93 Quiet Story Part 23 - Secret Stories of Shadow Wom...

 When Deanna was talking to Sophia Tandor and the others, stopping King Juke's outburst, and dealing with all the waves caused by that incident - early on, she was going around in full prominence.
 At the same time, in the shadow of her, the outstanding women living in the palace were steadily carrying out their work.

To be honest, I never thought of this .......
Yolanda, this is not the time to be impressed.
I know that, but... You don't think that the Red Rose Extremists have evolved into full-fledged Diana-sama sympathizers, do you?

 I can't imagine what you're going through in the summer," Yolanda said with a smile.
 Yolanda smirked.

I'm glad to hear that you're sincere. But if this is the result, it's not worth it.
"If they had gone out of control because they wanted to seize power as the 'favorite of the queen', it would have been easier for Diana to stop them. They are completely driven by a sense of mission, "For the Red Rose to be united with her beloved Majesty! I'm sure you'll agree.
"Moreover, they are so devoted that they are willing to die for the sake of the Red Rose! And he's so devoted to her that he's willing to die for her, isn't he?
I'm sure the maids will believe you if they see you doing it.

 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. The atmosphere was so serious that it was difficult for her to chat with her fellow maidservants, and she said, "Sophia and the others are working for the Red Rose. When she heard that 'Sophia and the others are working for the Red Rose, and that the Red Rose knows this,' she decided to keep her mouth shut.

The maidservants who are here now are favorably disposed toward the Red Rose, as they have been favorably disposed toward Madame Magnum. Even if they don't know the inner workings of Master Diana, they at least know that the situation has improved since she entered the palace.
You can't help but feel protective of Sophia-sama and the others who are trying so hard for the Red Rose.

 I'm sure you can understand why I would want to protect Sophia and the others who are trying so hard for the Red Rose.
 In the event you're not sure what you're looking for, there are a number of things you can do. Therefore, even in the Inner Palace, people think that the Red Rose is on good terms with His Majesty. If you were to ask me which one of the heads of the Red Rose Faction, which is now the largest faction in the palace, or the daughter who was sold from a failing baronial family to become a concubine, which one would be more suitable to be the queen, even Raia would choose the former.

I'm sure Shayla-sama will still be under a lot of scrutiny even after this mess is over.
"I don't think people will be convinced until Shayla-sama herself clarifies her attitude and establishes her position.
Neutrals are relatively tolerant of Shayla. ......
The neutral faction is relatively tolerant of Master Shayla, but is a group of young ladies who are in a similar position to her. It's also important to note that you have known Shayla since before the summer, so you know her personality. In fact, she is not only modest, but also has a strong sense of justice and chivalry.

 At the end of the year, the Peony Faction went on the offensive because Shayla had fought them in front of a large crowd. I'm not sure what to make of that. --I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.

But still, it's only a small percentage, isn't it?
The number of Shayla's complete allies has yet to reach double digits.
Baroness Ernest and Baroness Crockett are the only ones who are willing to stand by her publicly.
"Yes. We're on the same side, but we can't say it out loud because of our position.
And I think the one who's most annoyed is you, Diana.
Really. I'm sure there's no one who supports Shayla more with all their might than she does.

 I'm not sure what to make of that. I'm not sure if you've heard of this, but I'm sure you've heard of it.
 To be tied to such a place for life is no joke.

Sheila, you really need to work hard.
The only way to do that is to clean up the mess in front of you, one by one. ...... First, we have to deal with Sophia Tandor.

 I'm not sure what to do.
 While I was trying to control my aching head, the door to my bedroom rang.

I'll be back in a minute. It's ....... May I have a moment of your time?

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea. The fact that she has asked for time...

I don't mind. Come on in, Karen.
"Yes. ...... Excuse me.

 Sure enough, she wasn't alone when she entered the room. Dressed in matching maidservants' uniforms, they bowed before the chamberlain and looked up.
 In those piercing black eyes, Raia knew the identity of her guest.

"It's Lurie. It's been a while.

 The person in charge of information warfare in the Red Rose Room replied without hesitation, her hair, which was black like her eyes, was covered by a common wig. I'm not sure if you've heard of this, but I'm sure you've heard of it. This is because it is less risky to communicate with other maids. --But the fact that she came all the way here, hiding her trademark hair...

You got something, didn't you?
Yes. Before I report to Deanna, I thought we should share some information.
Is it something too important to put in a letter to ......?
But I think it would be better for Deanna-sama's will if we work together behind the scenes, since she is the one who has been dazzling us.

 I'm not sure what to make of that.
 Yolanda tilted her head lightly and asked.

So, what did you find out?
But first, there's something I need to know. --The rumors that have been circulating among the maidservants, how exactly have they been circulating?
"Oh, it's obviously manipulated.

 I'm sure you'll be able to tell that Yolanda is not as light-hearted as she seems. She swallowed her bitterness so that Lurie would not notice.

 The more I looked into the rumor that Sophia and the others' actions were the Red Rose's will, the further back in time I went, the more unpleasant the path I followed.

 Normally, rumors spread in a circle from a starting point, in a multiplicative manner. This time, however, the rumor was spreading not in a circle but in a line, in an additive manner. Although the rumor had spread evenly among a certain segment of the population--those who did not get along well with the maids of the Red Rose Room--it was a route of communication that seemed to go through Lurie's information network. If you sort it out, it is obvious that the rumor was avoiding the Red Rose.

The enemy certainly knows about your connections, Lurie. I'm sure the girls who witnessed the scene in my room had no direct connection to you.
Sure, we're not close enough to have a chat, but ......
Oh, there it is. I think this probably sums up what you want to know. If there's anything you don't understand, just ask.

 Yolanda, who had been rummaging through her desk, handed Ruly a piece of paper that summarized her and Leticia's investigation. In one sheet, she outlined when the rumors started, what they were about, how they were related to the actual harassment, and the specific path of transmission.
 Ruly looked over the paper with a stern color on her always cheerful face and a sharp glint of light like a blade in her eyes reflecting the night. Without waiting, she turned her gaze to me and tapped the paper lightly with her finger.

It says here that the first person to witness the harassment was the maidservant attached to the Peony Faction's entourage. Did you contact her?
I believe Leticia-sama was trying to ...... Oh, this is it.

 Leticia had also taken the acquaintance of acquaintances approach and had picked up a reliable sighting. The beginning maid probably never dreamed that her testimony would lead back to the Red Rose.

"It says here that you happened to see Master Shayla surrounded by the Red Roses on your way to pick up a new undergarment for her chamberlain.
And you spread the rumor?
She says she knew the Red Roses didn't like Shayla, so she thought they were finally making a move. ......
It's funny, isn't it? I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on. How could she 'know' such a thing?
"Maybe you were so close to the Peony Faction who were negative towards Shayla-sama that you assumed that Diana-sama was too. ......?

 In front of the two twisting heads in the side room, Lurie is showing her friend Karen a piece of paper.
 I'm not sure if you've heard of it or not.

I've heard of this girl. I've heard that she often runs into the maids of the 'Red Rose Faction' because of the order in which they go to get their meals. She is a girl who is influenced by authority, so when the Peony Faction was dominant, she would interrupt them and act arrogantly.
Karen, who is that information?
It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure you'll understand.

Thank you, Karen. I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results.
What do you mean, Lurie?
I just wanted to be sure. --I wanted to be sure that Belle, Countess Tandor's personal maid, was behind all of this.

 Raia and Yolanda were baffled by the name, which they had never heard before.
 Karen, on the other hand, was astonished.

"Miss Bell? Is it true, Lurie?
I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's a little confused. I thought you were a very good maidservant, very prepared, and very loyal to your master.
Wait, I'm missing the point. If I had to guess, I would say that Belle is the maidservant that Master Sophia brought from House Tandor, right?

 Feeling left out, Laia hurriedly interrupted the conversation. Karen nodded, looking like she was about to cry.

She is modest, kind, and always looks out for the palace maids. I've also been very kind to her.
"...... And he's the mastermind?
No, he is not the mastermind. No, she's not the mastermind. She's just the 'executioner in the palace'.

 I'm not sure what to make of that.

At first, it was only circumstantial evidence. A little later in the year, Countess Tandor's behavior changed, and Belle, whom she trusts the most, came to her side more often.

 This is a common practice among maids of honor. That's why the royal maids in charge of the room didn't question it at first.
 --But... No matter how much time Belle spent with her, Sofia's condition did not return to normal. On the contrary, her radical ideas accelerated.

Did anyone else find it odd?
"She did think it was strange. He felt it was strange, but he couldn't do anything about it because Belle, who was by his side, looked tired and lamented that she didn't know why.
It's because he trusted her that he couldn't see it. ......
The truth is that after we sorted out the story based on our reasoning, Bell emerged as the most suspicious suspect.

 It's the same level as Rita, whom Deanna trusts more than anyone else, and who was accepted by the royal court ladies. --It would have taken a lot of determination to doubt her.
 The same thought seemed to escape Yolanda's lips.

What was the nature of your reasoning?
It was our reasoning that Countess Tandor must have had some sort of cause for going out of control without even listening to Master Diana's words. I only saw her indirectly at the salon, but she didn't seem to be so delusional that she would go out of control without any evidence.

 I'm not sure what to make of this. I'm not sure how many times I've been in contact with Sophia herself, even though Raia and her team are working hard behind the scenes.

Based on this reasoning, I traced back to a friend of a friend and got the story from the royal maidservant of Countess Tandor. If something had happened to her, the maidservant beside her would have held the clue.
But the conclusion I came to was 'I don't know'. ......
"So I thought about it. "So I thought to myself, 'Who can trigger Master Sophia's outburst in this situation? And.

 For example, if there is someone who can tell you that the Red Rose wishes to get rid of Shayla without anyone interfering...

 Her dark eyes were downcast.

I'm not sure what to make of that. I'm sure you're not the only one. ...... When I thought of it, I thought it was impossible. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for and how to get there.
"Lurie: ......
...... but. But no matter how much I didn't believe it, I couldn't help but look into her when I had my suspicions.
"This, Master Diana, is ......

 Slowly, Lurie shook his head.

For now, the only people who know about it are the royal chambermaids and ladies of the Red Rose Room, and a few other trusted people. I told myself I couldn't report it before I knew for sure, but ...... to be honest, I think I wanted to believe it.

 A royal maid and a private maid. I'm not sure what to make of it. It's hard to doubt someone you've known for a long time, even if you've never gotten along.
 Knowing how she felt, Raia, and perhaps Yolanda, could not interfere.
 I'm not sure if she sensed the silent effort, but she looked up and smiled softly.

I used my contacts, as well as all of our contacts, to find out what she was doing without Bell knowing. And that's how I found out. That she was secretly investigating Master Shayla's actions. Only on days when the Red Rose extremists were in action did she leave the Lord's side. --And yet, they immediately greeted the girls when they left Master Shayla.
If you concentrate on your search, you'll find that it's beyond suspicious. ......
Yes. And then there's this paper and Karen's story.
"Oh, me?

 I'm not sure what to make of that.
 I'm not sure if you've ever heard of this, but I'm sure you've heard of it.

In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to use it to buy a lot of things.
I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I'm so interested in your work. Once a rumor has spread to a certain extent, all you have to do is not let people see it.
That's right. Only the connection between the first one and Bell was a mystery.
So, what's Karen's story?

 The maid of honor who first witnessed the Red Rose extremists hang Shayla. If she was close enough to the maidservant in Sophia's room to have a problem with her, then it was her turn to go get food. --Naturally, they'd have had a lot of contact.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.
I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out. I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.
I'm not sure what to make of it. There is no concrete evidence that Bell is behind this.

 I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.

If there was any miscalculation on Bell's part, it was in underestimating the intelligence of the royal court ladies. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.
"...... What did you do?
It's not a big deal. Every time a situation arises, I mix in a little bit of uncertainty and spread it among the maidens.

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. Or...
 The Red Rose has received a letter from His Majesty (a letter that is eighty percent mocking and twenty percent reporting. It's a regular letter. And so on.

 I want to know the truth.
 If you have a collaborator, you can't help but have a connection.

 He continued to play the "tangents" that someone would have added even if he had been left alone, in a solemn manner.

 --And then, finally...

The near miss between Her Majesty and the Red Rose Extremists was a big deal that I couldn't have wished for. I apologize to the busy Diana-sama and Rita, but I took advantage of it as much as I could.

 What will happen to the relationship between His Majesty and the "Red Rose"?
 What will happen to the militant side chambers that have been sentenced to house arrest?
 How will the Outer Palace act? Will there be any punishment for the family of the extremist's daughter?

 Rather than spreading lies, tell the truth so that people will want to know what lies beyond reality and the truth. And then hunt down the "prey" who have become numb and moved. --This is the information warfare of the royal court ladies.
 The more guilty you are, the more you fear the uncertain truth. Here is a flexible and smart battle that takes advantage of this psychology.

(...... afraid of the palace, afraid of Lurie)

I'm really glad that the Red Rose Room is on my side.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I'm so excited about this. Apparently, she received a letter. With Mia's help, I spoke to the soldier.

 Lurie smiled, but her eyes were not smiling at all. It is forbidden to communicate with anyone inside or outside the palace without going through the Ministry of the Interior, even if the words are polite, and of course it is against your duty to help them. It is not hard to imagine that he would have threatened her to tell him everything if she did not want to be reported. The fact that she didn't go out by herself, but sent Mia, a woman with official authority, shows how serious she was.

(Oh my god, she's so scary!)
(Yolanda, let's not worry about the details at this point.)

 The two of them waited for Rulie's next words, keeping a mysterious look on their faces while demonstrating the two-way communication they've had since they were babies.
 I'm sure she didn't read their signs, but she relaxed a bit and opened her mouth.

I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but I'm sure you've heard of it.
"Lord Rhino, ......?

Do you know each other?
Just a name and a face. --So you think, Lurie, that Lord Rhyno is the mastermind behind all this?
I'm not sure if he's the mastermind or not, but I'm pretty sure he and Bell are in cahoots on this. According to the soldier in question, it was after the beginning of the year that Master Rhino and Belle began to exchange letters frequently, which coincides perfectly with the time of Master Sofia's anomaly.

 I'd be surprised if there wasn't a connection.
 This time, Raia made firm eye contact with Yolanda.

"Mr. Lino Tandor, ......
"You're Count Tandor's eldest son, aren't you? You are the eldest son of Count Tandor.
I think he's ambitious. I've seen him talking about territorial development with his friends several times.
As an innovator, perhaps Miss Laetitia knows something about it.
I don't know. Letitia said that you were not very good with Sophia, didn't she?

 Leticia and Sofia's temperamental nature would often be at odds with each other. If the older brother is also hot-blooded, there is a good chance he will not interact with Leticia.

In any case, we now have a clear picture of who to watch out for in the palace.
"Belle, right? Let's keep a close eye on that maidservant so that she doesn't know who she is and connect her immediately if anything happens.
Thank you. We don't have enough people in the Red Rose Room.
It's for times like this that we have the Named. Tell Miss Deanna not to worry and to concentrate on the front line.
"Very well, sir.

 In the event you're not sure what you're looking for, there are a number of things you can do.