1343 - - 36-09 Land activity

 The standard equipment of the RAND team is the <>. This weapon is highly powerful and can cut through almost any material.

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 However, since it is difficult to hold back, we are not carrying it this time.

 Instead, I have equipped myself with the .

 They are made of hyperadamantite, 20mm in diameter and 50cm long.

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 Since they are too heavy as they are, they have been hollowed out to reduce their weight, but they still weigh 20 kilograms.

 Because of its weight, it could not be used in a one-on-ten battle, which requires quickness, but not this time.

 Using the sword, Lando and his men charged at the enemy golem.

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 Lando11 caught the sword with his ten hands and turned his wrists.

 The sword caught between the hooks of the ten hands easily snaps off due to the principle of leverage.

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 The enemy golem, having lost its sword, falls back, and another rushes forward with a shield in its place.

 This is a technique known as a in some circles, in which the enemy is struck with the shield.

 Land 11 barely dodged, but the other one came at him from the side with a similar shield bash, and he was hit by it.

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 Land 11 was knocked off by a shield bash from an opponent who weighed about twice as much as Land 11, but with his agility and body movements, he was able to regain his position without falling down.

 However, another enemy golem thrust its sword at him.

 Land11 barely managed to block it with his ten hands.

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 Land 11 barely manages to get out of the way for now, but it is clear that he is outnumbered.

 And Land 15 was also struggling.

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 He is using ten hands because empty fists are not effective against a foe with a sword and a shield, but it is undeniable that Lando's speed is slightly slowed down by this.

 This makes him lack the decisive power to overcome the outnumbering of his opponents.

 If Land 12 and 13 could join the battle, the situation could be reversed at once, but since they are protecting Jin's doppelganger (Jin D), who is stuck, and also protecting <>However, it was difficult for them to actively participate in the battle because they were protecting the stuck doll (Jin D) and also protecting <.

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 However, various battle information was transcribed to the RAND team.

"15, come on."

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 Lando 11 called for Lando 15, who was fighting a short distance away.

"I got your back."

"I've got your back."

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 With that exchange, the two changed their tactics.

 In other words, they turned their backs to each other.

 In this way, they are less likely to be attacked from the rear. They only need to watch out for attacks from the front and from the left and right.

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 Moreover, the opponent will have a more difficult time fighting. The front side will remain the same, but if you try to attack from the side, the two of them will get in each other's way.

 Inevitably, one by one, they will attack.

 This means that there will be four enemy golems against lands 11 and 15, and the rest can only sit on their hands.

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 However, this strategy also had a drawback.

 The enemy golems that were left behind would head for Jin D and .

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"12,13, bear with me a little longer!"

 Land 11 calls out.

 Land 12 and 13 nodded silently.

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"Now then, let's get serious!"

 Rands 11 and 15 increased their speed. Since they had been fighting at 30 percent output, they increased it to 50 percent because they could not expect to replenish their free magical element (ether).

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 They aimed for a short term battle.

 The results were dramatic. The increase in power means an increase in speed and power.

 It can repel sword blows that it used to catch with its ten hands, and it can withstand shield bashes.

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 This means that the two that had been on the defensive can now go on the offensive.


 I don't have to say it out loud, but since the original information included not only the movements but also the way of breathing, I end up uttering the sound that accompanies such breathing.

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 Since there is no harm in it, Jin and the old man have left it unedited.

 Land 15's ten moves broke off the enemy golem's sword.

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 Land11's ten moves put a hole in the enemy golem's shield.

 Rand 11's ten moves slam into the head of an enemy golem that has lost its weapon.

 Rand 11 puts his hand through the hole in the shield and swings it around.

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 The hyperadamantite ten-handed blow dents the head, and the enemy golem, swung with the force of Rand at 50%, falls down with a golem of the same type beside it.

 When the enemy golem's movement is slowed down, a further blow is delivered.

 A blow to the neck with ten hands and a stab through the chest with ten hands. Two enemy golems are now immobilized.

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 With their numbers reduced, the equilibrium is quickly shaken.

 Two more are stuck, and then two more.

 The Golem that Land 12 and 13 were facing has stopped moving as well.

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 The situation is now one-sided.

 Soon all eight enemy Golems are neutralized.

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Well done, Rand!


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"No, not yet. Unless we get out of here, we're going to be outgunned.


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"We could go back the way we came, but I'm not sure that would accomplish what we want."

That's right. But I can't move.

I can't move.

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 And three times the enemy golems appear.

 There are three of them.

 They were about 2.5 meters in height and had four arms.

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 They have swords, hammers, spears, and shields on their arms, and look quite formidable.

 Land 12, who is guarding Jin D and , looks disappointed.

"...... they seem to have a lot more pieces on their side. If we keep moving at our current output, we will run out of mana sooner or later.

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It would be good if we could find out the location of the magic machine that is blocking the flow of free magic element (ether).

"I see. But that doesn't mean it's in this room.

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That's right. ...... here they come!

 One in Land 11 and one in Land 15. And now we have to deal with one on Lands 12 and 13 as well.

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"...... this golem is strong!"

 Having four arms is simply equivalent to taking on two of them.

 Lando and the others were having a hard time, as it seemed to have the know-how to manipulate its four arms at will.

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 If they blocked the swords, hammers would fly at them.

 If they avoided them and kept their distance, spears would be thrown at them.

 If they dodged the spears and attacked with their ten hands, they were deflected by their shields.

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 It was hard to fight.

Seventy percent output!

 Land 11, realizing that he would be crushed before he could achieve his goal, sent out a command.

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 Thanks to that, the battle was evenly matched. No, more than even.

 The ten hands of hyperadamantite flip and snap the enemy golem's sword.

 The ten hands of the hyperadamantite flick and snap the enemy golem's sword.

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 Dodging hammers and slamming into shields, the enemy golem steps on its flailing legs.

 As soon as the golem falls down after another body blow, you follow up with two or three blows with your ten hands.

 Finally, the enemy golem is silenced.

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"Well done, Rand!

 < praises it with the same words as before.

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"Even with ......, we don't have much mana left in reserve. I hope there will be no more of them."

 But five new enemy golems appear. This time they are heavily armored golems that seem to specialize in defense. They have maces in their hands.

"This is not good. But we'll just have to take it as far as we can."

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 Reducing their power output to 40 percent, Lands 11 and 15 intercepted the enemy golem.

 But they are still outgunned. They receive a mace blow with their ten hands, but are unable to catch it and are blown away.

 The enemy golem also aims at Jin D and .

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So much for ......

 < says in resignation. But Land 12, who was standing beside her, repels the mace with ten hands.

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 Then he shouts.

"The free ether has returned!

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 At that moment, the entrance through which they had entered was blown open.

 A small shadow appeared.

"Sorry for the delay, but we have destroyed all the warding generators that were blocking the free magical element (ether). Thank you for your hard work, Rand team. Leave the rest to us.

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