143 Episode 142: Snowstorm

"Kuh-uh, kuh-uh.
Doesn't it look like I'm saying something...?
Probably saying, 'How did you get this far, brave man and dog?'
Is that so...?

 Anna is calmly observing the demon - since that's what she says, she may be surprisingly on target.

''Bawp, bawp!''
'Lord of the Island, if you disobey my master, you will be hurt.'
Yeah, that's what you might say, but won't that be taken as a threat to your business?

 The giant penguin and the big dog - neither of them may have a theatrical tone when translating their cries, but what they're saying seems to be mostly correct.

 The evidence of this is that Zion and Penguin - or is it treasure wings, if you follow the license display - are in a state of flux. It seems that a fight is inevitable.

''--Everyone, come on!

 Current Situation
 Treasured Wings that Dance on the Snowfield activates Silver World → Terrain effect changes to Frozen Earth.

 The giant penguin jumps up in a small leap and lands on its feet, spreading its wings horizontally with great vigor.

''Brother........the penguin is freezing from underneath its feet.......!

 From the environment of this island, I thought it was a demon that prefers a warm climate - but that expectation was completely betrayed.

 The feathers covering the body of "Coralpigo's" "named" "Treasure Wings Dancing in the Snow Field" were designed to respond to the environmental changes when it activated its abilities.

''Bawp, bawp!''

 Zion seems to be resistant to cold weather, but the cold air emitted from the penguins is starting to lower the ambient temperature and everyone's breath is starting to turn white - if they don't, they'll lose their body heat and their body movements will slow down.

''It seems we have no choice but to settle this matter in a short time...''
'Or you can stick around until everyone else is here. They're on a higher level and 'named' they're 'named' they can be deadly with just one hit.
The only thing that can be said for this is that even though he looks like that, his beak is sharp, so you have to stand around and make sure you don't hit him properly.

 I have some understanding of Maple and Anna's fighting style - the problem is that even if you try to get close, the ground around you is changing to 'frozen earth', so if you run in, you could get your footing.

''Kueh, kueh.......''

 The 'Treasure Wings' that cries low as if to provoke you - once you form this field, it's just like saying that it's ours.


 Current Situation

 Theon" activates "Heat Claw".

 Sion activates the power of the Fireboxstone attached to the Insect Repellent Anklet at his own discretion - and then the frozen ground beneath Sion's feet melts and steam rises.

(--Does it work, Theon...!

 Even with just a lookout, Sion was aware of my intentions - I'll make the first move while my opponent is still showing some room. If it's difficult, I'll consider retreating, but I want to do what I can.

''--Michael, get on Theon!
I understand...

 Sion runs without slipping on the frozen soil, and with Maple on his back, he runs straight into the 'Treasure Wing' - the enemy's reaction, who didn't anticipate his speed, is delayed, and Maple, in the meantime, readies himself and grabs his wooden sword.

 I readied my sling and tried a new magic stone - the 'manipulation stone' that I had just installed.

''--Yaah! I'm going to save mine and eat it!
'Chain support' ... 'front line'!

 Current Situation
 Theon activates the Battle Howl and Hound's Gallop → the vanguard's attack power increases.
 The maple tree invokes the call.
 Aricht activates 'Support Linkage 1' and 'Support Attack 2: Force Shoot Dolls'.
 Theon activates Heat Claw and hits Treasure Wings on the Snowfield.
 The maple activates the Shippourai Knife.
 Support Attack 2' occurs twice → accumulate the operation value of 'Wings of Treasure in the Snowfield'.
 The linked move "Red Hot Lightning" hits the "Wings of Treasure in the Snow Field".


 The first move was beautifully coordinated - at the same time as Sion ran through while unleashing his claws, the mounted maple shot the wooden sword with unstoppable speed.

 It seems that the 'control stone' is something that is effective by hitting it repeatedly rather than in a single blow. Then the power of the 'force shot' is only added, and its power is lower than 'support attack 1' - after all, the power of the sling is lower than Murakumo's attack, and it lacks decisiveness.

''--Anna, we're going to push in again too!
Okay....here we go!

 Anna tossed the ball and swung a racket modified with the material of 'Thunderhead' - perhaps activating a special ability, the racket seemed to be covered in lightning when she swung it.

''Support Linkage (Chain Support), Rear Guard (Rear Line)!''

 Current Situation

 Aricht activates 'Support Linkage 1' and 'Support Attack 2: Force Shoot Stun'.
 Anna activates Thunder Shot and hits the Wings of Treasure in the Snowfield.
 Arihito activates Force Shoot Stun and hits the Wings of Treasure in the Snow Field.
 Activate the coordinated move, "Force Thunder" → "Wings of Treasure" hits the snow field.


 Anna puts her response into words. The special attack by her racket is not only a lightning-attribute blow, but also has the additional effect of electric shock - a very useful means of attack in safely defeating the enemy.

''Brother, one more time like this...!
"--Wait, maple! We need to get some distance between us for once!

 Some of the feathers covering the body of Treasure Wings stand up in reverse and change color to blue - they are suddenly cornered and have recognized that we are an enemy that should not be caught off guard.

 The feathers that changed to blue now begin to turn white in places - the moisture in the atmosphere freezes and covers the entire body of the 'Treasure Wing' like armor.


 When you remember the evil signs, there is only one decision you can take - 'take all the safe measures you can'.

(Just in time........!)

 Current Situation
 Treasure Wing activates Snow-covered Banner.
 Zion" activates "Back Step".
 Aricht activates Backstand → Target: Theon
 Treasure Wing activates Frozen Pain.

 ''Treasure Wings'' chirped high, and the air around the area felt tense - immediately after that, ice flew out of the frozen ground one after another.

''........Brother Arihito, are you alright!
Oh, it's okay........the enemy used the frozen ground to attack us.......we're at a disadvantage fighting on the frozen part of the ground........

 As soon as he could, he held Anna, who was nearby, and used 'Backstand' - and then went behind Sion, who was out of the enemy's attack range.

 A moment's delay would not have been justified by the icy spikes sticking out of the ground. It wasn't so much that he would be skewered, but if he was injured in his leg, he wouldn't be able to fight.

''A, Arihito it's okay now, the rest is on your own........''
'Oh, everyone stay out of range of the enemy's attack! I'll check on him!
Brother, oh no! If you leave me alone...!
'As you can see, if it comes down to it, I'm capable of emergency evasion... and with this scaffolding, we'll have to aim from a distance!

 I start to run - bypassing the unfrozen part of the road and going around the side of the 'treasure wing' behind the ice spikes.

(Should I run away rather than continue to fight... no, everyone's presence is getting closer. In the meantime, I'll check his hand...!


 Current Situation
 Aricht loads the Darkness Bullet into the magic gun.
 Attack of the "Arithito
 Takarazuka Tsubasa activates Winged Parry → Darkness Bullet cannot be nullified.
 The Wings of Treasure in the Snowfield is hit. Weak point attack.


 The 'Treasure Wings' with its wings sharply swung out, but it seems that the technique could only prevent physical attacks. The bullets from the magic gun are not physical attacks, but magical attacks - that's why they couldn't be nullified, or maybe that's why they were electrocuted and their movements were slowed down.

 If me and Anna take turns attacking it while giving it an electric shock state, we can maintain the advantageous situation. If Igarashi-san joins us, we can also exploit the weaknesses in 'Lightning Rage'.

(But........maybe it's because it's an attack that wasn't what we expected, but you seem to be upset about something.......no, this isn't the time to be thinking naively.......!

 Even if the enemy is covered with ice spines all over the surface, there must be a way for them to attack us - their bellies are covered with ice armor, so they could slide over like a sled, and so on. However, it doesn't move as you can imagine, which is the tricky thing about the demons of the labyrinth country.


 The breath leaking from the beak sounded like a whistle, probably because it was being electrocuted. However, it remained unguardedly hostile to us - and that was the moment when the sound of the beak sounded high and clear.

 ◆Current Situation ◆
 Treasure Wing activates Snow Powder to destroy Ice Spikes.
 Ice Sculpture" is activated by "Wings of Treasure in the Snow Field" → "Ice Bird Warrior" summons 3 "Ice Bird Archer" summons 3 "Ice Bird Archer".


 The spikes of ice shattered in an instant, turning into powdery snow and closing off their vision. The snow then turned into a shape similar to 'Coral Pigo' and formed a line in front of the 'Treasure Wings'.

 ◆The Demon Encountered ◆
 Three "Ice Statue Bird Warriors", level 6, in combat, dropped: ?
 The Ice Bird Archer, 3 pieces, level 6, in combat, dropped: ?

(Three in the vanguard, three in the middle row.......and the 'treasure wings' in the back row. There's no doubt about it, they're in a formation...!

 A technique of the same quality as the "Create Golem" used by the "Merciless Decapitation" - an ability that you can create by yourself, even without the presence of crony demons. After using it, they form a formation just like the searchers - the enemy also understands the effectiveness of forming a formation.

"Oh no, brother........!

 Current Situation

 Zion activates Covering → Target: "Aricht
 The three "Ice Bird Warriors" activate the "Jet Toboggan".
 Theon activates the Tail Counter → Two Ice Statue Bird Soldiers are hit. Cancel the action.
 Aricht activates 'Support and Defense 1' → Target: Theon
 The Ice Bird Warrior C's Jet Toboggan hits Theon.


 The 'Pigo' made of snow slides with its belly on the ground and rushes in - only the last one, which is off-timed, scrapes through Sion's counter and collides with it. 


 Current Situation

 Aricht activates 'Support Attack 1'.
 Theon activates Heat Claw and hits the Ice Bird Warrior C. It has a weakness of 10 damage.
 Defeat one "Ice Statue Bird Soldier".

 Sion landed while being bounced off, and immediately pounced on him with his claws red-hot, and cleaved off - the effect was immense against the ice statue, and it melted and tore through him.

Are you all right, Theon...

 Sion's body is covered in abrasions, but while confronting him, 'Supportive Recovery 1' is activated and heals - but it's still not a complete recovery.


 While the remaining two of the vanguard are out of position, the three in the middle guard hold their bows - arrows are generated by magic, and the ice arrows aim at me and Sion.

''--Brother, we too........!
I'm coming with you....

 The ice spines have been crushed, allowing Kaede to attack - whereupon Anna also breathes and tosses the ball.

'Kaede, Anna, 'support'!

 Current Situation
 Arihito activates 'Support Link 1' and 'Support Attack 2' → Support: 'Force Shoot Bounce'.
 The maple tree triggers a shouting match.
 The maple invokes the Ichinotai Sword and hits the Ice Bird Archer A.
 Anna activates Thunder Shot and hits the Ice Bird Archer B.
 Connected Move "Fast Thunder" → Three "Ice Bird Archers" are hit.
 Support Attack 2" occurs twice, hitting 3 "Ice Bird Archers" and "Wings of Treasure in the Snowfield".

What the hell...?

 Thanks to Kaede and Anna, the firing of the arrows by the bird archers was blocked - but only the heat claw was able to provide a decisive strike, and the treasured wings tried to counterattack Kaede, who was cutting into them.


 Current Situation
 Arihito requests temporary support from Ariadne, the god of the machine, →Target: maple tree
 Ariadne activates Guard Arm.
 Takarazuka Tsubasa activates the Flipper Edge.

 The arm of the machine that appeared in front of the maple tree, received a blow from the sharp wings of the "Treasure Wings" - the flipper, and the two sides are fighting each other.

What is this, what's this... my arm is protecting me, like a robot...
Did Ariecht...?
Yeah, he's on our side...

 With Ariadne's power, we get a chance to re-partition - Maple retreats once, and 'Treasure Wings' pushes the 'Guard Arm' away, but he can't follow up and breathes on his shoulder.

''Nah, what's the matter, it seems like I'm tired... can I push through this...?''

 As if to deny the words of the maple, the 'Treasure Wings' cries out - and five ice statues line up in front of the 'Treasure Wings'.

 ◆Current Situation ◆

 Treasure Wing activates Deadly Wing formation.

Don't..........that was.......!

 Current Situation

 Anna activates the War Council's Eye of the Spot → Prediction of Treasure Wings' next action: very dangerous

 Along with Anna's warning, I also sensed - the 'Treasure Wings' are about to abandon their defenses and launch some kind of attack in order to ensure that we are killed.

 Even if their appearance and gestures are different from other demons and give them a sense of humanity, demons are still demons. They won't stop at any means to defeat the searchers.

(Even if........what is this feeling.......)

 Can I really take him down? Sion was wounded and now, while still facing the unknown attack, hesitation arises.

 The 'Coral Pigo' seen in the breeding ground. The 'named' found on this island, no longer seen, and the 'named'
--Kindred is not seen on this island, and they summoned their companions through the snow as a medium.

 Originally, he was living with the 'Coral Pigo', wasn't he? If that was the case, he was on this island, separated from his own people for some reason.

''--You can't go to your friends! We can take you there!

 The 'Treasure Wing' cries out in a small voice, as if it has already made up its mind. Along with the five ice statues, he himself is covered by the ice - and turns into a giant bird.

''Brother, no! If they charge into it like that, everyone will be killed...!

 The maple shouts - it's not a good idea for the 'rear guard' to rush in, but this is the only way to stop that attack. I'm going to be able to turn back with a "backstand" - but if I can't cancel it with that, I'll allow the ice bird's assault to engulf a very wide area.

 After all, I'm keenly aware of the fact that it's only a 'rearguard' if everyone is there. If only we could buy a little more time - but there was no time left to formulate an alternative tactic.