103 Episode 101: Sister and Sister

 Before reaching the Isle Rose Fortress, our group led by His Highness was cheered by many of the lords.

''Thank you for protecting us from Zirconia!
Long live our goddess, Astina, for bringing our farmland back to life!
Congratulations on your recovery, Mr. Hartner!

 In the Western Domain, the Reinfeldt family not only governed the surrounding area, but also maintained the security of the territory. The head of the family, the Hartner clan, was well respected, and his sons, Snyder and Kufiqa, were also well-liked by the people of the territory.

 With their return to His Highness Astina, the stability within the Western Domain was considered to be closer to a solid foundation.

 Today was the third day of the move, and when they came near the city of Wendell near the fortress, people still gathered and cheered for them. His Highness had told them in advance that he was going to attack Zirconia territory, and it was taken as a sign of victory as it was that he had returned safely.

I can't wait for my sister Raquel to see this scene. As long as the Reinfeldt family didn't think well of us, there were a lot of people who didn't like us.

 Mr. Presha, who is putting me on his horse, said with great emotion. Mr. Deite, who is gagging and pacing his horse, put his hand on his cheek and said.

'I'm a little surprised that Lord Hurtner-dono is so enthralled with Dr. Glass, but ...... you can't leave the attraction of Dr. Glass to men, can you?
'I'm just curing myself, so I'm a little confused, but ...... when you're back in consciousness, and you can show such supremacy, it's easy to see why the people adored the Reinfeldt family so much.
...... Brother Glass, Mr. Deite's jokes don't get it.
'Eh ...... Oh, yeah. Um, I'm a gender-neutral guy, and if I can make my patients happy, that's the best thing I can do for them.

 A military doctor who has been assigned to a female only order. Still, he often has the opportunity to see men, and he will continue to get many such opportunities in the future.

''Men and women's bodies are built very differently, and the amount of nutrition they need in their diets is also different, so we have to be ready to respond appropriately at all times.
...... Dr. Glass is looking at you as a doctor, so you're not aware of women at all or ......?
'Hmm ...... I don't think that's true. If you're saying that my and Presha's knightliness is front and center, and I don't feel feminine, then maybe it's an honor.
'Er ...... Well, well, I'm certainly happy about that ....... It's kind of complicated.

 I don't know how I'm supposed to respond in these situations - I feel like I'm being treated like a saint before I've said anything.

'...... Brother Glass is just too serious to be found anywhere else,'
Hahaha ...... I don't think that's true either.
'No, if that's what Lord Leslie says, it's true. And now that you've revealed yourself, what do you think? Let's have a tea party together once.
Oh, that's a good idea. But maybe after Raquel's sister is together, and Bridget and Chloe too. Oh, I heard that Noin joined in, too.

 I wonder what kind of stories they'll tell me without me - I'm dreading it.

'...... Glass, you too have done your part to protect your people and contributed greatly. Please keep a close eye on everyone's faces.'

 His Highness Astina, who is ahead of me, speaks to me through the bonds of the covenant. It sounds as if she's whispering in my ear, and I can't help but get upset.

'Huh ...... is, yes, hush. I'm sorry for the pleasantries.'
'That in itself is fine, and I think it's rather gratifying,'
"What ......?

 There was a hint of a smile from His Highness. His Highness, who was going in front of him, looked behind him and their gazes met for a moment.

 There had been times when he had been able to show a calm expression. But the smile he showed now was the gentlest one ever.

 --he had been fighting all along. To protect his mother and the people he cared about, His Highness wielded his sword and remained strong in the conspiracy for the throne.

 Someone said that His Highness was 'our goddess'. She is divinely transcendent, yet occasionally shows glimpses of a human being.

 He became a military doctor because he wanted to do something. Now, there is another reason added to that.

 From now on, His Highness would be the actual ruler in this western territory. Now that the central interference has been dismissed, even if there is a new interference, His Highness will not comply with it. Since he doesn't want to cause a civil war, it will be necessary to negotiate with the center somewhere - but.

 That day in the round table room, His Highness said, ''I want to walk with everyone as one nation.

 The Western Territories will be independent. I want to see what will happen to the country that Your Highness will create.

 I know it's impertinent for me to speak to His Highness - but still.

"We are now taking a new step forward, aren't we?

 Once again, it was so obvious that I didn't have to say it. That was the kind of thing I was desperate to tell him now.

 There was no reply from His Highness. Eventually, the Isle Rose Fortress approached, and the band of horsemen led by Mr. Hultner sent us off and finished their task, then turned off the road into the meadow and headed back.

 The drawbridge of the fortress is lowered and the gates are opened. This was before we crossed that bridge.

'Raquel, Presha, Deite ...... Glass and Leslie and Noin. And everyone else is there, so I'm not afraid of anything.'
"...... Your Highness.

 And it wasn't the end. That alone was enough to make my heart tremble - and I felt more joy than I could handle.

"You're the one who made me put aside my doubts. Dr. Glass.

 Daringly, His Highness said, "Sir.

 --No. Although it is presumptuous, I will definitely ask you to do the same from me. Please allow me to teach Your Highness the basics of the spirit magic mind-set.

 --...... yes. But I'm asking you to do it from here. There's no need to be so formal. Glass is the teacher.

 His Highness hasn't forgotten. I thought that this day might come, but I never imagined that it would be a reality.

'Your Highness Astina, Captain Presha and Captain Deite, you have returned!
""Welcome home!"

 I don't know what a normal army is like, but it's because of this Order that His Highness is greeted with enthusiastic cheers from his men.

 Finally, we can take a breath of fresh air. But considering how Zirconia will come out, I can't take it easy. We have to make sure that we succeed in getting a ceasefire before the other side feels threatened by us and attacks us uninterrupted.

"Well, ...... me and Mr. Deite will go check on the situation while I'm away.
'I'm sure His Highness will be calling the meeting again, so please be prepared, doctor. It's still high in the day, so there's a chance that we'll move to East Fort Zirconia later today.
I understand. I'll be standing by to get you out whenever you want.

 When the horses were left with the stablesmen, Presha waved and Deite winked before walking away.

...... I think it would be better to stay as 'Lendl' for a while, except in front of those who know my situation.
'If Leslie's okay, that sounds good to me. Because people will be surprised.
'Yes, sir. Now, once you've dropped your stuff off, go to the sanitation building: .......

 As I was about to say that, I felt Leslie's stomach growl.

 As for improving the diet of the fortress, it is a problem that needs to be resolved first and foremost. His Highness also said that it must be resolved when the war situation changes, and I'd like to talk to the kitchen staff if there is time - but.

'Leslie, before we go to the mess hall, may I stop by the sanitation building? I've got some things I need to discuss with Captain Katie.
...... Yes.

 Leslie's voice was very quiet, as if she was ashamed that her stomach was growling - I wish I could growl boldly at a time like this, but it's not always easy to do so.

 It's surprising that Presha and Deethe, who, like us, should not have had lunch yet, are moving unperturbed.

...... Both Presha-san and Deete-san are friendly, but they're still great. Those knights have a totally different way of training.
'Well, ...... first I need to learn to ride a horse by myself, too. It takes a lot of physical strength to learn dressage, so I need to work out ...... Leslie?

 Leslie has a look of surprise on her face - it's hard to see her expression because she's wearing glasses that cover her mouth.

 She's giving me a look behind me. I'm about to casually turn around - a nostalgic scent shimmers, and that's when I realize who the person behind me is.

''Geez, you're ...... right ...... Dean .......''
''Hmph ...... If you were about to call me sister-in-law (nee), just call me that. Now that I'm away from the academy, I only have the title of court mage other than being your sister-in-law.

 Millenia's sister-in-law smiles happily as she says, folding her arms.

 That posture has been a habit of hers for some time now - for one reason. It's because her chest is heavy and her shoulders are stiff, but her sister-in-law had a distinctly mischievous look on her face when she told me about it.

'I'm glad to hear that Leslie is looking well too. I was impressed by the thorny issues you faced when sending you off as Glass's secretary, but you've done much better than I imagined. As your sister, I thank you again.
...... I am the one who thanked you for allowing me to do so. Please don't tell my house, and please don't tell anyone at home. ......

 Since Leslie has the blood of the Duke of Renklus, she was originally not able to leave the academy easily. It was only with the help of her sister-in-law that this was possible.

''You didn't tell Glass that Leslie was a secret ...... but it would be necessary to understand the current situation. It's a good thing that you're able to get a good idea of what's going on. I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about that.

 The Second Prince - the son of the Second Queen Cassandra, who is an enemy of His Highness Astina.

 Cassandra is linked to the court mage Jorg, and has been trying to have the Western Realm attacked by Zirconia - she didn't care what happened to Prince Astina and everyone else in the Isle Rose Fortress, she wanted to cut them down.

 No matter how strong his love for his own son was, his attempt to bring down His Highness Astina, who did not want to inherit the throne, and the Knights of the Isle Rose, who had fought for their country, was not a justifiable act.

 The Renklus family is trying to get Leslie to serve the Second Prince. What would have happened if she hadn't accompanied me as 'Rendle' - just thinking about it made my heart cloudy.

'...... I must obey what your father says. You took me in and put me in the academy, so ...... but that's the only thing I can do.
'I know. I am not in an easy position to give an opinion on the House of Renklus, but ...... what would have happened if Leslie had stayed in King's Landing and graduated from the Academy. That's not good news!

 A child of a nobleman cannot decide his or her own life. The status of the house they were born into would set them on a path to the end - a nobleman would be proud of that, Mom had said.

 Mom had come from a baronial family. Even she had strong opposition from those around her before she married my father, who was a commoner. Such was the case with my father's remarriage to a woman of county blood, but since they had both lost their spouses, there was no stronger opposition than the first marriage.

 Although her sister-in-law was of county blood, she had become a military mage and had also gained a high rank as a court mage, which allowed her to distance herself from the interference of the main family. However, I was told that before she became a mage, she was also forced to live as a 'noblewoman'.

'...... magic is what gives us a place to stand on our own. Leslie came to this fortress with Glass and did what she wanted to do on her own and obeyed the orders of her house. I find the former to be much more human than the latter.
Dean: ......
'There is no denying that nobles and commoners have different obligations to carry. But it is the wish of the current head of the house of Renklus to envision the next heir to the throne now and to strengthen the ties, and there is a part of him that needs to look further ahead if he is to look to his people. I think so, and I will shelter about Leslie until I have to. You see, I am also known to be difficult, and the dukes don't pressure me easily.

 Then her sister-in-law smiled softly. Then she extended her arms towards Leslie.


 Leslie jumped into her sister-in-law's arms, as if she had been thinking about it for a long time. She held her in her arms, gently stroking her back and said, "Thank you for supporting my brother-in-law (Otto).

'Thank you for supporting my brother-in-law (Otto). Keep up the glass, please.'
'It's me ...... ...... it's me. It's always my brother Glass, and he's the one who keeps me breathing .......
...... I see. Then maybe Leslie is just like me.

 My sister-in-law gives me a look. I can imagine what she's thinking, and I can't accept it so easily, but for once I can't seem to get away with it.

 When Leslie leaves, her sister-in-law removes Leslie's disguise glasses and wipes her tears away with her handkerchief. Leslie's cheeks blush as if she's ashamed of having cried, and she smiles happily, looking more innocent than usual - no, she's just always uptight and fulfilling her duties among adults, but she'll always be like a cute little sister to me in her own right.

I could barely breathe before I knew that my brother-in-law was safe, too. Glass, do you have any words to say to a sister like that?
...... It's been a few days now, but when we met again, the ......
'It's not enough to fill me up with one hug. How many days do you think we've been apart?

 My sister-in-law seems to be high-handed and I know it's an act. She always says all sorts of things, but I'm sure she cares about me as a brother, and that hasn't changed since we became sisters.

...... and I wouldn't appreciate it if I spoiled her too much. I'm going to go to His Highness Astina and talk to her about what's going to happen during my stay in the fortress. I heard that Leslie is sharing a room with Glass, but I assume you have one extra room?
I'm sorry that your sister-in-law is in the same room as you, I mean, ......
'Hmph ...... If you're that upset, it doesn't seem that you've passed by the women's garden. It's a little tougher, but it's still the glass I know.

 I was satisfied with what I wanted to say - and without being satisfied, my sister-in-law patted me and Leslie on the head.

'Don't worry, we'll have a separate room for you. If you're that serious, there doesn't seem to be any need to monitor you.
"I didn't do anything stupid with my brother Glass at .......

 Leslie says what I, as a man, would normally say. Her sister-in-law just raises her hand in response - totally, we're both completely at the mercy of each other.

'It's ......, don't worry ...... and I won't do anything about it in the future.'
'Oh, yeah ...... I'll try to be, you know, more careful about things, too.
...... Even if it's like when I bathed in hot water, I'll never do anything like that again that would cause my brother Glass to get hurt.

 I still think he cared - I wondered what was going to happen when he pushed me down with great force.

So we can stay in the room together ......?
'So it's because more people know Leslie now. As far as I'm concerned, I'd rather be with you than change rooms now ...... if you don't mind Leslie.
'...... good. My brother Glass is so popular, I thought you wouldn't want him to be with me all the time.

 It never bothers me, but it does bother me in other ways. Leslie is getting more feminine by the day than just being a cute little sister - I don't know if I would have been able to settle down in the same room if she hadn't dressed up as a man.

 I wanted to have a plant-like heart, but I might have a hard time keeping that up in the future. I thought about that as I looked at Leslie, who was huffing and puffing.