144 Episode 143: Warm rain

Rear-end man!

 Just before activating "Backstand", I did indeed hear - her voice.

 ◆Current Situation ◆

 Kyoka activates Thunderbolt and hits the Wings of Treasure in the Snowfield.
 Teresia activates Axel Dash.

 From the forest behind us, Igarashi-san and Theresia fly out of the forest - Igarashi-san's 'Thunderbolt' runs through space and is showered on the 'Treasure Wings' that are turning into a giant ice bird.

 The 'electric shock' delays the completion of the ice bird for a moment - but that moment created a reprieve for the next attack.

'That's the one with the name 'Coral Pigo'.......we can stop that one.......!

 Igarashi-san grasped the situation without saying anything - but the moisture in the air froze again, and the bird-shaped ice blocks grew larger and larger.

''--Atobe-san, guys!
Hey, you!

 Ryoko and Ibuki arrived there. Theresia is closing the gap between them while going around.

 The side that Ryoko-san came from is close to the river - that means she can use 'that skill'.

''--Ryoko-san, please shoot 'Aquadolphin' on that guy!
What the hell...!

 And the instructions are conveyed to Theresia in a way that I can understand - I believe they are conveyed. Just before launching an attack, she activates her morale release and aims for a coordinated technique.

''-- 'Support Linkage (Chain Support)'... 'Magic Originating Linkage (Magic Cross)'!

 Current Situation
 Theresa activates Triple Steel and all members of the party have the Triple Steal effect.
 Aricht activates 'Other Assist'.
 Aricht activates 'Support Linkage 1' and 'Support Attack 2: Force Shoot Dolls'.
 Ryoko activates the Aquadolphin and hits the Wings of Treasure in the Snow Field.
 Theresa activates Azure Slash and hits the Wings of Treasure in the Snowfield.
 Azure Dolphin" → "Warm Rain" will occur. "Ice Armor" of "Wings of Treasure in the Snowfield" will be released.
 Defeat two "Ice Bird Warriors".
 Defeat the three "Ice Bird Archers".
 Support Attacks 2" occurs twice → Accumulate the value of "Wings of Treasure in the Snow Field" to attempt to use it.
 The health and magic of Teresia and Alito are restored.


 After the water dolphin created by Ryoko-san from the river water hit the 'Treasure Wing', Theresia activated the power of the 'Blue Flame Stone' and swung out a blue-white glowing shortsword. The amount of heat turned the water dolphin into a rain of warm water in an instant.

 The one who jumps into it - Ibuki. The fist is slammed into the ice armor that still covers the body of 'Treasure Wing'.


 Current Situation

 Ibuki activates Rocksmashing → Hit the Wings of Treasure in the Snow Field. Part of the damage is absorbed. Ice Armor is completely released.

 All the ice covering his body shattered - 'Treasure Wings' took a step or two backwards, poking at his buttocks and not moving.

''Kuh, kueh........''

 The "Treasure Wing" had a final fighting spirit in its dull eyes, but it was unable to stand up. And then, as if admitting defeat, she nodded and stopped moving.

''Hah, hah.......Se-Sensei.......I.......''
'Yeah well thank you for coming. You all but can't wait to put a stop to it.

 The steam from Theresia and Ryoko's coordinated techniques still filled the area. Everyone has become soaked, but now is not the time to worry about it.

''Huh........oh, big penguin.......!
'Thank goodness you're all safe. I'm sorry for the delay in getting there.
You're so good, Aricht you're in complete command despite the change in members.

 Misaki, Suzuna, and Elitia also came over, and everyone who had transitioned - 'Support Recovery 1' was activated once again on Sion in front of me, and the wounds healed even more. After stroking Sion's head as she licked my hand with a perop, I approached the 'treasure wings'.

''Ah, Rear-kun.......is it safe to approach?''
''Yes........I was testing the performance of the 'manipulation stone' in the current battle. You have to apply it many times, and I don't think it works on everyone, but it seems to be able to negotiate with this demon to 'manipulate'... or rather, use it.
Well, is it possible to do something like that, like a magician.......that's a normal thing to do?

 I think 'Demon Master' is a profession where you always fight with demons, but there aren't many reincarnated people who would choose that all of a sudden.

 We've already captured "Demi-harpy" and other demons and made them our friends. As long as the conditions are met, it would be possible for any party to bring a demon into the fold.

''Well guys, did you find any other demons while walking around this island?''
'Come to think of it I hadn't seen you at all before you came here.
'We didn't see it either, it was pretty far away from us, so it was hard to get here, but...'
Here, here, too. Didn't you teachers see anything else but this monster?

 Igarashi, Misaki, and Ibuki each answer - they were dispersed to four different locations on the island and didn't see a single one before they came here. It is unlikely that any demons other than the 'Treasure Wings' are on this island.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that for some reason, this 'named' is the only one to appear on this island, and the island where our lodgings are located has only 'Coralpigeon' in it. So I think that's why 'named' was no longer seen on the island over there.
'The guild didn't know that there was an island across the sea... if that's what you mean, it's a reliable theory.

 Elitia also approaches 'Treasure Wings' - I can see that 'Treasure Wings' is trembling, as if she is aware of the power of the sword she has.

''That........if I can. I don't want to defeat this demon, I want to take it out of here. I'd like to let them meet my friends........
.........Brother, you were thinking that far into the fight. We were already thinking that if we didn't kill him, he'd get us killed...
'I ... wasn't able to keep my cool either. I wanted to show Arihit the power of my new racket...
''No, we couldn't use the power of the 'control stone' without fighting... and this 'named' also recognized us as the enemy. Regardless of the circumstances of this 'named', we're in this situation now because of everyone's hard work.

 I didn't expect to be able to capture or join them easily either, so I'll correct that. It wasn't an opponent that could be that dexterous and tame, and I had chosen an attack that seemed as effective as possible.

 In fact, the 'Treasure Wings' are not shallowly wounded. So whether they will listen to us or not is a bad bet for the minute - it's not surprising that people think they can't listen to us.

"...you're going to have to come with us. We'll get you to where your friends are, one way or another. You'll have to stay quiet after that, though.

 I opened my eyes a little bit and the Wings of Treasure stared at me. I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it work for you.


 Current Situation

 The hostility of "Wings of Treasure in the Snowfield" disappears.

.........Did she just reply to me........?
Well, I guess so...
'If that's the case, I've got a lot of scars to heal! Your feathers are getting fluffy all over the place!
'Demons sometimes don't have the right potions, so we need to get them back to the island where they came from and heal them quickly...'

 Treating an opponent who had been fighting to the death until now. Even though that was the case, the people in Four Seasons didn't complain - Maple seemed to be turning back and wiping her eyes, and the other three were also in tears.

 It's not just about fighting and defeating demons, it's okay to do this. I attempt to use 'Other Assist' to recover the strength of 'Treasure Wings'.

''Huh... oops... wow, sorry, Theresia. Looks like I used too much magic power.
I wish you could feed him a lot of "Kichi no Ringo".......I saw a few of them growing just now.
Oh, really?

 I heard that they rushed over here because they didn't have time to pick apples, but everyone had found their own fruit-bearing trees - and they're going to get them while I recover my "treasure wings".

 Current Situation◆

 Get a copy of Goryoku no Walnut
 Acquisition of two "resourcefulness apples".
 Acquire a copy of the Grapes of Agility
 Acquire two "freezing stones".
 Acquire one "snow crystal".
 Acquisition of one "White Hair of Treasure Wings".

 ◆ ◆ ◆

 I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot more information on this topic.

 I'm not sure if it's because of the fact that I've been in the same situation as you.

 It was fortunate that he didn't have to dive underwater or use the combination of 'Fortune Roll' and 'Moon Reading'. There was a way to use the 'Scroll of Return', but it was also the fact that I wanted to find a way to return without relying on the scroll somehow.

 When I returned, the guild staff was still awake and stunned by the sight of the "Wings of Treasure" first, but when I explained the situation, they led me to the "Coral Pigeon" breeding ground.

As I told you when you came to lunch, in order for you to make him listen to you, you need this White Hair of the Winged Pogo," he said. I didn't expect you to go and get it today...
And since they brought this 'named' back with them, the entire staff almost had to sit through it. I'm amazed at the appearance of these 'rookies'........

 The woman on the guild staff was very impressed. She was the same age as Louisa who rushed over, so they exchanged greetings when they saw each other.

''So, how did you encounter 'Treasure Wings'...'''

 Thinking about the guild staff on this island, I need to explain to them about the 'Treasure Wings' since a 'named' might appear on this side of the island this time.

 That's what I thought - the woman on the staff raised a finger and laughed.

''To the searchers, such information is as important as a treasure. The guild will not ask for it unconditionally. It is our policy to ask you to provide us with any information that may lead to the 'Stampede'.
''Well I see. It's like you're leaving with some kind of secret, and I'm not sure that's a good thing.
''If you ever come to this 'Small Island of Illusion' again, why don't you continue your search... No, this is essentially a 'retreat center', so you shouldn't say that.

 The staff woman said that and opened the door to the 'Coral Pigo' breeding ground.

Yeah, you can go.

 When I called out to 'Treasure Wings', I walked slowly with my big body - I almost grabbed at the entrance, but I barely managed to get through.


 I could hear the cries of the "Coral Pigo" birds from inside the breeding ground. It was a cry of surprise and joy, which even I, who don't understand the language of birds, could understand.

 Puzzled, the Winged Owl looks at the coral pigeons that surround and cohabitate him. It was as if the parent birds were playing with their children, and it was as if the 'Coral Pigo's' were rejoicing at the reunion with their stray friends.

"Whaaaa.......look at that, brother, from the big penguin's eyes, something like a jewel.......!
"The tears of 'Treasure Wings Dancing on Snowfields' turn into a gem called 'Snowdrop'. I hear it's a very rare thing to see them shed...
Well it's a good thing you brought him home. Stay here and be good to your friends.
'Yes I do. I'm sure you'll be happy here.

 Igarashi-san looked a little disappointed, but he turned away from the group of 'Treasure Wings' and 'Pigo' instead of approaching them.

''It's going to be tough with the big ones coming in all of a sudden, but if there's anything we can do to help, we'll help.
''No, it's part of the guild's business.......oh?

 When I was about to leave the place after asking for the rest - 'Treasure Wings' walked towards us.

''Kueh, kueh.''
.... does that mean you want to follow me?

 Wouldn't it be lonely to say that he finally met his friends and they were following him? That's what I thought, but it seems that 'Treasure Wing''s feelings are firm.

''If you recognize Atobe-sama as your master, if it's possible, I think it would be possible for you to keep him at the ranch that Atobe-sama has contracted with.
But will you be okay with being away from your people?
If that's the case.......then Atobe-sama who has the 'White Hair of the Treasure Wing' can keep the 'Coral Pigo'.

 But then, this time, I'd have to separate 'Coral Pigo' from the herd - or so I thought.


 The two 'Coral Pigo' come over here after the 'Treasure Wings'. They turned back to the flock and waved their wings like a hand.

''Well these kids really amaze me sometimes, they're companionable and clever in their own way.''
'Well ... yes. I wouldn't miss going to the ranch if I had some company, would I?

 Treasure Wings chirped happily - and Pigo and the others jumped into the feathers of Treasure Wings and climbed on top of its head.

'From today, the three of us will live together. We've got other friends, but try not to fight with each other.

 Treasure Wings" is completely healthy and is listening to me very well. If this is the case, there won't be any problem leaving it at the Demon Farm.

Sigh. I'm the worst at this kind of thing. I get so sick of it that I start crying like I have hay fever, don't I?
Are you all right...? The staff will laugh at you if you cry so much?

 Not only Misaki, but everyone is crying in tears - if we had defeated 'Treasure Wings' like that, we wouldn't have been able to see this kind of scene.

 After everyone has calmed down a bit, Louisa-san comes over here. She seemed to be refreshed enough, but her eyes were still a little red.

''Atobe-sama, everyone, thank you for your hard work. For not being able to accompany you, I wish I could express my appreciation for your daily work in some way...''
Thank you. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting as well.
'I thought that Lord Atobe would be fine, but I also wanted to have a shield that could be used in any environment. I was unable to be of any help at a time like this...
'It took us a while to meet up with Arihit, so we still don't really know what happened. Can you tell me, Alihit?
''Ah. As soon as I was sent away, I ran into 'Treasure Wings', so I fought with Theon, Kaede, and Anna who were sent away with me...

 I decided to talk to the waiting members about the battle with the Treasure Wing, as well as the transferable device at the bottom of the spring.

 We head to the waterfront cottage that doubles as a dining room for the large number of people who have come to the sanatorium at one time. From the lighted cottage, Madoka and Adeline came out to meet me.