217-Starting to move

Well what can we do about it?

 Yuto was pondering in the room that was given only to those who won the qualifying round of the Grand Festival. Since participating in the Grand Festival of the Irike, he had been observing if there was anyone who seemed suspicious that Zhu Yin had told him about, but so far he hadn't been able to identify the person who said that.
 Right now, they had the dinner that the Shitenji family had prepared for them in their room, and they didn't have any particular plans regarding the Grand Festival of the Entry Family until tomorrow morning.
 However, Yuto is the one who has received a request from Akane. You can't just lock yourself up in your room and rest until the next morning.

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that you have to go out for a visit. If there are people who are thinking of doing something bad, there is a possibility that they may try something today.......even if not directly, they may be preparing to set traps or activate skills.

 Yuto decided to do so and took out the map of the Shitenji family's grounds that he had been given beforehand from the back and unfolded it. The other participants who had won and their attendants were also in the villa where he was currently located.

(Hmmm, it would be the end of the world if the other participants got suspicious, so let's be cautious. So far, there were no people we could be sure of being suspicious of........ Well.........if they're the kind of people who can make you grab their tails so easily, they're not much of a people......then they'll be dealt with by the people of Shitenji. (If that's the case, then I should assume that what I do is a nasty guy and move on.

 Yuto pulled himself together and recalled the contents of the request from Zhu Yin.

''My personal grudge against Shitenji.......let's not get caught up in just that. Hmm? But then, this is pretty much....

(This is trickier than I thought.) Maybe ... or worse, we'll have to catch them red-handed? No, that could put us on the back foot. Then ... we'd have to try to contact the other participants, not just look around. (A bit risky, but let's explore each of them.)

 Thinking this way, Masato pulled out his phone and called Ichigo, and he didn't make him wait so long to answer.

"Hello, Yuto? Oh, how about that? The situation."

'Yeah, I'm going to be doing a lot of research, do you have any information on that side? I'd just like to hear about the participants who won out.

"Yeah, okay. Hold on a minute. Let's see, just now I have a document that Nina-san has put together with the profiles of the winning participants and as much information as Marion-san and Meira-san know, so I'll copy and paste it and email it to you."

Oh, thank you.

"Well, I don't know how useful this is going to be, actually. I'm a layman, but I felt like I only had information on the front page. Some of them had no information at all."

'Hmmm, it's no use. But it's better than nothing, so that helps.

"Well I'll email you every bit of information I can for now. Oh, I just sent you that list I mentioned."

'All right, I'll read it.'

"And you know what ... do you have a minute?"

 Suddenly, Ichigo's tone of voice changes to a serious one.

''.......Yeah? What?

 Hey! Ouch!"

 In the middle of the conversation, Yuto is surprised when he hears a flurry of sounds on the other end of the phone.

'Ichigo! What's going on? What's going on?

"Yuto? It's nothing! You're fine, just keep asking!"

'What? Huh? Mari? What are you talking about?

"Because it's nothing! We'll talk about it all later! Don't worry about it."

Yeah, yeah, okay.

"Oh ouch, then, Yuto I'll get back to you."

'Huh? Awareness? Oh, oh, okay.

"And, Yuto, read your email carefully! Easy! Nah. I'm sending you something important, you know!"

'What? I know.

 Naturally, even without being told, he was going to confirm it, but since Ichigo reminded him so much, Masato nodded his head but replied.

"Bye, keep in touch with me!"

 The phone hangs up in a hurry.

'What is it?'

 While saying that, Masato opened the email column to check his email as soon as possible and found that he had received two emails from Ichigo........ Moreover, the second email is marked in the subject line as 【Super Important】.


 Yuto unexpectedly opened it from the second email.

''Ooh! This is it!

 It's a....

"Date, time and place of the blind date and time.

 The invitation began with the sentence


Yeah? What's the matter, Mr. Mito?

'Didn't I emphasize too much earlier, strangely enough, that you should check your email?

! No, I didn't! It means that you have to make sure that the materials we've worked so hard on here are correct!

Hmmm, that's good.

Well, it's not surprising, right? Oh, I'm going back to my room for now. Call me if you need anything.

 Shizuka, who was staring at him with zit eyes, grinned with dark eyes as she put her hand to her chin.