92 Quiet Story Part 22 - The Melancholy of the Leader...

 --The overwhelming presence of death, which seemed to reduce all living things to nothing.
 When that thing fell, Alford seriously prepared for death.

 It was a presence that was too big to be controlled by humans. It was like the awe-inspiring despair you feel when you encounter a tsunami, a huge tornado, or a cliff avalanche. Something that is beyond my control, something that is an order of magnitude beyond my control.
 Alford shuddered at the fact that it had come down with a clear intent to harm, even if it was only for a moment. He was barely able to maintain his composure because he knew that Deanna's calmness meant that the "something" was within her knowledge.

I don't know what it is. Sirius could probably twist himself with one hand and unleash that killing power, but the darkness of House Clester would never do such a thing without the Lord's permission.
 --But... But there's no doubt that something is out there working for Diana.

If you accept, the title and power of queen can be yours, and the honor of mother of the heir can be Shayla's. ......

 It was a bad idea, even from Alford's point of view, for the feeble Juke to say those words. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.
I'm sure there's no one at Crestar who wouldn't have lost their temper at that comment that treated Deanna as a useful tool, which could be summed up as, "As a token wife, devote your life to your country.
 --But... But as a vassal, no matter how angry they are, they also don't direct such an obvious murderous intent at the King. Juke may not have known that much, but if Diana hadn't changed the course of the conversation to find out Juke's true intentions, that killing intent would have become a blade that pierced the king's heart. That's how "real" that sign was.
 In order to protect Deanna, he would bare his fangs without hesitation, even against the king of a country. As the king's bodyguard, how should I deal with the fact that there is something near Deanna that I do not appreciate at all?

 --It's been a few days since Juke and Deanna had their talk in the Red Rose Room.
 Alford's head was seriously hurting.

"Welcome, Your Majesty.
"Oh, thank you for your hospitality, Mrs. Magnum.

 Today, Juke had finished his desk work in the morning and spent the afternoon visiting Madame Magnom at the palace. She was dressed in her maid's uniform and greeted him quietly, as if she had been the head maid for a long time. She was indeed a talent that the Crester family had found.
 At Juke's request, she secretly invited him into her room and made him a cup of tea.

Come in.
"Thank you, Madame. Please, sit down. I want to talk to you.
"Very well, sir.

 Mrs. Magnom, whose face never moved and whose emotions were almost unreadable, was like a stern female teacher. However, she is not only strict, she is also kind and cares for those who are trying to grow up, and she cares for people without distinction.
 Perhaps it was because of this that Juke seemed to be able to talk to her without feeling defensive.

Today, I came to talk to you about the records of the palace that Madame gave me the other day.
There was quite a lot in there. Have you had a chance to look through it?
Yeah, sort of.

 After being seriously scolded by Deanna, the straightforward Juke went to Madame Magnum and asked her to show him any documents that would give him an overview of the palace from its inception to the present. The capable head mistress immediately took out a thick sheaf of papers from behind her desk and handed them to him, saying, "Here is a copy of the diary and some general information about the members of each household.
 Juke then spent his sleep reading through the documents and comparing them with other information to formulate his own ideas. ...... He sent a message to Madame Magnom this morning, seemingly determined to do something. Alford did not dare to ask what he had in mind, but accompanied him to the palace, feeling nervous as he had never felt before.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
"No, it was very well put together. No, it was very well put together. ...... I've been guilty of so much.
I'm sorry, but I can't deny that the palace has become a kind of subterfuge because it was out of the reach of His Majesty's eyes.

 Even when dealing with the king, Madame Magnum was really unreserved.

"Finally, ......, finally, I understand. I know where the Red Rose's anger has come from. My indifference to the court has caused so much pain to so many of my consorts. She was admonishing me for my attitude of not knowing and not thinking about anything but Shayla,.......
It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has a problem with this. I'm sure you'll be able to understand that I'm not the only one.
Why are you so ......!
That's the kind of man he is. He is compassionate, generous, and above all, kind. All those who serve in the Red Rose Room are enraptured by Master Diana.

 I really can't get over Diana's patience. She was hated and despised for her misplaced hostility, yet she continued to endure for the sake of the palace and the people, and desperately continued to face Juke. She's been waiting for me for a long, long time.

"Do you have any proof that the Marquise of Landreth was roughing up the lower-ranking members of her household?
"I'm sorry, Your Grace. I'm sorry. The former headmistress had a close relationship with Master Peony, and all the obvious evidence has been suppressed by her. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
"Does the ...... conservative aristocracy hate the emerging aristocracy that much?
"Not all conservatives have such distorted views, I suppose. It's just that there are some who value tradition and prestige so much that they can't accept the new aristocracy with its short history.
That's silly! It is true that the nobility has a short history since the baronial system. But in terms of the fact that they have taken a long time to accomplish great deeds for the benefit of the kingdom, their esteem is no different from that of the older generation.
"I don't think so, which is why Master Peony has taken such direct measures.

 Juke turned over with a miserable look on his face.

The rivalry between the conservatives and the revolutionaries has been conspicuous in the Outer Palace. But I never imagined that the conservatives would be so directly hostile to the new nobility. ......
I'm sure you're aware of that. ...... It's just that a few of them are gathering in the inner palace.
"Because they can't resort to direct means in the outer court. You mean they attacked the emerging nobility through their daughters in the Inner Palace?
If we're talking about Master Peony only, I don't think she received any special instructions from her family. The Marquesses of Landreth are well known for their dislike of new aristocrats. Growing up in a family like that, it's not surprising that Master Peony would have a biased view.

But in the end, it's all the same. It was no wonder that the families of the members of the ...... entourage had abandoned her, as she had lost her precious daughter to the court and was even treated coldly.
If it weren't for the Red Rose, there might have been a series of defections in the not-too-distant future.

 If it weren't for the Red Rose, there might have been a series of defections in the near future.
 Juke kept his head down and only looked at her.

"...... So that's what happened.
"From what I've read in the records, it would seem so.
I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot more information on this in the future. ...... Did this lead to the stability of the palace?
I'm sure you're right.
I'm not sure why the Red Rose opened her own salon, but it was to protect the palace and her entourage. ......! I didn't know that, I...

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for and how you can use it. Juke believed them all. At the time, all he cared about was Shayla, so he only said, "As long as she's not harmed, leave her alone," and didn't even try to find out the truth.

The Red Rose has no reason to hate him, only to apologize and thank him! I should have thanked her for bringing me into the palace for the sake of the country.
"No, Your Majesty, the Red Rose didn't come to the palace because someone told her to take care of the country.

 Juke, who had been holding his head in his hands, turned a shocked face as if he could not believe his ears.
 Madame Magnum, who understood what he meant with just a glance, nodded coldly.

She said, "I heard that the Count of Crester's daughter was chosen as his aide after the Count and his close associates got excited about it. Master Diana came to the palace without knowing anything about it, and although she was surprised by the truth, she did everything in her power to make sure that the crisis of the country and the disadvantaged members of her entourage would not be left unattended. I have received such reports from the maids of the Red Rose Room.
"...... So, what is it, then? I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I've been so impressed with your work. It's not where she wanted to be, it's not what she could get, but she just kept working hard for the sake of the country and her family?

 What is that?
 Juke's lips moved soundlessly.
 His eyes, which had lost their light, wandered stupefiedly through the void.

 He had realized, Juke.
 Juke realized that Deanna, who had hated him and hurled horrible words at him, had continued to pay for his escape, even though it was a misunderstanding.
 She had accepted and swallowed all the unreasonable things, and had believed in Juke's growth and waited for him.

...... Alford.

 Juke's call, full of bitterness, broke the silence that made even the air seem bitter.

The Red Rose told me. You can't change the past, no matter how hard you try. Then you should do your best to make up for it in the future.
Well, that's true.
But this... But this past... It's too heavy. ......

 It's a matter of getting it back, Juke said.
 Juke said in a weak voice.

"So this is what you get for keeping your eyes closed. I've been believing in a convenient answer, and I've given up on thinking. I'm sure you'll agree that I'm a horrible human being. ...... I've arrived at a place where I've trampled on a younger girl who has done more for me than anyone else.

 I'd be lying if I said that's not true. Because it's true.
 Alford himself didn't realize that he was unconsciously arrogant until he got angry with Chris at the garden party. So he couldn't say anything to Juke about it.
 Silence filled the room again, and then...

"Excuse me. Mrs. Magnum, are you here?

 A mere request for permission to enter, out of place and light.
 The voice was familiar to me, and my body involuntarily moved.
 Mrs. Magnum, who had been sitting quietly in front of Juke, hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

Come in.

 The person who had opened the door and entered carefully turned around, closed the door, and looked back again.

"......, yes?

 This situation was not what she had expected, and she froze on the spot.
 Mrs. Magnum asked her in her normal business manner.

"What's the matter, Rita?
I'm sorry. ...... Are you sure you want to do this?
I'm fine.

 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. I'm not sure what to do.

I've received a report from Master Diana summarizing this matter. I've received a report from Master Diana summarizing this incident, including how the rumors spread and the extent of Sophia's and the others' activities.

 The moment Rita said that, Juke's face was something to behold. With a mixture of astonishment and despair, he gave Rita a fierce look.
 Rita handed over the report to Madame Magnom without looking at Juke's face (a natural courtesy for a maidservant), even though she was being stared at like a hole in the head, and asked Madame Magnom with just a glance, "What should I do after this? She knew everything.
 Mrs. Magnom, who knew everything, turned her gaze to Juke, more relaxed than before.

"Your Majesty. This is Rita, the personal maid brought from her parents' home by Deanna Crester, Master of the Red Rose Room.

 Rita, who was suddenly introduced, bowed her head deeply almost as a spinal reflex.
 Looking at her gently, Mrs. Magnum continued.

Neither I nor Commander Su-Won will have a response to what you just said. Only you, Master Diana, will know.
...... Yeah, right.
Rita is the daughter who served Master Diana from the Cresters, came to the palace with her, and has supported her more than anyone else. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 A large number of hatena marks are floating above Rita's head, which is still down. I can almost hear her voice saying, "Oh no, I've interfered in a very unprofessional manner.
 Alford, who had known Rita for a long time, could understand her inner thoughts, but Juke, who had never met her before, could not. He took a few deep breaths and straightened his back, as if he had made up his mind.

"Rita. Raise your head. I'll allow a straight answer.

 He took a few deep breaths and straightened up, as if he had made up his mind. She kept her face modestly down, waiting for Juke's next words.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one.
He is trying his best to find out the background of the Countess of Tandor.

 As expected, Juke's expression twisted.
 Master Magnum smiled thinly.

"Rita. Do as you always do.
"I'm afraid that would be disrespectful to His Majesty the King.
"His Majesty cannot be blamed. --Isn't that right?
...... Oh.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but I think it's a good idea.
 Rita was quick to understand, and her expression instantly changed.

It seems I'm in a very bad place, isn't it?
In a way, it was very good timing. In a way, it was very good timing. ...... Don't you think so, Commander Soo-Won?
Yeah, ......, yeah.
I don't care, Alford. You can speak normally too.

 When he was allowed to, he relaxed his shoulders and smiled at her.

Well, I'll be honest with you.
"Well, to be honest," he said, "I think you should have another long talk with Master Diana. ......
"That would be difficult for both sides. Your Majesty will be crushed by remorse, and no matter what Deanna says in this situation, it will have the opposite effect.
The human mind can be a tricky thing to navigate sometimes.

 Rita gives Alford a very suspicious look.

I don't know what you're talking about.
You know, I don't see what you're talking about. Your Majesty was aware of the history of the palace from its inception to now, and you were aware of Diana's assistance.
"Oh, that's very late.

 I'm sure you'll be able to understand what I mean.
 With a wry smile, Alford spoke for the crushed juke.

It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has a problem with this.
I'm sure Deanna would tell you that it's all too late and that you should work if you have time to be depressed.

 Zugu zugu zugu. The moment you are assured that you will not be charged with disrespect, the blade of Rita's words will mercilessly cut through the juke.

"With all due respect, Your Majesty, it's not the first time you've been a scumbag or useless in matters of the court. I don't have high hopes for you from the start, so I think it's best not to get too depressed.
You're being harsh, indeed.
I have no reason to be harsh.

 Rita smiled radiantly.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand why. She's really careless when it comes to her own affairs. --But I haven't forgotten a single thing.

 She didn't direct her anger at Juke, but at Alford.
 Rita's anger exploded in a smile.

"I'll tell you straight from the heart. I think that Juke is the worst of the worst, and every time I think of the unjust treatment that Diana has received, I wish that she would burn in the flames and go to hell. There is no way that I can forgive someone who has not only unknowingly used up my Lord, who is more kind-hearted than anyone else, but who has continued to look down on me and trample on my immaturity.

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure you'll be able to do it. I'm not sure what to do.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one. You can't stop it. Why don't you just say, 'Yeah, good luck with that'?
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. ...... I'm a vassal. I can't be that blunt.
In any case, the more His Majesty gets depressed and stops, the more Diana's burden will increase. There are some seals that only the king can stamp, so if you have time to regret it, I would rather you do your own work.

 Alford was a bit annoyed by this excessive argument.

You say that, but... You are the one who urged me to understand the palace properly. I'm sure Miss Deanna could have guessed what you would do.
"I don't know. I don't know. You didn't really think that His Majesty would be depressed thinking back on what you did to him now, did you? He's already blown the whole thing out of the water.
Ah, ......, you're so dull in strange ways.
I think it's mostly about wanting to understand how much Shayla has suffered because of His Majesty's indifference to the palace. If His Majesty doesn't know anything about it, any further attempts to woo Shayla will only lead to acrimony, as expected.
You're not thinking about yourself at all. ......
You're not thinking about yourself at all, ." "You're Diana, so it can't be helped.

 In the event that you've got a lot of time, you'll be able to take a look at the best way to get the most out of your time.

"Your Majesty, please tell me you didn't hear that.
"You can't do that!

You see, I'm not so much of a man as I am a beautiful woman that I don't hit on her.
Oh, Rita and the Commander had that kind of relationship?
...... Which one?

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea. Sighing, he pointed to the room beside him.

I have a few things I need to discuss with Madame Magnum. You wait on the side.
Rita, Alford will be bored, can you keep him company?
There you go. ......

 Nice work, Juke! I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that," Alford said, smiling at Rita.

"Would you like to join us?
"...... gladly.

 I've never heard such a disgusted 'gladly' in my life.
 He retreated into the next room, backed away to the opposite wall just in case, and let out a deep breath.

...... You missed it.
I slipped up first. I'm sorry.
"No, it was my fault for completely backtracking. It's His Majesty and Madame Magnum, I'm sure they'll be fine.
...... Are you sure you're okay? Are you sure you're okay? I don't want to undermine His Majesty's trust by raising suspicion about your connection to the Cresta family.
Don't worry. Even if I am suspected, I will only be loyal to you.

 Rita's expression faltered as she smiled, seemingly relieved at last.
 Alford leaned against the wall and crossed his arms so he wouldn't accidentally hug her.

It's good to see you, anyway. There was one thing I wanted to make sure of.
You mean the other day, right?

In the Red Rose Room, an overwhelming sense of death suddenly descended. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.
 She smiled annoyingly and opened her mouth.

It's basically harmless, so there's no problem leaving it alone. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
"...... I don't feel safe at all, are you telling me to supervise you better?
Well, ...... that's how it turned out, isn't it?

 It's a headache.

Who the hell are you? You're a human being, aren't you?
"I asked him the same thing after that. "I asked him the same thing afterwards. He said, 'Oh no, you're a human being. That's some kind of backdoor trick to scare them with your spirit. I just got a little pissed off, you know?
I thought you were dead. I thought you were dead.

 I thought I was dead." After complaining, Alford asks Rita again.

So who is it?
"This is another message from the man himself: 'My identity is off the table until the king is properly on Diana's side. If you want to know who I am, please support the king as best you can! That's what he said. I'm sure he's not a very nice guy, but he certainly cares about Diana more than anything, so I don't think you should be any more wary than you have to be.
"I don't suppose you're ...... Miss Deanna's lover?
"Do you really think you are ......?
Sorry, I don't think so.

 I'm not going to let Rita's cold stare break my heart.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
"...... Really?
Deanna-sama has a special trust in that thing.
Hey, hey, hey. ......

 The truth comes out of a lie. The youngest daughter of the Crester family, which has a reputation for being slow, will finally see spring.
 I'm going to forget about the fact that the other person looks suspicious or that Deanna is a part of the king's household.

It's just a matter of time before they start dating. It's only a matter of time before they start dating, right?
"You're taking too much of a bite. It's only a matter of time before they start dating?
"Miss Deanna, you're really dull. It's not noticeable because of her face, but she's basically kind to anyone who doesn't antagonize her. I'm not sure if I'm going to hit on him before he accidentally moves on to another guy.
I don't know about ....... I don't know if there's any time to look away when you're being treated so well by such a great guy. ......

 I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that.

"Is ...... a good man?
I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
"Are you so good that you, who are basically so strict with men, can praise him so highly?

 I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.
 --But it's too late.

I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it.
I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

"How often do you see a man being kind to his girlfriend and falling in love with him? ......
No, I don't! I don't like people who can't read the bottom of their stomachs like that!

 I'm not a fan of those who can't read their own minds!
 Love is completely out of control.

 You corner them, inch by inch, and force them to sit on the couch. I blocked her escape route and leaned forward.

"Would you rather be confessed to, or kissed?
You're making me choose, but you're not making me choose!
If you don't answer in the next ten minutes, I'll do both.

 Rita turns red and stares at you with tears in her eyes.
 Jealous Alford is a bad influence. You will find a lot of things that you can do to make your life easier. And because she knows it, the option to firmly reject him as usual seems to have disappeared from her mind.
 --In the end, Rita couldn't find a way out of it in a dozen minutes.


 Smiling, Alford whispered softly in her ear.

I love you. I always have, and I always will.

 I can feel the air around me hardening. --I won't let you go.
 I slide my lips from her ear to her cheek, so close that my breath touches them. I could feel Rita's body heat rising softly.

"Al, wait.

 I've been longing for this for so long. Even though I knew it was my own sin of stupidity to lose her, I still...
 I can't see her anymore.


 If we're together again... This time, don't let go of my hand...


...... Alford. I think it's a bad idea to force yourself on a woman who doesn't want to be forced.

 ...... No, yeah.
 I'm sure you've heard of it, but I dare you to say it.

I'm not sure what to say.
"Thank you for your help, Your Majesty. I've changed my mind a bit!

 --The hardships of the Commander of the King's Kingsguard continue.