113-Episode 104: Defeat the Magi and the Devil



"What made you get serious!

 Volfot shouted.
 He kicked off the ground and rushed forward like a large demonic beast.
 I flailed my arms.
 A hand like a sickle reaches out towards me.


 A high-pitched sound shook the air.
 It was such a sound that Sheila, who was nearby, reflexively pressed her ears to the ground.
 It spoke of the tremendousness of the attack.

 I play Volfot's hand.
 Lightly - as gently as if I were tapping someone's shoulder.


 The self-proclaimed demon's face contorts.
 Decapitated teeth like a decapitated tooth, "Crap! I rang hard.
 In contrast, I can afford it.
 I even smile.

 Volfot's attacks don't end.
 He swings his hands around and puts more pressure on me.
 I played every one of them.


 My body is light.
 My arms are up.
 My hand adjusts.
 My waist is sharp.
 My legs come out.

 I don't feel air resistance.
 It's more of a fluffy feeling.
 The more I have to consciously save, the more my body seems to move on its own.

 I was exactly free of gravity.

Why or why not, or why not, or why not, or why not, or why not, or why not, or why not, or why not, or why not, or why not, or why not, or why not, or why not, or why not, or why not, or why not, or why not.

 Volfot, on the other hand, was dismayed.

'Why! I was in the lead before! You weren't able to respond to my blow at all.

 --To begin with!

I was the strongest!

 I swing my arms down.
 With all my strength--.


 But I was even playing it.

'Volfot, what's wrong? You're looking very pale.

Aaah! I don't want you to know what I'm talking about, you little shit!

 Volfot takes a step away from me.
 I take a big breath.
 At the same time, magic power builds up in my stomach.

 There's no way--

"d*mn it!

 Catt, Volfot's mouth glowed.
 In an instant, a ray of light was spat out.
 Spreading a strong glow all around.
 It ripped through the air and headed straight for me.

 It's not magic or anything.
 It was an enormous mass of magical power.
 If I had to name it, I'd say it was a rose, a convergence cannon of magic power.


 The only thing I can think of is that you have a hidden ball like this.
 I'm sure you've got a good idea, Volfot....


 I'll activate the magic.

 [Heavy Armored Steel Horseman]

 Everyone's eyes widened.
 Even Sheila.
 Even our students who still remain on the battlefield.
 And the spectators who were watching through the [Automatic Writing] images.

 And Volfot too........

 They are unfolded and glued to the shield of magic power that moves at high speed.

 Immediately afterwards, Volfot's converging cannon landed.
 A huge explosion rang out.
 The shockwave uprooted the surrounding atmosphere.
 And then a large blast of smoke went up.


 Sheila's cries were drowned out by the sound of the explosion.
 The students of our school were being blown away along with the trees of the mountain.
 The next thing I knew, a large depression was forming.

 The aftermath of the explosion as it subsided.
 What echoed through the quieted main campus was a loud laugh.

 In the center was Volfot.

 He opened his mouth wide and shouted with amusement.
 His large body was bent into a crooked shape, and he was laughing like he was scratching iron.

''Kukiki kukiki........ Lacelle-kun, you're an idiot. The final of the party battle. You're the one who was echoing your high opinion about the [Heavy Armed Iron Horseman].

 【Heavy Armored Iron Rider】 is not a defensive magic.
 It makes the magic power itself vibrate high and crushes it regardless of matter or magic power.

 But the weakness of this magic is that it has a very naïve nature to make the magic power itself vibrate high.

''You were interfering with your own magic power to slow down the magic power, causing the [Heavy Armed Iron Horseman] to fail. If that's the case, then my convergence gun is the same. This is a mass of magic power. In other words--

 My converging cannons can't be stopped by the "Heavy Armor"...

"Kukiki kukiki kukiki kukiki! What an idiot. What is this? A schemer, a schemer, a scheming man? For all your pomp and circumstance, you don't understand yourself properly....

'Oh..... You're right, Wolfot.

 A voice rang out.

 Sheila's face, which had turned pale and even had tears in it, shone.

 An explosion of smoke still rising from the air.
 It is blown away.
 The one who appeared was me, wrapped in a wall of magic power.

''Nah! Ni!

My brother...!

 I raise the corners of my mouth in a smirk.

 It's certainly true, Volfot.
 The [Heavy Armored Iron Horseman] is difficult to control, and therefore has a vulnerability to the interference of magic power itself.
 I exploited that weakness and defeated that hero's descendant Iolada.

''But you've forgotten, Volfot.

 Now, it's not Iolada who is using [Heavy Armor Iron Horseman].
 That it's this Lacelle Singh Stark.

''Iolada couldn't handle the interference from the outside. Arguably, she was just poor at controlling her magic power.

 But I'm not.

 Even with the interference of the high-powered magical convergence, I continued to control and maintain the [Heavy Armed Iron Rider].

 That's simply the difference.

''Idiot! No, you can't do that! To be able to control it with that much magical output interference.......

You will. Well, it didn't happen overnight.

 Nothing, I wasn't just putting 【Gravity Control】 on my body.
 I was also putting the load of 【Gravity Control】 on my magic power as well.
 It was making it more difficult to control it by reducing its output than usual.

 If I was under 【Gravity Control】, if I ate the convergence gun just now, I would have given up defending myself with the 【Heavy Armor】.

 However, it's not me right now.
 Freed from the yoke of 【Gravity Control】, I can control my magic power at will.
 Even if it's a high-powered convergence gun, the power honed by the 【Gravity Control】 is not something that can be easily broken through.

Well, magic power......... It's not a good idea. That's ridiculous..... You.........you have become that strong....... What the hell do you want to do!

That's a stupid question, Wolfot.

 I hold up my hands.
 He thought he was going to be attacked.
 Volfot let out a short scream.

 I thrust one finger - towards the sky.

 To be the strongest in the world....

 It echoes with dignity.
 Then the sun came out.
 Apparently, the heavens are blessing me early.

 Volfot's perfect circle of eyes widen.
 Eventually, they stared at me hatefully.

'No! I will be the most powerful person in the world!

You're right, Wolfot. Now, let's get this over with.

 Who is the strongest in this Kowloon Cup.

 Volfot let out a howl.
 It spread out to scratch the sky.
 Eventually, he lunges toward me.
 Body twitching, arms twitching, he swings down towards me.


 Creepy fear.
 Cold killing intent.
 Lava-like rage.

 All the emotions were mixed together.

 It felt like everything in Volfot was in there.

 It wouldn't be fun if it wasn't.
 That's good, Volfot.
 Give me all you've got.

 I will beat the best of you, and I will become even stronger.

"Oh. Whoa. Oh. Oh...oh...oh...oh...oh!

 I howled too.
 Activating the magic.
 Furthermore, I flexed my body that was trained with 【Gravity Control】.

 Draw the sword!

 Me and Volfot crossed paths.
 A sharp sound echoes through the main school building.
 I froze, leaving my remaining heart intact.
 In contrast, the demon also didn't move.

 Then there was a cracking sound. It's a familiar sound.
 When I turned around, Volfot was smiling.
 His perfectly round eyes were distorted, showing decapitated teeth.


 The laughter sank into the mountain as it faded away in a small way.
 It was Volfot's last ill-advised attempt.

 A splatter of blood danced in the air.
 The demon's body had been slashed by a kesa.
 Dark blood gushed out like a fountain and sprinkled the area.

 At the same time, Volfot turned his eyes white.
 The giant body collapses.
 It was as if a large tower was collapsing.
 With a heavy sound, the demon finally fell to the ground.

''It's over........''

 My sister's words were the only thing I heard.
 I gave a small shake of my head.

 No, not yet.....

 I turned around.

 I raise my hand and activate the magic.

 [Lightning strike]

 A ray of blue-white light fell.
 It penetrates the object that the main school was guarding.

 Instantly, fireworks go up.
 A large flower spread across the clear sky.
 It was as if they were already blessing us.