169-Passing each other

'You're sure it's all right! Yuto.

Uh, yeah, I think we're okay.

'How can you be so unreliable! You're not your contractor!

Ha ha ha...................

 On the way to the apartment building that was said to have a de facto hostage in Yan Stopwater, Mizuho looked like this the whole time in the car that Ming Liang was driving. She couldn't help but feel uneasy when she was reminded of the image of herself due to the winning girl's art of change that she showed before she left the school. Yuto was in the passenger's seat, facing a barrage of questions from the back seat.

''But.......I'm worried too.

'Mr. Marion, I've been very tight with you about that, and I'm sure you won't do it again.

But I'm afraid I'm not getting it across.

'Marion, I'm in a bathing suit! Swimsuit! If you walk around school in a bathing suit, you'll be expelled! What the hell kind of education is being given to non-contractors? You!

Hey, look, I know this is supposed to be an education, but it was supposed to be like that from the beginning.

 No way! Yuto's education made him look like that! So, the s*xy sister, the demure sister, the innocent sister, and even the gothic slippers...

What? Yuto! You are ah!

'No way! What kind of person am I?!

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to do with it," she said, "so.......I'm going to be a maid.......after all........" murmuring something incomprehensible to the wannabe Mizuho.
 Yuto also has no idea how worried they are. For those who don't know the winning girl and her friends, they were transformed into themselves in an unexpected outfit. There is no reason not to be concerned about it.
 But Yuto is also a healthy boy.

(How nice to see the two of them changed by Winnieko, like this.......)

 Suddenly, I remember the two figures that the winning girl turned into with a squishy face.




 As soon as his face was stretched to stretch his nose, Yuto looked back at the back seat, which had become quiet.
 There was anger, shame and ... joy? The two girls with bright red faces that look like a mixture of the two, and Yuto immediately adjusts his face as his eyes meet with the two girls.

''Ah! I'm going to give everyone a lecture next time! You know, like worldly wisdom!

Ahead of time!

That's my top priority! Yuto!


 Yuto was strangled from behind and pinched on the cheek.
 Beside him, Akira, who was driving with a laugh, was shaking her body.

''Look, folks, we're getting there. It's probably that one.''

 When Meira said that, Yuto and the others turned their heads to a well-located high-rise apartment in the center of the city.