1622 - - 44-21 Reunion with Elena

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"Are you the ...... of ...... who's ...... me?"

 The black-cloth-clad figure leaned forward slightly.

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"Are you ...... one of them? No, yes, I have a ....... Are you Reiko ......?"

"Yes, Elena. What's going on?

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"Uh, well, do you know the Chief Advisor?"

 Leelia and Arrietta, who had been listening to the exchange between Reiko and the black-cloth-clad figure beside her, rolled their eyes.

"Yes, we've known each other for a long time.

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 Reiko's eyes widened as she replied in a casual manner.

"Reiko is there ....... And Rhodotos-san is there, too. Oh, how nice Kyou is ....... Riria, it was a gofrow......."

"I'm sorry."

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 Lelia and Arrieta bowed.

"Please, please, please take care of me,......."

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 The one who seemed to be Elena said.

"What the ...... hell is going on? May I take the cloth?"

"Nuno? ...... is the nuno in your head? ......Yes, go ahead. Please take the cloth.

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"Okay. ...... Hope, please.


 The table was a little expensive for Reiko, so she asked Hope.

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 Then Hope gently removed the cloth.

"Oh, ......."

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"This is ......."

"Elena, this is ......."

 Jin, Rhodes, and Reiko each uttered a startled sound.

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 Elena's head had been severely crushed, and the upper half of her face was completely disfigured.

 Her right arm was missing from the elbow, her left from the wrist, and both of her legs were in such a state of disrepair from the knees down that it was obvious at a glance that they were unusable.

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 The torso was burnt in some places, and the metal skeleton of the interior was partially melted in some places.

 The ears and mouth barely seemed to be intact, but this condition was worse than a wreck.

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"This is terrible, this is terrible.

 There is no trace of the beautiful Elena. It is only natural that she does not want to be seen in this condition.

"What the hell happened to her?"

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 Jin asks Leelia. But..,

"Can we talk about that later? ...... Please heal Elena, Mr. Rhodes."

 She said, "Me?

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"Yes. Elena is an advanced automata made with ancient technology. An ordinary ...... technician, or even a first-rate one, could not repair it."

"...... So, I was trying to find a way to ...... repair the one I thought was the best one in Arboretum."

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"I didn't know that."

"But if you don't have the material, I don't think you can fix it, can you?"

 When Jin said this, Arrieta nodded as if she understood.

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"I'm sure we've taken all the necessary precautions. In the next room, the materials we collected as instructed by Elena-sama are ready.

"Is that so?"

"Yes. ...... in any case, we had plenty of jicama ........."

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Hm? Plenty?

I'm ...... sure. It's been 12 years since I've been here.

That's a lot of .........

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We'll talk later, Mr. Rhodes.

 It was Jin who was talking, but Leelia seemed to be concerned and asked him to fix the problem.

"Okay, Rhodes, let's do it. Rhodes, let's do it."

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"I'm not sure. ......

 Rhodes said,

"I'll be your assistant.

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 Jin pushed him back.

 The table on which Elena was lying was on casters, so she was moved directly to the next room.

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"Oh, you've got a pretty good selection."

 It had taken a long time, and there were first-rate and super first-rate materials.

"I think I can fix this well enough."

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"So ...... is it?"

 Rhodes looked less confident than Jin.

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"Come on, let's do it. Elena, we're going to stop for a moment, okay?"

"Yes, I'm going to ....... Please go to ......."


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 Elena stopped.

"What? Just ...... the magic key word (keyword)?"

 Rhodes shouted in surprise.

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"Yeah. <."

 Jin is the one who transformed Elena, who was once the , into the Elena of today, so he can stop her with just a few keywords.

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 If someone other than Jin who has the waveform of magic power does the same thing, <> is needed.

 Aside from that, Jin, Rhodos, Reiko, Hope, and others dismantled the deactivated Elena with the help of four people.

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 Yes, it is now at the level of .

 Leelia and Arietta, who are worried about Elena, their chief advisor, look as if they are about to cry as they watch the work.

 They would like to shout out and stop Elena's dismantling, but Elena herself is conflicted about not being able to interfere with someone she has trusted with her body.

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 Before their eyes, Elena was dismembered into pieces.

 The dark-haired man, who called himself an assistant, proceeded to work quickly in front of Lelia and Arrietta, muttering unintelligible words from time to time.

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"The skeleton is as light silver as it used to be. No one has worked on it since then. ...... I think I'll go with 64 light silver here."

 He took out the light silver and aluminum from the materials on the table, but as expected, he could not find any vanadium.

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 He had no choice but to contact the old man via Reiko and ask him to forward a small amount of vanadium.

 Two minutes later, a kilo of vanadium was transferred to Reiko's hand.

(Father, I know where we are. It is underground on the island of Trieu, east of Io, in the southern part of the Kingdom of Elias.)

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 The identification of the position is essential for the transfer. Jin unexpectedly found out the location of the headquarters.

"Okay, let's mix this with light silver.

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 Six percent aluminum, four percent vanadium, and the rest light silver (= titanium). This is the recipe for 64 light silver.

 Having made just under 30 kilograms of 64LB, Jin and Rhodes build up the skeleton.

 More precisely, Rhodes assembles the bones made by Jin. With the help of Reiko and Hope.

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"Okay, the skeleton is complete.

 In about fifteen minutes, a well-formed skeleton was completed.

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"It's beautiful, isn't it, Jin-san?

 Rhodes praises Jin in a whisper.

"It's still different from the mainstream structures of today," he said.

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"I think so, too."

 Jin thought it was unfortunate that the complexity of the structure prevented it from being widely used.

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