53 Episode 51: Round Table Again

 When I was in the academy, I would never have been able to say something like this. ''Trust in my magic,'' and so on.

 Entering the western territory and experiencing the atmosphere of the battlefield, even if it was in the rear, confirmed that my magic was not of no use in battle.

 Of course, it's not at all comparable to a battle mage who can change the battle situation in an instant. But even if it can't destroy on a large scale, as long as it's used in the right place, even the smallest amount of power can be effective.

''I will do whatever it takes to end this battle. Let me work not only as a military doctor, but also as a mage when needed. I will certainly be of service to your highness.

 His Highness's eyes are tinged with sorrow. I can sense the hesitation still lingering in his eyes at drawing me into the battlefield.

 I show my will by not looking away. I haven't squeezed my courage to hide my cowardice, I'm not afraid.

 If I'm afraid, it's that I'll end up doing nothing, thinking that I might have been of some use.

'Thank you for ......, Glass. Your resolve has been conveyed.
"Whaaaaat ......, then, Your Highness... ......

 His Highness looked back at me, pulling the sheets up to his chest, as if he was aware that his back was turned.

'I need your help. I'll reveal the reason why I have to do so at tomorrow's military council meeting. I'll have a seat reserved for you, and you'll come with your assistant.
'Yes, yes ...... I understand. Your Highness, you can find out more about 'his' situation at .......
'I heard about it beforehand in a letter. I wondered at the time why a person of Renklus' blood would accompany you. ...... Millennia is an unpredictable person, but she rarely acts unthinkingly. Therefore, I didn't ask for details.
Thank you. I wouldn't have been able to put myself here if 'she' had been asked about her identity in the first place.

 When he expressed his gratitude, His Highness huffed. When he lowered his well-formed eyebrows and smiled, it was hard to believe that he was the same person as the demonic figure who had cut down countless enemy soldiers on the battlefield.

 The knights of this fortress are all the same. In truth, they are kind-hearted, but in order to protect their people, they must become demons.

'...... You may not think so yourself, though. Your popularity is what makes her behave the way she does. Presha, Deethe, Katie ...... and Raquel, as well as all the maidservants who have just met with you. Maybe they'll turn to you to heal them rather than to me in my position of leadership.
Healing ...... isn't just about healing injuries. First of all, it's about food. I have heard that His Highness is eating the same diet as the lower-ranking soldiers, but that is not enough nutrition. Overall, we need to improve our diet.

 Perhaps because the conversation suddenly switched to a petition about the food situation, His Highness stopped staring at me - is that a reaction to being suddenly told that?

'...... Temperance contributes to making a person's body purer and free of impurity. That's what I was thinking.

 It is true that effective moderation or fasting can improve the body's metabolism.

 But that is only if sufficient nutritional considerations are taken into account, and even if the current diet can provide heat and some nutrition, it is not sufficient to sustain the body of an athletic military man.

'When we have an idea of how to stabilize the food supply, could you allow me to discuss it with the cooks. If we improve our diet, the morale of our soldiers will improve, as will their health.
'...... I'll think about it. If it's possible, I wish I could ask for some guidance on that diet first, but I've been educated as a ...... princess and a knight, but I'm ashamed to say that I'm very unfamiliar with anything else.
'Yes, yes ...... if your highness wishes. Although I believe that your service as a military doctor should take precedence first.
...... change the war situation and create a situation where the enemy won't attack us. All of this is after you've done that.

 In contrast to the naive behavior of asking for guidance from me, she returns to her commander's expression.

 First of all, I wonder what guidance His Highness Astina will provide at tomorrow's military meeting. I greeted Soara and Karin and resigned from His Highness' bedroom.


 It was fortunate that the room we were assigned was in the form of two separate bedrooms. Each room was barely big enough to sleep in, but if we had arranged the beds in the same room, we wouldn't have been able to sleep in them easily.

 At the academy, the boys' and girls' dorms were separated from each other across the school building, and going back and forth was strictly forbidden. The occasional girl sneaked into the boys' dormitory and vice versa, but it was nothing to do with Leslie and I. It was just a topic of banter.

 --and so I think I dreamed a little bit of my time at the Academy, but I was woken up by Leslie just as the morning sun was beginning to peek out from behind the sky.

'Good morning, brother Glass,'
'Oh, good morning. I have to attend a military council meeting today, so I'll finish my patient rounds before I do.

 Leslie has changed her clothes into men's clothes, but she hasn't put on her glasses and hat yet. It's unlikely we'll see her with her hair down in the future, but seeing her again makes her look strangely fresh.

...... hair must be tied up and put in the hat.
'That's a lot of work ...... No, I'm sorry to sound like someone else. Is there anything I can do to help?
No, he's fine. I'll call him Dr. Glass when we're done. Where's my brother Glass?
'Mr. Rendle, I suppose. Until I can tell everyone what's going on one of these days, I'll do that.
...... I'm sorry to be a pain in the ass.

 It can't be helped since they wanted to accompany me even if I went that far.

 However, even if the Renklus family sensed Leslie's movements, I don't plan to return them easily if they've come this far.

 I need to get someone with a little bit of medical knowledge to help me - if possible, I need to think about training them. With that in mind, I got out of bed and began to prepare myself.

 After finishing my rounds and having breakfast in the dining room, I took Leslie to the round table room.

 Mr. Raquel supported me and instructed me where to sit at the round table - me and Leslie were in the lowest seat, almost directly across from His Highness' seat.

 I never thought the day would come when I would be sitting here - Raquel-san, Presha-san, and Deite-san. And there are two attack captains I haven't spoken to yet, one archer captain, and the captains of other units, though I haven't heard any details, and ten knights in all.

 We all take our seats and wait for His Highness to come in. Eventually the maidservant announced His Highness's entrance and the knights greeted him with a salute.

 His Highness looked at them all and put his right hand to his chest as if in prayer. Then he opened his eyes once more, and when she nodded, the knights returned to their upright positions.

'We will now begin our military discussion. Please be seated.