52 Chapter Fifty   Resolution

 Drawing a mark on your highness' body - I don't have any artistic ability, but since I use paint that reacts to magic power, if the accuracy of manipulating magic power is high, I can draw a figure as I want.

 Even if you can't perform the actual skill of summoning spirits, training in magic power manipulation is one of the basic lessons. There was a class where students would paint a sheet of paper with paint that reacted to magic power, and by precisely manipulating their own magic power, they would cause interference all at once to create a diagram for the task.

 No matter how well they did with that, the 'outlier' students were not evaluated. In any case, if you can't be taken up as a mage, none of the specialized classes you're taking now as a mage will be of any use - even if you can use it in your daily life, the teachers don't think it's worth it.

'...... glass ...... a little ......'
"I'm sorry, Your Highness,

 His Highness, who seemed to be asleep with his eyes closed, raised his hand slightly. It couldn't be helped, it was extremely difficult for him to remain slightly motionless even when I was having the mark drawn.

 Sven had been chosen by the Stone Spirit and was terrifyingly calm and composed, and he was not at all bothered by having his mark drawn. However, no matter how calm His Highness seemed to be, it didn't mean that he was unfazed by anything.

 But rather than taking his time, it was better to calculate that he would move a little and draw it all at once. From this point on, I'm going to be mindless and just try to finish it - there's still a whole side of the back to go.

 There's no need to draw in the face, just draw in the neck. As far as moving up to the divine tree, it will be hidden by the clothes, so it won't surprise the people around it.

'...... That's the end of the upper body. Now, may I ask you to lie on your face?
All right. Glass, aren't you tired?
'No, I'm still fine. Thank you for your concern.
You've been moving around a lot since you got here, and I know you're tired. You mustn't take it too far. ...... No, you mustn't take it too far. The entire fortress is exhausted, and we need to break the situation as soon as possible. ......

 Even in this situation, His Highness is thinking about the war. What kind of move will she make as she predicts that Zirconia will attack again?

 While drawing marks on my back, I think - the only way to change the situation where Zirconia is attacking us one-sidedly is to go on the offensive from us.

 The enemy can cross the river from anywhere, using their warships. This fortress, which faces the canal, is not inherently suitable for defense. It would be nice if the enemy would be in a situation where they had to turn their backs on the water, but the enemy knows that's why they didn't land close to the fortress, but instead split up to the east and west.

(...... They aren't even allowed to follow the retreating enemy forces and hit their bases. That would be like saying wait until this stronghold falls one day. (Otherwise, without the opportunity to interact with Zirconia, the situation won't get better until the enemy wears down and gives up).

 His Highness would know all the things I would consider.

'...... Glass. I'm sorry to burden you so much, but may I order you to attend the military council meeting tomorrow morning?
I'm sure the other generals will wonder if I, as a ...... military doctor, will be on the military council .......
Raquel, Presha, Deite ...... and the other captains who were on the sortie today know that you used your magic on the battlefield. The siege tower that was approaching from the west side of the fortress fell before we could attack it. When I received that report, I thought it was to your credit that you could use magic. ...... Isn't it?

 His Highness says, as if she had a view of everything around the battlefield fortress.

 She puts her chin on the pillow on the bed and holds her arm out behind her. I replied as I drew the continuation of the spirit guide seal that wasn't drawn on the back of her arm.

'His Highness ...... has never incorporated a mage into his command before. Still, can you sense the flow of magic power on the ...... battlefield that you have determined I did?
'Yes. If there is a mage on the battlefield, I can feel it firsthand ...... and it once got me out of a crisis. But I was convinced you used magic because I had seen your magic once. You used it when you were stalling the goblins.
'Oh, I'm sorry ...... that His Highness could see the magic of that time, I just thought you were completely unaware of it.

 His Highness seemed to smile faintly. I felt more and more ashamed of my shallowness.

'I knew that you had used your magic to protect the people of my realm. But I didn't want to give you too much credit: ......
...... Does that mean there is still a question of succession to the throne, as has been rumored in King's Landing, after all?
When I received the report from ...... Presha, I was concerned that you had found out about it as well. But I guess that was unfounded. I apologize for doubting you, even for a moment.

 His Highness Astina didn't say, 'The Second Queen is trying to bring her down.

 She knows all this and still wants to avoid making an enemy of His Majesty the King and the Second Queen.

 There could be many reasons for this. But if there is the biggest one--''

''If I may be so presumptuous as to ask you, may I ask you? What does the First Queen think of the current situation?
...... She has stayed out of the fray and has kept her distance on matters of succession to the throne. Originally, she had no intention of fighting. She is still recuperating quietly in one of the royal family's vacation homes.

 His Highness answered questions that could be considered rude, without being offended.

 The First Queen distanced herself from the struggle for the throne. However, the Second Queen's side is conspiring to make her son, the Second Prince, king.

 Perhaps that means that the man His Majesty considers worthy to succeed to the throne is not the second prince - understandably, the second prince is only a 10-year-old boy. If he succeeds to the throne in the near future, he will still have a regent in place.

 As we talk, the spirit guide seal is nearing completion. I drew a mark in the center of His Highness' back that resembled the sun - the moon on the tanden and the sun on his back. By drawing the paired patterns on the front and back of the body, the seal expresses the connection between the elements that make up this world.

'Thank you for your efforts, Your Highness. Now that the mark is complete--

 I was about to say that.

 His Highness' hand, which had his back to me, moves and grabs my wrist. It's not a strong force, but it's not easy to shake off.

 His Highness saves his back and says, revealing a pattern on his half of his body that only mages can see, as if he is surrounded by light.

''With your coming, Glass ...... this fortress, our Order is about to change. I never imagined that this would happen either. I wondered if you, sent to me at the behest of the Second Queen, would even really work as a military doctor.

 There is still something I must tell you during this night. The thought was evident in His Highness's tone of voice.

 --I also have something to say. How was I seen as a person to the Academy of Magic and to this kingdom?

''...... I was found by the Second Queen because I was an 'outlier' mage. It's frustrating, but I was deemed useless and sent here ...... as a token court mage to pull His Highness's leg.

 I'm sure His Highness felt the same way. Until I actually started working as an army doctor.

''But I don't want to end up just a formality. I want to be a person who is truly worthy of being a court mage ...... because I've always wanted to be one.
If you're ....... Glass ...... with me and fight. I've been told to stay away from this thing called magic, and it might be a bugger to trust a mage after all this time ...... but ......

 His Highness has his doubts. Is it okay to expect too much from me when I'm still new here?

 -- If I can get rid of that uncertainty, I'll do whatever it takes. I may not be able to squeeze this hand back now, but I can put my resolve into words.