106-Episode 97: Sages are Surrounded by Enemies

'Pfft! It's Oco! Oco! I'm a fierce pussy!

 And the one who stood in Niall Hem ship kingdom was the eighth branch that exists in the Niall Hem ship kingdom - its representative, Marine One Niall Hem.
 The peach-colored hair in a two-sided updo.
 Blue eyes as clear as the ocean.
 Her breasts and hips were selfish, and she was exquisitely proportioned for a 14-year-old.
 Her uniform was open, exposing her small navel, and although she was from the kingdom of the sea, her skin was as white as the sand.

 Marin had the good looks of an adult, but unfortunately, her nappy(s) were no older than ten years old.

'I can't allow you to hurt Mr. Iolada just because you want to win!

Miss. Were you a fan of Iolada?

 One of my friends asks.
 He has a bandana wrapped around his head and an eye patch on his face.
 Dressed in a gray uniform, he looks like a pirate.

'That's not true, that's not true!

You don't convince me to go all red in the face with everything you've got.

'Shut up, shut up, shut up! I'll do it anyway! A mourning battle for you, Iolada!

 Marin raised the scythe in his hand.
 Then the rough guys - and the students of Chapter 8 - raised their arms.
 They responded to the representative's voice.


 We began to advance with.
 The goal was the fifth branch's position.

 Amidst the slapstick invasion, one of the companions who had been conversing with Marin just now thinks, ''Iolada....

'Iolada..... They're killing us without permission.

 I followed him.

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'I never thought I'd end up joining forces with a dwarf.

So do I. I never thought I'd have to fight an Elf. It's a nightmare, that's what it is.

 The two people who were suddenly in a sour mood were an elf and a dwarf.
 The former was the representative of the Senedina Spirit Kingdom - Chapter 3.
 Enya Madison Senedina.
 Long blonde hair and narrow eyes. She's a girl who looks like a fox with a long face.

 In contrast, the latter is the representative of the Magnetite Mining Kingdom - Chapter 2.
 Gadfin Ehren.
 This one was a student whose entire body was covered in hard muscles like red ore.

 A native elf and a dwarf, respectively.
 These two races have always been on bad terms with each other.
 They have been called dogs and monkeys.

 Their races would fight together.

 This was also something that could only happen at the Nine Dragons Cup.

"But the woodsman. That man called Volfot. Wasn't he a bit of a strange man?

Hmm. That doesn't matter.


We, the Third Estate, are being slaughtered by the Fifth Estate for no good reason. We won't be happy if we don't get our revenge.

Hohoho..... Scary.......... I'm afraid of the resentment of the foresters.

''Shut up, earth beast. After I defeat Chapter 5, I'll be the first to attack you.

'Ha! That's my line. Bring it back to the forest, while you still can, you hermit!

What did you say? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

 The two men faced each other.
 In the midst of a flurry of activity, a calm voice could be heard.

''Both of you........ Otai ni.

 Gadfin and Elinya turned at the same time.
 The one standing there was a man wearing a black hood and mask.
 It was the representative of the Io Godland--the 7th branch representative, Roc Hardli.

''We signed a non-war pact at the end of the day. What are you going to do if you're bickering with each other before you've even defeated your opponent?

 He teased the dog and the monkey - and the elf and the dwarf.

'Indeed..... Lord Lok is right.

I don't blame you.

 The two finally settled in.
 They straightened their dwellings and checked their respective weapons.

"Mister Roc. What do you think of this Volfot fellow, Master Roku?

He's a creepy guy, that's for sure.

Yeah. It wasn't so much magic as it was a demonic force, that one.

 It was Volfot who convinced them to do it.
 Verbally, he framed Lacelle Singh Stark as the culprit.
 But it wasn't the atmosphere or the talking points that made him great.

 It was the fact that he was able to convince each school to participate in this operation by telling them what was in their best interest.

 He didn't care if Lacelle was the culprit or not, but rather, he made a decision on what was best for each school and let them make the decision.
 He would let them take the final responsibility for their actions, while he would escape from the responsibility.
 And the words "fight together" or "avenge Iolada" are also very circumspect.
 With beautiful words, he robs people of the ability to think.

 As a result, they are not aware of the consequences.

 That Volfot is not on the battlefield....

 In the operation, Chapter 4 is supposed to hold the main school in check.
 While Branches 2, 3, 7, and 8 were fighting with the 5th Branch, the 4th Branch was supposed to protect the Branch that was emptying its main camp.

 This word "protect" is also a problem.
 It takes away the ability to think.
 As a result, no one will say it.
 And the result is that no one says, "Why isn't Chapter 4 in the war zone?

 They know that Volfot is up to something, and they know it.

 But there are four schools over here.
 That kind of group psychology makes their minds bigger.
 And then their thoughts become blurred again.
 It eats away at them like a poison.

 They don't realize it.

 It's all in Volfot's operation........

''I'm more curious about why Branch 5 chose this terrain than Lord Volfot.

 Roku puts his hands on his mask and thinks.

 The stadium of total power is quite large.
 There is a variety of terrain there.
 In other words, there are eight types of terrain: mountains, riverside, forests, hills, plains, wastelands, swamps, and the old city.

 These are chosen in order of rank to determine the positions.
 Branch 5, which came in first, chose the riverside.
 Although they could have chosen a better terrain, they chose the riverside.

 Moreover, the position was against the river.
 It was understandable that Roku was concerned.

''We have a formation in our country called a backwater formation.


That's exactly what I'm talking about, a camp against the river.

'We're going to fight our way out of here? You're not crazy?

That's exactly what it is. "That's exactly what it is. If a soldier is prevented from retreating, he will only be allowed to advance. It is a way of boosting morale by mixing the "deadly middle" with the battlefield.

This is a very barbaric tactic...

Well, but.... It makes sense.

 Elinya cowered her shoulders and Gadfin stroked his long beard.

'But I don't see why Branch 5 would go so far.

 Gadfin, Elinya, and Roku are all well aware of Branch 5's capabilities.
 Especially Elinya, who has been decisively defeated once.
 Chapter 5 has shown overwhelming strength up to this point.
 Would that school be able to fight in such a way that it would find a way to live in death?

 At least in the eyes of the three parties, it seemed very odd.

''In any case, let's wait for the delayed Chapter 8 to join us and launch an all-out attack.



 The three of them stared at the eerily still Chapter 5 camp.

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 The one who was confirming the situation with [Distant View] was Volfot.

 The eyes of the perfect circle were bent like candy.
 He clicked his teeth, which were aligned like a decapitation, with a clunk.

It's right on schedule. There's a bunch of small fry here.

Chapter 8 is behind schedule, but we're right on schedule. What do you want to do after this, Volfot?

 It was 'The Strategist' Fambro who asked.

 Then, Volfot narrowed his eyes.
 A bewitching specter boiled up.
 Did he misspoke about something?
 Fanbro cowered, but what came out was a smile.

'Fambro-kun, what would you do?'

Me? I'd go for the second and third branches, which are now stretched thin...

Kuhki Kuhki... That's the 'strategist' we know and love.

 Volfot smiled happily.
 It was a rare compliment, and Fanbro couldn't help but blush.

But that's not good. But that's not good. Betrayal is not an option.

That's surprising. I didn't know you had that in you.

I think of you as a friend. You know that, don't you?

 He twists his eyes and laughs.
 It wasn't a very wordy look.
 Rather, a snake glaring at a frog was more appropriate.

That strategy is tempting, but the damage will be huge if they find out. We took the time to hate the 5th branch, and now we are the villains. And if the First Section, which didn't want to join our school or the Alliance, comes in, you guys are going to get blown up, right?

You're right. So.... What are you going to do?

I'm taking down the school. We'll shut down the school.

'All right. But can we leave Chapter 1 alone?

Don't worry. They may not have joined the Alliance, but they were aiming for Chapter 5 originally. They won't attack us. That's what I'm talking about. Let's go get the small fry. Let's go get rid of the small fry!

 Wolfot held up his hand.

 The students of the gathered Sow Trading Country raised their voices.
 Volfot! I called out in rapid succession.
 I kept shouting anyway.
 I was afraid.
 If they didn't, they would freeze and cower.

 That's how terrifying Volfot's presence was to them.

 Hearing a cry that could be called madness, Volfot suddenly turned his head around.
 The reflection in Maenen's eyes was the fifth branch of the riverside.
 He shows his decapitated teeth and smiles a creepy smile.


 Lacelle Singh Stark.........