1342 - - 36-08 Round 1

 Behind the door was a large hall.

 The diameter of the hall was about 50 meters. The ceiling is about 10 meters high.

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 The walls, floor, and ceiling are all metal.

Is this it?

[Yes. This is your graveyard.]

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 As soon as the door closed behind them, a number of golems with massive physiques that looked like they were made for battle emerged.

"It was a trap after all."

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 Jin's doppelganger (Jin D) and the four lands were calm.

* * * * * *

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"It was a trap, after all."

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 On Horai Island, Jin and the old man nodded to each other.

"Father, shall I go now?"

 Reiko is standing by fully equipped.

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"Yes, please."

"Yes, I'll take care of it."

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Reiko, start from the beginning in mana-bomb mode.

"Yes, sir."

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Okay. Please be careful.

 Once synchronized, it can be operated in the same way as a warp gate, but the disadvantage of a transfer magic circle that is engraved at an arbitrary location is that it takes time to synchronize its magic wave (etheric wave) frequency.

 In this case, it is easier to synchronize the Horai-jima side with the transfer magic circle engraved by Land 14, so this work takes only this much time.

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* * * *

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"What is this?

 Jin D's movement suddenly stopped.

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 Land 12 immediately follows him, but his reaction is sluggish.

"Is it an ether jammer or a similar attack?

 Lando and the others are working in mana-bomb mode from the start, so they are unaffected.

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 Jin D's operation should not be affected, but his ether waves have been disturbed and he has lost the ability to control his ship.

 Since Jin-D is not autonomous, it cannot engage in combat. Therefore, Land 12 and Land 13 followed him.

 Then the enemy golem attacks. <.

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 There were 20 of them.

 All of them came at them at once.

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  has a similar auxiliary function, but it is not designed for combat, and its movement has been slowed by corrosion.

The malfunction rate has exceeded 50 percent,or .......

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 The impact of being kicked and slammed against the wall seems to have severed the magic nerve and she was unable to stand up.

 But fortunately, the enemy golems did not pay attention to and were swarming around Lando and the others.

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They don't use magic...... I see, so they can't use magic either, since they are disturbing the free magical element (ether).

 The golems were attacking using only physical techniques.

 Land 11 and 15 are fighting back. 12 and 13 are protecting D. 12 and 13 are protecting Jin D.

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"<>, leave this to me."

 Land 11 says to , who is standing by the wall.

 A hand-to-hand battle ensues.

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 Lando's unit is for land battles. They are strong in this kind of situation.

"Come on!"

 Land 11 and 15 are fighting an oncoming golem to protect Jin D, who is out of action.

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 It is a one-on-ten battle.

 The enemy golem is powerful in its own way, but it is slow and cannot keep up with Lando's speed.

 And Lando, who is built by Jin, is more powerful than Golem.

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 In addition, the enemy golem's attack means are simple blows and kicks. It did not use any technique-like moves.

"They just come at us in the dark, without any technique.

 Lando had techniques, even if he was outnumbered.

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It's a great thing. ......

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  watched in amazement as the two fought.

 Speed, power, and size are usually opposites, but Jin had achieved all of them at a high level.

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This is the power of . ......

 Once again, Herenthe realized that what he had shown before in front of the forces was less than half of what he was capable of.

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 Lando 11 and 15 were using fists, elbows, kicks, throws, and every other technique they could think of to take on the enemy golems.

 However, the number of opponents was too large, and they were generally evenly matched.

 They were just one step short of gaining the upper hand.

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 While protecting Jin D, Lands 12 and 13 independently decided that the stalemate would continue.

 If one of them entered the game at this point, they would be able to break the deadlock.

 And so they began to act accordingly.

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Land 13, I'll leave you in charge for a while.

"Yes, sir."

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 Land 12 first landed a powerful kick on the enemy golem that had attacked Land 11 from behind.

 The golem was hit from a completely unexpected direction and was blown away.

 Land 12 then caught one of the enemy golems attacking Land 15 and threw it with an <>, knocking it to the floor.

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 The floor is slightly dented by the impact, and the enemy golem stops moving.

 The balance was easily broken, as the ratio of one against ten became one against nine.

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 The extra 10% margin increased the time to keep an enemy golem away by 10%.

 This time is equal to an increase in attack time, which further increases the damage to the enemy golem.

 This positive spiral increased Lando's advantage moment by moment.

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 Then 1-9 became 1-8, 1-8 became 1-7, 1-6, 1-6, 1-8 became 1-7, and so on. Then 1-6, then 1-5. .......

 The enemy Golem had no chance to win the battle.

 Within two minutes of the start of the battle, Lando and his team had driven 20 enemy Golems into irreversible damage.

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this strong?

  was astonished at the strength of the Land troops. But Rand 11 has not yet let down his guard.

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"There is no sign of ...... auxiliary golem 066. Stay alert."

 And just as he predicted.

[It's scary strong for something made by the natives. But how about this?]

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 Just as the voice of auxiliary golem 066 rang out, eight new enemy golems appeared.

 Although fewer in number, they were larger in stature than the previous 20, and they also had weapons in their hands.

 In their left hand was a large shield, a tower shield.

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 In his right hand was a sword or a club.

[Don't underestimate them! I will slaughter you with all my might.

 The bell for the second round has just been rung.

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