16-Episode 15 Level Junkie

First one! That should be enough to keep us fed for a while.

''With Taro-san's 'Interdimensional Warehouse,' we won't have to let it rot for nothing.

 We boarded a small sand drift boat and arrived inside the sandworm's nest, a mass habitat for sand scorpions.
 First, Larabell-san, who hadn't partied with me and jumped briskly off the ship, swung his sword and cut down one sand scorpion.
 The movement of his sword was invisible to me, and I was just amazed at how fast he was.

''I couldn't see the movement of the sword. Larabell-san is amazing.''

 It's a beautiful thing when a beautiful woman wields a sword.
 And it's a daring strength.
 Without a doubt, she's stronger than Major Thunder.
 She would be incomparable to me and others.

 The Sand Scorpion that she cut down was put away by me in the 'Interdimensional Warehouse' to be used as food.
 Up until now, she had let most of her body rot because it was difficult to store, but from now on, she should be able to use the food efficiently.
 The same was true for the divine coins, and the bag contained 50,000 druk.
 It's quite a lot of money, but it's true that we don't spend money when we're here.
 So it's just accumulating.

Then let's start leveling. "Party.


 The three of us are now a party and start leveling as soon as possible.


"'Ice Lance'!

 The two of them had already fully mastered how to hunt the Sand Scorpion efficiently.
 Lalabell-san continued to move at high speed to keep her feet from sinking into the sand, slashing down the Sand Scorpions one after another as if they were dancing.
 Mew-san, who remained on the ship, magically created a large number of ice spears and dropped them over the Sand Scorpion's head to take it down with one swift blow.
 Since he partied with me, the dead Sand Scorpions disappear one by one.
 The divine coins didn't fall down either, which was exactly the same as before.

''Really, the sand beasts that I defeated will disappear, won't they?

It's amazing to see it in person.

I'm sorry I didn't get it.

 I felt bad for both of them because it was completely free work.
 I felt the same way with Major Sander, which is why I was not good at leveling.
 I felt sorry because I'm a very Japanese little citizen.

'I'll level up, so it shouldn't be a problem,'

'If you get the body and shell of a sand scorpion, you won't be able to go sell it. I don't need it.

It's rather easy to take them down since they're gone.

Normally, those sand scorpions we beat would have to move out of the way.

 The two of them were very pleased with the increased efficiency of their defeat.
 Could it be that they were finding joy in improving their levels?
 What is this so-called level junkie thing?

 There was a colleague at work who found pleasure in saving money as a hobby and in increasing the numbers in his bank book, but maybe the two of them enjoyed increasing their levels.
 You only need enough food to eat, and no matter how much divine coins you save, you don't need so much because you can't shop when you're in an oasis.

''Keep coming!''

Mr. Tullow, please stand back and keep us safe.

''Yes. (Even if you ask me to protect you........you two are far stronger than me....

 Nevertheless, there was no guarantee that I would be useful in battle even if I went forward now, and as Mew told me, I would end the day's activities by watching the massacre of the Sand Scorpion in the name of defeating the two of them until the evening.