116-Return ③

'So! Tell me why you used that power!

 How many times do we have to do this? The same question is asked of Yuto.

''No, so.......the enemy was stronger than I thought.......see, everyone else was attacked as well, and we have to defeat them quickly.......''

'That's not what I'm asking!


 Right now, Yuto was forced to sit upright in front of Mizuho and Marion, who were standing in front of Nioh........

 After arriving at Mattoo's mansion, he was taken by Marion and went straight to the room that was assigned to Marion and Mizuho.
 Marion opened the door and urged Yuto to come in, and when he entered the room, Mizuho was hovering to the right and left in that room. And when Mizuho instantly reacted to the open door and saw that Yuto had returned, she opened her eyes wide and showed a happy, relieved expression for a moment.
 However, since Yuto's appearance was in tatters, she rushed over to Yuto as if surprised, checking Yuto's condition with slightly shaded eyes, and as soon as she judged that there seemed to be no problem.......Mizuho's expression.......turned into Niou itself.
 Yuto's body moves to take an unconscious detachment action in response to the threat that suddenly appeared in front of him.
 But.........at the same time.......a crushing hand was placed on Yuto's shoulder.
 Masato's body stiffens.
 However, behind that gentle smile was the image of a lion in front of its prey.......

 Crossing her arms and standing upright and immobile, Mizuho looked down at Yuto with her eyebrows raised.

''........Okay? If you use that power, there's a chance people will forget about you, right? Yuto.

Uh, yeah...

So, tell me why you used your powers.

 Same question again.........
 Yuto has answered this question many times, but he's not convinced at all.


"Oh, Yuto-san.


 Then a smiling Marion broke in.
 Marion bent over in front of Mizuho, who was standing in front of Jingo, and adjusted her height to meet the eyes of Masato, who was sitting upright.
 Her face is still smiling. It's still a good smile but there's no light in its eyes.

''I understand. I'll change the way I say it for the sake of the silly Yuto-san.......right?

 Yuto's body was trembling, and the pale face of Yuto, who couldn't stop sweating from his forehead, nodded repeatedly.

''If you use that power, Yuto-san will be forgotten by all the people you've been involved with... okay?

Haha, yes...

Some of the people involved in that ... we're among them ... aren't we?

 When Yuto tried to nod, Mizuho screamed as if she couldn't hold back.

''Yes! That's what I was trying to say!


Huh? Not!

 Mizuho's anger rises to the threshold limit at Masato's attitude, unable to think straight due to fear and nervousness and not understanding what the two of them are trying to say.
 Marion is still smiling, but the light in her eyes completely........disappeared......


 Yuto looked up as if in a huff.
 He looked at Mizuho, who was quietly glaring at us, and Marion, who had lost her smile and had a lonely expression on her face, in turn.
 Then Yuto quickly let out a loud voice as soon as he could.

''No! Not at all!


'I don't want you two to forget! I wasn't thinking about that at the time. Rather, it was the opposite...

 At Yuto's words, the steepness disappears from Mizuho and Marion's faces.

'At that time........I just couldn't forgive that guy Lokiarum. He was a guy who only affirmed his own world and thought of everyone else as insects........

 Yuto struggled to put it into words, as if making an excuse.

''It's true I was in over my head, but it's true that the enemy was stronger and more dangerous than I expected. I just can't leave it like that. If I left it like that and I escaped from that place, I didn't know what kind of danger I would be in, not only for Millimer, but also for Mizuho and Marion.

That's the dog, right? I felt a power that didn't compare to the power you had when you fought me, but...

Yeah, he called that dog Garm.

'Hey! It's true!

No way........such a mythical monster....... In my time, Garum didn't have even a tenth of the power.

 Mizuho and Marion discovered that this time the enemy was far more powerful and dangerous than they had imagined. If a super demonic beast like Garum had been summoned in its full body, it would be a case that had to be dealt with by the entire agency.

''But maybe I've been spoiled by Mizuho-san and Marion-san...''

'What? What's that? Yuto.
Is that Yuto-san...?

They remembered me once.... "They remembered me once... I knew that if they forgot me again, if I tried hard enough, they would remember me again. And that gave me the courage to do it again...

 Mizuho and Marion looked at each other.
 And then.........they laughed quietly at each other.
 It was somewhat like they had given up on something, though.

''Alright, Yuto........''


 Finally, Masato turned to face Mizuho and Marion with a look of relief on his face at being convinced. The two of them looked a little bitter, but there was already a smile on their faces.

'You should rest now, though I can't rest for that long. I'll get ready to go back to Japan. I'll say hello to General Mattoo this evening, and then we'll leave.

Yeah, okay.

''Masato, before you do that, please show me your wounds. I'll take care of it.

 As Yuto stood up, Marion brought out a new bandage, antiseptic, etc.
 And after that, for some reason, Mizuho and Marion took care of the two of them as they fought for the bandages.
 Yuto, who had his back to the two of them, somehow stopped looking back.

 Yuto left Mizuho and the others' room and headed to his own room.
 Even though it was early morning in the mansion, there was still a flurry of activity inside the mansion, and the soldiers were still busy. Probably, they had relieved themselves of their war zone and moved their headquarters to the mansion as well.
 He walked down the corridor of the large mansion and saw the stairs ahead.
 There, Yuto's heart jumped with a heartbeat.
 Nina was busy, talking to Aroucaune about something.
 Yuto looks nervous and his walking speed unconsciously slows down, but he walks on.

'Yes, Aroucaune, please! I will lead our citizens back to their respective homes.

'Yes, Miss. Yes, sir.

 Nina, who seemed to be busy and in a hurry, parted from Arokoune and came trotting in the direction where Yuto was.
 Yuto's heartbeat intensified and he couldn't help but stare at Nina as she approached.

 For a moment, Yuuto and Nina's gazes crossed.

 Nina's expression could be seen to be suspicious for a moment as she noticed Yuto.

 Yuto doesn't know what to do.

 But when he was about to raise his voice to Nina, who was getting there........

 Nina, who was hurrying at a small run, only lightly bids to Yuto, and without slowing down her running speed.......she ran past Yuto, who was about to raise his hands and voice.

 You will be able to see your right hand that was about to be raised.
 When Yuto looked up, he increased the speed of his steps and went up the stairs in the center of the mansion.......
 Nina, who was hurrying at a short run, stopped with a huff for some reason and turned around to look back.
 There.........only a few soldiers who were busy moving.
 Nina stayed like that for a while, but then remembered what she had to do and started running again.

 In the evening, Mizuho, Marion, and Yuto packed up their things and went to Mattoo's room, where he was still busy with the post-processing.
 When they were invited into the room, they passed a soldier who had come to report something and busily walked out of Matou's room.
 Matou was exchanging something or other conversation with Theintan, but when he noticed Ruiho and the others, he got up from his fine chair and came all the way to Ruiho and the others.

''General Mattoo, I'm here to report on the completion of our work and to greet you before you return to Japan.

I am truly indebted to you. I can't even begin to express my gratitude to you for your heroic work," he said. This victory is all thanks to you. On behalf of Miremer, I would like to thank you.

 As he said that, Mathew bowed his head. At that, Theintan, who was standing behind Mathew, also bowed his head.
 At the sight of those two soldiers, Mizuho panicked.

''General! Keep your head up. It's part of our job. ........This was something that the agency could not leave alone. And personally, I didn't like the idea of this enemy. But it's all been taken care of. And it's good for both of us.

 Mattoo raised his head and smiled as he thanked Mizuho again for the way she said it.

''To say so, we are the ones who are indebted to you beyond repayment, but........ No, I'm sorry, it takes a bit of weight off my shoulders when you say that.

'I wanted to say hello to Nina-san as well, but she wasn't there.... Please give her my regards. Also, this is the contact information for me and Marion. I promised to exchange it with Nina-san. And please keep this confidential. It's not strictly forbidden, but it's not recommended by the agency either.

 Mizuho smiled and handed Mattoo a piece of paper with her email address and cell phone contact information on it.

''Well I'm sorry. He's probably still in town. I told him to take some time off since he's been working without sleep since yesterday, but he didn't listen. I know you're doing your best, but to be out of sight and not to be there when you leave with Mizuho-dono.... No, I understand, I'll make sure to tell him.

 Once they had spoken, Mattoo shook hands with Mizuho. Next, he shook hands with Marion, and then with Yuto.
 Yuto looked squarely at Matou's face and squeezed his hand back.

''General Matou, I know it will be difficult from now on, but please do your best. I will support you from Japan.''

'Mm, thanks. Uh.....

 Yuto smiled as he could see why Mattoo was at a loss for words.

''Ah, I'm Doudou Yuto. In spite of my weakness, I gave my all to this job, and I was allowed to work for it.''

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Dudu.


 Mizuho and Marion watched the exchange between Yuto and Mattoo with a complicated expression on their faces. It was partly because Yuto had told them beforehand that there was no need to dare to explain.
 However, the two girls ended up staring in silence as Yuto stopped Mizuho and Marion with his gaze.

 After Mizuho and the others left, Mattoo sat down on the chair where he was conducting his duties and called out to Theintan beside him with a thoughtful expression.


Yes, sir.

The boy who was just here - that was Mr. Du Du, wasn't it? Did you know him?

'No I didn't do anything...'


How can I help you?

It's not so much that it matters, but........ For some reason, seeing him go was a strange feeling, as if I was saying goodbye to an irreplaceable comrade in arms.

Huh...! The general was there too....

What? You too?

'Yes. In fact, from the moment I saw that boy, I felt a strange feeling of guilt, like a chill in my chest. What can I say.......I feel like I'm throwing out the hero of my greatest achievement.

"His name is Doumoli...

'Doumori they said Hiroto. Ha.........General! I didn't expect to meet Hiroto....

What's wrong, do you remember something?

'No, but ... it can't be. No, there were reports from several cities that were defending themselves from the enemy, and there was a mysterious text named Hiroto. Some of them said that a friendly army named Hiroto had sent reinforcements, and I remember there were multiple other names mentioned as Hiroto.

 Something about the way Theintan said it tugged at his mind.

''I didn't think a boy like that ... would have anything to do with it ...''

 Matw and Thein Tan are silent.
 Then a subordinate comes knocking on the door to Matw's room to report.

'Reporting! I have just received word from General Temaren that he has agreed to accompany me to the capital city of Napi! General Temarene can go at any time, he said.

'Right! Teintan!

'Yes! I will immediately contact Napy's commander and ask him to prepare a triumphant return. Also, I will have the wording for the establishment of the new government hastily drawn up by His Excellency Guarin's men.

"Mm, please.

 In the commander's office, which was at once lively, each of them was busy.

 A dozen minutes after Mizuho and the others left Minra, Nina returned from Minra City.
 Nina finally had a break in what she could do, and as soon as she entered her room, she felt extreme fatigue envelop her entire body and a strong sense of sleepiness.
 As it should be, Nina had been working since yesterday without sleeping a wink, and by the time she returned to her room, it was already evening. Freed from the tension of her first battle, Nina wanted to take a shower right away and get some sleep anyway.
 As Nina went to change out of her closet to take a shower, she noticed something on her desk in her room.

'What's this...?'

 Nina frowned and approached to pick it up on the desk.
 There ... was a piece of paper with a note on it ... and a pistol.
 Nina took the note and the pistol in her hand.
 Then Nina felt as if her chest was being strangled for some reason.

'Wha, what? This feeling....

 The pistol had been given to me by Aroucaune for self-defense, so it shouldn't have been anything else to worry about, except that it was on the desk.
 Besides, Nina also remembered taking this pistol out of her desk drawer. As it was, she thought, she must have left it on the desk.

(But ... if that's the case, what's this note?)

 Nina unfolded the quadruple-folded note that had accompanied the pistol.
 There was a few poorly written sentences in English, never in clean handwriting.

"Nina-san. I'm sorry. I take the liberty of returning what I have borrowed from you. I hope that the future Millmar and Mr. Nina will never need this gun."

 Nina turned her attention to the pistol.
 There is no bullet in that pistol.
 I remember loading a bullet into this pistol yesterday........
 From Nina's right eye, something hot ran down her cheek and fell on the note.
 Then, for the first time, Nina realized that she was crying and was surprised.

 Nina looked out the window in a daze, then with a huff, she turned her body around and started to run.

 Nina doesn't know what she's chasing, and she doesn't know herself. I don't know, but I'm looking for something myself.

 It was as if it was something that she couldn't lose as it was......as if she couldn't lose it.

 Nina ran down the corridor and opened the large door to the front door, where the soldiers were still coming and going, and came out to the courtyard.

 Nina looked around again and again and continued to search. It didn't even occur to Nina anymore what she was looking for now.

 Nina had tears streaming out of both eyes, and she was simply searching. All there is now is an urge that rises from her heart.

 Nina had been doing that for... a long time... until Aroucaune found her in the courtyard after dark and stopped her.