97 Hoshin's Feast

Shayla, please. Trust me. --Do not, under any circumstances, touch any of the food at the feast.

 It was a hectic time before the banquet. There are not many places where Deanna, already in her Red Rose form, can move discreetly.
 I'm sure you'll be able to understand that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.

 Belle, wearing a kitchen servant's uniform that she apparently stole from somewhere, passed through the gaps in the surveillance, saw that there were fewer people in the kitchen, and quickly sprinkled the contents of a suspicious vial on Shayla's table. Mrs. Magnum's care in putting a name tag on each of the dishes so that the maids in charge of the banquet would not get lost when carrying the dishes was taken advantage of.
 It was a coincidence that the maid who informed Luly witnessed the scene. She was a newcomer to the court at the same time as Shayla's maid, Marika, and she got lost and ended up near the kitchen by accident. Belle's face was like, "That's Countess Tandor's personal maid, the one who did such a terrible thing to Master Shayla! If you see her acting suspiciously, tell me or the dark-haired, dark-eyed maid, Lurie. The honest girl was so shaken by the obvious suspicious scene that she ran through the palace in the dark, and when she was warned to walk in the corridor by Luly, who passed her, she cried out in relief and fear as soon as their eyes met.

 The moment she saw him, she started crying with relief and fear. When Luly heard the story from the crying maid, she took what she could and informed Diana, who immediately sent a scribble to Madame Magnum, Chris, a member of the rearguard, and the three "Named".
 But it was already too late. The lower-ranking chamberlains had already gathered in the garden, and the first entertainment was already underway on the stage. The Red Rose would make her final appearance, and while Diana had a little time left, there was no time to remake the table or cancel the ...... banquet. The only thing Diana could do with the time she had left was to approach Shayla and advise her.

"The Red Rose is here.

 As Master Magnum spoke, Deanna, accompanied by Mia, took her place at the head of the table, she found herself in a state of unprecedented fear.

(What is it? (What is it? It's so ...... weird.)

 Bell, Rhyno, Oleg, and Normard. Each of them was under surveillance. The Darkness alone is not enough, so the maids of honor take turns with Belle, Rhino and Oleg ask for help from the Outer Court, and the Darkness of the Crester family takes center stage with the most dangerous of the Nomads.
 Of course, the exchange of letters and packages should have been immediately obvious.
 And yet... How did you... ...... How.

How did the vial get into Bell's hands without anyone on surveillance noticing? (How did the vial get into Bell's hands without anyone on watch noticing? ) For the past week, everyone has been silent, not even exchanging letters. (How long has Belle had the vial?

 Something was slowly eating away at Deanna, something she didn't understand.
 (How long had Belle been holding the vial?) An unknown "something" was slowly consuming Deanna.

(No matter how much you think about it, you can't help what you don't know. What I have to do now is...

 To protect Shayla's life.

 I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. More likely than not, it was poison.
 Sofia - Liliane is finally going to use the easiest way to get rid of anyone who gets in her way.

I won't let you die. No matter what, no one is going to die in front of me.

 It's not because Deanna is the Red Rose. It's simply because Deanna doesn't want anyone to die.
 Deanna has decided not to lie to her heart anymore.

"His Majesty the King, you are here. Please rise, everyone.

 At Madame Magnum's words, the entourage rose in unison and bowed deeply.
 A hint of a juke passed in front of her and stopped next to Diana.

"Thank you all for gathering here today. Look up and have a seat.

 At the sound of Juke's voice, the entourage once again moved in unison. Juke nodded his head when he saw that everyone had taken their seats.

I am deeply grateful for your constant devotion. Tonight, I have prepared a brief banquet for everyone to enjoy. --I want you to be able to talk to each other, regardless of your status.

 As soon as Juke finished his speech, the music began to play and the stage lights came on. As soon as Juke finished his speech, the music began to play and the stage lights were turned on. The dancers came bouncing out and the elegant dance began.
 That must have been the signal. The dishes were brought in turn, starting with the king.

 I glanced to the side and saw that Juke's face was pale, even if you take into account the fact that it was night. In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

The Red Rose.

 Juke called out to me, blending in with the sound of the music. I nodded my head casually to show that I was listening.

"Madame Magnum told me.
"Any help?
"She told me to destroy the food. ......!
Unfortunately, it seems that she was not notified in time.

 At the end of the seats surrounding the stage. At the edge of the seats surrounding the stage, against a pond of ornamental fish.
 At the edge of the seats surrounding the stage, against a pond of ornamental fish, a table was just placed in front of Shayla.
 Even from a distance, I could see Shayla's expression tense.
 Why?" came the words from next to her.

The maidservant who carried the food was probably one of the other side's hands.
"You mean they were guarding the table?
I've thought about what you're thinking. But ......

 If Shayla's table is ruined in the kitchen, Belle has the vial.
 If you want Shayla to die, you must do it. I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot more information on this topic in the coming weeks.
 ...... Then. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.

Your Majesty.
No matter what happens at the feast. Whatever happens at the feast, you will behave as if you were in peace.
"...... What are you going to do?
To ensure that no one else dies and that the palace and the country remain at peace. I will do what only I can do best.

 It's easy to forget that these days, with all the people around us being so understanding.
 I'm not sure what to do. She is the daughter of the infamous "Rose of Ice and Fire in Bloom".
 To protect what I want to protect, as much as I want to protect it. --I'll use whatever I can.

 --I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will help you.


 In the event you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find a lot more information on the web. Not only the people sitting next to each other, but also the people in the side rooms can be seen getting up from their seats to talk with their friends who are seated a little farther away, or changing their seats after talking with each other. --Mainly in the "Red Rose School".

(It's much clearer when you look at it this way.)

 It was clearly announced that today's banquet would be a rude one, so there was no blame to be attached to leaving the first seat you were shown. It's like an outdoor party for the people. Madame Magnum has arranged the tables and chairs so that people can walk away from their seats.
 However, the basic aristocratic "banquet" - where desks and chairs are set up and food is brought in front of them - is called a "dinner party. It is considered insane and rude to stand up, move, or even change seats during the meal. For those who only know the common sense of the aristocracy, this banquet might seem strange, even though it was held in the royal palace, with invited guests walking here and there.
 As proof of this, the ones who are moving around with relative ease are the side chambers of the Red Rose Faction, who are from the newly emerging nobility and have a feeling closer to the people. Although they are aristocrats, the familiar custom that comes to mind when they hear the word "banquet" is probably the outdoor parties of the people. They gather with their friends, occasionally laughing and enjoying themselves.
 And then there were the ladies of the Peony Faction, who looked on with cold contempt, though they did not express it clearly because the king was present. They don't know the "banquet" of the people, and they are using only their own "common sense" as a yardstick to measure the entourage of the new aristocrats. This was clearly evident in their gaze.

(Well, ...... I don't think they're all wrong, either.

 There is a saying, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do. If you are an aristocrat, you need to study the common sense of the aristocracy and try to adapt to their culture. It has been more than fifty years since the rise of the new aristocracy, and the time when we can just say, "I didn't know, so forgive me," has passed.
 But. However, if we want the other party to know our "common sense," don't we also need to make an effort to know their "common sense" as well? A one-way human relationship is not healthy.
 Without knowing the other person, we impose only our own "common sense" and despise those who are different. If we continue to do so, it is only natural that cracks will appear between us.

 The current palace is the epitome of the nobility of the kingdom.
 What should I do?" I thought, and heard the quiet sigh next to me.

"Deeply rooted .......
"Your Majesty?
Conservatism and innovation. The conflict between the two factions was a painful one for your father. Even after I became king, I could sense that there was a rift between the two groups. ...... At least, I never saw them violently quarrel on important political occasions.
Did it ever occur to you that the rift between the two factions might be as serious as this ......?
If you open your eyes properly, it's so obvious.

 I'm not sure what to make of that.

You can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time. I'm sure you'll find a lot of people who'd like to know more about this. ...... Perhaps the innovators knew this and decided that now was not the time to stand in front of His Majesty and made adjustments so that there would be no visible confrontation.
And so the conservatives have grown. The ...... conflict just went underground. You can see that even if you don't like it.

The attitude of the Peony girls is not overt, but Juke seems to have correctly read the conflict in the current palace from them and from the way the Red Roses and Peonies do not even approach each other.
 You'll be able to find a lot more information on this subject in the following article.

I was thinking the same thing. --I thought the same thing.
"The Red Rose ......
I have no interest in the factions of the royal court. If I hadn't entered the palace, I wouldn't have known that the conflict between the two factions was so intense and deep-rooted.
It's .......

 It's ," Deanna says, looking straight ahead to cover Juke's bitterness.

But I don't think it would have been better if I hadn't known.
But I don't think it would have been better not to know.
It is true that there are many hardships, but ...... there are many more that have been given to me.

 Rather than desperately trying to hold on to what is in your hands and keep running away from it.
 And that's what Deanna did.
 And it was something that ...... Deanna had wanted so badly, but had given up on.

 --And it is the one thing that Deanna wanted so badly but had given up on.

 It's a great way to get to know each other better.

"At first, it was a matter of chance. I was just thinking that it would be best to move like this ...... given the situation.
Was that so?
I'm not a saint, you know. I'm just a little seventeen-year-old girl who wants to have a good time whenever she can.
I don't think that's possible.
Actually, it is. --I can work much harder now to protect the people I care about than when I was working for my country or for peace or for any other cause.

 It's true that I don't want war to happen. I don't want to experience that "reality" again if I can help it, where lives that should have lived longer are mercilessly disappearing before my eyes. Because of that, after entering the palace, Diana was able to move for the stability of the palace without thinking too much.

 But... Now is different. It's similar, but the most important part has changed.

 The maids of the Red Rose Room, who saw Diana just as she was, without a word, and believed in her.
 The three members of the Hall of Names grabbed my hand without hesitation when I extended it as if praying for help to stabilize the palace.
 Mia, who was ready to be tainted by evil, but was unable to do so, who wailed without a voice in between, and finally trusted me with her heart.

 And then there's Shayla, the best friend who found Diana in the Red Rose, and who has loved her from the beginning.

 --What I wish for is a future in which all of my loved ones can smile happily without any worries.

 In the end, Deanna thinks, she is a snob. I'm not sure if I'm a snob or not, but I think I'm more concerned with the reality of what's right in front of me than I am with the vague concept of "country. She wants everyone she loves to be happy, and as an extension of that wish, she wants the kingdom to be stable and peaceful. What I'm aiming for should be the same, but my feelings and actions are much more clear in the present.

If I hadn't entered the palace, if I hadn't gotten caught up in the factional strife, I would probably still be living in my own little world, despairing of the outside world on my own. Without knowing the preciousness and warmth of the bonds formed by trusting and being trusted by others, I would have been stuck in the bad habit of arrogantly framing others. --In the face of such a high wall, he would have been unaware of the importance of working hand in hand with trusted friends to overcome it.

 Quietly, quietly, he spun his words. The party is in full swing, the stage is at its peak, all eyes are glued to the stage, and I see the Countess of Tandor, Sophia, and her friends standing up quietly.


 I didn't want to set anything off if I could help it.
 I hoped that they would be so intoxicated by Madame Magnom's thoughtful, dreamlike banquet that they would forget the horrible scheme.
 I knew it wouldn't come to that, and yet I couldn't help wishing that it would.

I can't hate this palace anymore, where I have everything I want.

 --No matter what happens, I'm going to pretend that nothing happened, to the extent that I take it for granted.

 With determination in her heart, Diana stood up without making a sound. It was unusual for the king and his namesake to leave their seats, no matter how rude, but the stage was so spectacular that no one noticed the Red Rose's odd behavior.
 There was only one person who noticed her. --The only one who noticed her was the king, with whom she was exchanging words.

"The Red Rose?
"Your Majesty. It's a promise.

 No matter what happens in the future.
No matter what happens from here on out, you will be king and you will act like it.

You'll see what I mean. Diana disappeared, and headed for...
 The only one who hadn't moved or touched the food since the banquet began and the food was set down was Sheila Callerd. --It was Shayla Callerd.
 Before she knew it, she was surrounded by Sophia and the other Red Rose extremists, lost in the noise of the stage. At the beginning of the party, it seems that two of her friends were with her as a precaution, but they had their own relationships and could not stay with Shayla all the time.
 As I approached quietly, hidden in the bushes, I could hear the conversation between Shayla and Sophia.

"You're being very presumptuous, aren't you?
Don't tell me that you can't eat the food that His Majesty has prepared for you?
That looks ...... very, very good, but ......
Is there something you don't like about the food? If so, just pick something you can eat and eat it.

 I knew what to expect. I knew that he was planning to make Shayla eat what was on the table.
 When I sneaked a peek at them, I saw that Sophia and the others were all smiling and even seemed to be friendly to Shayla, if only they could not hear her.
 Sophia lifts up a cup of soup on the table and holds it out in front of Shayla.

"Here, Miss Shayla. The soup will get cold if you leave it any longer.
We've had some and it's very tasty and will warm you up.
You don't look well. You must eat properly.

 Shayla looked at the cup of soup in front of her with her clear sky eyes and shook her head slowly and clearly.

Thank you for your concern. Thank you for your concern. ......, Miss Sophia. There is one person I trust more than you.
Master Sofia. Are you there, Miss Sophia? I don't know what she looks like, only her voice, but I can believe in her unconditionally. I don't care what happens as a result of believing in her, I will never regret it. --The one who is so important to me that I can even think so.

 He looked at her straight and quietly. Sofia's hands trembled and her legs involuntarily fell back.
 --In that moment, Shayla certainly overwhelmed Sophia and the others.

"Master Sophia. It's not too late. We can still talk like this and end up just chatting. Please don't do anything that would grieve the one you're risking your life for, Master Diana.

 Even though she was only speaking quietly, Shayla's words and presence were enough to dominate the place.
 I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm sure you're the one who's making Diana sad!
I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

 --"Even if that were the case, you can tell by looking at her that she doesn't want this! It's real strength, with a straight line.

 Before the enraged Sophia could grab Shayla's hair and force the soup into her mouth, Diana had jumped out.

"Master Sophia. What kind of game is that?
"Hey, Red Rose, .......
You can't enjoy half the show if your back is to the stage. You have a good view of the stage from the side, don't you? I'm not sure why you're bothering to go to this end.

 As she approached, she pestered him, and Sophia lowered her hand and put the soup cup back on the table. The other ladies stepped away from Shayla, one by one.
 Sophia, who had gone pale, turned to Diana as if remembering.

"My Master Red Rose! This one, Master Shayla, refuses to touch the food that Her Majesty gave her! We were just trying to tell you that this is disrespectful.

 That's what Sophia's voice said.
 Sophia's voice echoed horribly in the garden, where the music had just stopped after the entertainment on stage.
 The eyes of the entourage, which until now had been focused on the stage and had not even noticed the commotion, were all focused at once.

(...... It's not a good time to say, "You don't have to eat.")

 If Deanna were to disparage the King's table by standing on Shayla's shoulders, she would only fall prey to the Peony Faction and the conservatives. It would not matter if it was only Deanna who was being maligned, but now she is the Red Rose, the one who unites the innovators of the palace. If she behaves in a way that disrespects the king, it will hurt the entire innovation faction.

(That's what ...... does for me.)

 In this situation, there is only one move that Diana can make.
I'm sure you'll be glad to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.

"Oh, ......, it's true. Shayla, don't you have an appetite?

 Even though she didn't say it out loud, Diana's bad girl voice echoed well in the clear night sky.
 Her lips arched in a smile at the reality of what she had to say.
 --Against the star-filled sky, there she was.

I can't believe I can't eat a meal from my beloved King, no matter what the reason.

 More beautiful than the crescent moon.
 More bewitching than a faintly lit candlestick.
 More terrifying than the darkness of night.

It's so sad.

 --The Rose of Ice and Fire.

 While everyone else freezes, Diana moves gracefully on.
 She smiled lustily as she approached Shayla without any hesitation.
 She traced the edge of the desk Shayla had given her with a ...... finger. With a natural motion, she reached the base of the table.
 He made sure that there was no one behind Shayla.

(I'm sorry, Shayla--)

 (Sorry, Shayla--) She apologized in her mind, and as soon as she lost her balance, she put her fingertips behind the base and jumped up as hard as she could!

"Red Rose!

 In a change from the silent and painful space, a number of screams rose in the courtyard.

 From the perspective of those around her, it would have looked as if the Red Rose, angered by Shayla's rude attitude, had approached her to do something, tripped over something and knocked over Shayla's table. --The fact that the food on the table flew off into thin air, never to Shayla or anyone else nearby, was trivial before the spectacle of the Red Rose snapping at a lower-ranking member of the household.
 Mia comes running up to Deanna, who is on her knees. It wasn't an act, her face was pale.

"Master Red Rose! Is everything alright?
"Hmm. I'm sorry for my carelessness.

 With Mia's help, he stood up and made sure that Shayla's table was completely ruined.
 With Mia's help, he stood up and made sure that Shayla's table was completely ruined.

 I was so relieved that I couldn't help but smile.
 You look for something to say to Shayla, whose eyes are wide open.

"I'm sorry, Miss Shayla. I'm sorry, Miss Shayla. I've ruined your dish.
"Yes. Master Diana...
But you don't mind, do you? It was not meant to be eaten in the first place.

 It was for the best. Deanna says to herself.

 It's a good thing, she told herself, since she had been told that something had gotten into Shayla's food.
 She couldn't stop the feast in time.
 The table could not be destroyed in time.
 The worst came to the worst, when Shayla, despite her advice, ate her meal.
 Before Shayla's life was threatened, the Red Rose decided to overturn Shayla's meal.

 It would be unthinkable to spoil the meal of another chambermaid who was given by the king at the "star gazing banquet" held by the king. Regardless of your status, you would be the target of criticism.
 But not Diana. The Red Rose, who is the first in line to the side chambers and is considered the "King's favorite princess" by the outside world, is the only one who is not openly criticized. She can end it with a single word, "I accidentally stumbled.
 Furthermore, by blaming Shayla for her disrespect to the king before the table was turned, she could have made it known that the Red Rose was on the king's side. This should stop the conservatives from attacking the Red Roses and the innovators as being disrespectful.
 The shamelessness of ruining the king's meal and ending it with "carelessness" would have been understandable if she were the "Rose of Ice and Fire in Bloom," whose priority is her own pleasure and who has no mercy for those who oppose her. In fact, she can be converted into the shameless attitude of "I'm loved by the king, so I'm forgiven.

 No need to cause senseless waves between factions. No one will think you're strange even if you're not the most sensible.
 I knew that I was the only one who could protect both Shayla and the country when the time came, as both the Red Rose and the Countess of Clester. It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has a problem with this.

 I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

"Well, gentlemen. You can't make people eat what they don't have. The party will be over soon, so let's go back to our seats.

 She smiled at Sophia and the others. The plotters must have realized Diana's true intentions. They seem to be surprised and confused.

This time, she'll get the message.

 Deanna doesn't want anyone else to die.

 With Deanna's eyes on them, Sophia and the others staggered, weakly, back to their assigned seats.

 We made it. Just as I was about to relax my shoulders...


 An unusual scream rang out from a short distance away, near where Shayla's food had fallen.
What's wrong?" said Mrs. Magnum, approaching.

What's wrong? The fish in the pond!

 A chill ran down my spine. Behind Shayla, in an empty space.
 --What was there to skip?

"It's floating. It's dead. It was swimming normally just a minute ago!

 A buzz.
 There was a commotion in the courtyard.
 What's going on? The fish is dead. They were fine just now. How could it be?
 The murmur took the form of words, growing louder and louder.

"Could it be that Shayla's food was poisoned?

 ...... Who was it that said that?

 The more ominous and unsettling the words, the more keenly our ears pick them up. I found that the word "poison" ran through the side chambers and permeated as fact before the words of the three "famous" people who denied it, saying, "Of course not.

 Poison on the table? But who in the world would do that?
 Come to think of it, Master Sophia and the others were very insistent on offering Master Shayla a bowl of food.
 Could it be that Sofia and the others...?
 Are they trying to get rid of the last of the side chambers that are interfering with the relationship between His Majesty and the Red Rose?

 They're closing in. Speculation becomes certainty, becomes solid "fact".
 If there is such a commotion in front of the King... There will inevitably be cries to get to the bottom of this.
 It will be difficult to detect the toxin in the dead pond fish. But there's a good chance that the remains of Shayla's meal that are now strewn on the ground will turn up a toxin.
 Poison, found. And if the plotters are exposed...
 What happens then? How far will the repercussions go?
 --At least the palace can't stay as it is.

(No. ......)

 I've made up my mind.
 No one else is going to die.
 It's not just Shayla. It's not just Shayla, it's Sofia who's being used.
 If anyone is to be judged, it's the mastermind behind this that must be truly judged.

 And for that reason...

...... Oh, my.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. I'm not sure what to say. You can't beat the noise of less than a hundred people, what kind of "evil voice" is that?
 I see that Juke, who was about to shout something from the top seat, has shut his mouth.

 Yes. That's good. The King comes in later.

That's an interesting story. A fish in a pond accidentally dies and the cause is Master Shayla's food?

 Slowly, slowly. Slowly, slowly. He slipped past the desks and stopped by the pond, where Shayla's table was strewn about.
 Quickly, he glanced at the ground and picked up a relatively large, visible chunk of meat that had fallen onto the grass.
 He looked around at all the eyes that were looking at him.

 He smiles. --Brilliantly.

 Deanna threw the meat into her mouth in one gulp.
 An inarticulate scream fills the courtyard.

 In the midst of the chaos, Deanna was alone and calm.

(This smell...) This prickly pungency, different from the spices used. This unnatural sweetness that is different from the meat itself.

 I savored and analyzed it thoroughly in my mouth.
 I swallowed it all before Mia and Mrs. Magnum came running up to stop me.
 She told them, with only a look, that she was fine.
 And then he proudly declared to everyone present, including the king.

It's strange that I, who just ate the meat, should be summoned to the same place as the fish in this pond. ...... Strange, isn't it? Nothing has changed.

 Now. --Now.

 Deanna's strong gaze definitely reached the person who sent it.
 The king on his throne stood up.

"Is everything all right, Red Rose?
"Yes, Your Majesty.
"I see. But then why did the fish ......
Well, ...... fish have their weaknesses. If it was the food that fell into the pond, at least it wasn't poisonous. Well, there are many foods that are nutritious to humans but poisonous to other creatures.
I see. It was a chill, but as long as there was no problem, it was fine. --But when the food fell, it looked like you were leaning over.
I'm ashamed of myself. ....... Actually, I've been feeling a little anemic since this morning. I approached the gathering of good friends to say hello, but I'm not accustomed to doing things I'm not used to.

 Gradually, her breathing became labored. I avoided taking deep breaths and tried to relieve my symptoms by repeatedly taking shallow breaths.
 I can't just collapse. --Not yet, not here.

 Through the haze of my vision, I hear Juke's voice.

You're right. I didn't realize I was pushing it. ...... It's almost the end of the party. Go back to your room and get some rest.
Thank you for your concern. I'll take your word for it and step back.

 Dropping to her knees, she picked up her dress and bowed deeply, the highest bow to royalty.
 Even under normal circumstances, it's not easy to maintain balance, but in my fading consciousness, I do it with guts.

"Ah. --Back up.

 The vague view of the courtyard was turning black.
 Relying only on my senses and not on sight, I walked through the garden and up the stairs.

 I heard the sound of the door of the Red Rose Room opening with a crack.

"Master Diana!
What have you done?

 I heard the screams of the maids.
 In the warmth of her shoulder, I felt the presence of a sister who had been with me since I could remember.
 I knew that she was waiting for me in my room. I could take this risky gamble.

"Yes, Deanna.

 The poison they used. Mostly respiratory.
 If the analysis is correct, we should be able to create an antidote.

"Dan's ...... root and pecker. Vine, vine, bee, ...... hive.
"Dear Diana? Hold on, hold on, hold on!

 All the ingredients are at Crestor's in King's Landing.
 Tell the darkness to make an antidote and bring it to me.

 With this wish, Diana's consciousness sank into the depths of chaos.