79-79 Ideals and Reality


帝国はトレジャーハンターを多数取り込むことにより列強の一つとなった. だが,だからこそいざという時のための備えを怠ってはならない. それがグラディス伯爵家の家訓だった.

マナ・マテリアルの吸収は何よりも人の基礎能力を強化する. いくら過酷な訓練をこなし技術を磨いても,領地を守らなくてはならない騎士団と,常に宝物殿に挑み続けるハンターではどうしても性能に差が現れてしまう.
ハンター嫌いという評判も,グラディスがハンターたちに向ける目が他の貴族と比べて険しい事に由来している. 帝国貴族の中にはハンター達を盗掘者と呼び蔑みの目を向けている者も少なくないが,グラディスの向ける視線はそれより少しだけ険が強い.

エクレール自身も物心ついた頃には剣を握り,ハンター達に負けぬよう名だたる剣豪達に指南を受けてきた. 護衛つきとはいえ,定期的に宝物殿に潜っているエクレールの能力はまだ子供ながらかなり高い.



トレジャーハンターでありながら,グラディスと同様,古くからゼブルディアを守りその発展に尽くし,一時は爵位を得るまで至った. 結局,ロダンは爵位を辞退したが,かの者たちが同胞である事に違いはない.


ロダンは代々,その万能性で知られているが,次代当主候補は特に優秀で,年若いながらも既に二つ名を与えられ,高レベル認定を受けた宝物殿を次々と制覇している. その強さは他のハンターを圧倒し,いずれその名は英雄として歴史に残るだろう.


粗野なイメージのあるハンターとは真逆な,どこか気品のある物腰. 肉体は細身ながら鍛え上げられており,凪の湖面を思わせる碧の目は深く,どこか超然とした色を持っていた.
そして何よりも――その強さ. せがみとりおこなった実戦訓練にて,アーク・ロダンはたった一人で名高いグラディスの騎士団を無傷で制圧してみせた.

剣の指南を受けた. パーティにくっついていく形で宝物殿の探索に協力した. 共に行動をする度に,エクレールの中の憧憬は強くなっていった.

《銀星万雷》. 本来両立し得ない剣と魔法の二分野を極め高レベルで融合した英雄の名に相応しいハンター.


§ § §

にぎやかな大通り沿いとはまた異なる,洗練された区画だ. 完全に整備された石畳には装飾過多の豪華な馬車が幾つも走り,景色を反射する程に磨き上げられた鎧兜を装備した治安維持の騎士達が一定間隔で立ち並ぶ.

一般人の姿もハンターの姿もほとんどない. 道端にはゴミひとつ落ちておらず,空気の匂いすら,普段僕達の生活する区画とは違うかのようだ.

伯爵というと爵位的には大したことがないように思えるが,このゼブルディア帝国において,貴族の権利はかなり強い. レベル8などといってもハンターはあくまで一般人だ. ただの一つの組合が決めた地位などその権力の前では塵のようなものである.

それも,今から向かう先にいるのはハンター嫌いで有名な貴族だ. おまけに有名な武家である. 出会い頭に切り捨てられても不思議ではない.
今更,胃がきしきしと痛んでいた. 一応僕はアークの所属するクランのマスターなのだが,果たしてあのお嬢様にその事実がどこまで効くか…….

'クソっ. いつだって,庶民は貴族に虐げられる運命なのか……'

道を歩けば,警備騎士達の視線が追ってくる. 場違いに徒歩で移動する僕とシトリーは注目の的だった.
せめて歩いてではなく,馬車で来るべきであった. だが,この区画では貴族や許可を受けた商人以外の馬車の使用は制限されている.

シトリーがぎゅっと手を握ってくる. 絡んでくる白い靭やかな指先は少しだけひんやりしていた.

'大丈夫です. 少し,お話しするだけなので……心配いりません'


無抵抗の人間を害すればいくら帝国貴族でも罪になるはずだ. 一番問題なのは,その害したという事実をもみ消されそうな点である.

シトリーがにこにこしながら続ける. 僕がゲロ吐きそうな気分なのに,何故かこの幼馴染は機嫌がいいようだった.

'いざという時は虐げてあげましょう. ちょうど,貴き血に一般個体と比べて大きな優位性が存在するのか確かめてみたかったところです. これは,もし仮にアカシャに進言しても狂人かと切って捨てられるような偉業ですよ?'


何言ってるのかよくわからないけど,無敵かな? シトリーには怖いものはないのかな? まぁ,付き合ってくれるだけでとてもありがたいのだが…….


恐らく,グラディス家の私兵なのだろう,騎士たちは僕を見ると眉を顰め,舌打ちをした. 今にも剣を抜かれてもおかしくない雰囲気である. 事前にエヴァ経由で話を通していなかったらすぐさま捕縛されていただろう.



'武器を預かる. 出せ'




魔力の操作を乱し,魔術の発動を制限する魔封じの腕輪だ. もちろん,僕は魔法なんて使えないので関係ない.
平然としている僕に,リーダーは鼻息荒く唸った. よく見ると瞼が痙攣している.

'この状態でその余裕――舐めるなよ. ハンター風情が,妙な真似したら,即座に切り捨ててくれる'

……山賊か何かかな? ちょっと善意で話をしておこうと思っただけなのに…….
少し辟易する. 脅されるのに慣れてはいるが,別にいつも好きで脅されているわけではない.




We were taken through the house as if we were criminals.
As a nobleman's mansion, the furnishings are first-rate. Glittering chandeliers and crimson carpets. The maids who were doing the housework hurriedly opened the way for me and Citly, who were being taken away by knights.

We were led to a particularly large room. A large, luxurious-looking sofa and a massive table.
The walls were decorated with portraits and silver armor. I had heard that he was a samurai, but he seemed to be richer than I had expected. I can see how a young lady who has not yet reached adulthood could spend 100 million dollars on a treasure trove she has never seen before.

When the lady saw us being brought in, she crossed her legs and smiled.
Miss Eclair was wearing a light blue dress today. The only thing that has not changed is the sword at her waist.
She has a big attitude, but her body is small enough for her age that even I am not afraid of her.

'You've got some serious guts, coming to this house fair and square. 《Thousands of changes》'

No, it's not like we're enemies. I don't want to make enemies with the nobles.

I'm not afraid of the young lady, but I'm afraid of the knights guarding her. I'm also afraid of the knights behind us.
I had no choice but to follow Cicely's example and smile. Miss Eclair's expression tightened.

I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

Hmmm? I'm not sure, but is this ...... a compliment?
I told him in advance that I wanted to talk to him about the treasure in question. I want to just tell him what I have to say and go home, but I don't know what the nobles think.

'No, no, the only thing I've got over Ark is my level.


Come to think of it, Ark Rodin is a popular man. He is popular among men and women of all ages, but he is especially popular among the nobles of Zebrudia.
He is strong, has a good personality and a good face, and comes from a family with a long history of contributing to Zebrudia, so his popularity is understandable.
Even Gladys, who is famous for hating hunters, approves of Rodin, so I can only say that I'm impressed.

Sometimes it is said that I, with my high level of skill, am a rival to Ark, but this is absurd.
Could it be that Miss Eclair also believed such a false rumor? Is that the reason why she's getting tougher on me when we've never met? No way. I'm completely on the hook for this.

Miss Eclair is glaring at me with a swarthy look in her eyes. Let's get this straight.

'Could it be that Miss Eclair has heard that I'm Ark's rival? No, that's outrageous.


'Everything between me and Ark is too different in rank. It's just a groundless rumor, at least I don't think of Ark as a rival. He's just a friend, a friend.

'...... what ......?

Miss Eclair's clenched fists were trembling. Her lips are trembling and her cheeks are flushed, as if she's holding back anger.
What did I say that was so strange? The Imperial City is large. There are a number of very skilled hunters in this country who have been active for a long time. But even so, Ark is undoubtedly one of the strongest in the Imperial Capital and will eventually be called the strongest.

'Isn't Ark ...... your rival?

That's right. He's not my rival. You can rest assured. I don't need you to make an enemy of me.
I had no idea why his eyes were getting tighter and tighter. The guards behind me were also looking down at me with clenched teeth.

Do they think you're lying? ...... Oh, I see. I clapped my hands and said.

'Uh, not my rival exactly, but my party member's rival. He's very good, if I may say so myself--I'm sure Ark would agree with that. Right, Citri?

Citry smiled shyly at my words and said.

'Yes. Ark-san is my rival. So far, we've won overall, but I'm always amazed at how fast Ark-san is growing. I may lose to him someday.

Hey, hey, don't say things like that to stir things up.
The young lady's ears turned red at Citry's superior words (and his tone was not sarcastic). I hurriedly followed up.

'Well, I think Ark is the better player. It's better in terms of the treasures it's conquering, but--'

'Well, ...... Cry, whose side are you on, Ark's or mine?

''No, well, it's Citry's side, but ...... you should know when to be careful.

This is an unbecoming comment from a man whose beauty is that he is always calm and collected and can read the air.
I felt like a middle-manager caught between a boss and a subordinate.

In the first place, it is difficult to rank hunters. Ark is the strongest. His strength is outstanding among the younger generation and there are few who can beat him one-on-one at this stage.
However, if we are talking only about a battle between the parties of Ark Brave and Strange Grief, we will definitely win.

It's not a problem of the arc, but a problem of the party members.
In Strange Grief, everyone except the leader is extremely strong, but in Ark Brave, the leader is the strongest and the rest of the party is mediocre. They're not weak, and they have top-notch abilities, but to put it simply, they're not very good.
Because of their inferiority to the leader, they cannot last long even if they bring in excellent members. Especially the men disappear soon. I think it's a slippery story. It's too heavy to use at the right time. .......

Would you get a laugh if I told that story to a young lady? No, you won't. .......
As she was smiling, the lady suddenly pulled out her sword and punched the table.

Wood shavings flew up and fell in a flurry.

I stiffened at the sudden action. Mistress Eclair raised her right foot limply on the table and said in a trembling voice, "I'm sorry.
Her face was bright red. Her shapely eyes were filled with tears.

'I understand what you guys are trying to say! I also know that you're making fun of the Ark and my family!

'Huh? I'm not a fool...'

'If I had the authority, I'd have you both beheaded!

Beheaded? Did you just say behead her? Hey, what did I do?

All of Miss Eclair's guards have their hands on the swords at their waists. They'll pounce on her as soon as they get the order. And the knights behind her would be in the same position. I didn't think I'd end up getting killed for coming here to talk with good intentions.

Unlike my tense face, Sitri's mouth remained smiling.
It's good that you're always calm, but I don't think that expression is appropriate for the situation at hand.

Oh, yes, this is nothing compared to the ...... treasure house, isn't it?

Miss Eclair sticks her index finger at you. I don't care what you say, but her legs are up on the table and I can almost see her pants.

'But so much for your arrogance. I'm going to make you regret making Gladys an impostor! I will get the strongest treasure, absolutely, absolutely, absolutely, I will get it!

'............ No, that's a dangerous weapon. That's what the appraisers say. It's best not to mess with it.

Despite my confusion, I tried to persuade him as I had originally planned. You already have the power and money, so there's no need to do anything else. If I were a countess, I would do nothing and slack off.

But Miss Eclair did not seem to listen to him at all.

''According to my investigation, you seem to be gathering up a treasure trove! You must have used it to get to level 8 anyway! Your strength is a borrowed ploy!

''Hmm? What? ......? ............ Yeah, yeah, right?

You're right, but you're wrong. It's true that my strength is ten percent treasure, but even with hundreds of treasure, my strength is nowhere near level 8.
I don't get it. Why is this young lady getting so heated?

Then, Miss Eclair shouted angrily.

'The strongest treasure will be given to Mister Ark! That's it! Your reign ends here!

I don't think that's what you want from .......

Ark already has powerful treasures as the heir of the Rodin family and having more options doesn't necessarily lead to strength.
He is strong. He is strong even without a treasure trove. Just as Luke can kill me with his empty hands, a strong man is strong even without his treasure. And I'm weak no matter how I twist it. This is the truth.

'It's meaningless. The strong are strong even without treasure, and the weak are weak even with treasure. Yes, just like I'm weak.


'This is the truth. Acquiring that treasure will never lead to Ark's strength. Besides, let me tell you from the standpoint of a friend, Ark won't be happy if he gets stronger with such a fake power.

So give up and give me that treasure.
It's fine with Ark. He's good looking so there's no need to change his face. Even if he's attacked he can fight back so there's no need to hide his face.

Miss Eclair's expression was stunned for a moment and her face changed color.
She trembled for a while, then cried out, tears rolling down her face.

'Gghhh ......, shut up, shut up! I'm not sure what to do. I'm not giving it to you, I swear! Go home! Go home!

What's going on?

The butler rushed in from outside the room as if he heard the Lord's disgusting behavior. He tries to calm her down, but Miss Eclair is shaking her head and crying.

What? Doesn't this sound like I made her cry? Is it bad? Is it insulting?
I'll ask Eva to send you a cake next time.

Then, Citry, who had been watching the situation, stood up.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.

'Gosh, ............ what ......?

Mistress Eclair rubbed her eyes and looked at Sitri.
No, that's true, but do you really need to say that now?

It would be wise to give up.

Why do you say things like that to stir things up? .......
The blood rushed to Miss Eclair's head again. Blood flowed from her overbitten lips.

Then, in the midst of everyone's gazes, Citly put his hand on his cheek and said with a smile.

'Eclair-sama said 100 million in the tavern before, but this one - we've got 200 million guild.

'Two ...... billion ......?'

Miss Eclair muttered. Citry nodded broadly and declared.

'This is the very limit of what we can really do. No matter how much you are Lord Gladys' daughter, there must be a limit to how much you can spend--that is a meaningless treasure to Miss Eclair. If you really want that treasure even so... try to get more than 200 million guild! If Eclair-sama is willing to go that far--it's very painful to say, but we'll admit defeat too.

Sitri-chan: .......