is simmering.
'Yes, sir.
I think my dad finally threw all of the soup at me.
I sit idly watching the two huge pots and the heat, and occasionally help my father cook.
As I do this for a long time, the sky gradually turns into a deep red.
After that, the town people who had finished their work came rushing in.
I still haven't left the kitchen yet, so I don't know what's going on, but from the sound of many voices coming from the cafeteria and Lettie's and Mom's guiding voices, I can imagine that the place is close to full.
'Sierra! Five ales!
Six at this table!
Eleven ales alone. With customers frequently refilling their ale, the restaurant is much busier than it was in the morning and at lunchtime.
While my mother was pouring ale, Lettie was taking orders from other customers or answering questions about the food menu.
While I was looking at her from the kitchen entrance, Lettie rushed over to me.
Dad! I can already serve food and stuff!
'Oh! I can serve it! Just be careful with Eigfang's steaks, they take a long time to cook through! We have a limited amount, so get a move on!
Hearing Dad's words, Lettie heads back toward the cafeteria.
'I'll take your food orders! Aigfang meat takes a long time to cook and the quantity is limited, so please be quick!
''Yesssshhhh! Rice!''
Hearing Letty's voice, the guests raise their wild voices in chorus.
'......They're probably drunk already, aren't they?'
'I've been drinking ale the whole time I've been waiting for my food.
I was feeding him some random snacks, but if he was drinking ale at a high pace, he would get drunk.
I wonder if '...... Letty will be okay? I'm worried about some drunk guy messing with me.'
Well, Letty is a ten-year-old girl. She is a little too young to take orders from men who have been drinking.
But isn't it about time for the ricotta?
'Yes. If she does, I can take Letty down to the kitchen and switch with Tori.
'Hey, what about me?
'Who's going to mess with Tori?'
I know it's for the best, but I do wish he would be a little more considerate of his adorable eldest son.
I'm sorry, I'm late!
While my father and I were having this argument, a woman came running from the entrance to the kitchen.
Her red hair is cut semi-long and her skin is tanned and healthy.
She says, 'Huh, huh, the drama troupe's rehearsal has been running late. ......'.
Go change in the waiting room in the back. I want to take Letty down to the kitchen.
At his father's request, Ricotta hurries to the waiting room.
I'm done getting dressed!
''You're as fast as ever.''
Less than thirty seconds later, Ricotta was dressed as a waitress at our inn.
'Changing quickly is an essential skill in a theater company!
Yes, she is an aspiring theater actress. During the day she rehearses at the theater group, and in the evening she works as a waitress for our busy house.
Okay, you two go to the cafeteria, please. Tori will take over with Letty.
Yes, ma'am.
It was easier to stay in the kitchen pouring soup, I would have liked to stay there all the time.
Letty, you're on shift.
'Okay! The second table from the back and that table there are waiting for orders, so go!
Lettie took the opportunity to lower the empty plates on the table, and then she assigned me to my task with precision.
I'll head to the table in the back!
Ricotta took one side of the table and I went to the one closer to her.
'May I take your order?
'What? Where did Letty go?
''I'm in the kitchen?''
'I would have preferred a cute waitress if I was going to order anyway.'
The two men sighed, as if they were not amused by my arrival.
'Well, well, well, Lettie has entered the kitchen, that means you can have Lettie's home-cooked food if you order it from now on, right? Thinking about it, it's not so bad either, don't you think?''
'...... that's true too. Soup poured by the lovely Lettie is better than the soup poured by Abel's father!
'Hey, Tori! One of Lettie's soups!
'We don't have that kind of soup, but we do have turnip and mushroom soup and Aigfang cream stew.
Then, that's fine!
Yes, yes.
Letty can cook some food, but it is not that good. I made most of the food, but the fact that Lettie poured it for the customers makes it taste better.
'Sierra, four more ales please!
I tell the kitchen what we ordered, and as the food is being brought in, Ricotta tells her mother, who is filling the ale, to order more.
Ricotta's voice is very clear even in the noisy cafeteria, probably because she usually performs in the theater. I envy her because I can't do that with my small voice.
Ricotta receives the dishes from the kitchen and places them on the tables where the men are sitting. She never forgets to smile amiably as she does so.
As Ricotta leaves the table, the men reach for his buttocks, but he deftly avoids their arms and smacks them on the top of the head with the tray in his hand.
'What's going on? We passed right by you, didn't we? It's gone in a huff, hasn't it?
That's ricotta. You know how to handle customers like that.