131-Episode 120: Sage, Ride on the Plan

 Relivia will be treated by the medical team.
 After confirming that, I turned to the examiners once more.


 The examiners were horrified.
 They took a step or two away from me.

''Hey, hey........''
Oh no...
There's no way I can win.

 Did I show a little too much power?
 The fact that intermediate level magic doesn't work might have been too much.
 I should have dodged that part.

 When I consulted my friends about the content of the exam, Sarasa and Cecil and the others did their best to stop me, but I see how it is.

 Oh dear..... It can't be helped.

 I didn't want to do too much, but I guess I'll have to lower the passing line.

''As you can see now, there's a big difference in ability between you and me. So, I'm going to lower the acceptance line.

 The candidates buzzed again.

 I popped one and tapped him on the shoulder with the belly of my sword.

'If you can make a single sword or spell on me, you'll pass. The person who can be judged to have assisted in this process also passes. That is all.

 The latter is also an important factor for adventurers.
 The overall strength of the party will be tested in order to defeat the large demonic beasts.
 Besides, with the change in the rules, some candidates might want to go one-on-one like Relivia did.

 That won't be a test.

 I'm not looking for an adventurer with tremendous talent to be admitted.
 I want people with talent and then the ability to make cool decisions and analysis to hone their skills in school.

 The truth is, despite all the things I've said, I don't have the authority to decide who gets in or out.
 It is up to the instructors around me who are grading these practical exams to decide.
 I'm just the standard for deciding whether you pass or fail.

"It's a single sword...
I mean, you can guess.
You can do it.
Yeah. If only there were this many of us working together.

 It was the second time the rules had been changed, but apparently the anxiety of the candidates had been allayed.
 The gloomy faces from earlier had been wiped away, and a bright, hopeful expression returned to their faces.
 They were full of motivation.

 Soon, they began to grasp their gains.

 They began to consult with each other.

''Is there a [Blacksmith (Blacksmith)] here? I need you to strengthen my sword.
Are there any [Cleric] who can use enhancement and amplification magic?
I can play the bait. I'm good at playing a shield.
I can use [air interruption]. I can handle the distraction.
The [Mages (wizards)] need to assemble and decide on a formation.

 The candidates I just met today were trying to defeat one demon, Lasell Girrell Stark.

 It looks like we have a pretty straightforward group of people.
 Well, they were candidates who were thinking about joining Chapter 5.
 They must have assembled an excellent group of people in their own right.

 The question is how far they'll be able to bite me with their tacked-on cooperation.

 After a while, the consultation seems to have ended.
 Everything is ready.
 The weapons held by the 【Warrior(Warrior)】 are given the 【Blacksmith】's strengthening magic without fail, and the 【Mages】 form a line behind them.
 [Clergy] and the others stood further behind them and continued to send enhancements.
 [Searcher (Seeker)] and [Scholar (Professor)], behind the [Warrior]. They are deployed as a secondary attack force.


 I wonder if they are mixed in with excellent tacticians.
 Although it is orthodox, it is a reasonable formation.

 Hmm...... No way.

 I had a bit of a bad feeling.
 Because it's too coherent for the examiners.

 It didn't take much time for us to consult.
 It's hard for the people I just met today to make decisions so quickly.
 Perhaps someone is in charge.

 We may have to be a little careful.

'Whenever you're ready, you're ready.

 The candidates each make their final checks.
 Someone's voice echoed through the playground.


 The first to move was the [Mage] unit.
 They unleashed fire attribute magic all at once.
 Intermediate and elementary flames dyed my vision with red lilies.

 I didn't move a single step.

 Because I don't need to dodge.
 And the examiners are fully aware of this.
 I'm going to be the one to cut off my vision.

 We're going to land--

 Of course I'm unharmed.
 With a slight wave of my hand, I extinguish the flames that are spreading.

 And then a shield appears.

 The steel shield comes straight at me.

 A shield bash, huh?
 You can't hit a single sword, but you can't take it.

 I ducked to the right for now.

 At that moment, a spear comes out of the shadow of the shield.
 They rushed at me.

 Good coordination.....

 I grinned and dealt with it calmly.
 Of course, it was a readable plot.

 I pop all the spears together.
 As soon as he saw me stiffen for a moment, the one who jumped out was [Scholar].
 Like Sarasa, he attacked me with a bow.
 I played that easily too, but I feel another intention.

 My premonition was right.

 A knife suddenly appears from the side.
 The [Searcher] was closing the distance between me and the searcher with [Air Interception].

''Hm........ You're good.

 I'll play that too.
 The examiners were frightened, but only for a short time.
 Then 【Blacksmith】 and 【Warriors】 joined them and it became a melee.
 The [Mages] and the [Mages] continued their long-range attacks, and the [Clerics] continued to reinforce them.
 I repeated the wave attacks.

 I manage to handle them.
 While receiving the attacks that surge like a true wave, I think.

''It's strange........ The attacks suddenly became monotonous.

 The first strike was quite good, but the subsequent moves were too easy to understand.
 It could have been that the coordination hadn't matured.
 But to me, it looked like the candidates were up to something.

 Shall I go along with that scheme?

 I'll pay off my sword.
 With the sword pressure alone, I blow away the surrounding examiners.
 I further harden my fists.
 With a large swing, I stabbed it straight into the ground.


 The floor of the magic silver (mithril) shattered loudly with a loud sound.
 Along with the debris, the candidates were lifted up by the impact.
 At the same time, it would create many blind spots for me.

'Well, I've created the opportunity for you. Come on out...


 A moment later, I hear the sound of stepping through the rubble.
 It probably flew in time with the moment I broke the ground.

 I turn around.

 Raising my sword, there was a [Warrior] who was rapidly approaching.
 He has slimmed down a lot, but the scar on his nose is the same as it was back then as a child.

''Prepare yourself, Lacelle!

 We grinned at the same time.