1621 - - 44-20 To the Kako Party Headquarters


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 Jin couldn't help but ask back.

"Yes. Do you know about it?

"Yes, in a manner of speaking."

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 His voice trailed off a little.

"I see. Well, it's not a secret society, so some of you may know ...... that you graduated from ?

"Rhodes, yes."

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 Leelia Madagascar had not heard much about Rhodes, Jin thought.

 She recognized him only because he had called her name in the store.

"Then it's only natural that you know him."

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 Leelia seemed convinced.

"So, what do you want from me, Nostalgia?"

"Well, I'm sorry, but I can't tell you right now. I will talk to you if you will join me at ......."

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 Rhodes consults Jin.

"What should we do?"

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"Well, ......."

 If the person who invites Rhodes is a member of the Nostalgia Party, there seems to be no problem. Because the nostalgia party (nostalgia gear) does not have dangerous ideas.

"It might be easier to get information if you go there.

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 Then Reiko gives me some advice.

"Father, Mr. Rhodes, first of all, you should make sure that you are really a member of the Nostalgia Party.

"Yes, that's right."

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 Jin then turned to Leelia,

"I will accept your invitation if you can prove that you are really a member of the Nostalgia Party.

 He said to her.

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"I see. Then, please take a look at this.

 Leelia took out a card and presented it.

It is an ID card of the Nostalgia Party.

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 The card was made of thin metal and was the size of a business card. The owner's name and portrait are engraved in a watermark.

"It is certainly genuine, isn't it?"

 Reiko confirmed.

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 Reiko is more certain on this point than Jin, who has a 300-year blank.

"Thirty-six percent nickel, twelve percent chromium, and the rest iron. It's definitely Elinvar."

 Elinvar is an alloy whose elasticity changes little with temperature. It is used in springs for precision instruments and watches.

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 And it was only Jin ...... who established it.

 By using an alloy with a combination and ratio that engineers in this world would not have thought of, he increased the credibility of the ID card.

"What? Why did you do that?

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 It was no wonder that Lelia, who did not know the background of the project, was astonished.

"Well, I can't tell you about it until you meet the person I want you to meet. How about ......?"

 Jin guessed that it would probably be someone at the top level.

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"......I understand."

 After a few moments of hesitation and thought, Leelia nodded.

"That's fine.

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 Jin nodded.

"Then where should we go? Do we need to prepare?"

 But Leelia shook her head.

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"No, it won't take long. It won't take long."

 With that he got up from his seat and inserted the ID card into the door behind him and the slit beside it. It seems that a watermark is read mechanically and used as a key.

 Jin looked at it, thinking that it looked like an ID card.

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 The door opened without a sound.

"Could you come this way, please?

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"Let's go to ......."

 Jin secretly activates the barrier function of the bracelet.

 Reiko also increased her output from the usual one percent to ten percent, secretly preparing herself for battle.

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 Rhodes was also on alert, and Hope was also on alert with her detection function fully open.

 In this state, Jin and the others passed through a door.

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 There was another door, and Leelia used her ID again.


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 Behind the door was a . It was rather large, and seemed to be able to send about six people at once.

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 Jin saw that it was of the same type as the one he knew.

"We'll use this warp gate, so travel will be instantaneous.

"I see."

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 Both Jin and Rhodes agreed.

Then, please come inside with me.


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 Leelia, Jin, Rhodes, Reiko, and Hope entered the warp gate.

 In an instant, their vision changed and Jin and the others were at the Warp Gate on the receiving side.

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"This way, please."

 As they exited the warp gate,

"Thank you, Leelia. ...... are there so many of you?"

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 A woman who appeared to be a member of the Nostalgia Party was standing there. She had dark blond hair and blue eyes, and looked to be about the same age as Leelia.

"Yes. Yes. The one you were instructed to look for and her companion. They both seem to know a lot about the Nostalgia Party, so I'm sure they'll be fine.

"Yes, that's good."

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 Then the woman turns to Jin and the others,

"Welcome to the headquarters of Nostalgia. My name is Arietta Aeolial, the head of the Warp Gate Management Department and your guide.

 I'm the head of the Warp Gate Management Department and your guide.

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Is this headquarters? Is it safe for us to know that?

 Jin doesn't know where the current headquarters of the Nostalgia Party is. Neither does Rhodes, of course.

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 But Lelia and Arrietta nodded confidently.

"That's right. If we don't know where it is, it won't be a problem to tell you.

 Jin agreed with them.

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 However, if the old man used Jin's magic pattern as a marker and searched for it with his magi radar, he would be able to find it immediately. No, before that, it would not be surprising if the "Mere Old Man" knows the location of the headquarters of the Nostalgia Party.

"Rather than that, I would like you to meet the man who was ordered to bring Master Rhodes.

"Oh, yes, I understand. That was my original intention.

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Thank you. This way please.

 They walked down the corridor, with Arrietta in the lead, followed by Jin, Reiko, Rhodes, Hope, and Leelia.

 There were no windows at all, so we had no idea where we were. We are not even sure if we are underground or above ground.

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 After walking about 20 meters down a straight corridor, I came to a metal wall and a metal door.

"This way, sir."

 Arrieta opened the door with her ID card.

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 Inside there were four golems standing guard, probably for battle.

"Thank you ...... for your help."

 A feminine voice sounded from the back of the room.

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 I looked and saw a large desk or table covered with a black cloth. The voice was coming from there.

 Reiko takes a half step toward the back of the room.

"You are ......."

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 Jin only thought the voice sounded familiar, but Reiko recognized the voice immediately.

"Elena-san, right?"