80-eighty auction

Once a flame is kindled, it is not easily extinguished.

Until the day of the auction, I was praying that the rumors would somehow die down, but in the end, the commotion surrounding the Reverse Face never died down.
It seems that the young lady was agitated by Citri, and the fire was ignited.
Rumor has it that she has been asking her father, Sir Gladys, for a great deal of money. Even though she is usually a bit mature, she is still just a child. I guess he still has little control over his emotions.

Usually, before the auction, there are some gossips about the main products, but this year, the Teito was all about the "Reverse Face".
It seemed that some hunters would inevitably take advantage of such a hot topic, and the situation was more confusing than I had imagined. Even when I went to the lounge, all I heard was that.

It seems that the only people who are fed up with this are me and Eva.
As we lingered in the Clan Master's office, Citri, full of wariness, placed a trunk a size larger than the trunk case he had shown us earlier in front of us.

His pale pink eyes burned quietly. They were not full of energy like Lise's, but a quiet wariness that did not leak out.

'I've raised about nine hundred million and ten million guilders, along with my wedding fund. I'll make sure we get them. Tino contributed a little too.

I've already said I don't want to collect anymore. ....... I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

I felt as if I had fallen into a bottomless pit. Now that I've come this far, there's nothing I can do but take the reason why I wanted 'Reverse Face' to my grave.

Eva, who had been working hard for a while to calm the situation down, said with a strained expression.

'Mr. Cry, we're approaching eleven digits.

'I know, .............'

The only one who will win this time will be Arnold, who brought his treasure with him. The commission for the auction should increase in proportion to the amount of sales, but whoever wins the auction will be able to pocket a huge amount of money compared to what they originally expected.

The die has been cast. There is no way for me to retreat now, and even if I did, the fire would not be contained.
I can't see where I'm going to land. No matter how ...... this turns out, it will not be to my advantage.

'......What do you think?

'Honestly, it's a disadvantage to get to this point. When it comes to the Earl of Gladys, there must be plenty of merchant houses that would accept a debt offer. It depends on how far Lord Gladys listens to Miss Eclair's 'request', but Lord Gladys is also quite extreme, so ......'

Eva's face has been grim ever since the auction-related turmoil began.
Power, wealth, and military might. It's hard for us commoners to overcome the seriousness of a straightforward nobleman with all three. We knew that.

That's why we went to persuade them. We failed easily.

I'm sure the wise Citri agreed with me. He gave a small nod and looked up at me.

'Well, yes. If you want to be on top of things, I'd like to negotiate with the Chamber of Commerce to borrow some money. ......'

'You don't need to.'


'No need.

As an excellent alchemist who never neglects her studies, the potions she produces are more effective than those made by other alchemists and apothecaries, and produce a huge amount of wealth.
You can find many merchant houses that will accept your offer of loan if you try. However, I'm sure that they understand the significance of our request for a loan at this time.
After having us dispose of our spare equipment and stockpile of potions, if we make a debt now, it might have a negative impact on Citri's future activities. I can't have that.

In the event that you have any questions regarding where and the best way to get in touch with your loved ones, you can call us at our own web site.

'...... I understand. If Mr. Cry says so, then it is not necessary. I don't know what your intentions are, but ...... there is still a possibility that your sister will bring back a treasure that can be sold at a high price. ......'

'Ah ...... yes, yes, yes.'

He nodded his head, but it was highly unlikely that Liyes would bring back a high value treasure.
At this time of year, the treasure halls around the imperial capital are the focus of hunters' attention. Even if the treasure appears, it will be taken immediately, and treasure is not something that appears very often in the first place. Lies is strong, but there is a limit to how many treasure halls he can climb solo.

No matter how it turns out, I've caused trouble for everyone this time.
Citri and Liz, Eva and Tino, even Mr. Marches.
And I'm sure some of the clan members felt a little awkward because I, the master, was at the center of the commotion.

This auction is not a war. It's a festival. It was supposed to be more fun.
It's been a disaster. I will never again offer to borrow money from you for treasure.

He rubs his forehead and relaxes his facial muscles.
Yes. Enjoy the auction. This is not a war. I'm not going to die without that treasure, and I don't care if the lady who got it is disappointed.

'Now that I've come this far, all I have to do is leave the rest to chance. Let's celebrate again when the auction is over.

'That would be lovely. I'll invite Miss Eclair then.''

Sitri said with a big smile. Apparently, she's determined to win.
If you think about it, isn't the source of all this Ark's fault for bringing that young lady here?

All right, I'll ask Ark to buy me a drink to celebrate. I made a mental note of it without expressing it.

One day to go until the auction starts - the battle will finally begin.


As a proud nobleman of Zebuldia, there are times when you must not retreat. There are times when you must persevere even in your lowly intentions.

House Gladys is not a poor noble family. Our lands are not as large as those of other houses, but they are kept safe by the Knights, who are reputed to be superior to hunters, and our lands are enriched by the hunters that the treasure house in our domain attracts.

But even for a noble family with sufficient authority, 200 million guilders is not a small price to pay. At the very least, it is more than the amount of money that Eclair, who is neither the current head of the family nor the current head of the family, can handle at will.

After the meeting with the abominable 《Thousands of Changes》. After the meeting with the abominable "Thousand Transformations", Eclair's father, Count Gladys, reported the meeting and told her that she needed 200 million guild.
He wore a deep red coat and a sword at his waist. He had dark brown hair, eyes too sharp for a nobleman, and a well-built body.
Eclair's father, Van Gladys, was a warrior as well as a nobleman. He is a man who sometimes stands at the head of a group of knights and even commands them himself.
Eclair's anger was instantly quelled by the sharp look he gave her. I'm not sure what to say.

'...... Good. Win, Eclair. This is foolish. It's not time for war, and I don't want to fight the famous Footprints for a treasure I don't even know how to use, but if I face them directly and retreat here, it'll ruin Gladys's name. If the reputation of being pressured by a hunter, even if it's just a child, is spread, then we can't face our ancestors.


アークを見送ったその後に出会ったアークのライバルと呼ばれる男と,その男がなりふりかまわず求めているという宝具. 気がついたらその情報を集め,酒場に乗り込んでいた.


『勘違いするなよ. 我が家に浪費するような金はない. エクレール,貸すだけだ. いずれ,返してもらう. エクレール,子供とはいえ,貴様はグラディスの血を引くもの――行動には責任が伴う. 初めての娘故,奔放に育てすぎたか. だが,これも良い機会か』

『これは,グラディス家の当主としての命令だ. 何としてでも勝ち取るのだ,エクレール. グラディス家に弱者はいらぬ. そして,自らの行動のもたらした結果を知るがいい. モントールに全面的に協力させる. 奴は思慮深い男だ』


勝たねばならない. 侮られたのはエクレールのせいだ. そして,その事実はエクレール自身の手で雪がねばならない.

'お嬢様. ヴェルズ商会に連絡し,いざという時のために資金の借り入れの約束をしました'


モントール. グラディス伯爵の片腕である男. 武力とは異なる面で,伯爵家に貢献していた男である.


'当家で備蓄している資金の内,現在お嬢様が使用しても問題のない金額がおよそ――五億ギール. そして,ヴェルズ商会から融資を受けられる額が更に――五億. それ以上出すことも不可能ではございませんが,返却に非常に苦労することになるでしょう'



あの忌々しい女が言っていた金額は――二億だ. 二・五倍も用意できるのならば問題なく勝てるように思える. だが,モントールの言葉では商会と交渉し更に借金の約束までしてきたらしい.

'お嬢様. 競争相手に正直に上限を言う者などおりません. ましてや相手はかの《千変万化》――智謀に長けた男です. 何より,私が調査した限りでは――《千変万化》と共に来た女性――シトリー・スマートの用意出来る金額は二億ギールなど優に超えている'


相手はあそこまで堂々とエクレールに宣戦布告したのだ. 二億以上揃えれば負けを認めると言い切ったのだ.

とても信じられない. いや,信じたくなかった.

'そんな……馬鹿な……あ,相手は,二億ギール以上で――負けを認めると言ったのだッ! 二億を用意すれば,降参……するはず……'

'旦那様はお嬢様に確実な勝利をお求めです. 備えはしておいた方がよろしいでしょう. 戦の場でも不意打ちは基本. そもそも,オークションでは事前の情報戦こそが本番と言っても過言ではございません'


確実な勝利. 備え. モントールの言葉はもっともだ.

'…………ああ. ありがとう,そうだな. 備えは……しておくべきだ'

これはただの備えだ. 二億ギールで勝てればそれでよし. もしも万が一それで勝てなければその時こそ全力で叩き潰せばいいだけだ.
