188-Inferior curse ⑥

'The Count has given me an order. He wants us to intercept the mysterious intruder as soon as possible and bring him here. He also told us to leave the head alone, dead or alive, to ascertain the enemy's affiliation and identity.

 Abasi [Man Bone] Abasi, who was entrusted with the command of the Dark Night's Leopard, hummed and sniffed when he received the report.
 He sat down at the command seat in the command room inside the Dark City of Water Margin and put his cheekbones with the back of his right hand.

''Mysterious intruder.......... In the meantime, the Count-sama also wants proof of the agency's ability. Well, this kind of work is originally meant for a hundred-eyed person, but it can't be helped if he or she is killed in the line of duty. You could say it's a mourning battle, so let's do it.

 Abasi is an old-timer in the Dark Night's Leopard, with a sharp glint in his wrinkled face. He is said to be a gifted person who came from Pakistan, but no one knows anything about his past.
 All the members of the Dark Night's Leopards are drifters whose past is unknown in this way. Some have sold themselves, while others have been recruited.
 The only names they know are each other's real names, and they don't even know if they are each other's real names. The same could be said of any nation's corps of able-bodied men.
 And since it was an unspoken agreement that no one would interfere with each other's affairs, it wasn't another problem.
 Abasi was gathered and instructed to give instructions to all the Dark Night's leopards that were already deployed.

''I don't know the details, but it seems to have hurt the face of the agency. I can understand why they came here. But so do we! If we are licked too, we are in the end business. No cause can pass anything without power! Let's go! "The ordinary soldier will stop at nothing to stop the enemy as soon as he is seen.

 Then a report came in from a correspondent.

'The enemy appears to be coming from the east. They're moving through the forest and now the 5th Special Forces have begun to engage them. Their numbers are still unknown.'

''We've come to the Dark Night Leopard's lair. It's a good formation! It's not necessarily just the east side. For now, the east side would be the spearhead. Return fire with the first Dark Night Leopard unit deployed to the east, and send the third unit towards it. The rest of the squad must be on alert for the other areas and do not neglect the search for the enemy!

 The assembled Dark Night Leopard had a total of forty-two men, which, if you think about it, was really a third of the strength in Japan, but its formation was still as numerous and capable as a great power.
 Abasi had organized it into seven units, four in the north, south, east, west and west, and three in the center.
 In addition to that, there were about a hundred specially trained soldiers under the direct control of the Water Margin's Dark City, and although they hadn't arrived yet, there should be about three hundred and fifty supporting troops from two companies from the army heading our way.
 This was enough to subdue a small regional conflict even if you excluded the Dark Night Leopard.

''Count-sama is also exaggerating.......he is very cautious. Was there a need to prepare this much of a formation? No, that's exactly what I'd call quicksilver in the sense that I took the first move. Kukuku, well, this should be enough for the east side. On the east side........that [Rock Wall] Dolgol and [Instantaneous] Zhao Xin are there.

 Abasi grins as he plays with his beard, playing with his stored beard.

''I've heard the rumors behind our backs. The Dark Night's Leopards are said to have a number of rank B class ability holders in the institution....... That's foolish. How can you not suspect that we have passed it on? I'm sure you'll remember it when you meet these two. A mere agency, a mere branch of the agency, is getting carried away! And you can pay for it at the expense of the poor gifted people you've been dispatched to! And I dedicate this victory to the Count!

 As he said this, Abasi crossed his legs with a spare expression on his face, the dark castle of Water Margin itself was enveloped in a loud vibration, and Abasi almost fell out of his chair involuntarily.

''What! What happened!

I don't know! An explosion that looked like an artillery strike! Wait a minute! He says it's from the east side! Huh? I'll be back!

 The facility shook, pride fell from the ceiling of the sturdily built command center, and the windows rattled loudly.

''Nuh-uh! So the enemy is concentrating capable people capable of medium and long range attacks to the east! This one, too, is a flame wielder. Bring out the spirit wielder! How do we detect the source of the magic? Where is it?

 The Jutsu Sensing Specialists in the control room responded to Abasi's question by mumbling something in a whisper.
 Beside him, the operator in charge of reporting put his ear close to the mouth of the Jutsu Sensing Specialised Ability and took listening notes and raised his voice loudly.

'East, two kilometres away, sir! He says he's a spirit user!

'What? Nonsense! This firepower from such a long distance? We can't reach them from here we can break the Dark Night Leopard or we can't concentrate too much on the east side. That may be what the enemy is after.

Report! We've lost all contact with the Fifth Special Forces that have been holding us back! What will you do!

'What? You can't even slow me down! All of them except the Dark Night Leopard are fine, send them out! You can't even slow me down! You useless bastards!

 Abasi can't afford to think about the bad reports that come in rapid succession.

It's not a good idea. The wards that the Count has put up will not be broken through so easily. Contact the first and third units of the dark night leopard, which were dispatched earlier! After destroying the enemy's spearhead, attack the spirit user who attacks from a distance!

 This instruction given by Abasi can't be said to be too much of a mistake. Even if it wasn't Abasi, it is normal to think that the people who attacked even the Dark Night's Leopard's residence must have made a good plan and thrown in a good amount of manpower.
 However, it can be said that Abasi's instructions at this time were decisively wrong as a result.
 First of all, he had misjudged the enemy's manpower.
 There were only three enemy personnel. With these men, an attack from multiple directions was impossible. In fact, Yuto and the others had decided to launch an all-out attack from the east. Therefore, the Dark Night's Leopards deployed to the north and southwest had become completely idle at this point.
 Secondly, the individual combat power of the enemy capabilities.
 The ones who attacked were the agency's proud rank A abilities, Shitenji Mizuho and Marion Mia Shurian, two of them, and that rank D Dou Dou Dou Yuto who had defeated that Yan Shizui.


What now?


'So what! Say it now!

'Yes! Dark night leopard the first and third troops we have not heard from them!

 Abasi slid off the back of his chair from the commander's seat at the report of the communications officer, who responded desperately, and not just because of the new vibrations caused by Mizuho's heavy attack.

 Now Yuto was moving unperturbed through the forest amidst a storm of enemy special forces bullets that had been deployed to the east.

'They're going right! Hold them back!

'Yes, sir! But it's fast! It's too fast! We can't catch up!

Fool! Don't try to take him down! If we can stop them...

 The special forces captain who was in command suddenly falls on the spot.


 That was the last memory of this soldier before he lost consciousness.
 This soldier later testified that.

The soldier later testified: "There were supposed to be fifteen of us firing at something that looked like a moving figure. But.......when I found out, I couldn't.... No, I didn't see any faces or anything....in fact, I don't even know what they did to me.


 As soon as Yuto dealt with the fifteen soldiers, he immediately began to move.
 In order to set up the dark night leopard heading this way from here.
 Yuto has no awareness of intercepting it at all.
 Because, it's us who are attacking. We won't do anything like the past, where we chase away the enemy that attacked us. All of this was only to go out from us and attack the enemy whenever and however they wanted.
 Yuto sensed the able-bodied person who was already charging at him from the front at an uncommon speed.

(Quite fast........3, 2, 1.......!

 Yujin passed by [Shun] Zhao Xin who suddenly appeared in front of him from among the trees.
 Zhao Xin's eyes widened as he held a knife in each of his hands.
 Because, it had been a long time since he had seen them. The enemy who ducked his own first attack.
 Zhao Xin was an expert inside the Dark Night Leopard, and in terms of assassination, Zhao Xin was an unrivaled anti-personnel combat expert.
 As such, he was so capable that even Rank S Barth, who headed the agency's specialist anti-personnel and anti-capability units, would give him a glance.
 Zhao Xin suddenly stopped and turned around, his eyes even more surprised.
 The person who had ducked his own blow was a boy, and he also had a cast on his left arm and a bandage on his entire body.

'You! Who the hell are you? ! And that bandage is a bluff!

You won't get to know it until it's too late.

What are you doing? .........!

 Zhao Xin was cut off from speaking by the blood that gushed out of his own mouth.
 He then vomited up his recognition slip along with the blood, and a hot searing pain ran from his own chest to his back.

Well, it's a good thing you're strong.

 Yujin hadn't already seen Zhao Xin and seemed to have detected the other Dark Night No Leopard speed-specialized third unit that was chasing after Zhao Xin, who was ahead of him.

''You didn't know how to take it easy.......and you almost killed them. Well, I wouldn't have given up on that in some cases. Besides, it's impossible to wield your powers in that disorganized state for the time being. Hmm, apparently I'm interfering with gravity to combine light body arts with physical enhancement. You'll have to be confident in your dynamic vision.

 Yujin muttered nonchalantly to himself, and his figure disappeared from Zhao Xin's sight, and at the same time, Zhao Xin's vision darkened, and immediately afterwards, the third unit of the Dark Night Leopard was destroyed.

''Mr. Dolgol! Where are you going? Abasi's dad told me to hit the guy who was ahead of the enemy with Zhao Xin!

 [Iwakabe] Dolgol, who was in charge of the first Dark Night Leopard unit, laughed at the questioning of the members of his unit.

''Barker bastard! That's something that Zhao Xin would have done by now! It's more efficient to leave that one to the bastard with only his legs and go to the bastard who's firing that kind of artillery at you!

'Oh, I see!'

If we keep up with him, he'll take all the credit! Abasi's dad doesn't understand either!


"...? Hey, do you hear me?

 As he moved with a lightness that was unthinkable from his massive body to his own subordinates who hadn't responded, Dolgol grimly turned around and his men who should have been following behind him were gone.

''Hey! Where did you guys go?!

Everyone is asleep.


 Just as he thought he heard a voice in his ear, Dolgol's massive body was blown away by the impact as if he had been hit by a multi-ton steel ball on his side.
 Dolgol glided horizontally with his own body, knocking down trees and then stopped, finally realizing that he had been attacked.

'Duh, who are you?'

'It's a stupid question. I'm attacking you. You're the enemy.

'What! Who the hell are you? Tsk! You just crossed paths with Zhao Xin and came over here! Han! I don't mind that! You're the one who made the mistake of coming over here. Now you're going to be pinned down with Zhao Xin!

Well, they're pretty tough.

 Dolgol's veins rose to his forehead at Yuto's insinuation, and as he stood up, he took off his jacket and discarded it.
 Then, Dolgol's upper body, where his skin was exposed, turned gray like a rock as he looked at it, and he attacked Yuto as it was.

'Can your soft attacks get through to me! I'm a [rock wall]! I wouldn't have a problem with a direct hit from a missile in that area! And what does that wounded man look like! You've got to be kidding me!

 The right fist of Dolgol thrusts out forcefully, containing dozens of tons of power, and it approaches the face of Yuto.
 However, the super-heavy fist flew upward just before it hit the face of the young man.
 Dolgol's rocky right arm goes numb and his body is turned upside down.
 For a moment, Dolgol didn't understand what had happened, but when he looked down, he was startled to see that the boy in front of him had kicked his right fist away.

'Nah! What?!

'You're overconfident in your own defenses, you wooden boy!

 In Dolgol's vision, he could see that Yuto was in Dolgol's bosom and was about to unleash the palm strike to the side that he had just received.
 Seeing this, Dolgol chuckled inwardly.

(Fool........do it!)

 Dolgol's true strength was not his striking ability, which made use of his overwhelming defensive prowess and monstrous power. Dolgol's greatest weapon was his ability to use his defense to catch his opponent when he was attacked by an enemy, and then take him into a Kumite or Newaza.

(Opponents who teamed up were killed instantly, and I don't know anyone who went to Newaza, though!

 A moment after Yuto applied a right palm strike to his side, Dolgol's left arm grabbed Yuto's right arm.

''Haha! Fool! I got one! 

 Dolgol gushed out breath and blood at the same time in a grand gush, and his left hand grabbing for Yuto's right arm was not strong enough.

''You're the idiot,''

 When Yuto said expressionlessly, Dolgol's side of the palm strike that Yuto missed, Dolgol's side of the palm strike that Yuto missed peeled off like a rock shattering into pieces, and gradually the cracks went around his entire body and the rock armor all over his body burst off.
 Looking down at Dolgol, who had fallen completely unconscious, Yuto confirmed that the recognition slips had been spit out, and moved his eyes to the dark castle of Suikodoro, which was still under heavy attack from Mizuho.

''Wait for me Count Alessandro di Cagliostro. Don't think that my curse I placed on you can be broken by something like this.

 Yuto's figure was already not there as he let the words slip out.