104 Episode 102: Guidelines for Army Surgeons

 It's a long season of sunshine, but it will soon be hectic in the fortress before dinner, so we head to the sanitation building early.

'Captain Katie, this is Glass. I'm back.

 I knock on the door and call out to them, but there's no answer - come to think of it, it's time for everyone to be making the rounds of the patients who are recuperating.

 I'm told I can go in when no one answers, so I go in. I looked into the stuffing room - Katie was just stretching out in the middle of her paperwork.

'Hmmm ...... my shoulders are so stiff. I need to take a break ......
Good work, Miss Katie.
...... Seriously, doctor, you're already here? We just arrived at the fortress, and you could have taken a short break.
No, thanks to you, I'm not too tired. I've gotten used to riding horses.
'Great, you're awesome, sir. ...... I've trained to ride too, and I'm going to be knackered in half a day.
I'm just getting a ride in the back, so ...... are you all in the ward?

 Katie nodded, looked upstairs and then chuckled.

'My men, and the patients, will be up in arms when they find out the doctor is back.
Hahaha ...... sorry for the disturbance.
'No, it's because the doctor is that well-liked. With his guidance, everyone's morale is up, and some have recovered and returned to duty. The remaining wounded and sick have already fallen below ten.
'That's good to hear. Let me see each one of you later: ...... And I have a few things I'd like to discuss with you this time.
Yes, I'm at your service.

 Katie gives a salute - a gesture of putting her hand to the side of her forehead. Her expression is more cheerful than it was when she first arrived, and I can tell that the situation in the medics has improved.

 I think I can move forward with a lot of thoughts now.

'How much medicine do you currently have in your stockpile, sir?
'That's why ...... merchants dealing in medicines are not coming from the center. We do procure them in the territory, but all of the medicines are in short supply. We're also in a situation where we're saving as much as we can on important things like disinfectants and painkillers.
'We can use distilled liquor to disinfect, so we can negotiate with the breweries in the territory.
'You can get alcohol in the town of Wendell, but it doesn't seem to be enough to be used for disinfection.

 Katie expresses her concern, but I smile at her.

'Is grain the ingredient in the alcohol made around here?'
Yes, it's made of potatoes and wheat.
'If it's liquor of those ingredients, I can make it pure enough to use for disinfection if you leave it to me. I'll talk to the brewery and ask them to make a pure spirit from scratch, but until that is established, we'll secure the disinfectant for you.
'Well ...... doctor, you know a lot about alcohol. But I'm worried that you're going to be burdened with more and more of it.
Disinfection is essential in many aspects of medicine. If there is a demand for it in the town's hospitals and clinics, we hope to create a supply system. We can't use too much grain for that purpose, so we're hoping to negotiate for more fields of dedicated crops.
'All right, the clerk of the fortress will take care of that. You can rest assured that we will negotiate as Dr. Glass has instructed.

 Katie-san suggests that, but I'm wondering if it's okay to have a clerk do the job under my direction - I'm thinking about it.

''Glass-sensei was originally supposed to report directly to His Highness, so his authority in the fortress is higher than our captain rank. The fact that he reports directly to the Raquel Knight Captain doesn't change that.
'Oh, thank you. But ......

 There was no official resignation from His Highness, so my authority must not deviate from the scope of one military doctor only. I think so, but Katie-san just smiles.

'While the doctor was away, I had a chance to talk to all the clerks as well. We were very grateful for the doctor's efforts to resolve the farmland issue. It was an issue that could not be resolved even though petitions had been received from the Territories until then: ......
"I owe it all to Précia and Dite, as well as to Lendl. The deciding factor in the end was the fact that His Highness himself went there.
Yes ...... but still, we all understand. Dr. Glass has been assigned to the post and has led this fortress in the right direction.

 Katie takes my hand - I don't mean a handshake, but is this an expression of affection?

'I'm sorry about ...... oh ...... too, I'm sorry. I'm just so happy to be ......
'Yes, no. I'm also, well, I'm really glad that you trust me, I mean, I'm ...... not sure what to expect at first.
Oh, Mr. Glass, you were so calm right from the start. We were very encouraged by this. We didn't know what to expect.

 I no longer get compliments on anything I say, and I feel spoiled - and then I feel like I'm spoiled.

'...... Oh my goodness, you guys. You should have told me if you were back.

 Three medics come down from the upper floor and look at us. They're a little older than me, so it's not surprising that I say this, but they're still a bit new to me.

'Oh, you're going to say, "Welcome home, not ......"? In times like these,
That makes me feel like Dr. Glass's squire: ......
'Lime, Irisa, I'm not going to float away just because the teacher is back. I'm sorry, these girls are so nervous ......
Oh, only Odette's trying to sound firm. That's not true. She's the one who's most nervous.

 Katie chuckles in front of the three men who speak so skillfully. Although their ages haven't changed much, I wonder if Katie, the sanitation captain, is like a big sister to everyone.

'Kohon...... to report back later on how you guys are working in Dr. Glass' absence. Right now we have something important to talk about, so stay in the break room for a bit.
'Yes, yes, ...... doctor, a patient who has returned to the front line or returned to duty inside the fortifications wanted to thank you for your help.
'Thank you. I'm looking forward to it.
"Huh ...... Yes, I think you'll all be very pleased ......!

 People who have been out of the line of fire because of physical or mental injuries are back as soldiers again. It's by their own strength, and my role is just to help the healing process.

 But it's not "just doing it for a job". It makes me happy to be appreciated, and that's what makes being a doctor worthwhile.

 Three medics bail on me and head to the break room. After seeing the girls off, Katie looked at me and smiled.

'Thank you for respecting those girls and their patients,'
The truth is, I don't deserve it. But I learned from the doctor under my tutelage that the gratitude of my patients is something to be accepted openly.
'I think it's wonderful. I know that every doctor has a different way of dealing with patients. Everyone at this fortress knows that Dr. Glass is a kind man. But we don't just take advantage of that either.

 Katie returns to her military face - she's experienced the harshness of the battlefield many times more than I have.

'The policy that Dr. Glass is putting forth will have a positive effect on this fortress. Therefore, I hope you will not hesitate to move us: ...... I think so.
At ......, we're talking about negotiating for farmland. We would like to ask you to grow antiseptic and other medicinal herbs that will be used to make medicines. We will provide you with instructions on how to grow them, as well as seedlings and seeds for the medicinal herbs.
Very funny. I'll have someone on hand to help you mix it all up. Lime, Odette, and Irisa are young, but they have a strong work ethic and some knowledge of pharmaceuticals.
That would be very helpful. At the hospital in Wangdu, a pharmacist is in charge of dispensing medicines, and it would be good if we could set up a dispensing department within the medical team as well.
'So you're going to be able to produce medicines inside the dispensing department ...... fortress. Once that's done, we won't have to wait for supplies to come in from the center.

 The transportation of goods from the center has been slowed down, so even now we are no longer dependent on the center.

 Now we just need to secure food that can make up for the lack of nutrition. There are nutritional deficiencies that can be obtained from grains alone, so it would be good if we could provide a stable supply of food that can make up for these deficiencies. Not only does it have to be nutritious, but it also has to taste as good as possible.

 Since Euceris is connected to all the plants growing in the western territory, we will select the crops that are likely to be stable and ask the farmers to produce them. It would be smoother to ask through the Reinfeldt family and other wealthy families that unite the farmers.

 The production of disinfectant spirits, the establishment of a medicinal herb production and dispensing department, and the production of food - it will take some time to get started now and see results, but it's best to get started as soon as possible.

 And one more thing. The problem this fort has - I'm the only doctor in the army.

 When I leave the fort, there will be no medic. I train all the medics in the art of medicine, but for difficult surgeries, I need a doctor with expertise.

'Katie, I heard that the army doctor before me is now recuperating in town: ......
Nina Corsair, the former army doctor at ......, is recuperating in the infirmary in the town of Wendell. She is visited once a month by a member of the medical corps, but as she is from the Western Territories, there has been some talk of her being retired from the army at this time.
...... I see.

 I looked at the medical records left behind by Dr. Nina, and they were written in a calm brushstroke at first, but after a certain point they had begun to be decidedly disorganized.

 The shortage of military doctors had placed a heavy responsibility on her twin shoulders, and she hadn't been able to continue her duties very long after the initial deaths from the war wounds.

 However, looking at Dr. Nina's surgical records and the actual patients she had operated on, I felt that she had more experience and more skill than me when it came to operating on the same tools.

'At the moment, there is no immediate threat to the Isle Rose Fortress. If we can get Dr. Nina to return to ...... that would still be difficult to do.

 Katie keeps her eyes down. The possibility of being retired means that Nina's condition is still not looking good.

 It might be better to think of something else after all, but Raquel and the others are stationed at East Zirconia Fort, and there are patients at the Isle Rose Fortress as well. In this state, I just can't say that I'm enough of a military doctor on my own.

I knew I had to go to Dr. Nina ...... no, I had to go to Nina at some point. I also wanted her to recuperate more away from the front lines, not in the town of Wendell, ...... but I've been putting off answering the question.
Katie, you and Nina have been working with ......
I consider her a friend as well as a fellow member of the same Order: ...... and still do.

 Tears were oozing from Katie's eyes. I've been worried about her for a long time, and yet I didn't keep Nina away from the fortress because I wanted her to come back.

I'd like to meet her, who was a military doctor before she came to this fortress. ...... I'd like to meet her too. I just want to say thank you to her for doing her doctor's duty in a difficult situation.
All right. I will ask permission to go out to the town of Wendell tomorrow. Will Dr. Glass accompany His Highness when he crosses over to the Zirconia side again?
'Yes, I would like to accompany you if your highness directs me to do so.
Now, I'd like to know when His Highness might be leaving ...... No, I'm sure you'll have a direct notice to Dr. Glass.
'There will be a call later. I'll talk to Dr. Nina at that time to see if we can set up a time to meet with her.
'Thank you for your help at ....... I'm sorry, I'm sorry that Dr. Glass has been so considerate.

 Katie has her hand on her chest. Her face is not very pale - so much so that she is probably nervous about meeting Nina.

'Captain Katie, can I have a word with you?'

 I got up from my seat and had my back to Katie, who was sitting there. I've been thinking since I came in here, but it looks like my body's blood flow is pretty bad from all the paperwork and such.

'Dr. Glass, I'm fine if it's me, I'm just a little tired, and I'll be happy to see Dr. Nina at ...... about seeing her.
'No, there's a little bit of stiffness in the upper body muscles, so we need to get the blood flowing.

 I take out a herb that soothes the inflammation in my muscles and start chanting magic - no need to say it in words, just remind me.

(Green eggplant grass, pass its healing power over to me: ...... "Green Heal (Green Heal)" ......!

 The efficacy of the herbs is converted into magic and extracted, which is then applied directly to the affected area. After holding up her hand for a while, Katie's blood circulation around her shoulder improves.

''Geez, ...... awesome ...... my shoulders feel so much lighter ......''
'That's good to hear ...... and Katie, please make sure you get a good break whenever possible.
...... I'm the one who is tired and I can't give anything back to you.
'No, don't worry about it. I just wanted to see if there's anything I can do to help you. ......

 --In the middle of saying it, Katie stands up and goes behind me. Then she relieves me of my shoulders.

'Keh, Captain Katie: ......'
'Huh. ...... That's about all I can do. Dr. Glass may have Mr. Lendl do it for you, though.

 Katie smiles happily. She seems to care for me in her own way, but being alone and being touched like this makes me feel more or less uncomfortable.

''Captain, it's time for dinner, what do you want to do?''

 Mr. Lime comes out of the break room and calls out to me, and Katie quickly leaves me - not to be misunderstood by my subordinates, but it's an amazingly quick reaction.

...... Yes, well, I don't know what I'm going to do. What will you do, Mr. Glass?
'I'll call Mr Rendle and then go. Thank you, Captain Katie, for taking the time to discuss this with me.
No. ...... It's the same for me, I've got a lot to discuss with you.

 As I left the sanitation building, I left Captain Katie and the others and headed to my room. On the way, I find Leslie just coming out of her quarters.

'Glass to ...... Dr. Glass, Your Highness has called me to come to your room.
Oh, thank you. What about Mr. Rendle?
I'll come with you. I'd like to hear everything you have to say.

 My behavior as Leslie is coming to the fore in front of me, but I'm going to ask her to accompany me, since it's what my pretty sister says.

'...... Dr. Glass, you smell a little soap,'
'Eh, ...... yeah, no, that's ......'
'Have you treated anyone in the sanitation wing or ......? I'm glad to see you're back and pulling early and numerous.

 I don't think there was a transition when I treated Katie - a maiden's intuition is hard to underestimate, even though I didn't directly touch her.