96 What to think before the feast

 I never thought it would come to this.
 While secretly gazing at the beautifully landscaped gardens of the palace from the terrace, Diana was quietly thinking back on the days that had brought her so much anger.

 A few days later, she learned that the sermon she had given Juke on the day he had had a near miss with the Red Rose extremists who were trying to harm Shayla had had an unexpected effect. Rita had taken the information she had compiled in the Red Rose Room to Madame Magnum, and had returned with a foxed look on her face.

It was as if she had been caught by a fox. She was lamenting that she couldn't face the Red Rose because she fell so fast.

 When she said that, I couldn't help but ask, "What about ......? Why? I'd like to think it's not so bad that I responded with a simple "Why? After listening to the story carefully, Diana urged him to "know the palace," and His Majesty, who has an honest heart, got materials from Madame Magnum about the palace after it was established, and really looked into it thoroughly. --And as a result, he was able to decipher the palace before Diana's arrival and the changes that took place after her arrival.
 As a king, I would like to express my gratitude for his understanding of the difficult position of the current palace. I also think it's progress that he finally learned how much hell the weaker members of the palace, including Shayla, have been living in.

 But... I don't need your repentance. I really don't want it.
 I don't want Juke's rantings about misunderstandings just because they're over. The reason why I decided to enter the palace, the reason why I decided to unite the Red Rose Faction, the reason why I chose that path in the end was Diana herself, and the reason why I have no regrets about that choice.

 If you really, absolutely, do not want to enter the palace. There were many ways to do it.
It was not Diana's intention to unite the Red Rose Faction, but if they were just a nuisance to her, she could have left them alone and not taken any action herself.

 I'm not sure what to do. In the end, Diana decided on her own path and followed it. I'm sure you'll be glad to know that I'm not the only one who's not afraid of you. --She had no reason to apologize to the king for that.

 I'm sure you'll be able to find something to help you. It's a burden she doesn't need to carry," Kai would say. She knows that he doesn't like the king or the people in the outer court who made him carry a burden that he shouldn't have to carry because of his unworthiness.
 But... But in the midst of the royal palace, a den of nobility, in the isolated inner court, there are certain things that Diana has gained.

 The brilliance of life that lives desperately, hand in hand, undeterred by the storm of unreason.
 In the midst of despair and darkness, she still has the strength to keep her faith and not kill her own heart.
 No matter how many times they are brought to their knees, they always get up and look up, never giving up.

 She reaches out to the women living in the palace, supporting and protecting them.
 In truth, Diana herself has been supported, encouraged, and nurtured by these women.
 In fact, Diana herself has been supported, encouraged, and nurtured by these women.

I want to meet someone who will see me for who I am and not be fooled by my appearance.

 I've never met anyone who would look at me in a nobleman's ballroom until I entered the palace. So, perhaps I've made up my mind. There is no such person in the nobility. --I want to knock down my arrogant self at that time, wondering what I thought I knew after only two years of socializing.
 Whether or not you are a good judge of character has nothing to do with whether or not you are a nobleman. Even if you are a nobleman or work in the royal court, there are people who can see the true nature of things. There are people who have the courage to decide what to believe by looking at the person himself, not by irresponsible rumors that circulate among people.

 Just by meeting such people. Just by being able to build a relationship where we can trust each other and work hand in hand.
 All the burdens that were unreasonably thrown on me to decide the fate of the country are more than paid back.
 I don't want to think, and I don't want anyone to think, that the time since I entered the palace has been anything but painful and cruel for Diana.

 So, I think. I don't need repentance or contrition for myself.

 When Rita told me about Juke, I was about to write a letter about my thoughts, but Rita, who saw Juke's condition firsthand, stopped me. She said, "The king is so overwhelmed with remorse that anything Diana says will probably have the opposite effect. The kindest thing to do would be to leave him alone,' she said.
 Convinced by the advice of her excellent maidservant, Deanna left Juke in the dust and immersed herself in the search for the truth behind the Red Rose extremists and their central figure, Sophia, along with the Inner Palace, Outer Palace and the Cresters.

The three Named, Raia, Yolanda, and Leticia, unraveled the unnatural flow of rumors that the Red Rose wished to get rid of the Favored Princess Shayla.
 Lurie, who is good at information warfare, plays the game against Sophia's camp.
 --By piecing together the pieces that both of them had in their hands, they were able to find out that the person behind the commotion was Sophia's personal maid, Belle. By keeping an eye on Belle, he also succeeded in bringing to light the person behind her, Rhino Tandor.

 Lino is Sofia's brother. He is the eldest son of the Count of Tandor. If he is the heir of Count Tandor, an executive in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then he must be working at the Outer Palace, even if he does not hold a position.
 In anticipation of this, Diana asked the Outer Palace Office to find out as much as they could about Rhyno. The Soto Palace Office was very quick to accept her request.
 --It's unlikely that Rhyno's character would come up with something so evil on his own. After some research, they suggested that Oleg Magentis might be behind him, and suggested the involvement of a third party.
 Born as the second son of the stable and neutral Magentis family, Oleg was often critical of his opportunistic father and his brother who followed him. Oleg's work as an official in the Ministry of the Interior is also a ploy to protect his family, and the policies he advocates are rather innovative. In the conservative Ministry of the Interior, he stands out as an ambitious man, for better or worse.
 Oleg, whose family was neutral but who himself was an innovator, had developed his own personal network and frequently attended social gatherings of innovators. The Foreign Office, in cooperation with the Crester family, has investigated the matter and found that Oleg met and befriended Reino in the course of socializing. Oleg's work at the Ministry of the Interior was often influenced by and assisted by Raino, and the handwriting on documents submitted in Oleg's name was often that of Raino. In the course of his investigation, he began to find testimonies of Oleg's suspicious activities with Rhyno, even before the commotion in the palace. --The outer court was convinced of Oleg's involvement, given the circumstances.
 Ryno is an innovator with extreme and radical ideas, but he is more concerned with the development of his country and family than his own personal merits. Oleg, on the other hand, is also an innovator, but at his core, he is a rebel against his father and brother, jealous of his brother who is guaranteed a future count's title just by the order of his birth, and ambitious to be superior to him.

 The ambitious Oleg is trying to manipulate the balance of power in the Outer Palace by using the pure and radical Ryno to solidify the position of the innovators in the Inner Palace, namely the Red Rose Faction. In order to do so, he has set his sights on the "favored princess" who is an obstacle and easy to eliminate.

 There is no contradiction in this theory. There is nothing wrong with it.
 However, neither Diana nor the Cresta family considered him to be the "end point.

 They searched for the enemy by going back to the commotion in the rear court, the outer court room.
 Leaving the steady tracing to that side, the Crester family this time.

 --The Marquesses of Landreth have been investigated with the utmost care.

 The series of events that have taken place in the palace since the beginning of the year have been far too convenient for the Peony Faction and the conservatives.

 While Diana, who had received a declaration of war at the New Year's Eve party, was watching the movements of the Peony Faction, an incident occurred in which the Red Rose Faction slipped through her information network and harmed the Favored Princess.
 The "Red Rose Faction", which has gone out of control, believes that Diana is also disliking the "Princess Favor" in her heart.
 To top it all off, the king witnesses the Red Rose Faction's tormenting of his favorite princess, of all people.

 The instigator in the inner palace was also related to the maids of the Red Rose Room, and was the kind of person you would want to believe if you could. I suspect him, but I don't want to do anything until I have solid evidence. This is a perfect example of the kind of human psychology that can stall an investigation.
 It is hard to believe that the mastermind behind this development, which is so convenient for the conservatives and difficult for Deanna and the Red Rose, is the innovative Oleg. Therefore, the Cresters thought that the main culprit this time was definitely a conservative, possibly someone connected to the Marquesses of Landrose, and they thoroughly cleaned up the area around the Marquesses. The Landrose family is the nucleus of the radical conservative faction, and there is a great danger if they are not taken seriously. I was more than aware of this, but now that it had happened, it was impossible not to pursue them.

 The Marquesses of Landrose and Oleg Magentis, whose involvement has been revealed. The Marquesses of Landrose and Oleg Magentis, whose involvement has been revealed, are definitely connected somehow.
 It was a snowy day a little after the start of the star month when the Crester family received unexpected support as they continued their investigation.

 One day, a little after the beginning of the Star Moon, the Crester family received unexpected support from Shayla, the "favored princess" who met Dee in the abandoned garden of the rear palace.
 On the day of the New Year's Eve party, Shayla was told that Liliane Landreth had been secretly meeting with a certain nobleman.

 The man, with his distinctive red and silver hair, is named Normard Ortier. He is the second son of the Marquesses of Ortya, a middle-class family with a high degree of innovation. He is a very mild-mannered man, and unlike Oleg, who is also a second son, he keeps a low profile to support his father and brother.
 He is said to have been called "Baron" by Liliane. The Crester family found out that his maternal grandmother, who was worried about his lack of presence, offered to take over the title of Normard's family, which had no heir, and it was privately agreed upon by the relatives. The baronetcy, which is currently held by her grandmother on a temporary basis, will be taken over by Normard upon her death. Normard, who was born a second son and would not normally hold a title, would be called a "baron" due to an irregularity.

 It was confirmed, and it became more and more likely that Lilliane's secret lover was Normard.
 --Since then. Since then, all the parties involved have been working hard to find out where the plot ends and to wake up the Red Rose extremists.

"Master Diana? What are you looking at?

 A reserved voice called out from behind me. It was one of the two maids of the Red Rose Room, the two most skilled in dressmaking.
 She walked up to Deanna, followed her gaze, and exhaled quietly.

You're dressed so modestly that it's hard to believe you were at a garden party not long ago.
"Yes. That's Madame Magnum. I am far too inexperienced to be in charge.

 Today. As soon as the sun goes down, an informal banquet will be held in the courtyard of the palace for all the ladies and the king. Unlike the soiree, there will be no music at all times and no dancing. It was a very small banquet to express gratitude for the devotion of the entourage and to console their boredom while watching the performances of the invited geishas on the stage placed in the center.
 --It was the first time that the king, who realized that he didn't know the palace, decided to hold such an event in order to get to know the palace.

 While Deanna and the others were searching for the truth behind the commotion in the palace, the king was also making his own moves. Thinking in his own way, he didn't go off on his own, but relied on Master Magnum and the outer court.
When today's notice, called the "Star-Gazing Banquet," arrived, Diana heard Juke's words through Master Magnum.

"I can't say I forgive you. I can't even say I'm sorry. --You're right. I think we have to atone for our past mistakes with our future actions. I want this feast to be the first step towards that.

 In order to face the palace without running away--.

 Diana was glad that Juke had not chosen to sink into a shell, hobbled by regret. Juke's choice to move forward, in any way, shape or form, certainly had the makings of a king.
 She said to Master Magnum, "Thank you, Your Majesty. Your Majesty's heart is very precious to me.
 She and her companions have been preparing the feast and watching over the guards at the same time.

I'm sorry. ...... You should be getting ready for the party.
I know. Can you do that?

 The sun sets early in winter. There won't be much time left before the feast.
 You change your corset and your dress into a ball gown.
 She puts on her makeup and does her hair in front of the dresser.

 Normally a time of lively conversation, but today it was quiet.
 --It was obvious that today's party was going to be a big one.

To call off the party is ......
"It would be difficult. If you can explain in detail, with proof, what will definitely happen, the chances of canceling the party will increase. --So far, everyone involved has been eerily silent.

 Yeah. We all know something's going to happen. There's no way anything can happen in this situation with all the side chambers gathered together.
 But... But now, I can't keep track of their movements. --Right when the Cresta family started marking the normies.
 It's as if they saw right through us. They left a few clues, and then they stopped.

 It seems that the Crester family - Dualis - has some idea of what's going on. "I'll get it," she promised.
 The only thing Deanna can do now is to keep searching for the best, trusting in her family, trusting in her friends, and protecting everything, no matter what happens.

"Your Majesty knew the risks, but you still decided to hold the feast. It is precisely because of this situation that you can see the inner palace.

I know, I know. I know, but ......

 The voice behind me was wet. The maids of the Red Rose Room have been struggling to endure the slowly growing fear of the eerily silent "enemy" for the past few days.

I beg you, please don't do anything rash. If anything happens to Master Diana, we will be ......!

 --The fear they have is because of their concern for Deanna.
 The fear they have is because they are worried about Deanna. Deanna smiled with apology and gratitude.

I'm glad I came to the palace. I'm glad I came to the palace. Meeting you guys has been an asset in my life.
"Master Diana!
Don't worry. We don't know what's going to happen yet, but we'll be fine.

 This is the first time Deanna has faced an enemy that the Cresta family can't figure out.
 It is not without its fears and anxieties. It is true that for the first time in her social debut, she is feeling this kind of fear.
 But... But you can't let that anxiety infect the maidens and make them more scared than they need to be.
 So Deanna smiles. "Don't worry." she said.

 The maidservant, apparently having given up on stopping Deanna's recklessness, opened the ornament case with a sigh.

"So, what's today's hairpiece ......?

 Shiro fingers scooped up a single hairpiece. --A white finger scoops up a hairpiece, the special one Deanna put in last night.

I've never seen one of these before.
It's a gift from someone special.
Oh, I see. ....... I've never seen this ornament before.

 It's a thin silver rod with a sharp point on one end and a flickering ornament on the other. The gleam of the delicate workmanship would shine well in the moonlight.
 --It was the "Snow Moon" hairpin that Shayla had given to Dee.

It was a gift from Shayla to Dee. It's an exotic hairpin.
"Well. Exotic hairpins are very thin.
But isn't it beautiful?
Yes. It goes well with today's costume and the purpose of the Stargazing Party. Do you want to use ......?
Can I use ......?
It's very thin, so I'm thinking of using it as a main ...... accessory, inserted into my hair at the top to make it sway.
Really? If you can use it, please use it.

 I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with that.
 As she looked in the mirror, Deanna thought back to her decision from "that day".

"That day". That day when she talked to Shayla in the abandoned garden and heard about the normade and Shayla's decision. Deanna had made her decision.
 She put on the Snow Moon hairpin that Shayla had given her. She would go to the Star Gazing Banquet as the Red Rose.
 According to the seating arrangements that Master Magnum had made, there was a distance between Diana and Shayla. Unless Deanna goes near Shayla, Shayla is unlikely to notice Deanna's head.
 So, this was simply a statement of Deanna's determination.
She would no longer pretend to Shayla about who Dee was, or about herself.

"Dear Deanna. How about this?

 She turns her attention back to the mirror.
 There was an unchanged villain's face, with a white hairpiece to complement the silver hairpin swinging in the air.
 Today, Diana's dress is red and silver, with a bright red base and silver dust all over. She was dressed in red and silver, to fit the occasion of the Stargazing Banquet, and as a warning to Liliane.
I know of a connection between you and someone with this hair color," he said. ...... It would be a small counterattack for Diana, who has limited options.

 Come on. Change your mind.
 --I'll be the best Red Rose and get you through the Starry Night.

"Dear Diana!
Lurie? ...... What's going on?
I'm sure you'll be able to find something to do with it. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one.

 ...... No matter what happens.