183-Inferior to curse ②

Mr. Meira, I need a car right away...

''Alright, Eugene. In the meantime, you need to get treated as soon as possible. I'll bring a car around and you can go to the hospital right away. Shima-san is arriving here already. But.........I don't know how to explain this from where.......

No, I need you to go to the hospital with me.

'What? But no more dead birds...

 Mizuho and the others were as surprised as Meira was.
 Shihira in particular stood up to face Yuto.

''Yes........the chances are infinitesimal. But I'd like to take the last chance.''

"...what does that mean? Yuto.

Earlier, I stopped Yan Yangshui's heart before you did.


 Meira didn't understand what he was saying and was surprised, and Shihira also heard Yuto's words and peeled her eyes away from him and came at Yuto.

''Yuto! Is that true! W-why would you do that?!

'That's the only way ... the possibility of helping to stop the water shut off came to mind. It's hard to explain, but we are stopping the life source of the water stoppage, the Qi pulse. I just want you to give him all the treatment you can while you're at it.

Is that like a state of suspended animation, Yuto-kun?

''Not quite. Right now, Yan Zhangshui is like an inorganic substance without any chi flow. However, it's an extremely dangerous technique. If it's done on an ordinary person, it will certainly kill them, but if swallow-stop water... if swallow-stop water can move its own qi pulse... or...

'Yuto! So, the water shut off... will it help?

 Shihira raised her voice as if she was trembling, but Yuto didn't lose his stern expression.

''Shihira-san, I want you to consider the possibility.......less than one percent. However, if we leave it like that...................We won't be able to save Yan Shizuo. All that remains now........is for us to depend on the strength of our desire to continue living with Shihira-san and the rest of the Tsubamishimizu.......


'But if I miraculously wake up in this state, I can't save anything that could be saved. I just want to do everything I can to help!


 The spirit of Yuto, who himself had suffered serious injuries all over his body, was echoed by Shihei, Mizuho and the others.
 The people here can understand.
 It's not just a matter of time before you'll be able to get your hands on it.

''Okay.........Yuto-kun. I'll tell Shima that immediately. But you will be treated as well, Yuto-kun. If you are left unattended, you might cross the ocean at any moment, but this is something we can't give up, you understand? 

 Meira turned her attention to Mizuho and Marion, and Mizuho and the others nodded vigorously.

''Of course, Yuto!''

''Yujin, Yujin, don't forget to look at your situation as well!

 For some reason, Yuto felt his heart warmed by Mizuho and Marion's serious yet stern expressions.

''........I understand. Thank you.''


 Shihira put his hand on Yuto's shoulder. A thin layer of tears covered that eye of Shihira's.

''.......Thank you.''

'No, Shihira-san, it's not yet...'

'No! That's not what I'm talking about.


'I'm saying that you've given us ... abandoned us, got us involved, and almost lost us ... and you've given us this much heart. What happens from now on is a consequence, and no matter what it turns out to be, this feeling is the only thing that won't change. So, thank you, Yuto. I thank you.


Ho-ho-ho-ho, that's a mess.


 Suddenly, an unfamiliar old man's voice rises from beside Yuto, startling them all.

''No, no, come and check on my disciple... hmm? Did you give this to him? Young.

 The suspicious old man suddenly appeared and turned his eyes, hidden by his long eyebrows, to Yuto.

(I.........didn't notice him at all. This person is.........eh? Did you just say "apprentice"? (Then this man is a hermit...)

 Mizuho and the others were alarmed by this sudden intruder and quickly took a stance as soon as possible.

''No, Mizuho-san! Mr. Mingora! We're no match for them.

Hmmm, my apprentice hasn't shown his face lately, and that's why the old bastard was in trouble. I'm not going to the other world without taking care of my master.... You said that the pursuit of the Way of the Immortal is only including immortality. Well, I forced him to teach it to you, so I guess I shouldn't have done it, hoo-hoo!

''Oh, you're a master of swallow stop water?''

Yeah? When did this fellow get his last name, swallow? Well, you see, I am his teacher, Kun Yeo. By the way, young man.


Did you bring my disciple to this point?

 A light-tongued question from Kon Yumi........
 But instantly, Yuto's whole body became milky, and hundreds of frames of images of death, death, instantly appeared in his mind.
 Yuto's expression froze, and Mizuho and the others also received the aftermath of that horrendous death chrysanthemum, and their bodies began to tremble on their own.

''How is it? Young.....


 Shihira shouted loudly from the side with an angry look on his face.

''Ho? Where are you?

"He's the brother of water stoppage! Yuto here was rather trying to help stop the water! And then you show up out of nowhere, acting all pompous! If you're going to tell me you're a master and an apprentice, you should have come and helped me sooner!

"Hmm ... brother? I don't know what's going on here, but I see it's not like I'm lying to you. All right, then I'll take this one myself, okay?


Don't worry, my dearest pupil, I won't take it badly. But when he dies I'll have someone else to blame for his death.

 Kun-Yam said and chomped at Stopwater's body with his staff, and then rode on the tip of his staff so that Stopwater's body floated in the air.

''Then, no!''

'Oh! Water shut off! You old man! Give me back the water shutoff!

"If you don't die, I'll let you take care of me, and I'll release you in a minute, ho-ho-ho!

 They were all stunned and left behind, but Masato wiped the sweat from his body and exhaled heavily.

'Thank you, Shihira-san. If it wasn't for Shihira-san, all of us would have been killed.

That was ... wow, that was a lot of pressure. It's in a different dimension than anything I've ever experienced.

''Yes......... Yuto-san, that person couldn't possibly be........

''Yes, those who have glimpsed the attainment of the Sacred Way they are hermits.

'Oh, that's...? I didn't expect to see a hermit with my own eyes...

'What? That old man! It didn't seem strong at all to me.......I didn't even feel Senki when he said he was a water stopping master...... Nope! More importantly, the water shut off!

''No........that person might have a better chance of helping Yan Shizuo.

'Really? Yuto!

These are people who are so much more adept at handling the veins than I am. Even so, that doesn't guarantee their survival, but.... Let's wait for the rest. Believe in the power of Yan's will to stop the water. The way he said it, if something happens to Yan Shizui, he'll show his face again.

"Shut off the water. All right I believe. That it will come back.


 Then a car horn blares from the back of the plaza where Yuto and the others are.

''Oh, prepare the car and.......it seems that Shima-san has also arrived. Then there's no point in thinking about this and that right now. Let's go, everyone. First, the hospital. And after that........well, you can imagine.......

 Ming Liang turned to look at Yuto.

''Yes I am going to the Chinese Communist People's Republic.

I know... let's go, Mizuho-san, Marion-san.

 Mizuho and Marion nodded vigorously.
 It wasn't that Mizuho and the others didn't feel anything about the events up to this point.
 No, rather, they were burning themselves with anger.
 And it wasn't just Mizuho, Marion, who was also a party to this event, didn't hide her indignation at the disgust that bubbled up from the depths of her heart.

''Mizuho-san, Marion-san...........no strategy that we talked about before.

"...? Yuto, what's that?

''The previous plan was for you to break in and for us to create a diversion, right?

Yeah, we'll go without all that.

What do we do now? Are you coming up with a new plan?

No I have a plan.

"...What's that? Yuto.

 Yuto wrinkles his brow and cages his eyes with strength.



I'll do my best and we'll all go wild! I won't feel better if I don't! Mizuho and Marion, you hit a lot of big moves! I'm all about the Midnight Leopard, too! I'll smash you without a trace.


 As Yuto said, Mizuho's face gradually broke down in a happy manner.

''Well that's nice,''

''Yes I'm indeed stressed out this time, too...''

 Yuto looked at Mizuho and Marion.

'I'll be thorough! Thoroughly! All those who stand in your way!

 He said.

''So, I'll definitely defeat that Count or whatever, and the female sorcerer from earlier........all of them!

(Swallow stop, make sure you come back alive! There's someone waiting for you. (I'll make sure to break the curse from the bad guys before then, so that the curse from the bad guys doesn't come back to you again!

But.........I didn't expect to be beaten this badly. I should've come earlier~. But that young man who did this treatment.......

 Moving through the air, Kun-Yam shows a bitter face.

(But........this is certainly not good. It's not good if my disciple died so easily. I'll miss this talent too.

I hate to admit it, but... it's no use. Maybe I should ask that yokan lover for a favor...

 Kun Yung takes a big intake of breath there.


 He monologized and slumped his shoulders.